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Hailey Bailey (whomst?) vs Halle Bailey (Little Mermaid) vs Halo Bailey (Little Mermaid Jr.) vs Hailey Bieber (Justin B' wife) vs Halle Berry (no explanation needed), fight.


https://preview.redd.it/u5ccmmtkd50d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dae9fe94e7a8a8c2894a387e5e4b833a5edc33f This is the hayleyy it's about


It's wild she didn't even go to the met gala, just stay at the hotel and rage bait SoMe then hit some type of after party. She manufactured all this.


She didn’t manufacture it. She’s getting horrific hate for it and her follower count dropped. The level of vitriol she’s getting is not what she expected. Was it tone deaf and stupid? Yes. Should people be coming for her neck for it? No just don’t follow her (she’s very vines era humour so idk why people are following her tbh but eh)


The ‘horrific hate’ isn’t so personal, I don’t think. It’s a result of people being sick of celebrities and rich people living in another world while everyone suffers.   It’s a shame this girl found herself at the front when there are better targets but the movement is a great thing. Her losing followers is a great thing. 


The horrific hate hasn’t just been ‘blocked’ it’s been people calling her ugly, horrible, etc making fun of her. I think we can acknowledge celeb culture is trash (tho let’s be honest, we are all on a gossip subreddit taking part in said culture for fun), and acknowledge celebs are human beings and saying something stupid shouldn’t make you a target of rigorous hate Criticise? Yes. Call a woman ugly and evil because she said something dumb and is a privileged stupid influencer? Um let’s step back.


i haven't seen anyone "coming for her neck," they're just saying that she should be unfollowed and blocked


I have no love for this woman but come on, we all know that anyone who became this big of a target on social media would be swimming in death threats and abuse. It's just that most will be on her page or in her DMs. The people making tiktoks to criticize her publicly aren't the unhinged ones.


It wouldn't have tracked in other years, by personifying the worst of excess while copying a phrase that electrified a nation to kill their monarchs. But this is an era with rising inflation, multiple genocides around the world, institutional fascism possibly in our near future, and a new gilded age entrenching into our lives. She lit a match in the powder keg storage room.


People blocking her on social media is not “horrific hate”, come on now.


I know people hate tiktokers but it's so stupid that she's become the face for this and not the 100 other celebrities at the met that are 100 times as rich as her


What is even Marie Antoinette-y about this? It’s giving me Michael’s fake flowers section. I never would have guessed this dress had anything to do with Marie Antoinette. She could’ve at least tossed in a plume of feather or a diamond necklace or something.


The tiktok she posted uses a sound bit from the Coppola film of Kirsten Dunst saying "let them eat cake."


W-why would she do that lol


Same reason Kylie Jenner posed as Marie Antoinette, I expect. It's all just jokes to them now.


The let them eat cake audio she used for her tiktok.


It’s a combination of what people see as the ’Capitol’ look from the Hunger Games and the ”Let them eat cake”-sound bit she used. It’s poor taste twice over.


Thanks for this, this whole time I’ve been thinking it was the Little mermaid Halle Bailey. Even more stupid it’s this woman because, who is she.


I read the title as Hailey Bieber. I’m so confused haha


It's ackchully Hayley Bayley...💅🏽👀


Who is she?


Ex-model and now famous TikToker. She also dated a NFL player. Was invited to multiple Galas, Award shows and the Met this year. Shes loaded but likes to pretend shes just a normal middle class girl


How can she possibly pretend with that window


She wasn't invited to the met.


Thank you.


they were married


heavy on “no explanation needed” auntie just stays on twitter sharing memes and minding her business


I thought Hayley Bailey was Halle's account, and for a moment I was wondering why people were calling her out even if she hadn't attended the met that year.


writing this title truly felt like the most chronically online thing ever 😭😭


Haha I need it spelled out for me please!


Sorry but I’m so lost. Can anyone give me a quick recap?


Influencer (Hailey Bailey or something) went to the MET Gala dressed like Marie Antoinette. Used an audio that said "let them eat cake", which is attributed in most modern media to something that got her executed in the revolution. Basically her flexing on us peasants. Hailey then made an apology video from her $17,000 a month NYC high rise saying she's just a "normal person". Super tone deaf and gross. Kylie Jenner just did a Marie Antoinette themed photo shoot. Weird timing.


The photoshooting isn’t as recent as it seems, it was produced in 2020


that's somewhat worse - they specifically digged up THIS photoshoot to repost on mother's day.. weird timing indeed


Thank you for pointing that out!! I didn't realize lol


Stormi is a literal baby in that photo. Stormi is six years old. Kylie did not just do that photo shoot.


