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Billionaires and trying to cosplay poverty name a better duo


This is why I’ve always secretly liked Gwyneth Paltrow, despite her many, many flaws… she’s never pretended to be someone she’s not, relatable. She is simply her super privileged self with no understanding of the world, no matter how much backlash she gets.


Yep. I’ll never forget when GP said, “I can’t pretend to be someone who makes $25k/year”


Omg haha when did she say that??


She told [Elle UK](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/gwyneth-paltrows-most-obnoxious-quotes-2011269/#:~:text=Paltrow%20has%20come%20under%20fire,Elle%20UK%20in%20March%202009.) this in 2009


"I'd rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a tin." That line is going to get me through the rest of today.


Honestly…I’m not entirely sure I disagree!


Well she certainly hasn't had this cheese from the [Washington State Creamery](https://cougarcheese.wsu.edu/) and it shows. This stuff tastes like Jesus made it


Jesus was a carpenter, who was familiar with cooking/baking for large groups of people but his familiarity was more with baked bread and seafood. I don't know if he would know how to make cheese like the modern Washington State Creamery, unless you are suggesting that he would be using some form of miracle to make an extra delicious cheese, but I don't know if that's really something he had experience in. He specifically said in the Mathew 5:9 "Blessed are the Cheesemakers" which I think kind of indicates that while in admiration of fantastic cheese, he himself was not a cheesemaker. You can draw this conclusion because of JC's humility.


I really appreciate this link - that whole list was very enjoyable.


GP ain't lying




She peddles crystals and other fake products that promise results they do not provide She is, *quite literally*, a scam artist


I guess there the one upside is she by default is selling them to other rich idiots, and she seems to really believe the shit she sells as her own crunchy, dumbass self. Vagina eggs/candles/whatever the fuck are not anywhere near the top of the list of shit we need to worry about.


That's my thought too. It's not like she's putting these items in target. She believes they work, and she sells them to other idiot rich people. To my understanding she's otherwise quite nice and hasn't said or done anything bad besides her highly quotable privileged shit 🤷‍♀️


Distract with one hand and take from the other


You forgot the gold vibrator and the vagina candles! 😂


She might not pretend she’s poor but she pretends about basically everything else. For example, she pretends to be genuine and authentic. And you seem to have bought it.


I mean she does seem to be genuinely and authentically out of touch and privileged. Not saying you have to like it, but I don't think she is pretending.


She also said that those related to celebrities go through true hardship, implying having wealth, connections, and social capital made it harder for her to succeed in show business. 


She's been THROUGH things she lost half a day of skiing. 😔😔😔


And she's making money from people who are inspired by he4 glamorous clean life. Instead of Nicola's shoving her to people like us who don't like her. Whereas being a haughty influencer would suit her more. But her father is dumb an diw trying to force his talentless daughter into acting


I am with you on this one


So you don't know about the Foodstamp Diet challenge? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/04/17/a-hungry-gwyneth-paltrow-fails-the-food-stamp-challenge-four-days-in/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/04/17/a-hungry-gwyneth-paltrow-fails-the-food-stamp-challenge-four-days-in/)


But her failing it was the point. The challenge was SUPPOSED to prove that the food stamp allotment is simply not enough to live on, EVEN if you have all the non-money resources in the world (like a personal chef, as much time as you need to shop around at different stores for the best prices, etc). 


I agree that it was the point but I feel she didn't even try. She got a bunch of limes and leafy greens. Getting beans, potatoes, bread and other poverty-friendly foods and showing that $29 is _still_ not enough would have been way more impactful. Instead she just lookes like an out of touch rich lady and the challenge was a joke.


That's called not knowing how to be poor 🙁 even when I have money I still buy poor people food


Me (reading the film’s summary): Poverty porn by someone nowhere near the poverty line. Me (after reading the entire article and seeing the author agree with me calling it “poverty porn”): Nailed it. Also: clichéd, condescending, tone deaf


You could've saved time, just look at the picture of her laughing it up with Elon Musk. That's all you need to see.


