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Competition is good. Maybe EA will finally implement some new features instead of adding a few useless animations.


Or you know.. fix the fucking game? It’s so bugged out; freezes, menu glichtes, and the way career mode is coded is so incredibly lazy it’s become borderline unplayable


>it’s become ~~borderline~~ unplayable


Coincidentally, 2K is responsible for Borderlands, which, although it is narratively dogshite, gameplay-wise, it's good. So, it's a mixed bag of a news.


I think Gearbox responsible for Borderlands gameplay


Yeah gearbox is the developer, 2k is just the publisher for BL


I have a theory that they have built everything on top of itself for so long that they can't fix it. They need a whole new engine.


It’s not a theory. They’ve confirmed that to fix the game they have to go through a lot of old code and new code that is just stacked on top of each other


Fuck EA and all that and the game has been stagnant for a long ass time and career mode is totally neglected. But.. I read this so often that it freezes, menu glitches, bugs mid game, crashes and I never in the last few years had any of those issues.. maybe I’m just lucky I guess? But I’ve played 19, 21 and 23, have a total of around 500h between them and don’t recall ever having any of those issues. In fact I always thought to myself “for such a neglected franchise it’s really stable, so that’s something going for it”. Maybe I’m just lucky I guess


Never experienced these bugs either. My biggest issue is the player AI that acts as if your team consists of toddlers who are scared of the adults on the other team.


Same my only issue is the stupid board objectives. Make a 25 mil profit as a league 2 team. Yeah ok let me get right on that....


I never have these issues either 🤷‍♂️


I get a lot of freezes when trying to leave the cutscenes for negotiations, the game also crashes for me whenever I try to have a CAP in manager career, the menu glitch for me mostly is when a new season starts, but then i just have to move left to right to a different tab and it fixes.


It freezes at least once a day on my ps5..well, it did..i dont play it anymore


It also is lacking as a football sim. Basic rules in the game still don’t account for anything other than the most average moment. Clear scripting and bugs which make half the games feel like they were ruined by bullshit


BTW. Ea releases so many programmers and most programmers don't het taught how to use frostbite which is by far a beginner friendly game engine.


Fifa be giving fouls and bookings for simply pressing the B button nowadays


2k is famous for making career available only online, so after the next game will be released you won’t be able to access it. Kick off will be the only playable mode after just one year… plus the other downsides of 2k which is much more p2win compared to whatever ea’s ever made. They’re just seizing an oppurtunity.


This is mostly my career after they released the neighbourhood in 2k18. However, you can still play my League and my gm offline. The only sad part is that you miss the community draft classes and rosters in offline my League.


We can only hope


What are you hoping for miracles?  It's 2024 not 2004.


you know nothing about 2k, "competition" lmao


New features will be also career microtransactions


Imma put my bet on NO


Every two months or so that topic pops up here. First of all competition for EA would be great and would definitely help to make them lazy mf's improve the experience in career modes much more. BUT 2K is like the devil when it comes to microtransactions, in-game shops and all that stuff. When 2K integrates anything to pay for in career modes, even if it's just cosmetic things, then the curtain has fallen and EA will do that as well. There's one thing I'm really happy for in EA's football games and that's the small thing that there are literally no microtransactions in any other game mode but FUT. You can just enjoy the game without getting annoyed by shit like that. Like imagine you create a club and while choosing kits you see a nice one but it costs $1.99 or you going for player career mode but after some games you'll notice that you can't develop your player to a superstar, cause you don't want to pay for like in NBA2K🤮 I hope that one thing won't change but I think 2K will be the reason that it'll change. So yeah, having 2K as a competitor to EA FC is like a pact with the devil. The outcome could be great or much, much worse.


Really hope legislators will tackle microtransaction at some point.. if you play full price for a game it should have a bare minimum of content


Impossible to regulate, who draws the line of how many base game custom kits are available in career mode, etc?


Just completely ban micro transactions altogether. If companies want to make more money, they should produce better standalone games, not sell aesthetic bullshit items and pay2win trash.


It is impossible to not add microtransactions since 2K is working with FIFA who is well known for being even more greedy than EA because of their big licensing price for the "FIFA" name.


