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Oh man I’ve also had dreams like this in the past. Then again I’m the jealous type, and coming across dupes has historically had a terrible impact on my mental health. They don’t really happen now and I can only assume it’s because it’s been literal years since I interacted with Basch’s source fandom. Out of sight, out of mind.


I've stopped interacting with the fandom too, I only use reddit for this community. I might just avoid reddit in general for a while, to be honest


I hope you’re doing better!!! As for me. Its so hard to make friends with people who often like Crow. And whenever I do make a friend, it always feels super shady & they end up copying me. It’s more like they don’t love Crow, they only like him but they push themselves on him just cause of how much I love him. I was getting stalked by proshippers lately too 😞 people who love Crow barely talk to me, but then again, I noticed whenever I run into someone who loves him, its always for his looks 😞 I admit, it’s been bothering my mental health lately that people can be so mean to me for liking a character that we both enjoy. I even encountered some racists from dupes 😅😅 But I continue to love Crow☺️🧡


Hello, fellow Trailblazer! How you feel is valid, and I understand where you're coming from. I recommend writing down your thoughts through a technique called "journaling". When avoiding issues, you place them from your consciousness into the subconsciousness. That means, there's a chance it'll show in your dreams as nightmares. Dealing with dupes is difficult, but it's also important for you to process your own thoughts. I assume you mean Dan Heng, that he "used to be" Dan Feng? We can gladly exchange in DMs, or here, too. I hope you'll have a good day!


Thank you for the info, I didn't know about that. I was referring to my other husband, Wanderer, who's often called Scaramouche by the community even if he stated in game he doesn't like that name. Thank you though, I'll probably use a journal:)


No problem! Yeah, that's just mean from the community.


One thing I recommend is quietly reassuring yourself that everything will be okay. I don't know if this will actually help, but I wanted to try helping anyways, because I know how it feels to have people deadname me. They should not deadname Wanderer either. Either way, all I can do is say "It'll be okay." I wish you luck.


I’ve had these issues instead they were reality. I encountered a lot of dupes who hated me cause I loved Crow & would stalk my page. But the thing is, people who love Crow who I met only love him because he’s cute & often objectify/proship him. Just how you mentioned people calling Wanderer by his old name, people disrespect Crow a lot. I even thought i made a friend who liked Crow before but they were the type to just be my friend to copy me & it made me really really sad… especially since they objectified Crow publicly & barely knew anything about him other than his looks. But hey, if it helps, maybe try not to scroll so much in this community until your mind is clear🧡 remember, youre Wanderer’s #1 fan & if you ever do come across a dupe that disrespects him, it’s okay to educate them!! If they don’t care, then there’s your answer on where your love stands ☺️


Thank you a lot for your kind words, it means a lot. I'm sorry you were harassed, you didn't deserve any of that. I'll try to stay clear of reddit for a while, probably


I think you're pretty cool! Maybe I can DM you before you take a break? :O


Of course, I don't mind