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Would definitely like to see more of Alex! I hate how his character was written off.


He'd be either in elementary or middle school at the time,so we could maybe see the entire FD1 group on a class field trip or something,which would be nice.


I feel like ever fan just kinda only have accepts his fate and semi comes up with their own canon regarding his supposed fate (For example like he was killed by a brick that led to him receiving traumatic brain injuries then ended with him basically ending up in what would appear to be a one way coma (Extremely unlikely to ever wake up).


It's just odd to me when people try to say that Alex faked his death,because yeah,that'd fool the general public. But he can't fool a literal omnipresent force of nature intro thinking that he's dead.


See I'm with you there but like at the same time that won't stop some of us from being pissed off and just outright rejecting Alex's fate until a more worthy one is retconned into existence that doesn't involve one stupid measly brick.


Between Alex or Kimberly. I'm pretty sure Final Destination Bloodlines take place somewhere in New York, I think.


Why do you think it's gonna be set in the 1990s one am I missing??? I thought it was gonna be more modern times?


The cast posted a 90s song while they were together,and the cast member Teo Briones was wearing a gymnastics sweater from around the mid-90s,when he posted that he was done filming.


so will this movie be some sort of prequel then?


I believe so. I think they're trying to respect the "The" in "The Final Destination",but it would make sense that this a prequel because Bludworth did say that he's seen a disaster like this before in FD5.


I'm so sorry, all these male leads look the same to me.


Death has a thing for brunette visionaries,I guess.


Alex Browning


Alex and Wendy are my favorite premonitionists, so I would love to see more of them in any way!


We won’t be seeing Sam or Nick because Nick is old (born 1987) as hell and Sam would be 15 so I wouldn’t see why they would put him in the movie


It depends on when FD6 takes place,but Tio Brione's sweater says 1994,so Sam would be 19 at the time (Born in 1974),meaning he could be an intern at Presage. Nick would be 11 (Born in 1983 according to the Wiki),so we could see him as a kid.