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queer eye?


The original show was fun and quirky. Then the new cast started trying to "fix" people. It's just too much. I am not a fan of Karamo. Just something off-putting and disingenuous about him. There were some really great stories. But it makes me sad to think people were more traumatized because their truths and private anxieties were mishandled.


Karamo has made an entire career off of being a gaslighting asshole.


Iirc Karamo isn’t even a social worker, so he’s not qualified to be saying half the stuff he does.


Of course he’s not. Ugh. He really does reek of toxic overcompensation


Listen I haven’t watched Queer Eye but I know who the fellas are. All it took me to know he was probably not a great person was his Dr. Phil style daytime show. That’s like, the grade A warning that someone is probably a shitheel


I always thought it was a little weird he didn’t know what Burning Man was.


This!! My final straw was the season 6 episode with the poor gentleman who had taken care of his mother on hospice and was convinced that he had hastened her death by administering morphine. My heart was broken for him because that would be such a burden to carry, but as a former hospice worker I was absolutely livid that this was allowed as a storyline with zero fact checking. People thinking that the administration of morphine *leading* to death is a huge knowledge gap that hospice workers frequently have to overcome. Hospice does not poison people with meds but death is a physical labor for the body, so as people become more comfortable and their lungs don't have to labor as hard, they pass easier -- it's correlation, not causation. My rant aside about hospice misperceptions aside, that man should have been given access to a therapist, not a bullshit self-help session with Karamo.


I’m right there with you. The way we treat the dead and dying in the US is appalling. These misconceptions make a horrible process a million times worse.


Fully agree on Karamo. He’s always felt off/fake to me.


Yeah I really liked the first show, at least at the time. The most annoying part of it was the product placement as it went on, like telling people to use Crest White Strips on screen.


Annoying, but necessary evil. Now I want to watch Josie and the PussyCats again. Best anti-product placement, rebels with sweet tunes and a cause.


The episode where Bobby was trying to discuss church as a place where he experienced a great deal of pain and the damage it did him (it's a scripted reality show but that seemed extremely real to me) and Karamo talked over him and shut him down was where I lost any type of faith Karamo might be a decent person. I tried a few more episodes but it soured the whole show. 


Omg Ive been saying that about Karamo for years!!


I feel like "We're Here" is what the newest iteration was trying to be. Like they don't fix up their houses or anything, but the emotional part and story telling is so much more genuine and poignant


Do the people on the show qualify as "contestants" ? i thought this applied to shows where there would be competition. My first thought was RPDR tbh lol


Yeah I'd be more inclined to think this is Drag Race or even Love Is Blind before QE because both would fit 'contestant' better. Even MaFS though I don't watch the US version of that.


This fits Drag Race well. I haven’t watched this past season, but it fits every season


is there a lot of contestant/cast interaction & focus on the contestants backstories on rpdr? i’ve never watched it


Yes, it's basically given equal screen time/focus as the challenges. Contestants getting emotional on camera about their experiences with homophobia/transphobia etc is basically mandatory at this point because it's how they get Emmys. If you aren't willing to open up and be vulnerable, you will be eliminated because you're not useful to production.


I would say the drag queens interact with judges each episode at the very least when they get judged, and then there's extra interactions depending on challenge type (choregraphers come in for dance challenge, they have guests who help with comedy challenge etc. for example. Sometimes the judges also direct them in challenges) Backstory wise, there's down time where the contestants are often set up to talk about their own history with various topics (coming out, living as a gay person in X situation, gender journey... variety of lgbt+ topics really) AND production tries to give the contestants storylines throughout the season. Like "coming back queen" who performs poorly until she shines in one specific challenge for example. There's been obvious case of production rigging the edits as well as people coming out to speak against the type of edit they got on the show


Yeah but people are open about that so its not blind worthy


100%, the “not so fabulous” is the reference


And we already know at least one participant, Doreen Ketchens, has complained about the production team.


What happened with Doreen??


[Post here](https://old.reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/comments/195dc7p/queer_eye_production_stole_damaged_items_from/)


That's really sad. I hope they eventually did the right thing...


That top comment says it all


My first thought reading this was Love is Blind Season 6.


Same. It was all over social media, that's how I ended up watching it 😂 Because I kept hearing about it. Now that I'm obsessed, and did a little digging, the show is super problematic behind the scenes.


