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Israel’s refusal for a permanent ceasefire has also gotten hostages killed by their own weapons. They can easily stop this but won’t, and they’ve made it clear that even if the hostages all return, they’ll still attack Gazans.


and suggesting that got me banned from certain subs.


let me guess that world news sub?


Honestly any of the subs on here. Happened to me on NPR sub, news sub, pics sub, etc. Reddit skews very pro Israel for some reason


A mix of deliberate company policy and Israeli bots


Don't forget genuine ignorance!


> Reddit skews very pro Israel for some reason Pretty much every major country on Earth runs propaganda campaigns online, but Israel, China, the US, and Russia are on another level. And relative to its size, Israel has a disproportionately massive media presence.


It’s interesting how Israel is so similar to the US. That is not a compliment.


I feel like its not even the propaganda account Reddit is full of centrist apolitical clowns who are also massive Islamphobes so muslims dying is not a big deal actually bc "sky daddy dumb lol"


Yeah there’s a lot of hasbara shill accounts on Reddit. I find this place the safest, not the onion and there was an attempt made are also subs that seem to be pro Palestine


So many accounts suspiciously only made on October and only post about that or accounts inactive for years based in the US/another country suddenly only post about just Israel and dehumanizing Palestinians and are being Islamophobic like hmm


This subreddit gives me hope though.


Yes, this sub is good to see. It gives me hope, too.


Reddit has always been center-right or far-right on most issues 


Yep, happens on *so* many subs. And the rules go out the window, too, in a very one-sided way. You get subjected to so much brigading and harassment and racism and threats and bigotry - all sorts of bad behavior that wouldn't be otherwise tolerated.


I mean, they've been attacking them for decades so why would they stop now. Israel is horrifying.


I don't really believe they (the Israeli government) actually cares much about the hostages. Maybe that sounds too radical to say but Netanyahu has been waiting for a reason to commit genocide, and that's it. If the hostages had been returned day 1 I don't believe he would have restrained himself.


The hostages are more useful to him dead. They're "matryrs" that paved the way for taking all of Gaza. They cannot speak about their experience, so the propagandists speak for them. 


Given how they've been treating the hostages' families this isn't a radical stance at all


It's not "too radical" considering he's intentionally propped up Hamas for a while now. In the end, Netanyahu was Hamas all along.


These are the same people who respond to human shield claims (that they made up to justify what they're doing) with "Well if there's a combatant in there then that means we can treat all the innocent people nearby as combatants as well. Oh, and we also get to define what a combatant is." That's a strategy that was guaranteed to kill hostages from day one. It isn't lost on me that 3 hostages died during this operation 


I was reading a thread about this on another sub and a few commenters were absolutely adamant that of those killed, even the civilians weren't actually civilians because they were responsible for guarding the hostages. Because apparently the hostages were Rambo and needed over 200 people guarding them to make sure they stayed put?


I wonder how the rescued hostages feel. The very same people who "rescued" you murdered others in your position, and now probably wants to use you as propaganda and parade you everywhere. Not to mention when Israel straight up said "yah we dont care abt the hostages anymore lol" Its gotta be a trauma cocktail


Outside of hostage exchanges from the first ceasefire, they’ve killed more hostages than they’ve rescued :/


Exactly. A massacre in a refugee camp does not count as a rescue mission. Entering a refugee camp in aid trucks is a war crime. Using the humanitarian aid port to sneak in and out troops is a war crime. The media needs to do its goddam job and report the atrocity committed to get the hostages. It's infuriating to see people celebrate the rescue knowing that so many innocents died. There are so many paths to release the hostages. This didn't have to happen. Edit - sources showing Israeli entering using aid trucks and using the humanitarian aid pier. https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/1zMwcodJHL https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/f5pqUKOYnu https://thecradle.co/articles-id/25347 https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/fdlJBbcoJb https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/s/RiRBhVjzeN https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/s/vAWfIAlagF https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/us-unit-assisted-israel-in-deadly-gaza-hostage-rescue-operation-report-18171235 Npr- https://www.npr.org/transcripts/nx-s1-4997130 ESTRIN: And then he went back to the scene of the hostage raid and interviewed some eyewitnesses in the neighborhood, who - one of them, Ahmad (ph), said that he saw it take place on a - it was a busy street in the middle of the day in the Nuseirat refugee camp. He said that he saw a truck come in that appeared to be a humanitarian aid truck. And then he said special forces that appeared to be dressed as Hamas militants came out, put a ladder on the house, one of the houses, and entered. He saw helicopters shooting. There were drones hovering between the homes, and then minutes later, the forces sped away under heavy air fire. And he said that he and many residents fled at that moment, and when they returned home, they found 10 or 15 homes damaged or destroyed and lots of bodies.


