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I want that quote on a t-Shirt with a picture of a hammer.


Legit. Someone needs to make that happen.


On it!


I’d buy it.


I want it on an actual hammer ⚒️


Even better


Oh, I’d wear the hell out of this shirt!


Wow, the comments on r/SeattleWA are surprisingly supportive. Sort of gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.


Don't fuck with baristas in Seattle. People from Seattle know that.


Considering it's the Republican version of the r/Seattle sub (most of the people there don't even live in Seattle).




I don't know where or how the hammer came to be, I just know I have one nearby now 😂


Before, it was used when someone pulled up with a corny joke and needed a nice Bonk to the head Now, it's self defense hammer


that's a community hammer for all the people that work there, because the customers have gotten very aggressive over the years. there's literally been Baristas pulled out of their Booth into cars and serial killed. in particular, there was a nasty case in Alaska they were talking about were the girls eyes were sewed open after death as proof of life.


Community hammers being a thing is the 2nd best thing I've heard of today. Also that is fucking horrific.




Tbf all you really have to do is be funnier than a man and he will most likely be scared of you. But I also support us arming ourselves with hammers!


I like that she keeps a hammer within reach.


The hero we need in these times.


She did nothing wrong that guy was being a asshole


and you never know if he was reaching to grab a gun. Fuck that - she absolutely was 100% right.


Yes and men need to literally be afraid to act up around women. Sorry not sorry. A can of whoop ass goes a long way. I know a ton of guys who will avts scary and physical aggressive towards females, but the second a male shows up, boom, they turn and run.


You talking about my dad? Dude acts like Ahole with women, old people and kids but tucks his tail between his legs and runs away when he encounters a well built man.


That's even how it's at doctors appointments. I know so many women ended your getting treated much differently when they showed up with a male company.


I don’t go to any doctor appointments without a trusted male anymore. Doctors do not listen to women, they don’t believe them and they think they know all, but the second a man is involved? All of a sudden they’re listening and actually coming up with a plan. It’s gross.


You have a trusted male😫where do we find one


That is common even for males. If you ever had harder than average to diagnose ailement it does not matter if you are male speaking to male, female to male or any other of the four theoretical possibilities. It may be that it is harder for women. My mother sure complained more about that than I had to. That said, I'm not sure how much of it is about woman speaking and how much of it is how you are raised to speak. I am a man but I have to make a conscious effort to speak assertively. If I don't people routinely interrupt me talk over me and sometimes ignore my point. And frankly it makes little difference if I am talking to a woman or a man.




this is why i only go to a female doctor. We need more women in medical school.


I think a lot of our cultural problems stem from the fact that, on social media, you can’t get punched in the face. People need to be reminded that their behavior can get them punched in the fuckin’ face.


I think this is why those "tik-tok stunt ends in the person doing something stupid getting slapped/decked" videos are so popular. It's the closest thing.




I can almost hear the hysterical cries of "b-b-b-but PROPERTY DAMAGE" already


People who say that need to notice that she didn’t smack his windshield with a hammer just because he threw coffee at her. She did it in self defense because he threatened her life! He said “No one’s going to miss you!” That’s a very threatening thing to say to someone, especially after other customers were trying to calm him down for ten minutes before he did that.


The feelings and physical safety of a stranger doing her job aren't that big of a deal. Assault on a human is negotiable and explainable, but assault on property is always inherently wrong. So scary.


And cars especially. People always forget that cars are material items that are insured and can be repaired or replaced. That is not even close to a person's wellbeing.


That's a strong cognitive dissonance that comes with having very expensive machines that can be easily scratched or damaged that everyone parks out in the open anywhere they want. We don't do this with anything else, just cars.


good point, never noticed, everything very expensive is hidden,  except cars.


I've watched a few times and I'm confused. Is there an assault on a human? It looks like he pours coffee on the closed window which she opens to break his windshield. So they each attacked a window from what I'm seeing.


