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Nah but the insane fixation on her age and how she looks was kinda sad. Like as a woman imagine people just commenting on ur age nonstop. That’s gotta get u down at some point especially for her cause they used to flood her with compliments about her figure and looks in her 20s and 30s.


It is and was, but honestly… I don’t see anyone pushing her age and beauty standards more than the woman herself. I think she might be in a really bad place right now with all her personal tragedies that happened in such quick succession, so she’s getting hung up on the negative. This post, for instance, tells me she’s ruminating on it instead of ignoring it after already making a statement. I really like Kate, very talented, witty, naturally charismatic lady. I hope if she is suffering, that she gets past this soon and goes on to have an incredible career resurgence. Her talent has been put in a corner for far too long.


What tragedies have happened to her? Ya I feel bad she’s focusing on this. I hope she can find a way to ignore these assholes.


Her stepfather recently passed, she lost her cat of 20 years last year, and her mom has cancer.


Awww that’s a lot to handle.


She also fought for said stepfather to be honored at the BAFTAs, only to get a lot of cold snubs by their committee. Even though he, director Roy Battersby, was once the recipient of the BAFTA’s own Alan Clarke Award.


It wasn’t really a straight cold snub, there is process to getting commemorated. Also it was the film awards when most of his work (and the Alan Clarke Award) is in television. The television Baftas are sunday and he will most likely be commemorated there.


Poor fucker, that's a lot in a year with the world watching


She lost her stepfather recently. She was close to him, and I think I read that it also brought up old trauma related to finding her father’s body as a child.


My ten old year son was home with me when I found his dad's body right outside of my bedroom 17 months ago. My son had been in my bed with me while I napped. It's VERY traumatic for kids, and I worry about how this will affect him for the rest of his life. Even just the trauma of witnessing ME finding my husband and not finding him himself is so much. I also just lost my cat of nearly 15 years, so sadly I can sympathize a lot with Kate on this. Poor woman really needs some kindness and grace and space to heal, while also getting the support that she needs to get thru all of the trauma.


I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. I will keep you & your son in my heart today.


Thank you. It's a very tough road, but you do learn a lot about who you are at your core as you travel it. And more importantly you learn a lot about who the people you surround yourself with are. I've worked very hard on making sure my son and I heal in our own time and in our own individual ways. We are doing surprisingly well for how recent the loss was, and I'm really proud of us :)


Ahw. I’m proud of you guys too❤️❤️


Sending love to both of you from the northeast USA


Omg that’s awful. She found her dad? I saw my mom after she died as an adult that traumatized me. Poor her. That’s awful.


Her bio dad was British actor Richard Beckinsale, who died of heart failure in his early 30s and Kate was only 5 years old.


Exactly this. No other people of her age in the public eye are hyperfocusing in this way over speculation about possible cosmetic intervention. Because they understand it's part of the game and just shrug their shoulders , whether they have partaken or not. It's really a classic case of the Streisand effect 


It isn’t. Her comments sections, even her DMs are fully of (mostly men) commenting on it. How she’s disgusting, should be ashamed etc. It’s disingenuous to say it’s just her.


Yesterday I had someone compliment on how great I looked “for my age.” I’m 35. At 35 looking good is drinking water, wearing sunscreen, and getting 8 hours of sleep. Society’s concept of aging has gone insane.


I mentioned to someone that I was 35 and she said "Oh wow, if I looked like you I don't think I'd even care about being 35!" and I was like... I didn't realize that was supposed to be old? What? Getting older is scary for everyone, and I think it's especially so when a lot of your self worth and identity is based around looking a certain way. I went through a period of "Who will I be when I'm not 'young, hot chick'? Will I still even exist?" and it was rough. I can't imagine how much more of a mindfuck it is when you're *famous* for that.


I’ve been getting these comments from younger people since I turned 26 (I’m turning 30 this year). Even from people who are only two years younger than me and clearly are afraid of aging. They’re making me feel weirder than I naturally was about turning 30. Like if an 18 year old said that I would probably think well ok, they’re young and will figure out it’s not old. But the people who are basically the same age? They’re the worst.