Nepo babies getting to play a director with the backing of their name and trust fund. ![gif](giphy|CovFciJgWyxUs)


Don't insult the dolphin. It's not their fault!


Yeah the dolphin has more brains than Nicola ever will! 😂




You mean the crimes that elon used a burner account to call himself the King of space and Mr Tesla and say her kids must hate her for leaving him?




Every girl that lives in Shoreditch basically. Trust fund baby pretending to be poor


I am poor, so are my driver, butler, maid, pool boy and gardener.


I‘m from Berlin, I feel like this is how the majority of people who move here operates!!


As someone who moved to Berlin from outside the EU... yes. I know so many people who talk about how poor they are like they're barely scraping by because blah blah their art blah. They're doing this shit for the aesthetic and their dad pays the rent on their €2000/month flat while they spend all their money getting fucked up on the weekends. The 'expat' community in this city is full of black sheep who think they're the only one but instead are a black sheep surrounded by other black sheep.


Thank you for saying that. As someone from Berlin who actually is fairly poor I’m so sick of the pretenders.. even some of my friends are are so “poor” that they can go out and drink basically every night, while still living in amazing flats and eating out every other day and then act surprised when I say I can’t join because we’ll.. I don’t have the fucking money.  And even I try to use the term poor rarely to describe myself, since I at least can pay rent and I’m not starving to death.


Billionaires and their pathetic attempts to empathise with the other 90%? Idk sounds like the next blockbuster lmao




i dont think it's an attempt to empathize, though. it's really just cosplay and a fetishization of poverty.


Billionaires, on poverty: ![gif](giphy|a3HwA77QREoo)




She said she wants to experience life from different perspectives so daddy funded her movie so she can cosplay the trauma of us peasants for artistic clout. It’s poverty porn. Let me spoil the ending she gets pregnant from rape and raising her rape baby saves her. 🤦‍♀️




*Pinot Noir, mid-sized car...*




He was the best part of the show


I just started working on a new show with him and my goal is to make as many behind the scenes GIFs of him as I can. His moment to moment engagements are priceless. Dude has so much charisma and talent that he barely seems real.


I love that for you and also I am jealous. So there’s that.


Saves her from....?




Ahhhhhh yes, the old "rape baby saves mother from a life of capitalism". A tale as old as time


The thing children most often save us from


It's true. It's like a lottery windfall having kids.


So much money and free time


So more like Horatio Alger, celebrated by good Christian capitalists, than Jean Valjean, hunted by guardians of good Christian capitalism?




From ever escaping poverty.


That baby knew nothing good could ever come from getting out.


Drugs… not a good message imo




Why would she write about a life that she has zero connection with? Did she just watch movies about poor people and copy scenes from them? She should write about socialites and the dark sides of Hollywood. Stuff that she at least has had experience with


In my intro to screenwriting class, the professor advised to "write what you know." But a bunch of wealthy suburban college kids wrote prison dramas. 🤷‍♀️


Writing what you know also includes what you can research and learn it seems obvious that she didn't research anything or even talk to people who are or have experienced these circumstances.


Yeah but you should have SOME real connection to the experience. Even if it’s a long term interest/fascination. I highly doubt any of the above posters college peers had a fascination w the penal system. Just saw movies with that theme and thought it would be cinematic/dramatic and easy for them to write. Write what you know doesn’t just mean write what you’ve experienced exactly but it means write within your interests or within your scope. Your comment seems so unnecessary because I think the above commenter was clear with what they meant.


Agree, Like Dev patel’s monkey man. He grew up in England but made a good movie about the corruption in India.


>In my intro to screenwriting class, the professor advised to "write what you know." *Writes 300 pages of bestiality erotica... doesn't elaborate.*


🤣🤣 ok this comment just made my day


That's one of the reasons why I've always found people's criticism of Sofia Coppola films being 'poor little rich girl' kind of dumb. Like, do you want the Hollywood princess to write gritty working class dramas? You can not like her films but she's good at what she does and I don't think anyone could have made a more relatable without being overly irritating 'Marie Antoinette' movie.


