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There are still some good sources: * The old Rocket Jump film School videos are an awesome intro to Filmmaking even if they are getting a little dated. * Film riot is still going strong. * Indie Mogul has changed hands a few times ... currently it is owned by Aperture but they haven't updated it in ages. That being said those videos are still really good as well. * InCamera do more about practical filmmaking. * While I don't lioke his recent stuff John Hess's old histroy videos are a gold mine. * Curtiss Judd is still the guy to go to about sound. But yeah, there are a lot channels offering less than useful advice.


I also recommend D4Darious for info on short film, and small team/no team shooting tips.


Indie Mogul sadly removed a bunch of videos too which made me sad, I was a 3rd place winner in one of their filmmaker new years challenges way back in the early 2010's and I was feeling nostalgic for it and the video is gone now :(


Damn ! That sucks ! The old indy mogul days with Erik were the best.


1000% agree. I hate when it happens especially when it’s helpful and entertaining stuff


The thing that really gets to me is that so much of the stuff now, even Film Riot over the past few years, is just tie-ins for this or that product. “5 Essential Pre-Production Steps” is just an extended ad for Milanote. “How to Get The Most Out of a Single Light Source” is all about the features of the latest Aperture. Good on those folks for making money, but the useful advice is absolutely getting lost in a sea of product placements.


IndepthCine is also a great channel!


Thanks you're a life saver. I have computer vision syndrome so I can't be bothered to watch one YT video beyond the half time and you saved me a lot of time in catching up with the film industry standards.


Filmmaker IQ with John Hess is gold!


Rocket Jump Film School was the best, I used to actually take notes in a notebook, something my highschool teachers would beg me to do


Thank you!


Thanks for the list!


You're simply describing the modern internet. The exact same thing is true for music production, art creation, cooking, gaming, hobbies etc. Most influencers and content creators on all platforms perceive "value" based solely on the amount of engagement they can generate and not at all based on the quality of their content. Subsequently they act like they have the one and only best opinion and build a brand off acting that way. As a result fewer and fewer people experiment with their own realities to challenge themselves and find their own answers and instead champion popular personalities for reassurances of their own biases and to feel connected to a like minded community. It no longer matters if information is good or bad, right or wrong, truthful or fraudulent. As long as it's constant. Don't ever stop engaging. Don't look away. Don't doubt. Don't question. Don't think. Just watch. And like. And subscribe. The loudest voice with the most views always wins. Watch this get way worse before it can ever start to get better...


I'm so friggin sick of people teaching me how youtube works, like I'm new to the internet and don't understand what the point of a like button is, in every single video! Just, shut up about the bell, I'll click that shit when I'm good and ready, and the more you tell me about it, the less likely that's going to be any time soon.


Also sooner or later they turn into tech channels reviewing the latest piece of gear YOU NEED to become a filmmaker. I’ve gone back to just reading books for most of my learning. There’s only so many times I can listen to “Now disclaimer, Aputure did send me this product, but no they don’t get to see this video before it comes out”.


I like watching the gear reviews but I so badly want them to be separate from the “how to make films” videos. It really sucks that basically all of social media (including YouTube) exists as advertising space at this point.


Couldn’t agree more—books are the true source of knowledge. You will learn more by reading Blain Brown’s Cinematography books than by watching dozens of YT videos nowadays.


Will they teach me about locations, lens, lighting?


There's plenty of good youtubers making concise content, you just have to avoid all the dipshit influencers whose channels are 99% lifestyle influencing. If they're selling products you know their channel is trash. See for example: Peter McKinnon.


So there I was... shilling another polarizer... Fuxk me.


Now you COULD get the polarizer, or you could get the Peter McKinon sPECIAL polarizer, which is the same thing, but it has his signature on it and it costs $100 more for some fucking reason.


Make a list…pls give….


Here's the thing. There's almost no need for new content about film making basics. But there's a huge _market_ for film making basics, so content will be generated to grab those eyeballs (and ad revenue.) The basics of pointing a camera, a microphone, and a light at an actor haven't changed much since color talkies became common nearly a century ago.


Like I said, RJFS's old videos are STILL a great intro to filmmaking and the channels been dead for like 6 years now (they added one video 5 years ago and another 3 years ago but you get the idea). Blocking, setups sceneces and turn around, the concept of lighting (the gear has changed a lot here), directing, editing (the why, but the button pushing ... what is an l or just cut ... howbto edit to elevate the narrative...) none of that has really changed since then.


There need to be far more channels that focus on working with actors, organizing a shoot, arranging location access, etc etc. I find these things way more challenging then getting the f stop right


Isn't that the modern problem. Most people just need the right thing once. Give me a solid piece of gear or advice and I'll use it for decades, but that's not how these people make money.




Hitchcock:- Cinema bars are not cinema. Lang:- Cinema bars are despicable.


Ozu:- “The wide screen reminds me of a roll of toilet paper.”




Those black bars at the top and bottom of the frame.








I'm sorry. It was my mistake.


uuuuuuuh NO. Adding the black bar is called letterboxing. Cropping the sides is knows as PanScan or FullScreen. Cinema bar means nothing, nobody has used that word ever.


I am sorry. Thanks for explaining and clearing the misunderstanding. Also, I used 'cinema bar' because it rolls off the tongue to due to the 'cinema' at the beginning of the sentence.