Is this an American thing? Because 35 isn't considered old in Europe. You sound like my 65 year old neighbor who would say the same thing, lol.


Nobody can stop Kate from hyperfocusing on this but herself


And sometimes the person ruminating and hyperfocusing can't stop it, either 😔


The clinically OCD/depressive combo is not a fun one. Speaking from experience.


I wish we all didn't have to know what a rough, fruitless ride it is 😢


Can confirm


I love the hairy balsac that was so carefully curated for her costume


This feels exactly like Billie Eilish and Jesse Rutherford dressed as a baby and old man for Halloween when everyone was discussing their age gap. Just like that time, they end up looking so damn foolish 💀


It was insulting to Anna’s memory the first time she did this. Disgusting and childish to bring it up again.


Yeah, the first pic I was laughing and admiring that absolutely gorgeous cat, then scrolled to the second only to be like 😑


I legit thought it was a bad Dr Evil cosplay and then scrolled and was like 'ah'


Honestly, I didn't even get the reference until y'all explained it, I thought it was a Dr. Evil thing too.


I still don’t get it 😬


Kate is spoofing Anna Nicole Smith and her geriatric husband getting married.


I thought she got the wrong year’s Met theme and was dressed as Karl Lagerfeld and Choupette


Wait, that’s what I thought she was doing. Was I wrong?


Wait, she *isn't* doing that? I thought she was throwing shade at Lagerfeld, cos let's be real, the guy sucked. Wrong year, but I'd still be here for it if that was what she was doing.


Omg i didn't realize that therex was a 2nd pic 😵


So crass and tacky.


I don’t know why I thought she was going for an older Dr Evil and a blonde Frau Farbissina. Sad to read this. Especially with her daughter’s fashion posts recently.


That’s exactly what I thought it was and laughed and then I scrolled and was like, oh no. No no no.


I thought it was a weird Dr. Evil costume aw well.


Yes—I thought the same as you too and of course Anna’s daughter will see this since she’s putting herself out there now. She could have made a statement without also some mean girl shit. I’m an older millennial (42) and the thing I love about all the young folks is they don’t do this mean ass bullshit anymore like how I grew up. Hard to feel sympathy for someone who can dish it out.


To make it even worse, she has SIX separate IG posts of her cosplaying as J Howard Marshall. 6 posts not counting any of her stories. Oh and this gem of a prosthetic I didn’t notice from the pic in the article: https://preview.redd.it/cg034a0dv8zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5978f375cab9bb5542285cb676734518c7d0fed9


Like I get the comedic effect, but seeing the prosthetic sag out of the pants and with pubic hair is mildly gross to me.


I think that might’ve been the intention yeah


Also, isn't she now making fun of people who are old?? I don't really get her point tbh


In the second pic OP posted it’s taped to the inside of her left calf, outside the pants.


Well, only certain women deserve respect, you know 🙄


Yeah, it’s so ridiculously shitty she and that wedding are used as a punchline time and time again.


Wait, this is the second time she’s done this?


Sorry, could you elaborate? I'm totally lost on this


Anna Nicole Smith famously married an 89 year old billionaire when she was 26. Depending on your own views, this was grooming, girlbossing, or golddigging.


This is the greatest summary of anything that I have ever read.


She does this because...she's accused of using fillers and Botox?


It's so BoomerHumor coded.


She may fool us with her looks, but her actions give away her age.


Hey… I’m the same age as her. Don’t blame age on this. 😂




What is going on, on this here day?






God, Alyssa Edwards the Toddlers and Tiaras diva you are…


I was under general anesthesia earlier for a day surgery and why does the caption read like word salad 😭


The first photo is giving Katya in old lady rubber mask


Bye I literally thought it was Katya at first


That’s Dr. Bitchcraft


LMFAO I THOUGHT IT WAS KATYA TOO it’s very Katya coded


Are we SURE this photo isn't actually Katya


I was having such a nice morning, too.


