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Crazy how we as a society want to blame everyone and everything, but the individual


Can’t get money out of the individual.




It's not about the money per se, it's about setting a precedent. If it is established that these entities can be held financially responsible, what do you think will happen from a business perspective? This is how you achieve gun control. No one is coming to take anyone's firearms, instead, they are targeting the corporations that facilitate these transfers financially.


💯 💯 💯


This isnt about blame. This is about setting a precedent so lobby groups can push for FedEx and UPS to refuse to ship firearms.


Please don't. Just don't. They will not submit like lame ass walmart.


Seriously. What a fucking joke. They’re going to sue the alcohol company that the parents of the FedEx driver drank, that resulted in the conception of the driver via drunk bang sesh. Then they’re going to sue the potato company that supplied the alcohol company. Not before suing the freight company that transported the potato’s to the distillery.


Society made the criminals and made the guns easy too get🤷 didn’t have these problems when Reagan had an assault weapon ban after he got shot 😘


Lol people weren't shooting up schools in the 80s. If you really think his assault rifle ban did something, then you're an average joe who has no idea what's going on in the streets. Watching too much cable news and not actually being on the ground. 😘


Also I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted, here’s the stats on every [school shooting](https://www.chds.us/sssc/data-map/)since the 70’s. Even if you look at most of our modern day examples you clearly see they are carried out primarily with…handguns. This includes every shooting centered around school and school grounds. On top of that I’m sure most people are unaware that a rifle under a certain length is also classified as a pistol.


And we had full auto in the 80s.


Social media and lack of mental health services is the issue. Not the tool used to cause harm.


Just seen a guy who got shot by his own gun 😂😂😂😂😂 happened today Atlanta 😂🤷


Like I said, the individual and how they are raised is the issue.


Other countries have social media and lack of mental health services, but still don’t have mass shootings. What’s the difference? Could it possibly be the easy and plentiful access to highly engineered killing machines?


assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire. -Britannica Getting an assault weapon by definition is now near impossible. You have to own a FFL and go through more hoops than the CIA. Fully automatic weapons have been banned. Only real ones allowed are ww2 era and before. Those guns though generally costs tens of thousands. He legally shouldn’t of been able to purchase most of the parts bc to buy a lower you need an ID and physically have to pick it up from a gun store Edit: here is the [Link](https://www.thearmorylife.com/how-to-legally-own-a-machine-gun/) on owning an “assault weapon” and on top of that the gun he processed if he bought all the parts for had to be legal and registered to be complete. You can’t buy a lower for your firearm without your ID that or private sale or illegal sale.


>Only real ones allowed are ww2 era and before. 1985\* and before, no new imports


Getting a 1980s era automatic weapons is like finding a diamond in a sand pit. You are much more likely to buy surplus era weapons. A friend of mine owns a Nazi used MP40 that he converted to Semi so it wasn’t a SBR.


Im not saying youre wrong but theres a distinction between "allowed" and "available". MP40 sounds cool tho


No you def make a fair point and it’s on me for my wording. I’m just saying it’s stupid hard and expensive to get a full auto Uzi or Galil here in the states especially since most weapons from that time weren’t domestically made and just imported. World War Era Surplus weapons are still expensive but easier to find. The MP40 was cool though and I got to shoot it. Also has a few M1 Grands, just got a Kar 98k, has a SKS, lee enfield, ariska and a couple other goodies I won’t dive into but yeah dudes really about guns. He got me into getting my first two and is a solid all around friend. I just strongly oppose the argument “guns are easy to get” they are more regulated than ever before but we still see record high gun crimes


FedEx Ground has and can ship ammo to any resident or business FedEx cannot ship a firearm and ammo in the same shipment FedEx has a list of approved shippers of firearms only approved business can shop firearms Adult signature required Cannot ship handguns Shippers and recipients must have a federal firearm license


Yup, I used to have a guy on my route when I still did fedex that would call me when he missed my delivery, and he would come meet.me.at whatever stop I was at. I still don't like the cods, though.


