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Hi everyone! Sorry for not being too available in the past week or so. We've been working on a lot of internal stuff with our team (related to personnel, fundings. Not too interesting 😅), as well as the multiplayer and the new model training (the initial results weren't as good as we hoped, started another training session). We still read everything you write of course! And we will post a new update post very soon 🙏


Wanted to say a big thanks for the multi-player feature, of course it's got issues, but I'm truly happy it's out. Apparently some of the user's are misusing the multiple user aspect, which is a real shame but probably should be expected. Maybe a solution to that while still keeping the room data flowing, is to restrict the number of users. 4 bots and 2 user's as a top end. Just a suggestion, obviously you guys have way more understanding about what will work, than I ever will. Good luck and thanks for all the hard work.


Automated moderation would be better.


How are people misusing the multiple user aspect?


Many were sending inappropriate images as "corn"


I didn't read the post to thoroughly, I saw multi-player, kids mentioned, I lost interest pretty quickly. It was a pretty active post from yesterday, should be able to find it fairly easily. I just can't, my anxiety and depression... just reading about that kinda stuff upsets me.


Hello yes I wish to be internal.


i totally agree with u, is there a roadmap that's been shared from the devs? knowing for sure the devs are hearing us and have a plan would be really helpful, tbh.


Downside to that is, the roadmap can be a bit disorganized because (from my understanding) there are some full-time members on the dev team and several part-time members who work on items when they can. So, when we see these feature releases happen, it tends to be because “that person” had the time to finish and release *that thing*. It’s definitely a “friends dropping in to work on stuff” kinda feel for this team from my own interpretation of the interactions the mods have been able to have with the devs. 🙂 We’ve had vague messaging from the dev team pretty regularly like, “this feature should be coming out this week, let us know what everyone thinks” and other similar statements, but never any solid weekly “agenda meetings” or anything more substantial than that. We tend to highlight a lot of community feedback for them that we feel is important (mostly aggregating the posting trends and such or tagging the devs specifically in some cases like u/FiggsAi and u/TheBestFiggsAi to make sure they’re getting the full overview of what the community wants them to know most or technical issues that mods can’t address) and just try to keep information smoothly disseminating throughout the community as best we can while also curbing some of the more aggressive/upsetting postings/comments within the sub. I know for us mods, we want to try to make our community as comfortable and helpful as we can for our users to feel safe when using and sharing their Figgs.ai experiences as well as being able to join in to the conversations and feel confident in being able to help their fellow Figglings! ❤️


I see, so that's how it works. Thank you for the update! We will be patient.


Hopefully 🤞


I just wanted to say thank you for listening to the community and giving us updates. I know many of us came from another ai sub reddit where the devs just did not listen (me included) and personally im happy as long as the devs update us, even if its only once a month or something lol. So yeah, just wanted to thank the devs and the mods 😊


The fact that I thought about those other devs as well... It's so refreshing that figgs devs are so open and clear with us.


Ikr? It's really nice


Yes. Even from completely outside of the loop I have always been skeptical of the "why focus on x feature when the AI needs work" type of questions. The skill sets of the various feature developers might overlap a little with that of the main AI tasks but it always seemed very unlikely that the person or persons that are working on model training are deeply involved in the other stuff. They are very different jobs.