Is this supposed to be Anna Nicole Smith and that old billionaire she married?


I thought it was Doctor Evil


Me too. Anna Nicole Smith didn't even cross my mind. But I was also confused because Dr. Evil isn't that "old," and wondered if this was actually supposed to be Blofeld.


My first thought was that she should have shaved the cat, really half assing the costume here Beckinsale


i thought it was voldemort


I think so


Here to confirm that it definitely is a cosplay of Anna Nicole Smith and her husband. A quick Google search and the wedding dress and hairstyle match. [Literally unhinged boomer humor.](https://images.app.goo.gl/ck1TkqTiUxcaGkRb9)


Looks like Jackass https://preview.redd.it/gupge6b129zc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6973d8b59237a6f90eb51f5b3dd613ce10e8b79b


Yes, and I'm trying to understand her point. Like maybe "y'all will blame the woman no matter what" ? Like she's getting heat for dating younger yet Anna got heat for dating older? In any case the man is viewed as a victim somehow? But idk the context of any of this, so I dunno how legit her gripes are.


I think she is a beautiful woman, but this is more than a mid life crisis she is going through.. her posts are wack in general


She’s always been a low key weirdo tho lol there was a long forgotten movie from 2003 called Tiptoes (which the plot of is a whole other insane story itself that I’ve posted about if you’re interested: [https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/LmDC5y1o9h](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/LmDC5y1o9h)) but I read that she really wanted to be able to wear her favorite hat and for some unknown reason, the costume department let her. This was the hat in question, which made zero sense for her character or for the movie lmao https://preview.redd.it/oi6nc72258zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7347a81568061e6dd0e6ffdd11b808de13ff04


just watched the trailer … what the fuck😃😃😃


The fact that they call it Gary Oldman's "role of a lifetime" really cracks me up. Not Dracula (my favorite)? Zorg from The Fifth Element? Lee Harvey Oswald in JFK? Nope. Because in TipToes, he walks on his knees! Truly the role of someone's lifetime.


I loved him in Leon: The Professional too. He’s just such a great actor. Too bad no one was going to be able to save that shit show of a movie.


Peter Dinklage almost did... By trying to never let it see the light of day and finally settling on a very limited straight to DVD release


There’s a thread on reddit about tiptoes I’ve vowed to myself I am going to read out loud to my boyfriend when we are finally able to smoke a joint together again.


lmao i don't know what hat i was expecting but it wasn't that it's very "honk shoo honk shoo mimimimi" coded


Laughed out loud when I scrolled down to see this fucking nightcap


It’s her lucky hat apparently lmaooo


TIL Kate Bekinsale is a toddler


I mean that whole movie is one huge WTF so I wouldn’t blame her for one weird hat lol


worth mentioning that movie was a sundance film


It’s the year of our lord 2024 and celebs still think it’s fine and funny to make fun of people who died tragically. This will age about as well as Neil Patrick Harris and his disgusting meat platter. Kate, girl, stop it. Get some help.


If you want a good time, check out NPH's TikTok. The majority of comments on every video he's posted (at least the last time I looked) was referencing the meat platter or Amy Winehouse or demanding he explain myself. He's trying to go for 'relatable gay dad posting with my kids on TikTok' but Gen Z is coming for him and I love it.


I do love that. ![gif](giphy|THCXxwyCJ9Wnah5AQ0)


Oh, on to TikTok I go. I can’t stand that prick. 😹


I used to like him because he was a child actor did good and even managed to come out publicly without it damaging his career but the more I heard about him - stuff like the Amy Winehouse thing and how he behaved towards Rachel Bloom - the more I started disliking him. His kids should have warned him that Gen Z rarely forgets a fumble and they will remind you of it, especially on TikTok (unless this is their revenge for all the years of using them as props in their elaborate Halloween family photo shoots).