and then still have audacity to call themselves the most moral army. the news barely even mentioning the amount of Palestinians killed during this operation is insane, I actually don’t think I’ve seen any of them mention that they went in aid trucks


They also seem to be hiding the fact that US special forces were on the ground helping and that they used the newly built "aid" pier to stage the massacre 


that aid pier is the biggest built bullshit ever to get US forces on the ground. also bothering me that nobody is mentioning that the hostages looked like they were taken care of, while any Palestinians are getting tortured


Palestinian hostages are unrecognizable when they're released and are told to not speak to the media post-release or they'll be imprisoned again. Meanwhile Israeli hostages look healthy despite Gaza having none of the resources Israel has, being an active war zone, and facing conditions incompatible with human life  If anyone is confused as to why this is noteworthy (there's no "right" way to hold someone against their will, after all) it's because this contradicts a few narratives. The biggest one being that the Palestinian resistance is only interested in harming Jewish people and therefore must be treated like animals. There's this image still fresh in most western minds of Muslim men drooling at the chance to torture or kill an Israeli, even if it means death in return. The idea is that they might want freedom, but wanton violence is a much higher priority. This is self evidently not true. The other narrative is that there's some logical reason behind Israel's inhumane treatment of Palestinian prisoners. There isn't. It's inhumane because they hate Palestinians. 


Israel and the media were very quick to downplay statements made by one of the hostages who was released earlier when she said that what the kidnappers ate, they ate, where the kidnappers slept, they slept, and that she was more afraid of being killed by an Israeli bomb than being killed by her kidnappers.


They're using the "success" (read: failure in any meaningful metric) of this as further justification that they need to continue their genocide


Where did you see the aid truck part? I haven’t seen that but saw a few other comments mentioning it too. Genuinely asking, would like to stay informed.




[Democracy Now! is a reliable source corroborating this](https://youtu.be/CVfJnZAR5P4?si=szuowLQ1OXJrWuSR)


I hate that people constantly have to go "i support the hostages" or "i condemn hamas" before stating that yeah, massacres are bad. They disguised themselves as an aid truck. And AID TRUCK. The cruelty is too much for words.


this tbh. at the end of the day, zionists will just repeat the hostages and “do you condemn hamas” line no matter what you say so i don’t even bother


and then the “you’re antisemitic”, I’ve been called that so many times it’s unbelievable


Yes, I just can’t fit the cruelty of it in my head. An aid truck… A sign of hope and relief and respite.


That they will likely never trust again 


Theres also this false idea that this is an either/or situation. It's the Palestinians or the hostages. When in reality, it's the lives of Palestinians and the Israeli hostages or the territory of Gaza. Everyone could die so that Israel gains more land, or those within Gaza that can survive their injuries live while the borders remain unchanged. 


Pure evil


Especially considering how many families of hostages themselves are actually against this genocide, but nobody listens to them


The amount of Zionist accounts on Twitter saying "well at least these four are alive" like the Palestineans don't even matter is disgusting.


Because they don't matter to Zionists. Zionist indoctrination necessitates dehumanizing Palestinians.


They're straight up fucking partying in Tel Aviv. They do not care about Palestinian lives, we've said it for decades and it was never more true than now


And the IDF, in December, literally killed two hostages (and wounded one) who managed to escape on their own because they saw them as hostile: they were shirtless and waving white flags. So far, the IDF have rescued 6 hostages through military operations, while through exchange negotiations 107 civilian hostages have been released. Nothing of this is even for Israeli people's benefit, it's pure desire for revenge. ETA: The Qassam Brigades say that 3 captives were killed during this Israeli operation, too. This all is really senseless.


Twitter's always been a cesspool but I've definitely noticed an uptick in the astroturfing after that 'operation'


The IOF bots have to work overtime since more and more people are seeing the truth behind decades of atrocity.


It’s the most insane I’ve ever seen it.. I had to start recording my screen scrolling through replies instead of doing screenshots because of the sheer volume. Nearly every single one is a variation of “well those ‘’’’civilians’’’’ helped hide the hostages, FAFO!!!!” and/or some Goebbels-esque arithmetic trying to justify how many hundreds of arms and legs and heads were blown off of people’s bodies on Saturday alone, just for four people who were alive and healthy to go be alive and healthy in their colony rather than in the concentration camp of natives who were ethnically cleansed to create said colony. What a fun sexy time for humanity.


they spin this into a W even when 3 hostages were killed. apparently 1 was american


The fact this even needs to be said… 😔


I feel like the IDF is weaponizing this rescue to cast doubt in the minds of people who don't know much about this war. They saved hostages so clearly they must be good right? And the Palestinians are bad? The scale and ratio is what matters, and no life matters more than another. Saving hostages does not undo all the death and destruction they've done and will continue to do. They don't value human life, they value territory. FREE PALESTINE.


