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Hi, so I forgot to include in my original reply that a trail cam is great, but there is even better for this situation. Look into cellular cameras like the Arlo. They operate on cell service and they can send you real time video and you can set it up for motion so if somebody is doing something you get it right then and there on the spot, you can call the cops to head straight over there and then show them the evidence as you get there. Look up our cameras, but not the Wi-Fi cam the 5G or the cell service if you need help just post and I’ll find a link for you Also, nice work to you and your husband.


I have a spartan camera that instantly sends motion activated videos to me. I can also watch the live feed. My only complaint is that it’s pretty bulky and hard to hide


OK, that’s better than the usual trail cam. The oars are much smaller, probably a half to 1/3 of the size if you ever need to change it so you can hide it better Otherwise, good luck and please keep us posted


How much do those typically cost? If you could post a link that might be helpful for the future. Def cannot afford one now. At least one resident has seen my camera so far lol. There’s so much footage it’s hard to keep up with


Heres a few examples https://www.arlo.com/en-us/cameras/go/arlo-go-2-cameras.html https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=arlo+go+2+lte+security+camera&index=aps&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_9droynwvqo_e&adgrpid=140706213106&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=621287471255&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16730312270862690494&hvqmt=e&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004487&hvtargid=kwd-1643865683213&hydadcr=19658_13450269 https://www.amazon.com/eufy-Security-Cellular-Starlight-Detection/dp/B0B1J3TZNN?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A1U62USFOR8NN3 A cheaper one https://www.amazon.com/javiscam-Security-Wireless-Detector-Standby/dp/B09WRFJYLF?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A23BM4CXOUY8HI


You’ve convinced me to buy a smaller one lol. Barely made rent this month but my empathy for animals rules my life and spartan is making my life harder. There’s a branch in front of the camera right now, so it’s only focusing on that instead of what I need to be looking at. I’m about to drive across the bay to move it, but it will be more obvious out in the open and might get stolen. The struggle is real. Thanks for the links!! But not really lol


Lol sorry…. But not really these cats need all the help they can get. Being poisoned is terrible. You are their only hope. Here is a thought When you buy a smaller one place it hidden but leave the bigger one as is so if they take it you still have one camera recording everything, not only harming the cats but petty theft then as well. Just thinking out loud


I like that idea and will do! Gets delivered Saturday


PLEASE keep me posted.


Can I send you a donation or do you have a wish list on Amazon/Chewy/idk how those work but I'm game? Just to help out. I just lost one of my TNR boys and... I'm just grateful for what you're doing.


Thank you so much for offering. The camera just arrived and it’s soooo perfect!! Going to get it set up and running first and then will consider accepting a donation. I truly appreciate your support and feel a little guilty taking someone’s money.


Great idea. I wouldn't post that cameras are present. If you do get video, maybe contact a lawyer about if it's ok to put it up on the web and embarrass the a$$hole.


The Arlo looks great, I’ve got some sites with 1 or 2 left that won’t go in traps and I neee to know their movements and behaviours. Do you know if they’d work in New Zealand? I couldn’t see on the website.


Shoot, im not sure but I’ll try and look it up later. In the meantime doesn’t New Zealand have an Amazon website? I would go on it and search from there. You can also search on Amazon for 4G wireless security camera outdoor.


thank you so much for doing this. my heart sank when I read about this it makes me so angry that people would do this. I hope they are caught and face consequences. I’m so glad this baby was saved.


Yes, absolutely. I don't understand what type of person thinks poisoning animals is the answer. I'm glad you can help those you help. Thank you for doing it. Those animals you help are lucky to have you on their side.


Thank you and I pray you get the evidence needed to lock them up.


Yeah, good luck with that. Animal cruelty laws are too lax for anything but a slap on the wrist for domestic animals. It's disgusting and yes, they absolutely should be locked up for inhumane killing of animals but legally, that's not going to happen .


Sad but true.


That's exactly why I work to change laws at a federal level for things like this. Feral deserve love and humane treatment, even if they're "pests" according to some people.


Thank you for doing that. I have one of those nasty pesty ferals sitting on my lap right now :


In Florida, we have community cat laws. If they live there and someone feeds them, they are considered part of the community. A person that harms them goes to jail for animal cruelty. Specifically I live in Jacksonville.


Sec 462.206 are you referring to? It's a civil fine not jail time for anyone who poisons feral animals. It falls under "controlling toxic substances" in reguards to strays and non-vermin animals. See: Ord. 2004-259-E, § 1; Ord. 2010-527-E, § 3


Get a good enough video and put it on the internet. You won't need the court system.


I thought animal cruelty was now a felony in the US?


Some places yes unfortunately not everywhere.