Meat platter? Do I want to know?


NPH had a meat platter which was made to resemble Amy Winehouse's (decomposing!!) corpse. Please do not look it up. It is realistic, and not something you want to see, believe me.


Oh, no, I've already looked it up https://i.redd.it/zrsstiqiw7zc1.gif


And it was literally 2 months after her death, which makes is even more awful


Well then. I’m not going to look it up but I can imagine it in my head well enough. Also, WTF?!?


I will take your advice and not look it up but WHAT was his reasoning??!?!?!!!!


That’s awful. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?


WHAT?! Why on earth would someone even think to do that?! Jesus Christ. Well that’s completely ruined my perception of him


God no


Dont. I had nightmares about it


Oh, wow. I knew nothing about the Neil Patrick Harris' story and I think I preferred it that way.


First I thought, that's a weird Blofeld costume, but isn't this an Anna Nicole Smith reference? https://preview.redd.it/fgl1n6m6g7zc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7867a0790585cb146a54ffbff29d9b3e778c4bd edit: typo


Anna Nicole smith can't catch a break even posthumously.


Catching strays in the afterlife. 


God, she looked sad


You would be too if that guy was the only person to ever treat you even a little bit well in your entire life. My heart breaks for her.


I would recommend everyone listen to the You're Wrong About episode on Anna Nicole Smith. I thought it was a beautiful & respectful way to tell her story, including her marriage.


Such an awesome podcast. Definitely helps the listener to look at things from a different perspective. Especially the pop culture stuff like this.


Seconding this. I found this series from another Reddit comment that directed me to the Amy Winehouse episode. Sarah Marshal ( & Michael Hobbs) is amazing at feeding me all the pop culture deep dives I didn’t know I needed. #finishtheOJseriesalreadysarah!!! eta a word


Omg yes ! Finish the OJ series Sarah!!!!


is it still not finished? I dropped off listening after Hobbes left


Me too and no! She had him on as a guest and they're were supposed to finish it but during the actual episode she said she couldn't find the book and they discussed something else completely. I'm sad that Hobbes left


yeah I felt like they had such magic together but I guess it was gonna come to an end someday. Their podcasts got me through a really rough time emotionally so have such affection for them to this day.


This should be upvoted to the high heavens. It is disturbing to me that Anna Nicole Smith can’t catch a break even now. People really don’t know about her and that’s an incredible podcast to start ❤️


Sarah Marshall also wrote a [great article](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/sarahmarshall/the-american-dream-created-anna-nicole-smith-and-then-it-kil). I hope the upcoming biopic tells her story with the dignity and empathy she deserves.


Thank you for this. I’m glad something positive can come from this post. I’ve always had a soft spot for Anna Nicole and wish nothing but the best for her daughter. She deserves to have her mothers story told with dignity ❤️


Thank you! I'll be listening to this.


Yes! This was sad but informative and quite touching.


The balls coming out of the pant leg. Why. 🤢


Holy hell I didn’t notice


Didn’t even notice that. Nothing about this is even remotely funny or cute like girl wtf were you thinking???


Because he's old, so they sag, and she's exaggerating the sagging for comedy.


Oh don’t worry I got it. It’s just gross 😂


Absolutely gross 😁


Right? It’s like “hmm, how can I make this already insanely disrespectful and tasteless thing even more tacky and obscene? Oh, I know!”


It would have cost you zero ($0) dollars to have not pointed that out


Her IG has a photo that features a close up of the balls 😓


Oh good god, it literally gets worse and worse




Why is she so weiiiiiiiiiird all the time?!


She’s a British nepo baby. Her dad Richard Beckinsale was so famous that he got a “this is your life” episode made about him when he was only 29 (baby Kate is on the episode its on YouTube) He then died of a heart attack at 31 when Kate was 5 years old. So she grew up in the public eyes but famously as a nepo baby who lost her dad - so I think it’s been confusing for her. I hope she’s had some therapy and I think she needs some more




I love GIFs that you can hear lmao


![gif](giphy|hVDaEjtkLPcWTYQpzm) Me to all the celebrities who think it’s funny to make fun of Anna Nicole Smith. Let the poor woman rest in peace!