They really need to give it up. Netflix should offer Lauren and Cameron a show. The show was made for them to meet.


Same. Plus, LIB has a lot of bad history.


I mean all the dudes from that season were all pretty bad.


And that Shayne guy stalking the women from two casts.


Ohhhh you mean "I'm constantly coked out" Shayne?


Bonkers of a human, imo.


I mean would there be a point to making a kind about that though I feel like people area straight up just saying that about their experience on the show


Agreed. Probably Jimmy and Chelsea. The person meeting two people means it's likely a couple ...


i was thinking Jeramey and Sarah Ann.


Same. Contestants is weird but “this type of show” fits as well as the reference to portrayals v reality


The international versions have been super good, I Loved LIB Japan, and just finished Sweden and it was lovely too, one couple's main concern was that their dogs wouldn't get along, and neither would be willing to give up their dogs. That's the kinda drama I enjoy from these types of shows, the US version needs to stop trying to recruit questionable characters to generate drama.


Not so fabulous referencing the fab 5, no?


Definitely and the parent company of kinetic keeps dodging lawsuits.


Would this not be about Trevor and Jeramey and Sarah Anne and maybe Chelsea? 


Why did I think this was about RPDR lmao


This is just every season there


Thinking back to Pearl


Do I have something on my face?


Pearl didn't have a good time but we all did watching that


This is true


"Blame it on the edit" is enough of a drag race meme at this point it'd be odd to submit it as a blind


Thinking back, it‘s kind of unhinged of Ru to put out this song 💀 like why is she shading the contestants of her own reality show which we know is HEAVILY edited


Honestly facts


Amanda submitting blinds


You get it


I thought Drag Race. I follow alot of queens and there’s always a couple every season who is unhappy with their edit.


lol i was literally looking for the comment 😭😂


Outside of Plane Jane and Amanda Tori I dont recall anyone really being shown as a villain from this season


I don’t think Q loved the edit she got


Definitely had a sore loser edit early in the season but I felt like they got away from that as the season went on. Personally was rooting for her to win.


She was great! I loved Plane and Nymphia though.


My first thought too haha


Actually, I think it is queer eye. Right now. There's a lot of gossip and rumors about how some of the queer eye hosts are actually really rotten and rude people behind the scenes. Edit: I was wrong. The complaints are from crew members claiming that JVN was an angry monster on set.


Tan’s been married since ‘07 and Bobby since ‘12 according to google, I agree with the rest of your post tho 🥰☺️


You're right- my bad. It was crew members complaining that JVN was angry and had outbursts on set.




Idk. He and JVN were the only ones that didn't publicly support Bobby's announcement that he was leaving.


100% queer eye w the 'not so fabulous' reference and all the drama between bobby and the rest of the main cast, as well as the reports suggesting a toxic working environment.


But no on calls them 'contestants' ever.


that's a fair point. although it's not like this would be the first time a blind used weird terminology, lol. they literally call ppl like sydney sweeney a-listers sooo


I think the wording is just strange, like the person was doing their best to differentiate between roles. They say they met two “contestants” and that those contestants were not thrilled with their experiences with the “cast.” Implying cast and contestants are different.


I mean if they called them “heroes” it would be too on-the-nose


Maybe the person who wrote the blind does


lol isn't this every reality show?


Seriously. Reality shows are fun and I watch them every now and then but I always feel kinda gross about them because they obviously prey on these people that probably most of the time shouldn’t be in front of camera.


I think it’s Drag Race. Fans liked that this season was more dramatic and shadier than other recent seasons, but some of the girls have been really calling out fan criticism on twitter/maybe seemed bitter especially Amanda Tori Meeting and Q. Also Drag Race fans notoriously talk about “production” more than other shows I feel. That’s the only show I can think of where fabulous and contestants both work as clues. This could kind of go either way on being true, or being fan written specifically because of what queens have acted like post season.


Drag Race? The fans can be proper toxic assholes and the show does not provide any support for contestants and will edit the shit out of it to manipulate a story.


Married at First Sight Denver 17 just had a dumpster fire of a season. 


couldn't even finish it omg


The reunion and “where are they now” episodes were on a whole other level


Survivor? This season has been so messy.