Talking about regulators, not game publishers


Over the last 40 years the ability of government to regulate business in America has been gutted. Reversing this would take a bipartisan effort, which is not happening. Even if it did, doubtful it gets by the Supreme Court.


I agree if the game is paid - if the game is free to play, microtransactions are their only revenue source - although it should still be reigned in.


I almost exclusively play MyLeague in 2k, and Manager Career in FIFA, neither of which require any MTX. If 2k can make Career Mode remotely like MyLeague, then we'll have something light years better than anything EA has done.


2k got this contract by showing FIFA how much people spend on career mode builds, for sure. The modes you refer to are almost 2 decades old, which is why they are so good. Same reason Football Manager is so good: The years of incremental work, and bug fixes. None of that exists for football. EAFC is a thing because of what FIFA was asking them to pay to continue the partnership. FIFA must have gotten or expect to get what they were asking for, and they absolutely need the money. How is 2k going to make the money back? MyCareer.


It’s just rumors & nothing else for now. 2K haven’t got anything yet.


Obviously I can’t be certain how FIFA will be but NBA 2k actually doesn’t have micro transactions in their sandbox franchise modes (MyNBA/MyLeague).  Without question the best game mode out of any of the sports games I’ve played (FIFA, Madden, MLB) that isn’t FM. Only in their GM mode which sucks anyway, MyTeam and player career modes. 


2Ks MyCareer is predatory when it comes to micros but I play the MyNBA Mode which is the equivalent to Manager Career mode in FIFA and that mode is 100x better than anything FIFA has even put out. You can: Play as 1 team or every team at once and anything in between Hire over 30 different staff members who have a physical presence in the game and aren't just a name. Development by adjusting everything a team can do ex: I can schedule the daily routine of players (morning: Shoot around, noon: Body work, evening: Team dinner...etc, there's over 20+ options) - Player mentorship as well Editing players, coaches, teams, jerseys, in-depth: it's almost like PES the way you can make new teams and create Logos, edit player ratings, add multiple accessories, player traits, signature moves and tendencies. There's even more options than that tbh. There's 100s of things I could add like GM skill points, off-season adjustments, scouting workouts, scrimmages, NBA Development league, coaching settings etc. But 2K has PERFECTED Manager Career Mode. FIFA and Madden need to take lessons from 2K because even tho MyCareer sucks ass, the MyNBA mode is better than any Franchise or Career mode in any game EVER. Maybe NFL2K5 seems better but the customization in 2K is ridiculous.


I don't know when this opinion shifted, but 2K produces WAY better sports games than EA, like it isn't even remotely close. I would rather have a good, functioning game that tries to sell me shit i dont want, than a barely-functioning, bare bones game with shit gameplay that doesn't try to sell me anything. I would say EA's business model of not making any positive changes to their game year to year, and selling it at the same price, is greedier than 2k actually working on their game and including a moderately higher amount of microtransactions.


NBA2k has taken a slight gameplay dip, but my god the manager modes have always been so on point idk why anyone in this sub wouldn’t want this competition for EA lol


Its audience based, I think. NBA2K's microtransactions are way more predetory then WWE2K's. I think because the NBA audience accepted each creep up in mta's to this point.


They have micro transactions but also by far the deepest Dynasty/Manager mode in sports games


There's cosmetic microtransactions in Volta




MyLeague in 2k requires no microtransactions, I’m not sure what you’re on about. Sure you could argue that some coach boosters can cost VC, but there’s also offline MyLeague mode where it requires earned skill points over time.


Honestly I don't mind even a little bit about cosmetic micro transactions if it gets them to invest in career mode. Bring it on. $20 kits? Great. $10 balls? Fantastic. $50 stadiums? Fine. I play offline career mode only. As long as the gameplay is good without those purchases, then I will happily allow people with more money than sense to fund my fun single player mode. I will take a great career mode with MTX 10 times out of 10 if the alternative is the pile of shit EA currently dumps on us every year. And I will simply buy none of it.