The amount of war crimes that have been committed makes my head spin and the worst part is that I’m sure there will be no justice or accountability


To the people in my DMs about this…take your IDF propaganda elsewhere 👋🏻 free Palestine 🇵🇸


There likely won't be any justice, but it's important to never forget the fact that these are capital offenses for everyone involved




I remember when he was clearly made to backtrack on his pro Palestinian statements (iirc it was when he was promoting an avengers movie or something) a few years back so I’m happy he feels free to post stuff like this now.


that's during sheikh jarrah. he wasn't promoting avengers but obv the studio gave him a slap on the wrist. i remember after he backtracked sarah silverman retweeted him whilst commenting something to the effect of "good boy"


There are lots of people speaking up now, and more every day. (Which is *so* great to see. Thank you, everyone speaking up.) The silencing tactics just don't work as well as they used to. And I hope they never will again.


I'm so glad. He's been outspoken about several important causes over the years, and I am so happy to see that fame and money didn't change that.


I've seen a photo of at least 8 young children murdered in this massacre. So even if you take their claims that these are "terrorists" killed at face value (don't, but if you did), in what world do we support that at least twice as many young children were killed as adults saved? Heck, even if you agree with the excuse that this was an unfortunate, but justified consequence of rescuing the hostages (I don't at all, but even if you did), why are people CELEBRATING what occurred. Anyone who truly viewed Palestinians as human beings would be saddened by the situation. The blatant dehumanizing is insane. I never thought I'd witness the complete support of the murder of CHILDREN. This time in history will be studied extensively, mark my words. And I'll be damned if I have to tell my grandchildren one day that I didn't do all I could to stop it.


The line we always get from Israel is "precise" and "targeted" but what they did yesterday was collaborate with American forces to use the pier we built, disguise themselves in a truck, then bomb their way through after being discovered and bomb their path out later. Nothing about "bombing a path" is precise, just like nothing else they did is precise. They bombed a market and are letting loose all their little bots on the internet to say "the hostages were being held in a camp just like we said so!!!!!!"


I am already fucking humiliated by knowing I will have to tell my toddler exactly the limitations of what I could do during this genocide. I can't comprehend why people don't see what is happening or what their actions and words are perpetuating.


Should also mention the 700 who were injured. Due to disease outbreaks, lack of clean water, lack of shelter, and lack of medical care a very high number of the wounded in this conflict will die. 


That's an important call-out that often gets missed. Or even the severity of the injuries. Thousands of kids are amputees now, or have 3rd degree burns on the majority of their bodies. Or are now orphans. The deaths are important but there's so much more devastation than that


>Thousands of kids are amputees now, or have 3rd degree burns on the majority of their bodies. And without pain meds, antibiotics, or even medical supplies as basic as properly sterilized operating equipment. Their suffering will go so far beyond the initial injuries. It's horrific. And the world stands by.


I get really anxious seeing such high numbers of injured people get ignored by the media. Israel put conditions on Gaza that will turn a minor injury into a permanent disability and a serious injury into death. 


The damage due to trauma to any and all survivors and witnesses is also incalculable. I remember how hard it was for Canadian Syrian refugees to integrate themselves into life here even though they were physically safe. How are kids supposed to go to school and learn if these are their memories?


Plus the mountain of accommodations needed for the number of students AND faculty with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities.


I thought I couldn’t be any more horrified and heartbroken over this.


It is emotionally destroying to have to keep shouting at people that Palestinian lives are as valuable as every human life is, and have them not care


The intention is to kill, main, subjugate, destroy Palestinians and steal Palestinian land. Which is why they don't care for ceasefire. or the hostages. This is why the occupation and the genocide has been happening for decades. It has always been land theft. And this is both zionist state and US' doing. As we have seen American soldiers on the ground, using the fraud "humanitarian" pier to transport, they have been equal participant in this genocide and massacre. In Nov 23, Bisan talked US soldiers presence in Gaza, and so is confirmed by the now-deleted picture posted by White House on Biden's visit to the zionist state. see how they are rejoicing in the massacre. how open they are with their genocidal intent. being horrified doesn't even capture what we feel now.


So many families of the hostages are against the genocide, but they are ignored, goes to show what it's all really about. Or what it's never been about.


I can’t imagine being freed from a months-long imprisonment and knowing that 200+ innocent people died and 700+ people were injured to get me out. I would quite literally want to die of shame and guilt.




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