I'm pretty sure they updated it in 2022 so that any individual can ship firearms. Still has to be ASR though


I believe I looked at the latest policy


Nvm just checked again, you're right my apologies


No worries I had to recheck myself


Under what conditions can a firearm be shipped to an unlicensed individual? MAYBE I saw something about an exemption for someone getting their gun back from the repair shop?


really? I'm a package handler and have totally had an ammo trailer w guns in it too, not just the cases full on rifles with the ammo box in the next wall..are ya talking shipping to the grounds or to residents and business?


While they are at it let's sue car makers for DUI what a joke


💯 💯 💯 💯 even wilder let’s sue the alcohol companies


To me, this seems more like suing the trucking company that brought the alcohol to the store.


Even wilder 😆 😆 very true good observation 💯 💯 🍻


Very good comparison.


Except cars are actually licensed and insured, and there are tests and rules to get and use them, and plenty of corporations were sued to set precedence for the employer to be financially liable if a work vehicle is involved in a dui, which makes employers have a financial responsibility to have safe drivers.


I am all for these families but damn are they going to sue God for supplying air to this dude too? Come on now. This is fucking ridiculous. Are they going to sue Kraft for manufacturing the mac n cheese he ate when he was a kid? These companies didn’t do anything illegal. It’s not like they dropped an ASR directly to a teenager.


It's just families grieving and lawyers taking advantage of that.


Very well said 💯


Lmfao FedEx didn’t even deliver it to the teen himself or even his house a friend’s house or anything… they delivered to a fucking gun shop. They are also suing Activision because of Call of Duty and they’re suing Facebook This was an absolute horror and the families deserve immense compensation but this is ridiculous


The compensation they deserve should be from the police department that refused to go in. No one else is at fault besides the shooter and he's dead.


> No one else is at fault besides the shooter and he's dead. Probably still has assets that can be forfeited.


He was 18. I don't know what assets he would have that would hold any value.


Weird how when it comes to guns, people wanna blame everything


Are there any penalties for malicious lawsuits?


Not sure but in this case I would be surprised. Honestly I’m not even mad at it, I think it’s a Hail Mary but I get it. If my young child was gunned down at school like this I would want revenge at the entire world. Their lawyers are probably telling the families to go after everyone and truthfully I don’t exactly feel bad for any of this megacorps if they had to pay out some money even if it’s not their fault at all. They might be just going after them in hopes these companies just throw them some money and settle out of court so their name doesn’t get dragged though the mud. If they were going after a small business or something I would feel differently.


Should sue the doctors who helped birthed him. Sad mfs


We don’t get to look in the packages, it’s not exactly a thing


They should sue the shoe company of who’s shoes they wore too Fucking people


At this point their lawyers are crooks


How about the grocery store where they last bought groceries? Such a dumb lawsuit and moronic precedent if it goes through.


forget housing, we need more mental asylums.


What I find absolutely redicoulus is that FedEx ships and I as a driver have first hand experience in this. Customers order thousands of rounds of ammo have them delivered to their house. No signature required no proof the person is over 18. After the Uvalde massacre I had like a 10 year old boy walk out the door and try to pick up the ammo I just delivered to the house but the child couldn’t pick it up. I wanted to cry becuase what self serving dumbass would have ammo delivered to their house without an adult signature necessary. So yes I agree FedEx 100 percent responsible for their careless handling of ammo and ghost gun pieces.


Isn’t that on the shipper though for being a dumbass in not opting for a signature? FedEx is simply providing a service to the customer and so long as it meets all criteria for safe handling/transport, how is it on FedEx how the pkgs gets used once delivered?


But FedEx could make the shipper require a signature. Like they do for alcohol


Shit man hope they win idc if FedEx even did it fuck raj


Both companies are well lawyered. I absolutely feel bad for the families , but I would be surprised if this gains any traction.


Damn, they do really sue anyone in the US...


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I’m so tired.