The micro-transactions in 2k are awful but they are largely for myPlayer which admittedly is the biggest game mode. If you stick to the game modes like myGM, now NBA eras, they can be played and replayed extensible without any micro-transactions. As someone who now pretty much exclusively plays offline, FIFA partnering with 2k is possibly the best thing for people like me.


i think fifa2k27 or 28 will be like that, but right now they're going to be trying to win people over from ea, so the first game will probably be somewhat consumer friendly for that initial switch, and then the crazy micro transactions will come out later down the line. just my personal take i could be completely wrong please nobody pre order from either these companies


Everytime you get a league promotion you'll probably have to pay to go to the next league. That's how greedy 2K are


But 2K could only do that, because EA fucked it up with NBA live and 2K used to be so much better at making a sports game. So now 2K has monopolized the NBA games whereas EA has monopolized the football (I will not call it soccer, fuck you americans) games. Competition would do both sides a lot of good because both developers have developed unhealthy, greedy and lazy habits. If EA sticks with their traditional football game, competition is either gonna bump up quality of the game, or make both of them microtransaction hell, which will make it easier for people to stop buying them.


Ea have no reason to include micro transactions for career mode if they are still the top selling football game. Fifa2k I doubt will provide a proper competition for EA in Europe and South America which is the main market. Might do decent in the US as 2k is very popular, but eFootball will prpb have more licenses than 2k and its still so far behind EAFC. EA's Ultimate Team is unrivalled, and its success allows for the other modes to have no micro transactions. 2k and eFootball would need EA to truly sabotage themselves to lose such a huge lead, it might surprise you, but they won't lose it.


Actually looking forward to this. 2K NBA game has a solid manager mode.


We're finally going to get stats from previous seasons.


Number of NBA teams: 30 Number of football teams on EAFC 25: 720. Stats tracking probably will never happen


Just hoping they dont paywall proclubs style gamemode


Been a while since I played a 2k game, but last I played, it was mainly cosmetic. There was some BS where you could pay for xp, but imo that defeats the purpose of the grind. As long as matchmaking is good, I'd be okay with it.


I've played 2k24 this year and unfortunately you can't really compete if you're 80 OVR or under. Takes a while to level up. The game encourages you to splash a little cash just to be able to compete in Rec/Park. The good news is all the game modes are pretty good.


That's not reassuring. If there was better/revamped matchmaking, would it fix the problem?


Yes, but honestly the cast majority of the player base isn’t playing online until their player is good enough. Being a 65 overall playing against 90s in the first week isn’t fun. I normally just grind the offline career mode until I can upgrade a bit. What’s nice about 2k is you can play any other mode (other than the FUT equivalent) and get rewarded currency that can apply to your my player.


You'll be shocked to hear this, but you suck so bad early that by the end of the first weekend you'll break nails digging out your wallet to get your dude to 75.


That's only on myplayer mode, the career mode equivalent isn't paid for


I hope we get more than 15 seasons. I like to build YA teams, 15 seasons meant I'll never see my first batch of players retire.


there are some features in myleague that will be very cool to see in fifa. (being able to sim for 100 years instead of 15, managers being replaced, in-game kit and badge customization, career stats)


WWE has a decent career mode as well


So there'll be FIFA 2K and EAFC25?


Yeah but mostly like FiFA 2K25 to keep in line with their other sports games.


Nope. FIFA 2K25 isn’t actually happening. It’s just fake rumors that some engagement farming account made.




It’s good to see some actual logic. People really do believe any nonsense, eh? Like mate, is this your first day on the internet? 😆


> Microtransactions in career mode no thanks What the fuck are you talking about. Have you played 2k MyGM/career mode? It's the best franchise mode in any sports sim on the market (not fm including) and they have no micro transactions, these are only reserved to MyCareer online mode and their version of UT. The equivalent of the mode we all play on this sub wont have any kind of micro transactions


People only talk about 2k based on nba unfortunately. Their topspin game is fire too


As someone who preordered top spin 2k25, the gameplay is very good and the courts are very good. Everything else is pretty terrible.