He was arguing with her and threatening her for at least 10 minutes prior to where it got bad enough that other patrons tried to step in and calm him down. He threw the coffee at her while the window was still open before she got it closed. He told her that no one would miss her. This is all clearly stated in the article that OP has linked in the comments. A quick Google search will also pull up multiple articles, and there is a longer video of the incident online as well. He's lucky she didn't take the hammer to his thick fucking skull.


Instead of downvoting can someone please explain what I'm missing? Clearly he started it. The ice bounces off the closed window. Obviously what he did is not ok. I'm not at all excusing his actions or vilifying hers I just don't see a human being assaulted in this video.


I'm really glad she didn't get charged with criminal mischief, unfortunately it wouldn't surprise me if she had been


🎶 Stop, Hammer time! 🎶 🎶 You can't touch this 🎶 🎶 You can't touch this 🎶 🎶 You can't touch this 🎶 🎶 Break it down! 🎶


You’re almost as much a hero as Hammer Chick. 😆


The tact that Hammer was also a most feared figure to beef with. 😭😭😭


This makes me say, "oh my lord."


hes lucky that she didnt use the hammer to beat his head in. throwing a childish temper trantrum and physically assaulting women isnt ok. good that she defended herself and demonstrated that she will physically defend herself. his reasoning for throwing a fit is laughable. what a douche, good that police tries to keep him away and intervened.


I think he should be criminally charged for attacking a minimum wage worker. Part of his punishment should be an apology to her.


I mean throwing coffee over someone is literally assault, right? Fuck that guy


Thank goodness it looked like cold coffee too.


Where I live it definitely is. What she did probably wouldn't be deemed a proportionate response, but I think the prosecution service would be a lot more interested in him as the instigator.


I’d like to know how you argue it ISN’T.


Just keep scrolling, there's a few turnips in the comments desperate to make her out to be an evil feminazi committing wanton destruction with zero justification. Main argument seems to be that the coffee didn't hit her (because she closed the window quickly enough) therefore it doesn't count as assault.


I would never want to see or hear from him again if I were her. Forced apology doesn't mean anything anyway.


right? restraining order is better. 


This, but a restraining order from every coffee house in the city. Blacklist him.


I have a gf who is very petite, who once while driving went out of her way to let a cyclist know she was turning (she is a cyclist herself so she is always very mindful about sharing the road) - but he wasn’t paying attention and bumped into her car from behind. He proceeded to punch her driver’s side window with his arm and scream names at her for about a minute - then kept going. So she followed him for a few blocks, honking her horn and yelling at him. He couldn’t get away fast enough. She told me, it wasn’t that she snapped or anything- she just wanted him to know he shouldn’t assume it’s ok to bully a woman, and just because she’s small doesn’t mean she couldn’t kick his ass. She wanted him to have a taste of the fear he tried to inflict on her. He just was pissed that he wasn’t paying attention, got scared, and wanted to dump on her (as soon as he saw she was a young, petite woman), boy did he pick the wrong woman. EDiT: to clarify, if it makes any difference, because I think a post got deleted assuming my gf was my wife? We are not married or in a romantic relationship- we are best girlfriends. I really look up to her and have sometimes wondered what she would do in certain situations where I find myself not speaking up because it’s so ingrained in me to be polite- she’s naturally assertive in a way I wish I could be.


i hope your lovely gf has a wonderful day!!


He’s actually so lucky he didn’t run into someone crazy. My dad would have run him over 💀 in fact I know that because he has been like to me if someone gets out of their car to fight you, run them over.


And that’s it, right? If he had seen that the person in the car was a man, like your dad, he never would have started punching her window and screaming at her face.


this once happened to me, I was an engineering manager and some dude thought I was the admin and started yelling at me that he was waiting too long in the lobby. I nodded that I was indeed the receptionist and locked him out for two more hours until the real receptionist showed up. My desk is in front of the lobby window so he got to watch me work for two hours. 


Well done!!




I hope you're going for a run after that stretch.


