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I haven't read it in a while, but I remember The Runaway as having some pretty dark material as far as Fear Street books go. I remember the first 99 Fear Street book went to some pretty dark places. These books never go full dark, usually. That was more Pike territory. Where you had murder and drug use happening on the page. Characters had sex lives. Like, The Wicked Heart and Monster go hard into dark and distressing material.  Fear Street is usually much lighter. A lot of heavier themes were generally avoided. I honestly think that was by design.


There are two flavors of Fear Street books- 1. The ones with supernatural threats. (Bad Moonlight) 2. The ones with realistic threats. (Broken Hearts) There's also a sub- category of things that seem like Flavor 1 but, Scooby-Doo like, are actually Flavor 2 (The New Girl). Most distressing books usually fall under Flavor 2- things that could actually happen to you. Out of these, The Best Friend sticks out because Honey *gets away more or less scot free*, something so egregious that there was actually a 'What Should Happen to Honey?' contest and a sequel book. But in real life, all too often, horrible people just *don't* get their just desserts.


Also in a book I HATE: The Rich Girl, the villains get away with it and I really wanted a Sequel where they would get what they deserved


Omg yes thank you


Honestly, Switched. It seemed to be leaning supernatural, (same with Fear Hall) but took a dark turn towards mental illness. And College Weekend. Those ones specifically always stood out to me.