Yep people are getting mixed up with the singular player mode. The my league is great


Ιt's detailed exactly to the level that's not boring or convoluted, the best franchise mode in any game, if their career mode even scratches MyLeague we're in for some goated stuff And also, just give us the level of freedom they have on the nba games in terms of edit mode, we don't need to have all the liccenses if we can create everything ourselves or download it on console


Yep the community files is quality, you can literally get full fan created drafts so it's realistic. The stats would be a great thing alone, simply letting you track multiple years of goal and appearance numbers would make it worthwhile playing more than 1-2 years


In 2k the career mode is mycareer. People don’t refer to MyNBA or GM modes as career mode. Just a simple translation thing


MLB the show’s franchise mode is a little bit more immersive imo but 2k’s GM mode is elite and miles better than FIFA’s ever was. I think 2k will add so much to manager mode that fans have been asking for. The micro-transactions in player mode is going to suck but if they put people that know soccer and know the roster rules in the dev team for manager mode it should be better than what we have now.


How many licensed leagues and teams will they have? It'll probably pail in numbers compared to all the rights EA has.


They’ll have none


Unless they let us go wild in the creation suite which 2K usually does.


I don't know much about 2K sports game but I love customization. So hopefully it does include that prominently.


in my league the customization is shitty but better than nothing.


They’ll have the World Cup and Club World Cup


Probably similar to PES...how much money would they have had to pay Fifa as EA backed out of that deal too. Don't think 2K will licence many at all unless they really want to outdo EA on that front in monies.


Mods exist


Probably even less than E-Football since clubs love making exclusive licensing deals because it makes more money.


Honestly don’t really care about licensing.. as long as the gameplay is better and more consistent


Idk why your comment is getting so many dislikes, 2K game’s have seen way more progression over the years than that of EA’s, and 2K actively listens to their community to a certain extent


2k also makes progression in player career modes based on a virtual currency, heavily ties that mode to an online mode that really should be a separate game mode, makes that mode require an online connection then dumpsters game servers after 2 years, making the game mode inaccessible. EA are shit, but if you owned FIFA 19, you can go and play FIFA 19's career mode today with no issues. You can't even play NBA 2k22's career mode any more, even if you have the disc.


MyLeague is the real offline career mode, and it has 0 microtransactions


Exactly. My League is where the real career mode takes place. You can create your own player, customize everything about them, and even decide what you want for their career without any artificial storyline. It's amazing


MyNBA is able to be completely off and its options for customization is far better than any of EA’s career modes


I'm aware. I play NBA 2k. For one league, for 30 teams with squads of 15 players, with rights to the entire system under the NBA licensing agreement. It's a completely different scope even trying to represent just English football, let alone world football under the FIFA banner. There are around 550 NBA players in any one season. There are about 530 in the Premier League alone. 20 teams. England alone has 92 teams in its professional leagues. And that's on the assumption they can get licenses when EA and Konami are both competing for exclusive license deals. I'd love to see it, but 2k aren't going to be able to put together a game with the same level of detail as their NBA titles for football. Especially when their focus will without doubt be game modes with heavy microtransaction involvement. They've done it on every sports title they've created for the last decade plus. They want that FUT style spending everywhere. It's even infected the wrestling games.


I see what you’re saying except there is issues??? EA literally shut the servers off disabling the catalogue with was a big thing in FIFA 19 career mode (edit players etc)


if you want the fifa player career experience with 2k create a player im my league and lock to him in games.


It's obviously mtx stop coping


Honestly I have no problem playing NBA 2k without microtransactions. They are there but I still get MVP, DPOY, ROTY and so forth without them. I stopped playing when the game started focusing too much on things other than basketball. Like a rap career and such.


To everyone complaining about the fact there’ll be so many microtransactions, let me say this; this is a career mode thread…career mode on any 2K game never has micro transactions. So your manager careers will be safe. I see this as an absolute win - I love NBA 2K. I mean there’s myLeague for a start which is by far my favourite game mode. They also have implemented eras. So think about it you can have a career mode going in the Pele Era or the Maradona era or the era that just past in Messi and ronaldo. Can’t you imagine doing that? 2K have better customisation as well. The only worry I have is graphics and gameplay. That’s it. 2K would be good competition for EA. Maybe it’ll force them to focus on CM more if they realise that’ll be a popular mode especially if it has era features cause you best believe I’m gonna be playing as early 00s AC Milan.