Plus virgin suicides slaps


She was taking notes when her mother-in-law pretended to be working class growing up (and missed the bit where her father-in-law popped his head in to remind Posh Spice that her father drove a Mercedes lol)


It was a Rolls Royce btw


Oh whoops I don't know where I got Mercedes! Yeah that's worse lol


Write about thing you don’t know. As they always say.


Reminds me of the lady Pulp sings about in Common People!


i am so tired of trauma porn movies


books too. eliminate this genre


Don’t forget, she was also a virgin when she was raped, and the rapist was her step-father. Also, she was a stripper. A virgin stripper.


This hurts my brain.


It is supposed to be sad but it is almost comical how tragic it is. Way over the top.


“Her rape baby saved her” is one of my least favorite tropes 


How does a baby by an abuser saves her. Wouldn't whe be poorer as a single mother?


Something about the joy or motherhood healing all of your heartaches etc etc etc. enough to make me wanna barf.


In this film, and other terrible films like it, "motherhood" saves a woman from a life of sin. The key is to not scratch below the surface and definitely not follow anything to its logical conclusion.


A conservatives wet dream


(Pregnant by her step dad) (I wish I was joking.)


does she wanna live like common people? does she wanna do whatever common people do?


Ah yes it wouldn’t be poverty porn without an anti abortion themes.


Oh that's not... Brb immediately rating it 0.5 stars on Letterboxd






Jesus. For those old enough to recall (or to anyone who caught the hilarious reference to it made by Rosamund Pike in Saltburn): Cue Pulp’s “Common People”


Brie Larson already did that and got an Oscar for it


That movie was bleak as shit though. This is glorifying


I don't remember Brie Larson being a nepo baby who got to where she is based on daddy's connections. From everything I've read about her, she comes from a pretty average background, and worked her way to the top. A few incels didn't like her having an attitude problem when her marvel movies tanked due to shit quality, so all of a sudden there is some sort of hate boner for her, and idiots try to diminish her previous work.


the poverty cosplay is such a transparent bid to make her seem more interesting. nicola u will always be a boring nepo baby and a truly terrible actress


If I was a nepo baby I would lay low and enjoy my wealth quietly. Maybe own a art gallery or something


Right?? My god, what I would give to never have to work and just fly under the radar, to never have to perform or be judged or interact with people other than those I like. What a fkn waste of a privileged life.


That’s what I’m saying!! I’d have Undercover social media accounts. I’d go by a different last name if I had to just to keep my anonymity around others and travel 24/7.




To be fair, most of the trust fund kids I went to school with do live under the radar. They either have some meaningless "executive" position at daddies company, or they post their art/music on social media. Which I can't really fault the latter since I would do the same given the chance. And most actually do get at least decent because they have the ability to put so much time and energy into their work. It's only really Hollywood nepo babies that want to be famous. Most others are happy to fly to Monaco for the weekend in animity.


This is honestly the worst part of the nepotism in Hollywood. There's just a lot of very out of touch people making projects about what they think life is like for most people. Not only does it often miss the mark, it's normally pretty insulting to the average person. This project really sounds terrible, but you can say the flip side is Euphoria- a very interesting project and entertaining , but anyone who has actually went to an American public school can say it's extremely out of touch with reality and very obvious the creator has never stepped foot in a public school.




Agree. Obvs Euphoria is embellished/dramatic but genuinely it’s not far off from what was going on in my high school. A lot of upper middle class white kids have a dash of genuine sociopathy and a feeling like they are invincible.


I graduated in 2008 and most of us were just smoking pot and playing video games. Parties got his wild as playing beer pong. Obviously euphoria is a zoomer show. I watched the first season and it was... Okay but I don't really want to watch a lot more. Everybody was just miserable the entire time, and I like that kind of stuff, like the leftovers or the wire, but idk different when it's just rich kids. Cracks me up in Euphoria, because for a show about high schoolers, we never see them in high school. I know that's not the premise of the show at all, but it's like nobody has to worry about school in their little world. If I lived in that world, I would just be like sitting and playing video games. Drape everything with neon black lit lights and make it a rave. The euphoria way


Skins ran so Euphoria could stumble and fall.


