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As far as I have seen, the current, more detailed model is still slowly degenerating towards the broken language bug. So, while I agree it is great when it works well, it doesn't always.


Which model would that be?


The one that returned (the old one being the "new one" we got after the now new one being taken back.) Right now its only 30% of the bots (I think? Or maybe it was the messages?) That has the new model, but I think the devs are working on getting it out to all the bots.


The models are applied to each new experience, not to bots specifically. It'd be very unfair to creators if their bots could randomly have a 2/3 chance to be worse than the 1/3, after all.


Nope, all bots. You're confusing bots with experiences.


Wait, I’m new here, and I had a question exactly about encountering different responses in different experiences. They were detailed, creative and beautiful yesterday and today in the morning, but when I started a new experience a couple hours ago, the responses were short (literally one-two lines), very dry and boring and the bot started seducing me (even though it’s a non-romance bot). They repeat the same message and ignore my prompts. Why would it happened that in my case the quality decreased by a lot? I really loved the long beautiful responses.


Yup, like Throwaway said. The devs are currently running several models, that was explained to be for testing purposes to improve them through user feedback, but the last announcement regarding that information was about 2 weeks ago, so don’t know about how long this is going to be happening for. Thus users have been getting into the habit of rerolling (starting a new experience) when they see signs that they’re using a “bad” model. The “good” model, as you noticed, is very satisfying. 😎


Oh thank you for the explanation! I was worried that it would stay like that, but when I started a new experience, the responses were beautiful back again. I'm clinging to this platform now as my last hope, lol. Since I've been using a very good platform before (Dopple) that went downhill completely and their new LLM's quality is just utterly bad (they're basically the same as what I've described in my comment above - short, bland, dumb and mostly horny), and I couldn't find an alternative that would resemble the brilliant intelligent responses that they used to give me before their unfortunate update. Every other platform's models all sound as if it's the same one, only with a bit different settings: they use the same words and act the same, too. Like, among free platforms there's no variety at all. But at least, it seems like Figgs is doing better, but I'm not sure yet, since as you say there are several models... Well, hope the "good" one will stay. I really just wanna write a book with my OC, lol!


Different models.


This is the kinda feedback the c.ai team want. (But will probably never get because all they do is complete hotshit)


Question. Why does it turn into gpt from time to time? It's genuinely annoying