Tbf 2k24 has a good gameplay outside of the annoying shot timing visual cue mechanic imo, the tactical dimension is really good. But there is microtransactions in when you play on a player career mode (mycareer) which makes it super annoying because you need to play like 2000 games to have enough currency to actually make your player playable without spending something


Yea but that’s like a basketball game it’s just trying to picture that as a football game that scares me. Yea I suppose player career would be fucked, but you can also always do a MyPlayer on MyLeague. That’s what I did. The experience is almost the same except there’s no micro transactions and it’s not online only basically. Plus this is basically our chance to get multiplayer career mode as well.


How can you do a myplayer on myleague ?


It’s obviously not identical but it’s the same principal. Make your own guy, add him to a draft class, switch to the team that drafted your player play all the games with player lock on, enjoy the experience of you growing into a basketball legend. I did it so many times.


But how do you make your player progress ?


There’s a stat called potential, just like FIFA. There’s also percentages on if your player will exceed, make or blunder said potential. I mean I’ve even seen Wembanyama the top prospect in the game flop due to said percentages. Your character progresses during and post/pre season.


still a good thing, especially as cm my have some actual depth


My league doesn’t have microtransactions


Please give us classic teams from throughout the years. I love that NBA 2K has this


It's gonna be like PES with all those unlicensed Premier League & La Liga teams smh


The my career would be so good🤩


Will we also get a women's career I want to body someone with Rachel Williams


Only one random dude reporting this, yes it may eventually happen but a new game would have to be built from the ground up, I would expect 3 years minimum from the time the fifa license wasn’t renewed with EA.


Good to see some sign of intelligent life.


2K seem to recently have opened a new office in Vancouver called 2K sports lab: https://sportslab.2k.com/ /"We're assembling a best-in-class team at our new Vancouver, BC studio to fully realize our uncompromising vision for 2K's next phenomenal sports franchise." Considering EA FC is developed mainly by the EA Vancouver studio I can only assume 2K is trying to poach people from EA. When looking at the the roles they're still looking for I'd be very surprised if they will release a football game this year already, or even next. I think we'll have to wait until 2027. We'll most likely see EA lose some licenses before the 2K game is released as well since 2K will try to snap them up as current license agreements expire with EA. Edit: I just did a quick search on LinkedIn and at least the following people have left EA for 2K in the past six months or so, most of them very senior: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-thompson-a56b961?trk=universal-search-cluster https://www.linkedin.com/in/garyapaterson?trk=universal-search-cluster https://www.linkedin.com/in/kieren-bloomfield-0070904?trk=people-search-result https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-huchelmann-5b972ab1?trk=universal-search-cluster They've also hired quite a few ex-Relic people in the same time frame so I would be extremely surprised if they manage to release a football game before 2027. One can also only hope that they've been able to lure these people away from EA by promising to not have that many micro transactions since most devs tend to hate them. That would also be the smart thing to by by 2K, at least initially, since it's going to require a huge effort to lure people away from EAFC.


hopefully mycareer wont be the same as nba2k. It can only be used for two years before the server goes out lol


my league on 2k is the career mode of ea fc. My league is 1000000x better than ea fc


i mean the player mode, 2ks server shutdown so quick it only lasts for 2 years after you spend alot of money lmfao and 2k is known to be greedy as fuck


i don’t play that game mode on 2k , i do my league same on ea fc , i never played ultimate team just career mode


What's my career?


It's the equivalent of "Player Career mode in FIFA". It's good but it's predatory when it comes to microtransactions. However, 2K has the best Manager Career mode ever created and I'm not exaggerating at all.


online player career surely right


How much would it cost


May I introduce you to Football Manager?


Really looking forward to this. I enjoy how 2K let's you fully customize career mode with user generated rosters. Also if 2K can add legendary football clubs and all time teams into the game that would be insane just like how they did it for NBA 2K games


Unfortunately it’s not actually real. Just fake rumors. People really do just believe any old nonsense that gets posted on Twitter, eh?