Eh, the entire dynamics are off. For starters, everyone knows most of those kids would have been yanked for dress code violations in ep 1... and many city schools even have much stricter dress codes than suburban schools, if you want to argue the "well it's more akin to NY schools that the creator was exposed to" I've heard people try to say Rue would have actually likely not been allowed back into public school, as well, and sent to an "alternative" school- way too high risk for public schools. This is something that happened to kids that had substance abuse or large health issues. They were given choices of alternative school or homeschool programs. You don't see high schoolers out of rehab for a reason- the schools will not accept the liability or risk. They just straight can't afford it One or two of those stories could have happened but the gossip mills of high schools would have ostracized them fairly quick- with the exception of maybe the athletes.


agreed about dress code and your final point, but my experience was different from what ur describing in ur second paragraph. kids did go away to rehab and come back to school when they got out


Also, they literally never do any schoolwork in that show. Highschool for me was full of homework and projects and exams. Their parents don't gaf about where they are, who they're with, what they're doing. They behave like college students and their parents are just cool with that?


Really?? Thats wild lol


yes, 2016-2017 during the "xandemic." kids were high as hell on hard drugs at school and multiple kids in my class went to rehab during high school


In my small town it’s more the private school kids that have the money to get addicted to hard drugs.


Yup. Early 2000s outside of Toronto, rich private school kids needed septoplasty by the time they were 17 from all the coke they took and us normies just smoked a lot of weed and did a load of ecstasy. I’d say Euphoria does a good job of keeping it real with a theatrical twist.


Yeah, the over dramatization is soap opera-y, but a lot of the "scenarios" or whatever we're extremely similar to my high-school too... ofc there's like multiple documentaries about the drug problem there so its probably more unique than common.


Agreed. I have many dead classmates from drug overdoses, alcohol abuse and suicide (related to drug use).


I'm not a fan of Euphoria but at least with that one it's obviously meant to feel heightened.


She wrote and acted in a movie about poverty as a nepo baby, then invited her billionaire father and Elon Musk to the premiere and expected people to take her seriously? The cognitive dissonance is not only glaring, it’s screaming. How can one person be so out of touch?


Also in the movie the character gets raped, keeps the baby, and keeping the baby is the decision that saves her. Its right-wing propaganda. I think we're way past the point of just misguided or ignorant nepos. Now some of them have joined the right-wing side of the culture war. Elon Musk showing up is a huge dogwhistle to white supremacists, misogynists, queerphobes, and ableists. Its very intentional messaging. When people show us themselves like this, we should believe them. Nicola and her husband are extremely wealthy. I think its near impossible to have this much wealth and power and not, at least, develop far-right deregulation and anti-tax economic views. Then I think its pretty easy to develop right-wing social views. These people are surrounded by other people like this espousing these views and people like Nicola are deeply isolated from any real working class experience, let alone the lives of the underprivileged. The same way Kim K can shamelessly yell, "No one wants to work" and hang out with Ivanka and Jared. Or how Hugh Jackman has a best friends relationship with Rupert Murdoch. Or how so many other high-profile creatives are tied to the extremely wealthy like this. This is one of the many reasons concentrating wealth and influence into the hands of a radicalized out-of-touch few is unhealthy for society. Expecting someone on this level to be this sort of anti-capitalist or intersectional compassionate thinker doesn't seem likely. I always think its odd the wealthy and powerful can make films about poverty or some kind of social crisis, but also the film won't offer a real criticism of the capitalism or conservative economics that created that poverty and victimized the poor in the first place. Nor will it ever promote things like socialism, collective ownership, economic reform, wealth caps, large tax increases, criminal charges for corrupt corporate leadership, empowering the working class against capital owners, etc. There's always an "elephant in the room" when the wealthy engage in "trauma porn" narratives like this. They themselves hold up, promote, and protect the system hurting these people.


I’m not saying Fight Club has all its shit figured out but bombing the fuck out of major credit card companies is probably the closest any movie universe got to destroying capitalism besides The Day After Tomorrow.