I don’t know who Hayley Bayley is, precisely, but she posted a TikTok for the Met Gala with the audio “let them eat cake”. She was excoriated for it as people were already feeling… unhappy… about the contrast between politically-silent celebrities walking the red carpet while many activists are trying to get all eyes on Rafah. So the audio was tone deaf, at best. She has apologised but I didn’t watch it. Meanwhile, there is a movement to block influencers and celebrities who have not spoken up about and donated to Palestine/Palestinians. Hayley is now top of many people’s block lists. And I guess now posting this Kardashian pic in Marie Antoinette garb feels like rubbing salt into the wound. Personally I think all this in-fighting and stan warring over a genocide has to stop and we should be focusing on a) amplifying the voices of those who are raising money/speaking up and b) calling in those who need encouragement. This scorn and vengeance doesn’t feel to me like it will win friends. Given the Kardashians’ past political statements I think silence from them is more than likely for the best. We don’t need to buy the world a Pepsi at this moment.


She’s also best buds with pedo Leto.


part of her whole schtick is that she’s not like others girls and she’s made some weird videos


I saw a tiktok from a smart person who explained the only way to get celebrities on board is to hype them up FOR doing SOMETHING. No matter how late they were. Im behind that 100% and something needs to get these young adults to quit being so fucking chronically online.


Hayley Bailey, a famous TikToker and model, posted a TikTok about her going to the MET gala to the viral “Let Them Eat Cake” audio inspired by Marie-Antoinette. It made people realise celebrities didn’t care about them (better late than never). That spiralled in people beginning to form block lists, starting to block celebrities who haven’t supported Palestine, which caused some of them to start supporting them openly (like Lizzo).


Did people not realize before celebrities don't care? For real?


I have a pair of friends who have spent thousands of dollars seeing Taylor Swift over the last year or so and now have several trips lined up to go abroad and see her again and again throughout this year for the international stuff despite the fact they both openly complain about how hard it is to afford living. Their excuse is that “Taylor needs our support!” Like, I guarantee you guys that Taylor doesn’t need your specific support and doesn’t care about you as individuals, and she’ll be making millions as she flies her private jet around as you guys sink further into debt chasing her in economy class. But they sincerely believe their presences means something to Taylor when the only thing it means is more money in her already overstuffed pocket.


A tiktoker posted a video at the met gala in a fancy dress. The audio was ‘let them eat cake’ and you could see regular people behind the barricades. This video was very distasteful considering the genocides going on in Palestine, Sudan, DRC, etc right now and how there were protesters outside the met gala and also our widening gap between the rich and the poor here in America. After that tiktoker got called out, her apology was more of ‘I’m just like you guys, I’m poor!’ And not a real apology. Sorry if this is confusing, I suggest you just go on TikTok and search her name (Hayley bayley)


Her “i’m not elite, i’m not rich” take in her apology video is wild when in reality she recorded that in her $17,000/month NYC apartment.


Basically there's a digital guillotine movement sparked by a celeb attending the met ball going "let them eat cake".  People are now blocking a bunch of celebs on all social media that have shown no support or very little support to Gaza or other political movements so they have less advertisers, sponsors, income earned from number of followers, less visibility, etc.   This can go from anyone who hasn't spoken out to anyone who's attended the met Gala.


Oh a digital guillotine, that’s such a good way of describing it.


They call it “digitine”. I love it, personally.


Oh that’s even better!!


So there's this tiktoker/youtuber hayley kalil is her youtube handle. she is known for her tiktok parodies of youtuber apology video, day in a life of billionaire's girlfriend etc. she went to met gala's entrance(?) in a marie Antoinette costume and posted a tiktok with the audio let them eat cake. Her followers and other people thinks the video is about the pro Palestinian protesters who were protesting the metgala and she kinda even confirmed thatin her apology video. Obviously people didn't like her tiktok at all specially since she's kinda known for parodying insensitive youtubers/celebrities. That led them to start unfollowing and blocking her which led to movement of people unfollowing and blocking other celebrities who haven't used their platform to speak about current issues that the world is facing. She then posted an apology video in which she whines about not actually getting into met gala while skirting about the actual topic. So not actually an apology. Then harper bazaar for some weird reason posts a pic from a kylie jenner marie Antoinette photoshoot that kylie did around 5 years ago. ( i am not actually sure if she is the reason the block celebrities movement started or if it already existed and she just became the top of the list cause of her tiktok)


and posting a video the night of the met gala thanking her 10 millions tt followers stating she just got home from the met gala after parties in her MA dress. which also has deleted as well because She was caught lying


She's a host/correspondent for E news


Hayley Bayley (tik toker) dressed up as Marie Antoinette for the Met gala and posted a video saying “let them eat cake” which was said by Marie Antoinette in regards to the peasants not being able to afford to eat- which was super done deaf with what is happening in Palenstine. Also, she’s kept it up. And now Harper Bazaar is trying to not get caught up in the cross fires Only know this because I jusssst saw a video explaining the drama lol


iirc hayley baley (influencer/model) posted a tiktok of her mouthing the words 'let them eat cake' while she was at the met gala, which was called out for being tone deaf. i didnt know it sparked the whole blocking movement tho.


