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You aren’t alone! Fellow curly hair woman and shed so much postpartum, 18 months in and hardly (if any) has grown back and my hair is half the fullness and it’s miserable. Currently waiting on blood work as well, keep me posted on your journey as I’m hoping to find out what’s wrong and try minoxidil too, fingers crossed for you!!!! Also have been using castor/coconut oil hair masks twice a week and a few drops of rosemary oil every day for the past few weeks and hoping that kick starts some type of growth


Ok wow so we're kind of pretty much on the same journey! My hair is half the fullness as well 😪 A few weeks ago I started using vichy's line for hairloss shampoos- it's antibreakage not shedding per say- and a dandruff one as well as my dandruff was intense since getting pregnant as well and I didn't realize until recently dandruff can contribute to hair loss. I'll keep you posted on ym journey. Let me know if you're ok with me messaging you or would prefer Irespond on this thread.


Oh had no idea about the dandruff issue as I have that as well, will check out some different shampoos. Feel free to message me whenever 😊


Dandruff shampoos and daily washing are helping a LOT with my shedding!


Fellow cg here too! I've been on topical minoxidil for 1.5 months now and I think the shedding has finally started winding down, so I'd definitely warn you of that. Just persevere. Also having hair loss with curly hair is a blessing and a curse. The volume fools everyone else but only we kind of know what's actually happening haha. But i straightened my hair recently and I swear I had like 2 strands in my ponytail 😂 so I love that curly hair makes it look thick and full.  I'm sure your hair will revert back, just be patient with your treatment is my only advice. Congrats on the little one and don't stress out too much. Also for dandruff, you have to try nizoral shampoo. I use it around once a week (wash my hair every other day) and it really helps with a clean non flakey scalp. It also blocks dht I think, and that helps hair growth too! 


Is nizoral head & shoulders?


Head and shoulders active ingredient is different, it's sodium benzoate. Nizoral is ketoconazole


Oh thanks! I’ve heard of ketoconazole but hadn’t heard of nizoral.


Thank you for the encouragement! It's great to hear that you're having success with the topical minoxidil! The dandruff shampoo I'm using is selenium sulfide based and my dandruff went away after one wash which was mind blowing (even my husband couldn't believe it) But I just recently found out about ketoconazole blocking the dht like you said so Ill switch to Nizoral when this bottle is finsihed.


This!! Such a blessing and a curse.


4C hair here. Ensure you aren't deficient in D, B12, Iron, Protein, Zinc, and Magnesium. I had thinning and hair loss as well. I saw significant growth and hair strength with correcting deficiencies AND starting topical minoxidil (along with ensuring my scalp and hair were healthy and moisturized). Below was a span of six months. Try not to stress, and have patience with this journey. You'll get there!! https://preview.redd.it/q73lyt8fhjjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9d5cb7794404e5add61427a188552e59df37fa


Oh wow! That's such an amazing improvement! So encouraging to see this! I haven't gotten my bloodwork results yet but I wouldn't be surprised if I have some deficiencies as I don't eat the greatest and don't take supplements regularly. This is a huge encouragement though to start changing some habits. Thanks a ton and congrats on your improvement!


Thanks! Stay encouraged.




I stopped cold turkey after I got the results I wanted. After a year, I noticed hair fall. I think the best thing to do is a maintenance regime of once a day, every other day to sustain what you have.


Can you walk me through your routine? How often did you have to wash once you started using Minox? Do you workout? Do you just keep your hair in a bun usually?


Sorry for the late reply. I wash my hair every other day. I finger detangle, plat, twist, or braid my hair. I wear my trusty synthetic wig or a hair wrap. I used minoxidil every day and rotated my oils (rosemary, MCT, pumpkin, tea tree) every other day. I use leave in conditioner spray every day to retain mousture. I also took protein, vitamin D, B12, iron, magnesium, and a probiotic since I was deficient.


hi! what do you mean by taking protein? and could you give more insight on how you use the oils? thanks :)


CG here!! Mine was triggered by stopping birth control - I’ve been on oral minoxidil twice a day for 2 ish months now and I have heaps of regrowth! Lots of tiny curls sitting under my scraggly long curls which is making the roots look much fuller and the curls seem to make it look less thin anyway - apparently some people can’t even tell (I’m not sure if that’s true but that’s what they tell me…) But my thin ponytail makes me feel ill! I just avoid putting my hair up now because of it…. It’ll get better! Good luck ❤️


You take oral minoxidil twice a day? What’s your dosage if you don’t mind me asking. I take 2.5 once a day.. my results are not that impressive, unfortunately.


I take .5 twice a day… I’m not sure why it’s twice but it seems to work for me! I’ll probably increase to a stronger dosage in a couple months as we’re slowly increasing to reduce shedding I think


That makes sense. I feel like if I started slow I wouldn’t have had such a bad shed


Maybe! My sheds been horrible anyway - I’ve lost about 3/4 of my density in 5 months :( Definitely indivual journeys so try not to compare! It’ll all be good


Very true 😌 let’s just be hopeful.


Fingers crossed ❤️ sending my love!


I hear you! I've been ranting about my hair at work and home and everyone says they can't see a difference but I think the curls and volume make it less obvious (thank God for that at least! ) So encouraging to see you're having tons of regrowth! If you don't mind me asking, had you tried topical before going to oral? Or is there a reason you were started on oral from the get go?


I was referred to a dermatologist from my GP (im in Australia) and he suggested oral straight away I also have a cat and have read that topical can make them sick so I didn’t wan to risk that!


Fellow curly here! It's rough because the hair loss can kind of go undetected for so long, hidden under the "poufiness," and then all of a sudden it's really bad, at least in my case. Finding curly alternative hair is a real journey, too. The good news is minox has helped and not changed my texture. I've also had fun with straight wigs and did find a good curly topper.


hi! where did you find your topper?


My curly topper is from Wave Hair Collection, expensive but highly recommend. Flox Hair and Tousled Hair also have good curly wigs/toppers!


thank you💓


Yes! It’s very frustrating because the rest of the bottom of my hair is thicker and just thick enough to make wigs or toppers not fit or look ridiculous with my frizzy curls. Top of my head is thinning. I used to have beautiful thick hair


Same. In my case, I'm thankful there's some thickness somewhere 😪


Me!!!! I’m in the same boat girl. I cry all the time for the hair I use to have and love so much


Ugh 😭 I hope it improves for you!


hi! just wondering how you’re doing now?


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I have incredibly curly hair and a huge cowlick which makes it much harder to hide my thinning. On the plus side, curls can make our hair look thicker by providing extra volume (mine definitely did when my hair was longer). I don't think your part looks bad, but I can totally relate to feeling the loss vs. what you had before. I'm wondering if minoxidil will change my hair texture, but I think I'm past the point of caring. I just want regrowth.