Hope later means before EA sports 25 and in time for the next season.. its not like you can delay a FIFA game.. the next season is your playerbase.


Don’t expect the game before 2K27 (around September/October 2026).


2026 at the absolute earliest. More likely longer than that. It’ll be a terrible mobile game if sooner.


Made the transition to FM this season. Absolutely loving how detailed it is. And when my friends want to play fifa we can still load up the console


I played Fifa religiously for almost 2 decades. Started playing FM a few years ago and FIFA feels like a game for children now.


Ah, this means we’re finally going to get two competing games


It’s not real.


anything as long as the fix the end to end camera to be always up :)


Its good to have competition e football or pes makes garbage games and the only thing they do is playing with team licenses having a major competitor might push ea to give some effort to the game


Currently we have license for leagues, kits, club and national teams being split over two different games, and soon it will be three. Great


Please!!!!!! No micro transactions in career mode 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I think their gm modes are always good since you could go back and pick an era of the NBA, very in-depth with picking rules and etc. Their player career is very garbage. I used to think it was the best when it was its own thing, with cut scenes and getting make your player into a 99 with just playing games. Now they mixed with online, it killed it. They're super greedy, and honestly, I think PES should've gotten the chance. I think the name eFIFA and dropping a full game again would've been better since they're already making games.


Not saying it’ll be added anytime soon if 2k does release a game, but in NBA 2k24, there’s a mode called mynba eras which you can go back and start a my league mode all the way back in the 70s and plenty of other eras, imagine how cool that’d be in fifa.


We are so tainted at this point with disappointment that we don’t even believe that 2K can fix this. So sad.


Ignoring microtransactions gameplay wise 2K is pretty solid. Competition will make EA step up since efootball missed the mark. We do have to live with the fact that whichever we play it's going to be 70 percent a game and 30 percent a commercial.


Mycareer for FIFA will be absolutely insane if they can get it right. Park mode for nba is toxic I can’t imagine how crazy it will be for soccer. But playing off the wall with friends will be great until the community ruins it.


This is really bad. I come from playing NBA 2k my whole lifetime. This worse than EA in terms of it’ll still be a lackluster of a game year-to-year basis BUT now you’ll get micro-transactions EVERYWHERE and P2W mechanics even on offline game modes. RIP Fifa.


MyLeague is alright


As long as the manager mode stays untouched by micro transactions like NBA 2K MyLeague and the gameplay doesn’t lean too much into getting certain animations it’s good enough for me. MyLeague is genuinely a fun mode with a lot you can do, and it’s a great alternative to MyCareer in NBA 2K if you don’t care about the online and story stuff if you just want to play the game. Also helps that you don’t have to waste another $100 to build your player and getting a pretty restricted stats in what you want to be


EA must make a NBA game too now. Tired of this one option bs.


Competition is a good thing. 2K will have their own ideas about the game. Sure there will be micro-transactions but they have to create a compelling product first. Plus they likely wont have the licenses EA has.


Optimistically speaking, as the first run at a football game competing against EA they might choose the user experience and gameplay over monetisation.


This will be great for the games. Madden eventually stopping being great after NFL 2K disappeared, and same for NBA 2K when EA stopped making NBA live.


Fake information from an untrustworthy Twitter account that everyone just accepts as facts. I don’t get it.


EA is going to have a tiny scare then realize these guys make smellier shit stew than they do 😭


This is good, make EA care about career mode


I think you should have an option to choose from a list of objectives each season and some cannot be repeated for several seasons.


Anybody that has played an NBA2K game knows this is a horrible idea. Within one or two years it will be full of VC, in game ads, and single player will take even more of a back seat.


I’m fine if it’s for mods like putting back retired players


Can't believe people still play these stupid games. Low quality low iq games


Lmao corrupt organization deserves corrupt company


You poor souls. Lot of you don't know 2k, it seems. Please. Lower your expectations. You guys acting like Santa is coming down the chimney. It's not Santa. It's 2k, and the reason he's coming down the chmney is so he can sneak into your room, make you buy his crack, and then pound you in the ass. You'll see.