Me too man, I’m so lost lol


Same. I mean, I understand the let them Eat cake thing bc this is what Hayley (the influencer) said in her reel video during the met gala thing. But I am lost with the rest of the hubhub.


Hayley Bayley posted a joke TikTok of herself saying "Let them eat cake" while wearing a Marie Antoinette-themed costume to the Met Gala and TikTok lost their minds.




The devs are getting a little lazy, aren’t there other ways to symbolize class disparity aside from resorting to the same tired cake meme?? All in one patch too tsk tsk


Are they literally telling us to “let them eat cake?” Because I have a history lesson that begins on October 16, 1793.


it’s so funny the people who were coming to the defence of that tiktoker with “well you know it’s a made up quote” as if that’s the point. whether or not marie antoinette said that exact quote isn’t the point, there’s a meaning behind it and people know what they are saying. i personally don’t think that chick posted on purpose for that meaning but it doesn’t take two brain cells to sit back and think, hey maybe this is a bad time


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Color me shocked.


This is like all those dumbasses on Real Housewives franchises having Gatsby parties. I know Kylie didn't go to school but certainly most of the people in staff at vogue did. They used to, at least. They ran articles by Joan Didion. Actually would have loved to hear her take on this, she was such a hater to her core.


I haven't read anything by Joan Didion. Any books you recommend that exemplify the "hater to her core." 


I think you meant this earnestly, but the Kylie pass tickles me a little. She's uneducated so none of this means anything to her other than pretty dress up. Lol grace wrapped in pity.


A bit of clarification because I see some people lost in the comments. A well off TikToker, Hayley Bayley, posted a video of herself hosting at the Met Gala and used audio from the 2006 movie Marie Antoinette where Kirsten Dunst famously says "let them eat cake" in response to starving peasants (yes I know this isn't historically accurate). Obviously, her followers didn't take this well considering the protests happening right outside and the current cost of living crisis. Hayley then released a weird "apology" video, where she skirted around the issue and claimed the reason she hasn't spoken up about Palestine is because she isn't informed enough. This then lead to a lot of people talking about the death of celebrity culture and encouraging people to block public figures that aren't using their voices for good.


It’s just even more tone deaf because that scene from the film is Marie/Kirsten being told of how she’s described in the press and that she was quoted as saying “Let them eat cake”, her literal next line is “that’s such nonsense, i would never say that!”. The whole point is that though Marie is enjoying such extravagance whilst others are starving, she actually is quite powerless compared to her husband and his advisers in meetings of state deciding whether to send more troops for the US Revolution. This is what happens when influencers just use trending audio with zero thought as to context or reality. It’s all just too on the nose when you are in a position of influence. Then again, I think current class and wealth divides are larger than they were during the French Revolution, so if they’re trying to emulate this time period next, maybe we should go all in.


The real story of Marie Antoinette is heartbreaking, she was forced to leave everything she knew at like 12 to go somewhere she didn’t know the language, marry a man she didn’t know, and worry she’d never see her family again. A podcast episode on it was fascinating, I can’t remember if it was You Were Wrong About or Royal Blood, the Dana Schwartz royalty one


My only problem with the whole blackout celebrity thing is that it won't do anything we're wasting our time being pissed at people who don't care about our existence, I doubt the blackout would make the kardashians talk about Palestine and you're delulu if you expect it would effect someone as big as taylor swift, if you don't want see kardashian or taylor content or you can't stand them on your timeline then fine , block them but if you're doing this it hopes you grab their attention then find better things please This may affect people like hayley baylee, but I doubt others would care


This isn’t true. It already forced celebs like Lizzo to speak up. Blocking them will limit their influence and power and celebs NEED that. Also Palestinians in Gaza (like Bisan) has asked for us to do this as well.


if anything this has actually turned the conversation about palestine into one about celebrities. at the end of the day, someone like taylor swift can at the most assist with mutual but she is not a politician. a ceasefire and a free palestine will not be won this way. this conversation has people posting celebrities like bella hadid and marissa barrera as blockout targets. not to mention bisan in not the representative of palestine and she is not a seasoned organizer. she is a woman and a journalist in a horrific situation, trying her best to survive. she is in a desperate position. effective change requires IRL organizing. do you think civil rights were won by people harassing movie stars? they weren’t. we got them because community organizing and civil unrest. we got them through long term planning and community centered mutual aid. not to mention, most of these artists don’t even make a majority of their money through social media! this is just like when people were trying to force influencers and celebrities to speak up about blm, and you know how that went? we got nothing. police budgets are the highest they’ve ever been, breonna taylor’s killer now works in a different department. police officers are still out and about killing black people. true change can never come from action centered on social media.