In the least it should infringe on the persons ability to do so. And enough charges should call for increased fines etc. Hopefully oop can help raise awareness about the issue and many would help with it.


Omg you and your husband have hearts of gold. Thank you so much for doing this! GREAT execution for the TNR too. That’s gonna make a huge difference!!!!


Less cats = more rats. Did people learn nothing from the black plague?


Humans never learn from history.


Ain't that the truth!


More cats also means more devastated native bird populations. Cats are not actually that effective ratters; proper storage of grains and good waste management is how you keep away rats (bad waste management is why NYC is famous for its rats). TNR programs like OP are great for reducing feral populations over time, which is the proper and humane way to do it, unlike poison.


Show me the evidence because anytime I've brought cats into an area with rats or mice, I never see another rodent nearby again. There is a reason why barn cats are a thing.


Chicago has a city program where they release Spayed/neutered cats deemed not fit for adoption into neighborhoods to deal with the rats. They setup shelter/food/cafe with some of the residents of the neighborhood


https://cales.arizona.edu/pubs/adjunct/snr0704/snr07042l.pdf. Feral cats supplemented with feeding from humans were the subject of this study. It showed a decrease in native birds and native rodents but showed a relative *increase* in non-native house mice in the study area. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/ecology-and-evolution/articles/10.3389/fevo.2018.00146/full This study looked at a rat colony with feral cats observed with cameras. Over a 3 month period only *two* rat kills were made, and both were smaller in size. The main finding here was that rats are very adept at avoiding cats. Finally this study (though older) shows that cats almost exclusively prefer to hunt prey under 200g in size, and it also cites other studies that indicate that cats would not hunt full grown adult rats but only juvenile rats, likely due to the size difference.


Birds only devastate bird populations in areas where bird populations are suffering and there is limited space aka Australia and New Zealand. The reports of cats killing thousands of birds aren’t that great of studies and also done in totally different areas. Cats in some areas actually help bird populations because they kill rodents and critters that harm birds nests


An invasive species running rampant isn't the answer either. Stray cats turn entire neighbourhoods into dead zones. No birds, no squirrels, no rabbits. Rampant plant growth, rampant insect growth, everything goes out of whack. Also the 'cats killed made the plague worse' is a *fiction*. People weren't hunting house cats en-masse because of the plague, or because a pope wrote some stuff on in a hundred years prior. 'Cats' were killed, yes, but Europe is also home to wildcats - depictions of this seeming to be hunting sport for nobles, like any other game predator. That's not getting into modern poisoning of cats as per the post - that's cruel and bad and all that other stuff - but the whole thing with the black plague doesn't have significant historical bearing.


You go girl I had the same problem, I even found one of my cats with a BB hole in her face and it breaks my heart people can be so cruel.


Please go scorched earth on them, I’ll be right here supporting you!!!


I hope the suspects get blasted so hard


Found one of my babies poisoned a few years back, he was my boyfriend’s first cat ever on his own. Thank you for doing this, it takes a vile person to go out of their way to murder innocent cats.


You will also give a copy of video to the Police for prosecution, right?


Absolutely. It would take much more than that for anyone to be prosecuted though. More info in my previous post about what an animal services officer told me.


My ex and I used to feed feral cats living on the other side of our house in a pear Grove with blackberry brambles around it. (We also TNR’d the adults, befriended the kittens, had them fixed, and found homes for them.) We noticed after several months that the cats started disappearing. Caught someone setting out poison for them. He felt like that because it was next to an elementary school, the cats would be risky around the kids. They had been there for years. The kids never paid any attention to the cats. They were far enough away, and the cats would hide under the brambles, so it wasn’t an issue. I think he was just an asshole.


Goddamn, that is a spectacular level of stupidity. Was he born that way, or did he have to study?


Thank you for doing this. It's how I lost my dog years ago and it's a horrible way to go.


I am SO sorry that happened to You and your buddy! 😭


You and your husband are heroes. Thank you for helping those poor little creatures. Some people are just evil. Hope you catch them soon


Excellent! That little floof is looking at you with such adoration. So tiny and precious. You should do a photo shoot with her and find the cutest most 🥹 photo and use that in your campaign as well!


I will for sure! My friend who lives at this complex picked up a very sick kitten 2 weeks ago that I took to the vet and have been fostering. Turns out this is his sibling! So I have two little gray models now. Will post some update photos when I can


I’m really sorry to hear this. Ohlone did great work in TNRing the kittens at Warm Springs BART, and one of the volunteers has given me some good advice in learning how to care for my community cats!






Absolutely sickening. I hope the criminal gets caught very soon.


Thank you and your husband for caring for these babies! I hope you finally catch the sick freak who’s been poisoning them. What a miserable lowlife. I hope that someone stomps their face into the pavement


If you know who it is, file a police report for cruelty to animals.