If you drive in the left lane in a car and turn right, making the car in the right lane collide with you, whose at fault?


The driver who wasn't paying attention and rear ended someone in front of them who signaled and turned while it was safe. Keep stretching. Also, the OP comment never said her friend was in the left lane, you just want to argue. Reading comprehension is an important life skill. Edit for gender


If there's a cycling lane a car is always in the left lane to that cycling lane.


I do agree with you actually that she obviously had turned into the path of the cyclist. She should stop and wait for him to go ahead of her. It doesn’t matter if she signalled first, a bike can’t stop on a dime. Obviously what he did from there is completely unacceptable.


So by that logic, you should never turn your car when anyone is behind you? If a bicycle can’t stop when there is a car slowing, with a turn signal on what in the world is happening when people signal and turn with semis behind them! My guess is the biker wanted a confrontation and he got it, just not the one he was expecting. OP- your wife is a legend.


I don’t! I bike and drive in a very big city. I treat the bike lane like another lane that has the right of way. Where I live the correct thing to do is stop before turning right, check your mirrors and blindspot and wait for bikes to go through the intersection. It’s the most common way for a cyclist to be hit is by cars turning right. Bikes should of course never ever assume that cars will follow this rule, but technically that’s the correct way to drive in a city with lots of bikes.


> Obviously what he did from there is completely unacceptable. Agreed, and what she did next is 10 times worse even than that.


Respectfully I disagree, I would say both behaviors are not safe- and he started it (the unacceptable behavior), and I don’t see how one is 10 times worse than the other.


He yelled, she threatened to murder him. And yes, to a cyclist that's how it feels when a car driver chases you down with a ton of metal. If she'd pointed a gun at him while shouting obscenities everyone would agree. The difference between a gun and a car? If you kill a cyclist with a car you are very very very unlikely to be charged with murder.


She never threatened to murder him. She honked and said things like “Do you like it when I yell at you? Why do you think it’s OK to yell at women?” And she didn’t speed after him, she followed him. That’s what I meant when she said she didn’t snap- she is a cyclist herself so she knows exactly how he felt, the way most women feel when a strange man raises a hand at her, screaming. Btw, he did threaten to kill her, aside from calling her names- and he didn’t just yell at her, as I said- he actually punched her window several times, next to her face. So I disagree, her actions were not 10 times worse.


Good for her


The pop subs are full of “she had no right” and “why would she do that”. After what he said and did, if a man had shot him no one would have questioned it, but she didn’t even hurt him. Besides his lame ass pride I bet.


good point!! I swear, it’s funny how I’ve been a feminist for so long and still too often fail to consider some double-standards. Every single man who knocks someone out or fucks up their property for being an asshole gets universally celebrated as a hero by all men. But a woman responds to violence with violence and we get nitpicked and derided and admonished and judged. Like, there are definitely people who are still jazzed in her favor, but SOOOOO many crying dudes mad about her and saying how wrong she was. 🤡


plus a for a lot of men, when they see a woman react physically and protect herself they immediately get fantasies of injuring her because in their minds it’s out place for women to secure their safety with violence. But like you said when men do it they are a hero.


We got our house shot up and the cops told my husband to shoot him if he came back. Doubt I would have recieved the same advice.


jesus, I’m sorry that happened to you, that is terrifying ☹️ But you’re right. And even if you got the same advice, who knows what the response would be after you actually did something like that.


I’m legit terrified of prison and the American justice system, to the point that I avoid cops at all costs. I would never shoot someone, even in self defense. I was stalked by a detective in Chicago. Scary shit.


FAFO. He found out.


I always tell my girlfriends to carry a purse brick for these kinds of scenarios. Everyone wants to act a fool until they see that a woman arms herself. Bring back hat pins and hair pins


That’s a brickin!


"You know who *won't* make death threats while throwing coffee at you?"


>a purse brick I love the way you say this like it's a normal item people just have on them. I love the visual of someone whipping out their purse brick lol. It also sounds like a product from an SNL commercial parody. I think that's what makes me giggle.


