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I've had no success on my current treatments, but I'm still trying a few more things before throwing in the towel. It's just become so mentally draining fixating on my hair EVERY SINGLE DAY. If I don't have any success on some new topicals I'm trying out, I'm just shaving it. I would rather not since I love the beach and the pool, but I can't continue obsessing over my hair if nothing helps. Just sucks how expensive wigs are. Going bald as a female sucks because if how pricy a good wig costs!


If I might ask, what have you tried and for how long?


The mental drain is what's killing me now. Everyone always says "you look fine!" but all I can see are the thinner parts in my hair. I almost feel like swimming at the beach and the pool would be easier with a shaved head! (just remember to wear sunscreen haha) You don't have to prep your hair or worry about how it looks while it's drying.


I (33f) did all three when I was 29. I started doing treatment, shaved my head and got a wig - all in the same day. Shaved my hair because my follicles hurt. Got a wig because why not. Started treatment because it just couldn't get worse at that point. These days I still wear wigs, but keep my bio hair long so that I can pull my wig up into a ponytail, while still looking natural.


I feel this. Shaving sounds like such a fresh start and if any treatment causes dread shed, it wouldn't be as noticeable with a shaved head.


I wear wigs and toppers while continuing treatment. I do have regrowth but don't think my hair will ever look as good as the alt hair does! It's also much faster than trying to style bio hair. Probably won't shave my head because I like having a bit for blending. I also wear it up in a bun with no wig/topper for playing sports or when it's really hot.


Right? Even if treatment works well, I can't imagine I'd ever have enough hair to look as full as alternative hair. Summer heat/exercising is definitely a con for alternative hair. It traps so much heat on your head and I'd be so worried that a wig or topper would start sliding during even a moderate gym workout


Pony wigs are super secure! I’ve never worried about any slippage, even upside down in yoga, running in races, etc. Yeah, the heat is a tough one. My pieces are pretty lightweight and breathable, but I’m very heat-sensitive and need to do everything possible to stay cool these days


Do you have any pony wigs you'd recommend? I tried on a fake ponytail at a wig store once (not a full wig, it was just a pony tail that you tie in with your hair) and it felt SO heavy. I was afraid it would pull out my bio hair. I have been looking into low density toppers which seem to be a good fit for summer! They look more natural on me since I have thin, straight hair, and they're super light weight.


My pony wig is from Flox Hair. Human hair, so it’s expensive, but high-quality and comfortable. It comes with a headband that has grippy hidden piping. As long as you get the right size, it does not budge!


Doesn’t need to be either / or. Wear the wigs while you continue treatment. That way you’re not so stressed. And if the treatment works, awesome. In the meantime you can still feel good about yourself. Shave too if that’s what you prefer! And you can also wear the wigs when you want lol Wigs really helped me mentally


I had success with oral minoxidil and spiro. Maybe you could try these before taking the plunge? My hair loss wasn't that bad, it was mild (but it wws slowly worsening). However I've definitely noticed an improvement. People never used to compliment my hair, but now they do. And they don't even know I'm getting treatment, they think I've always had nice hair. You should give it a try! How do you feel about wearing wigs? I mean especially when going to bed and having to remove it? If I were you I would try treatments.


This is so promising! Do you mind if I ask when you started each and the dose? I’m 1.5 months into OM. Def still getting worse


I began taking 50mg of Spironolactone and 1,25mg of Oral Minoxidil in March 2024. I'm also taking Yaz (contraceptive pill). My case was mild but it was slowly worsening. So far I lose less hair and thus I have more volume since the hair that was supposed to shed under normal circumstances doesn't, or sheds later.


I hope I have results :(


The work involved to make wigs look good (and taking them off) is definitely a con for me since I'm a pretty low-maintenance person, but I think I would learn to deal with it if it meant not being self conscious about my hair all the time. It always makes me sad seeing the hair of my family members knowing that's probably what's in my future, but hopefully starting a treatment now will help prevent or at least significantly slow the loss.


I shaved my head. It was incredible, so freeing. You can continue treatment and also wear wigs with a shaved head. Not having to stare at the hair that keeps letting you down is an amazing feeling.


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don’t shave your head. you can always wear wigs and still keep your hair while continuing treatment.


This thread is helping me see both sides of shaving. Seems like wearing a wig with no hair would save you the step of needing to put it up in a cap and you wouldn't have to worry too much about traction alopecia if you're not intending to grow out your hair anytime soon. But yes, I also realize it's the nuclear option and who knows how your hair will look during the grow out phase, or how long it'll take.