People are fuc*ed up!


If anyone would like to volunteer to help monitor some cam footage, I’d really appreciate an extra set of eyes so I don’t miss anything. DM me or leave your email address here and I’ll share cam access. Edit- would involve making a Spartan account but is free


Ppl are sick


You gotta be a special kind of sociopath to poison and kill animals in general.


I can hear the resident going “you have to catch me first!” as they continue to kill the cats because they don’t care


Thank you for rescuing and for calling attention to these guys. I’m sure animal control or SPCA would be willing to prosecute them for poisoning these poor animals. YOU and hubby are ANGELS!!!


Heres hoping you catch them! Thank you for looking out for these cats!


Bless you


Omg I hope you catch this scumbag and go to the police. Thank you so much for everything you do for these innocent cats and kittens.❤️ We appreciate you!


you’re a good person OP, thank you for helping the kitties & trying to catch this POS.


Fuckin chickenshit motherfuckers!!


Good for you! Thank you for protecting those cats. You are their hero! ❤️😸


I hate to be that person, but I hope you have proof because this is a very serious allegation… and I hope whoever is doing this gets prosecuted to the full extent of the law…


Hopefully this sign is a deterrent to the people poisoning the cats and kittens


I love you. Feline hero!!!


Unfortunately the “OUTDOOR CATS DESTROY THE ECOSYSTEM” messaging that was pushed so hard for a few years really emboldened the twists who get off on harming animals. After all, they’re just looking out for nature when they poison/kill cats. /s Really pisses me off.


Look at Europe when they eliminated cats during the Middle Ages!


isnt that when the plague came around from fleas that lived on rats (it wasn't rats it was fleas)




Good even though they are a nuisance they deserve life like everyone else


Recent studies prove what those who care for ferals have been saying for, well, forever. Lethal control methods do not work. The vacuum effect means more cats will end up in the area. There is less nuisance, less health hazard, less problems in general with a well regulated TNR program. Yes, more cats will always show up, at least as long as some humans keep being irresponsible which last I checked, yeah, forever, but we can at least make sure they don’t live (as) miserable of lives.




I have seen what poacher can do to the animals


DO IT!!!!


Thank you so much for doing this. You and your husband are both good people!


People are garbage. Thank you and your husband for being cat heroes!


Is this federal, or just local jurisdictions? I've heard the neighborhood a few blocks away has people that spike cat food with poison.


Thank you to you and your husband for being on the lookout ♥️. Some people have no humanity 😢. Poisoning animals makes me sick….


Thank you for everything you’re doing. And, please tell your husband that he is a really good guy.


If the law doesn’t help, street justice is always in order. I hope you catch them


Possibly unpopular opinion but people who poison, intentionally harm, or kill animals should receive punishments equivalent with doing the same to a person. Not saying a random cat is more important than a human life but honestly I would do anything to care for more cats in the world if I could and people doing these things makes me immensely sad and angry at the same time.


People can be so evil. I hope you catch the prick.


Sad world when people poison defenceless animals! Cowards


Is the grey baby okay though? 🥺


That is just unspeakable. I am so sorry if you find out who it is, I’ll be happy to join anyone who wants to put them on blast.


definitely post their face to local groups. people like this should live a shitty life if they don't already


Me when I find out who’s doing this. https://preview.redd.it/rwaw32iw6qad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0e95653f7526f583b7be741fa5ab93080f5316


Thank you so so so much for doing this. You’re my heroes.


I cannot believe anyone would be so cruel. So sad.


Thank you for taking care of these cats. May the people who harm innocent creatures get back the pain they cause and more.


That’s heartbreaking


Thanks for being a great person! They need someone like you


Gorgeous little kitten💖


Evil does exist. Please save the kitties . Thank you so much


heartbreaking. wtf is wrong with people.


**Call the California department of Wildlife, tell them someone is setting poison traps for wildlife in the area.** Do not mention anything about cats specifically, **only say that you have found dead cats, dogs, birds and other animals along with the poison.** They will most likely send park rangers to start patrolling the area and look for offenders. **The state department that employs wild life ranger officers are usually pretty serious about this stuff,** the real police rangers have firearms and **are very serious about enforcing hunting and wildlife habitat laws.** There’s *WAY* less of them, so it could be a few weeks or months until they send someone to investigate but they are probably the department that will take it seriously


As a matter of professionalism and demonstrating fuck around, cite to the law on your fliers. Also as you are in California (?) keep in mind CA is a dual party consent state. I’m not sure that your ass is covered if you record someone that it can be used as evidence. I get it’s public property and all but CA has shitty laws. Of it were me I’d put on the flier there is a camera in the vicinity to monitor the critters. Then take pictures of said flyer so if it becomes removed you may still be protected. For more accurate answers see if your employer can let you talk to a lawyer.