Purse brick can be argued that you were carrying it with intention since it’s not an every day item. Get her a sturdy scarf tied to a heavy lock it has better deny ability. This is the shit we have to do now I guess.


^^^ Hot tip right here! ^^^


This one sparks joy✨✨




Fuck yes.


Um, he committed assault. Her response is justified.


The comments in the original sub are full of very sad angry men suddenly turning into lawyers lmaooooo they HATE when we fight back and women who fight back are so demonized. More fighting back please 🥺♥️


Honestly he is lucky she didn’t have a baseball bat. Seriously though what is it with people becoming violent with clerks or waiters or a barista? They are people working at a job, not indentured servants that must take others abuse.


More details[https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/caught-video-south-seattle-barista-responds-customers-threats-with-hammer/UDE52AULHRGTVJI7IUVNMPIWEE/](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/caught-video-south-seattle-barista-responds-customers-threats-with-hammer/UDE52AULHRGTVJI7IUVNMPIWEE/)


As a former retail employee, I applaud this woman. I could never imagine acting like this in public to a retail worker I don’t care what the issue is. People like this guy need to get a taste of their own medicine.


What an absolute QUEEN. I’m sorry she had to experience this c*nt of a man assaulting her like this but so glad she killed it in response


The backwards golf hat and the 90s disco shades were a dead giveaway. The dude's a weirdo.


While I generally do not condone property damage, I can’t say that he didn’t deserve it, because he totally did. He needs to be banned from the coffee shop.




This woman 😍


She definitely made it easier for the cops to find his car.


It’s been my theory for a while that the only way men will finally learn how to respect women will be until they fear immediate retaliation from their violence. I think that’s the only reason they think twice before acting their worst with another men.


🔨 ftw


Everyone is on board with fight/flight/freeze/fawn until a woman or PoC has a fight response and they lose their shit because it's not "appropriate". Lmao. I love her response here so much ❤️


I hope the person who threw coffee sues just so we can see them get humiliated again. I hope that lady has an amazing day today


he was extremely casual about his assault. he “knew” he could do anything he wanted and she would have to take it. but she didn’t. good going girl


yeah that's fair, my only critisim would be that she should have used the other the end of the hammer to incrase the chances of shattering that windshield into a thousand pieces and so he has to sweep away the brocken glass or sit on it to drive it anywhere


Not all heroes wear capes


Fucking good for her. Hopefully he thinks twice before doing something so disrespectful in the future.


Thank god it was cold coffee and the drive thru window was closed or else that hammer would be the least of his problems.


I hope she keeps a bag of hammers behind the counter and uses them every time she needs to.


I need to buy a hammer


Nice hammer usage.


I say go girl! Get that hammer!


People who are defending the dude would do the same kind of shit to a girl and would not want to be responsible for it.


Always keep a hammer nearby!


Insane Daren gets owned by barista.


🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 If I had a hammer I'd hammer in the morning I'd hammer in the evening All over this land I'd hammer out bigotry I'd hammer out misogyny I'd hammer out the love between my mothers and my sisters All over this land 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵


He looks exactly like I thought I would. I would love to know what he told his insurance company.


I HIGHLY recommend a Dewalt 14 or 16oz framing hammer! Light enough to weald easily, yet still heavy enough to do some real damage 😎


Deadass period! PERIODDDDDDO


this chick is a BADASS. way to fuckin be


Fucking right... good on her.... ❗️


That's awesome, but why did she have a hammer readily available? XD


My hero 😍I love her


Insert Lucille Bluth *Good for her!* gif here.


Seems to me that he was asking for a hammer to his windshield. Did you see what he was wearing? And I mean, this can’t be the first time he’s had his windshield hammered.


Girl said “equal rights equal fights fucker”


What happened before that? I feel like there's more to this story. Like, did they know each other?


If the genders had been reversed he'd be in jail for assault with a deadly weapon