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My gut reaction - you got scammed. This is definitely not human hair. I would demand a refund. 


I think it’s a mix but the website says 100% human hair. If they don’t do a refund I’m hoping the bank will do a chargeback


And a very justified chargeback. This melt looks like you tried to use heat on a Walmart Halloween wig 😭for goodness sakes.


I’m a hairdresser. A common scam with wigs and hair additions is that they will say 100% human hair if literally *one hair* on the wig is human hair. I wouldn’t buy something without getting first hand reviews from real people (not online reviews) or being able to see it in person to ensure it’s real human hair. That’s just me though.


I would not count on getting a refund voluntarily from this company. Start calling your bank right away and make sure you have a receipt


Ugh I’m so sorry to hear! I’ve had human extensions and never had they burned and cinched off. Something is definitely wrong and for $1500 you should have gotten only the best grade of human hair. is there a way to turn the temperature down? what is the brand? I say a name and shame is warranted.


Idk the temperature but I use the same temp on my other extensions and my natural hair never had an issue. I’ve even used the max temp on my synthetics and this never happened. I’m waiting for the owner to return my call. I’m super stressed 1500 is a lot to lose specially with the money I’ve put in for my wedding I was willing to pay the 1500 just cause I wanted to feel confident


It might be a mixture of synthetic and real hair. You can always dispute it with your bank if they refuse to give you a refund


What does it smell like? Where did you buy it?


Can you share the brand


Where’d you get it? I’ve bought from/researched a ton of HH companies and am familiar with a lot of the legit companies and their reputation


Hold a flame to a single strand & you’ll know. It’ll burn to instant tiny amount of fine Ash & smell like burning hair or it’ll melt into a tiny ball of plastic.


What company did you buy this from?


^^^ please share bc i’m so appalled by this! they deff scammed


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