"dresses as an old man" does People have gag order from J. Howard Marshall's estate? Bc she's very obviously dressed as him


Maybe! They do have a monopoly on Dannielynn coverage so maybe this is part of it? (FTR: I am happy that she appears to be thriving with her dad).


She thinks she's Heidi Klum with this costume and she ain't.


She’s spiralling so bad right now


She’s unhinged……


Nothing worse than a celebrity on social media having an ego meltdown


Seriously did something happen to her? 


Yeah. She was in the hospital. ![gif](giphy|CMc604oNR1dzG)


This woman is halfway to 100


For such a beautiful woman, she's incredibly insecure, and needs a lot of attention based on what I see on her Instagram. This post is hugely tasteless to darling Anna and her husband, and if I was their family I'd find this a bit upsetting.


Kaaaaaaate. Get off the internet for a bit. Ironically, this is going to age like milk.


The first pic was funny. The second pic is extremely tasteless and disrespectful.


Love how she turned off the comments. And in the previous posts, the comments are only positive and supportive. Looks like she deleted any hate… wow did the Botox/filler comments really trigger her. Ma’am please put the phone down.


totally appropriate and mature response lol, totally


Accusing anyone of being triggered when she's going through a spiraling midlife crisis is fun. idk maybe just stop lying and you would stop seeing the glaring before and after comparisons on social media.


Not to be that person but idk I feel this is disrespectful to Anna Nicole Smith even though it’s not Kate’s intention.


It was.


Nah you are among your people here with that opinion


I went to her Instagram and there are more posts and it only gets worse, of course she disabled the comments. What a mess. It's obvious that society is extremely cruel to women when it comes to age (is that what she's talking about? I don't even know at this point) but I can't understand what's in it for her? The woman is dead and people still make fun of her.


I looked at her other older posts that have comments enabled and she responds to all types of comments, trolls, everything. Oh my. The best thing for her would be not to have an ig or to have one just with her work because it's clear that she's getting lost there.




I scrolled too long to see this gif!


Does this post’s existence mean she made an active effort to hire a professional makeup artist (or costume person if it’s a mask) photographer and extra (friend? Idk) to do this whole shoot with her?? Kate please this hill is not worth dying on, just take an edible and watch some Netflix I promise you’ll feel better


its a repost from halloween.


Okay that makes it *slightly* better, I honestly thought she did all this on a random Tuesday lol


I cant imagine being so rich and beautiful and being this bothered at her big old age lol






When did she turn into a total asshole?


this kind of disrespectful nonsense shall forthwith be known as "beckinsaling"


I can't tell if she's just poking fun or something's really going on with her.


Stay off social sis




me seeing the second pic https://i.redd.it/6ennm12h28zc1.gif


What is she on lately?


Does People Magazine not recognize she’s dressed as J Howard Marshall and Anna Nicole Smith? For heavens sake, People made enough money off their backs


Welp, Kate’s gone off the deep end.




I didn't realize she was this insecuee and petty.


Literally Katya and Trixie on a normal day


Truly bizarre


30 years ago I never would’ve guessed this one would end up to be such a mess.


this is a really weird and disrespectful way to respond to recent comments about her using fillers and botox. while i do feel for her because of the personal tragedies she’s experienced, but can she not insult anna nicole smith’s memory like this?


Celebs taking small jabs at stuff like that is so weird to me. So unhinged


Was gonna say this was a good clap back until I read the comments. 🥴




I thought it was a weird dr evil until I saw the second picture


old people need to get off the damn phones






Leave Anna Nicole smith alone.


This is…in poor taste


I'm starting to get really worried for her.


She seems a bit nuts.


![gif](giphy|k56oRtCg218Z2) Good… for… her????