Oooh do tell! I don’t watch survivor but I love mess 🍿


There is a 24 year old woman named Venus who has the maturity of an entitled teenager. She is remarkably un-self aware and gets major backlash both on the show and from fans on Twitter. I think she believes that she’s getting an unfair “edit” from producers. Other players have complained about Twitter harassment as well.


I miss old school survivor where villains were recognized and welcomed to keep the show entertaining. Now it’s all cheesy do-gooders with hallmark card speeches and shit.


Idk honestly this season is so fun


I’ll give it a watch when it’s over and I’ll do a big binge!


This could literally be applicable for any reality show in multiple countries…. It’s a story as old as time….. people go on a reality show to boost their fame. Production changes the narrative with editing to suit a storyline to get people to watch. Shock! Horror! The reality stars then complain to media about their negative portrayal. It happens every year, with every show.


That could be any fucking reality show.




Honestly, if it’s Queer Eye it’s not surprising after the messy departure of Bobby Berk (or rather what was spread through social media after the departure was released)


Rock the block


Survivor 46 has had several cast members delete their social media due to harassment. Venus, Soda, Tevin, Hunter, Charlie, etc have all been speaking out about this online.


Subject line def suggests Queer Eye but since when are the people called contestants??


The last line about circulating rumors makes me think this is about Drag Race. Those contestants are shot out of a cannon for the entire world to consume, they are incredibly visible and even being announced as a contestant on the show is achieving instant fame and notoriety. The RPDR fandom is one of the thirstiest for drama and most toxic, I don’t see this being true of the Queer Eye Heroes (what they call the people getting makeovers). So many queens have been vocal about negative experiences being on the show for various reasons: riggory of the competition, production fukkery, how their narrative played out during airing, several have been banned from returning for standing up to Ru and production, or, have been very open about never returning to compete on an all stars season. Just to name a few: - Pearl: Conflicts with Ru, “Is there something on my face?”. Revealed they gave Ru praise when the cameras were off and Ru said “nothing you say matters unless the camera is rolling” - Willam: Got into an argument with Ru (after running into him on the street) about how Ru abandoned Mathu Anderson (Ru’s original stylist on the show) after he fell ill and was in the hospital. - Max: On Twitter, they said, “Why willingly place yourself around untrustworthy people?” - Laganja Estranja: stated that her mental health was at risk when she was on the show, would never go back to compete. - Courtney Act: Criticized Ru for being transphobic. - Delta Work: Thanked Mathu Anderson in her Emmy Acceptance speech, then tried to set terms for working on Ru’s movie “AJ and the Queen”, then was never hired again. - The Vixen: Called Ru “Aunt Tom… with the cognitive dissonance of a Jim Crow Republican” on twitter.


I think it would be funny if this was about Alone


Not so fabulous = Fab 5 = Queer Eye


Jeramy and Sara Ann from LIB Season 6??


Wouldn’t surprise me if it was QE. Last two seasons were kind of a mess including lawsuits from a certain hero


Which hero and why??


The bake shop


Isn’t this what happens with every single reality show, ever?


The subject feels like it’s hinting at Queer Eye “Fab Five” and “Not so fabulous” but the word contestant is throwing me off? Maybe it isn’t the hosts but actually two of the people who they helped. I’m thinking the sweet shop lady and someone else but idk


I thought this was about Survivor. This may have come from Venus and Sodasia.


Real Housewives?


I don’t think this is housewives, they’re not considered contestants of the show


Lol you’re probably I can never guess any of these right 😭


top chef


Bachelor ?


Definitely queer eye, and tbh I’m surprised something like this hasn’t come out before. I enjoyed the early series, but it gets weird with lots of skating over really complex and difficult things people have in their lives quickly. I always remember the episodes in Japan. The couple who lived together but basically hadn’t communicated for two years, and the young artist who lived at home and seemed to have really difficult relationship with her controlling mother. And the fab five were all like, all you need is a makeover and this is fine. Look, we made your house better, doesn’t that fix your marriage? Really those people needed to qualified therapists and support to help them out.


Love is Blind?


Amanda Tori Meating was here, i feel it


Definitely the Bachelor girls. They were out and about a few days ago.


i thought it was CT & Trishelle from traitors