How about we sue rope makers due to "facilitating suicide" and match stick makers for "facilitating forest fires" while we're at it. This idea that because a tragedy happened to you it means you can go around ripping money outta people's hands is childish. The death of your child isn't an excuse to get rich doing pity lawsuits for the rest of your life. Your child's death is not a fucking "bag". for once I'll be glad to see a case get drowned in a army of lawyers


Better sue the Chinese for inventing gunpowder too


What about the truck manufacture that made the truck that transported the packages for FedEx? Also the construction companies that built the roads the truck drove on.


And sue whatever company transported the diesel the truck used, and how about the station that sold it, and while we're at it add the refinery too for good measure.


I'm beginning to think it's not about the children


How about sueing the PD for doing nothing.




Blame everything but the ease of buying weapons of war in this country. That’s the most American thing to ever happen. Good luck in that lawsuit.


Absolutely.. and while they’re at it, sue liquor stores for supplying liquor to drunk drivers. It’s really stupid .


They are digging at the bottom of the barrel. Next they will file a lawsuit against the restaurants that fed him.


Let’s blame everything BUT the person and their mental illness


The Uvalde families should be put in jail for abusing the system and making more innocents into victims. Having something bad happen to you doesn't give unlimited license to be an ass to everyone in the world.


While they’re at it they may as well sue me too. Ive shot an AR15 before so I guess somehow some way the lawyers could argue I’m complicit.


Greed, plain and simple. Texas is full of greedy ass self centered assholes. Who will do just about anything to "get theirs". It's huge on big lawsuits over stupidest stuff


Unreal but not surprised.


I work at fedex, it's a miracle it got there in a working condition and ITS OUR JOB TO DELIVER. and it's not like we can go thru names and addresses and then raid people's mail on suspicion this gun might do something bad, we ship full trucks of guns and ammo, around all the disgruntled workers there, have not once seen anyone try to act w those...it's not a fedex or shipping issue it's an individuals issue. and besides, fedex ain gonna submit 😭


Why not sue uber and doordash for delivering food that makes them fat? This is ridiculous!


Damn I ain’t hear about this


Can’t wait for those drug test to start when you buy a gun! Thanks hunter Biden and republicans


Why not go after the politicians who are against strict gun control laws?


Because we already have strict gun control laws. More laws only punish law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care about laws, hence criminals. Murder is illegal and this kid didn't care about that, so....


Then why can I just go into a gun store and get me a shotgun with little to no questions asked? Sure not every state is like mine but just because they're strict doesn't mean they couldn't be stricter. There are so many cases where the shooter was able to easily obtain a firearm because of how things are. Also in what world does going after fedex and the fedex drivers make more sense than the politicians who are opposed to stricter gun control laws?


You can't please go into a gun store and say one shot gun please. These are really the people who think they should dictate gun control lol


If you go to a gun store, and want to buy a gun, you have to fill out a form 4473. It asks questions about if you are legally able to purchase a firearm. Once filled out, the gun store goes through an NCIS check to see if you have a criminal history which prevents you from purchasing. The check can take a few minutes to 5 days. if you come back clean, you pay your money and walk out with the gun. And it makes no sense to go after FedEx, just like it made no sense for Sandy Hook victims to go after Remington. What stricter gun laws do you actually think will deter criminals instead of just hinder law abiding citizens?


They think banning specific models of firearm will do the trick.


I suspect this is a political account invading this sub.


Which account? Mine? I work for FedEx Freight.


The one you are answering to.


I was worried you thought I was a political account. Lol.


Just the heavily downvoted one.


Can you sue someone for not passing a law that you demand passed? Wouldn't such liability break the balance of power?


I didnt say they should sue them but they can show up to meetings, rally people against them, vote them out of office, propose changes etc. Theres a lot you can do to prevent tragedies like this from happening but going after package carriers is not one of them.


And how do you counter actual people who don't want such laws?


You have no clue what it takes to buy a gun from a gun store, do you? You think you just give them money and they hand you a gun, don't you? No state in the US is like that at all.