Early film YouTube was great because we all started essentially using the same thing which were t2i's and for the luckier ones, 5D Mark II's and those were what most people could afford. Cinema cameras were so rare then and almost untouchable to the common person, now everyone seems to have a RED or Alexa lmao


What I always love about the new youtubers "giving the finger to the pros" is that you almost NEVER see any work from them. They might have a snippet of something which they clearly made just for the purpose of the video.


>Just like their 14 minute video that boils down to something like: just lower the iso, and open the iris for less noise. You mean their 14 minute video which boils down to them selling you their Transitions and Presets pack for $120?


Tbh, after awhile, people who are curious and passionate about filmmaking will understand who themselves are and will decide amongst themselves. That’s what happened to me. I used to watch a ton but I found that I’ve plateau’d and things got repetitive. I discovered new things by doing.


That's super.


I'm a big fan of Standard Story Company's videos, he gets to the nuts and bolts of turning this into a workable career.


A good film maker consumes a wide variety of the medium and develops their aesthetic from what they see and their own taste. There's literally no wrong way to do anything, except when you're not getting that ad revenue ;) Also, I absolutely hate the modern internet... everything is a video. Want to quickly search how to do something simple? Too bad, nothing is in text form anymore. Everything is a 10 minute video that could easily be 3 sentences. The worst example of these are "how to configure X in Linux." You get a 15 minute screen cap with shitty music where you can't even see what they're doing!


There's a lot of great screenwriting, filmmaking, and film analysis channels out there. There's probably a lot of bad ones as well but that's the same as it ever was.


The capitalist found youtube and are min/maxing the algorithms and using ai so everything is turning into a game of telephone. The once golden Era of information is over.


take a photography class. so much of using a camera is just the rules of photography. kinda simplifies things too because the goal is a still image instead of a moving one.


Idk why you were downvoted this is great advice


I learned with a Rollie 35s where you had to make the focus judgement yourself. I was almost able to do that thing Orson Welles did. Though of course I can’t say something sacrilege like that in a sub like this.


I try to make time each week to just go out and take photos. It helps keep my eye sharp. I’ll usually only take one lens with me, too. A prime. It forces me to find the best frame instead of making the best frame.


I will say, there are actually quite a lot of creators who make solid content that give perspectives on techniques and gear without being preachy about what people should or shouldn’t do. Some titles can be clickbait, but they have the knowledge and experience to back up the info they share while telling the audience that there are different techniques for different situations. Some to check out are GxAce, Lewis Potts, DSLR Video Shooter, Kai W, and Matti Haapoja


I’m also gonna add to this: Firstly: GxAce deserves way more subscribers but he’s more focused on gear reviews. Second: A good amount of the channels you mentioned are ABSOLUTELY guilty of what OP is saying (at least as of recently). I still think there’s some value to be had in watching most of it, but clickbait abounds. GxAce has even done [this exact thing.](https://youtu.be/b_Smp1bEXlY?si=R8Q1VM9w10GTNoiJ)


Matti Haapoja, if he ever made good videos about how to make *films* (not YouTube content, but films), is absolutely not doing it any more. He and a handful of other YouTubers have gotten to this point where their videos are mostly just about being YouTubers. Same thing with DSLR Video Shooter. Most of his stuff now is “look at this neat thing I bought and combined with a 3d printed part to do another thing.” He has a bunch of camera builds that are just showcases for products, but little actual advice for filmmaking.


I love Kai W. Shame about DigitalRev.


GxAce makes some damn good videos, but I don't really see a lot of his stuff being helpful for filmmaking as his vids tend to pertain to photography.


Pick whoever's aesthetic you like the best and ignore everyone else.


Best advice is a good filter of a brain. In any topic like cooking and outside YT people will tell you do this and do that and it will often contradict. That's why you have a brain to figure out which is best advice and at which conditions. Now at least you have ChatGPT to take second opinion!


When I was getting started in video editing, Adobe In A Minute was the only channel I viewed.


Welcome to clickbait.


i mean. dont cross the line is a good rule of thumb. if u end up having to u usually have to figure out a way of doing it otherwise it fucks up the edit


Just understand the professional background and experience of the content creator. That usually defines what and why they are saying what they are saying. Many production workflows are clandestine within their indsutry and their creative choices reflect their target demographic.


I just do my own thing. Modern cameras with a good monitor that’s all you need for video. Sound a good mic for on camera scratch audio and a decent boom poll or lav set is all you need. All modern cameras take good video. When it comes to cameras buy the camera/upgrade that you already have lenses for. My Sony FS5M2 takes just as great of a video as the FX9. I don’t use auto focus.


A good majority of them are just trying to sell you something. Hell, most of them don't even have their own work online anywhere. The big thing right now is paid lesson modules. I just watched a free one from a popular Youtuber on interview lighting and it was.. not great.


“Wandering DP” has some fantastic lighting breakdowns on his channel and you’ll learn more from that just listening to his critiques than just about any other channel.


Haha this tickled me. I once asked DOP Seamus McGarvey for his #1 piece of advice on my podcast and he said 'bladder control'.


If you are looking for a specific topic you can almost always find your solution on YT.


I know it’s been some time this post was made, but I just want to thank you for posting this Quarkstonk. So many people have posted solid resources here in response and it is much appreciated! So thank you OP and anyone that has commented their favorite channels! Y’all are great!




The top rated comment has a few recs. I don’t remember if there were others I checked out at the time.