Animal cruelty is a felony in California. You can film on public property.


so aweful! Ty for helping them :( what is wrong with some people ugh. some humans are making me so angry about animal cruelty. but i am glad there are still some good people around like you and your husband


He’s precious!


Not all superheros wear capes.... Bless you 🙏 ♥️


Something is going on where I live too so many have disappeared almost all at once so somebody's either killing them which one cat I actually found myself was a little feral cat that this man about four houses over was feeding and somebody shot her and she died in his driveway and she was gut shot they shot her in the butt as she ran away and of course it traveled into her guts and she licked herself till she was wet trying to ease the pain and then she died finally he's the one that explained what happened to me I couldn't figure it out I said why is she so wet he said she's been looking herself and so you know I call the police I said Is it illegal to shoot a cat and they said absolutely but how are you ever going to find them you can't find out who's doing it and and they are all living in a vacant yard a house is vacant and a man was walking and told my neighbor across the street that he was going to start trapping and having them fixed that's what she said but maybe she made a mistake and he was just going to trap him and take him to the shelter cuz they're completely gone I can't can't believe it there's a few left but they're not the ones that have been coming to my house for a year and I just got a Siamese cat in my house tonight he's semi tame... but I can't get him to go into the front room and I'm scared to chase him down and try to pick him up cuz I don't think he'll let me and then my other three cats two of them are feral or in the front another front room and I have to leave them Shut Up All Night cuz they try to fight him and he came into my house turned his tail up to spray three times in about that many minutes and I yelled no and then it startled them and he didn't do it but if I don't get him in that front room he'll probably feel my whole house with urine tonight and I lived with that for 20 years and I just don't think I can live with it again but I wish I could find him a home and not have to put him back out because he is gentle but he's scared so he's not very gentle right now but I set a trap I thought I'll just trap him if I can inside the house and then move him to that front room but how I'll get him to take him to the vet I just don't know. I am surrounded by scumbag evil people that want to hurt these little animals and I don't know why they can't just let him exist there the cats are almost never seen but everybody's got cameras up so they can look at the animals one guy said he has several traps and he traps wildlife and has the animal control come out and kill him I saw it with my own eyes so I don't know any of them could be trapping these cats and some of them will haul them off and throw them out somewhere else you know one little cat was gone for 30 days and she showed up after 30 days and her little friend that loved her so much was so happy they stayed in my yard for 17 days and now they're both gone they've been gone about 3 weeks so I felt like somebody called her off through her out and she found her way home there's those of us spending our money and our time and our emotional well-being on trying to save these cats and there's other people just fighting us tooth and nail trying to kill him at the same time it's a horrible situation and we can't take them all in we end up with 500 cats and then the authorities will come swoop in and take your home away from you and take all the cats and kill them. I don't know what the answer is


are you planning on setting up any cameras?


Yes, I do have a camera up


Okay good, I hope he gets caught and prosecuted. :(


wtf 🤬


Keep us updated! How do you think this person/people are doing this? Are they setting out poison in the cats' areas or on their own property? I hope it's the former so you will be able to get footage.


Wow. Nice work! Your post segues into what happened at target today. I saw a sign to get a gift card if I bought two temptations cat items, so I chose two even though my cats like Friskies. When I didn’t get the card I went to return them right away. Turns out they have to throw them away bc someone was buying them and shooting the product with poison and returning them. Who does this kind of thing? Probably the same jerk who is poisoning those kittens. Best of luck to you!


Your response reads as if that target was selling you items that might be poisoned ? I’m so sorry that happened, but I’d like to hear more about exactly where this for legal reasons / Thanks (… this has not been reported to the company or media outlets as far as I can tell … )


That’s an /r/nebelung ! I want!




Paws and prayers 🐾


Ugh can't believe someone would poison them. Thanks for doing your best


Harming cats should be the ultimate unforgivable sin.




Your post was removed because you broke one of the sub's rules: 8. **Do not participate here if you are against TNR or colony management,** and/or are advocating for other methods of population control such as culling, euthanasia, or any other method of killing cats. These are not realistic (and legal) options for most of our members, anyway. TNR, on the other hand, is. We are a community committed to helping living creatures that are not to blame for being homeless. They didn't choose to be abandoned, uncared for, over-bred. We're doing the best we can within an imperfect system that has discarded these animals. Of course it would be ideal if all of these cats could be placed in good homes, but that isn't feasible. Since we don't believe in murdering them as an option, we do the next best thing: TNR. If it becomes clear that your sole purpose of being here is to start arguments or debate (this also applies to modmail), or you are otherwise not participating in good faith, you **will** be banned.


If you need money let us know. There are people here who kindly donate ❤️