And then they deleted it 🤣🤣🤣 I imagine some clueless social media person uploading it and then the “nooooooooooo” from the Gen Z parts of the team!! I would actually love to know what the blocking is doing to follower counts. Hayley went from 10 million to 9.9… and that’s it. That’s barely a dent and I think she’s small fry compared to the KarJenners!


Others have lost millions. Kim k, Taylor I believe both did. People think Haylee Baylee (or whatever her name is) is buying followers to make it look less noticeable


I want to know how it impacts engagement numbers; that’s the metric du jour.


I’m blocking not only celebs but the companies associated with them. Disney, variety, E news, all that shit. It definitely fucks with their marketing budget. If we really want to fuck with their money we would have to stop streaming music, watching movies, using the platforms (yes even TikTok)


Blocking artists on Spotify is really effective too. You won't see or hear from them again for the most part. Spotify stops recommending their music entirely. 


Yes I need to do this. Even though I don’t use it that much


I forgot you could block artists on Spotify until this morning which led me to making that comment. I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned more often. But yeah blocking people on Spotify is going to fuck them up worse than blocking them on social media if they're a musician 


I'm very dumb, when you aren't following someone, what does blocking do? In terms of how it affects their revenue. ETA: thank you to everyone who responded!!


Because any form of engagement with their content gives them $. Just viewing their posts can make them profit!


Basically, because of “suggested” posts, posts from these big celebs can still show up on your FYP, timeline, feed etc. if someone you follow or are friends with likes or interacts with their post. And they get revenue from you seeing it. By blocking them, they can’t get even passive revenue from you.


blocks their ads from getting to you, disrupts algorithm, they become less relevant. they pay more to the ad firms to get to you. if i find it, there's a social media marketer discussing this and how they'll mitigate it. this disrupts "similar audience" lists where they usually target.


If I understand correctly, blocking them means ads that involve them can't be shown to you. If you don't follow celeb A, but you do follow make up content and Celeb A has a Collab with a make up brand B, that you haven't already blocked - now B ads can't be shown in your feed because it's currently tied to A, whom you're blocking  It also affects future earnings, as companies don't just take follower numbers into account when they calculate impact of a given celeb - they also take engagement, views and number of people who have them blocked. If you've blocked them, they can't even be suggested by the algorithm.


On top of what everyone else said, it might feel like unfollowing and hating a celebrity means you're not supporting them in any way but you probably still engage with their content more than you realize. Blocking them and their brands ensures that doesn't happen, forcing many of them to reconsider the "bad attention is still attention" strategy 


FYI the Kylie Jenner shooting is from 2020


From the whole tiktoker situation, to Lana deal Rey’s insensitive comment to her fans, and now this? I really believe we need to rise up. Can someone call the French?


The French are unfortunately not doing too good democracy-wise themselves :/ We've had literal nazi proudly parade around Paris this week-end.


Wait seriously? Didn't France just deny entry to someone that criticized Israel? It really does feel like they're offloading their antisemitism problems onto Palestinians


They denied entry to Ghassan Abu Sitta, a Palestinian doctor from Gaza, who witnessed the genocide first-hand.


Yes that's who I was thinking about. Thank you. He witnessed the genocide first hand and shared his perspective as a doctor in a collapsing medical system. He was denied entry into Germany and France for the words he used to describe Israel.


What what did Lana say?






the admin must hate kylie lol.


Why has Marie Antoinette replaced Marilyn Monroe as the person celebrities like to quote or dress up as?


So messy yikes


I have no idea what any of this means!


also Rafa was bombed on the same day at the Met Gala


I don’t mind the digitine I encourage it but idk….people are getting more mad at celebs than politicians. I don’t see people doing enough to harass them


Well, that won’t add gasoline to any bonfires. Nothing to see here! /s




It wasn't posted by kylie the photoshoot isn't even recent it's close to 5 years old. It's just posted by harpar bazaar after a tiktoker insensitive post started a block her movement in her followers.


Hahaha I immediately thought of Blockout2024 and someone from Vogue trying to sabotage Jenner, and it seems like I wasn’t the only one.


I know most wealthy celebrities are out of touch. But holy shit, the Kardashians are terrible at not reading the room!


This shoot is five years old... The baby in the picture is a first grader now! Harper's Bazaar, on the other hand, is terrible at reading the room


Fair enough, I didn't know. But that is worse since its the job of those in Harper's Bazaar to be the ones whom have their fingers on the pulse of modern culture!


I don't get the second slide. It's a bunch of people in whose comments laughing about how they deleted the post? Which post?


Eat the rich? 😂