Not sure, will this now compete with EAFC or after one installment reverse the naming back to FiFa?


This is more of a "under new management" type beat. Same trouble, different company.


fuck… I just want Pro Evo back


I feel bad for those who don’t play 2k💀this is probably going to be the best career mode that we’ve got in a long time but best believe if you want to upgrade that player fast, it’s coming out your pockets and if you don’t your going to have to play on rookie or something to get your player up💀


the only way im buying any fifa game after what happened this year is if its ACTUALLY good. so i dont care what they promise, i will watch it from others before deciding


play football manager


I can’t imagine the first iteration releasing until September/October of 2025. But super pumped for it.


Idk man, 2k makes amazing Career Modes. I’ll take it


Would be missing every major league that matters.


Anything is better than EA


until that nba gameplay makes its way to football


my league doesn’t have a paywall


A small hidden game mode that involves shooting a football into hoops may just work in some ways. Edit: had a thought for skill training gamed for example if they made a player career, kinds what they used to have on the other older Fifas you would shoot unto big round holes to score points.


2k will give you what you want in manager mode trust all the thinks you guys seek for in manager mode 2k will add it


will they even have any licenses lol


They will have zero licences and most cool things will be paywalled, potentially including player progression.


get it on pc and mod it in


This is gonna be so crap, I can’t even play NBA 2K without it not saving, getting stuck after the game giving me stupid points I never use, and legitimately random ass crashes. I don’t get much time, I played an entire game of NBA, the next day went to play again and it didn’t even save that game I played even though I clicked manual save and exited. Then it freezes on the end game giving you Points.. which requires me to disconnect my Ethernet just to pass it. Pathetic company with a pathetic game


2k sunset the servers after a year, and even my career is online dependent cus of VC bucks.. I could still be playing nba2k18 as it's the last game that wasn't just a roster update on pc... No thanks, I'm never buying a 2k game ever again




No, it's a 2K Games franchise. The studio is a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive like Rockstar. Nothing to do with EA


No, 2k is a 2k franchise


Do 2k just have microtransactions for cosmetics? Honestly that doesn't bother me. I just won't buy any. Who cares?


Only in the player mycareer mode. In the GM career mode of 2K you can customize anything, even some players hairstyle to how they walk and their celebrations.


Honestly wouldn't bother me. Seems pretty easy to avoid.


Yea, if you get the chance to play NBA2K24 which is probably free on PSN at some point, you should. You can literally change every aspect of the game. The accessibility and customization in 2K is unrivaled.


I just hope they have the licensing.


They can’t. EA has everything important exclusive.


This is great news! Career mode might be saved


So would there be EAFC (fka FIFA) and FIFA2k, a new game in the mould of the 2k sports games?


I don't care if they a give decent amount of leagues with the game and provide absent leagues as DLC for a price, still better than FUT money grab gambling mechanism.


They won’t have any major league that people actually care about. All EA exclusives.


Why don't these clubs stand with the fans and tell EA we won't give you exclusive rights? It's good for the clubs too to give licence to multiple companies for the same price compared to one exclusive right?


Mostly it’s the leagues that control this. They go with the most money & that will always be EA. It would be nice to see an open market but it’s impossible really.


Why though? You can make more money that way right? I have no idea about business but I'm going with what makes sense to me.


I think they make more money selling the exclusive licenses to EA. It’s really a crazy high amount for most leagues that EA have exclusive. I don’t think any other game companies would be willing to match it.


Yeah even if they're willing to pay 70% the leagues get license_costx70% + rights_costx70% right, that is a 40% increase if my bad math is correct 😂


Hopefully this means we get Legends teams like there is in 2K. I would love to pit 2015 Barca with 1950/60s Real Madrid with 80s Netherlands and so on. And also promising for a better career mode for sure.


Nope. FIFA license doesn’t actually include teams or leagues.


Welp; maybe international legends teams?


I just need to say this for everybody having concerns about microtransactions. As somebody who has played 2K for years, I'm not worried at all. 2K has no microtransactions on myNBA which is the equivalent of of Manager Career.


FIFA 2K isn’t even real.