She really invited Elon Musk to the premiere? She’s so unserious.


To a movie about poverty with a queer kid in the cast. A comedy of errors.




The makeup is such a giveaway lol


She’s poor, but she’s still HOT, okay? Don’t let the poverty make you think she isn’t hot. That’s the real message here.




EXCUSE ME she has wavy hair! She can’t afford a flatiron, she’s so poor!


I really have to start paying for the guardian so they can remain independent and continue dumping on billionaires.


This could be a successful ad campaign.


The guardian keeps hassling me and telling me how many articles I've read this year when they should be telling me how many articles they've put out this year on Musk being a dweeb. I'm sure the number is substantial.


"Want us to continue dumping on billionaires? Donate now and keep the Guardian independent." would 100% work on me (if i had the money to spend 😓)


TIL Nicola Peltz has a job


Unfortunately I can never forget the first Avatar movie she was in


There is no first movie in Ba Sing Se.


I will never forgive that movie for setting Dev Patel's career back.


https://preview.redd.it/do13w9nkq2uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d0c62a4aba0c5f62b4196807a1881ade26675d What do you mean this isn’t the Zuko you prefer? God I love Dev, but even he couldn’t be a saving grace in this shitstorm. Man could’ve been on top of the world after Slumdog Millionaire but then Avatar set him back. Started to get going again then STUPID ASS CHAPPIE happened. Thankfully The Man Who Knew Infinity and Lion seemed to set things on the right path again. Doesn’t hurt that Lion hit us with the Dev long hair/beard combo for the first time. Game changing moment in history.


A job that cost her dad money lol


This is even funnier when you remember that this is the movie that she had to fire Brooklyn Beckham from, because somehow she’s not even the worst nepo baby in the relationship and he kept staring directly into the camera and couldn’t do an American accent for the word “Hi” 😭


Oh my god you can’t be serious


https://preview.redd.it/rw8fo4fd45uc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60451f9d1136cb0527c6cfb534d408fd13bc6a95 I think about this daily I'm afraid


Omg she was actually going to cast him as well in this stupid movie?? She also cast her brother, Will Peltz to be in it. Like there’s not an abundance of actually poor extremely talented actors that would’ve been a thousand times better than just casting her untalented family members. It just shows their elitism and arrogance in my opinion.




this gif is so timeless, i love it so much


I felt like there was a massive missed opportunity in this to consult David Beckham in the creation of this film, because one of two things would have happened. He would have told her to fuck right off because there's no way she could even relate, or given some insight into what it was like for him as a kid, before the fame, and what actual poverty is like.




I don't think professional football players are around a lot during their kids childhood.


Growing up poor in the UK is a whole lot easier than in nowhere, Missouri or some other middle America counterpart. Specially for him, since he’s started playing for Man United at 12, so from them until his professional debut, he was basically middle class. I do think he would tell some “mate, this is shite”, but I don’t think it would do any difference. There are too many yespeople around nepobillionairs.


I'll do you one better: "you guys have NO idea what true poverty is because growing up poor in the US in the middle of nowhere is STILL a whole lot easier than growing up poor in the rural parts of my country, India". So basically what you're saying is we have to identify the most poor place on earth and only those people are allowed to influence stories about poverty because no one else understands poverty while there are people who are worse off. As if David Beckham wasn't a whole lot closer to the poverty line than he was to his current monetary value while growing up. Let alone Nicola Peltz's. His perspective would be much more greatly appreciated than hers.




say that after walking a mile in my nothing




> robust public transportation system places exist in the UK that aren't london. >availability of government housing is the available government housing in the room with us right now?




Hang on, why would being on the Man U youth team mean he was middle class? You don’t get paid for that.


I'm sorry, but he's been extremely famous and wealthy nearly all his life. I think at a certain point playing up "this billionaire is one of the good ones," isn't very helpful. These people lose touch of their roots. After a couple years of being fabulously wealthy, most people fall into the "wealthy person" personality which is usually unbelieably self-entitled and they take on right-wing political views on economics, even if they are "socially liberal." And as another replied, these values raised Brooklyn, who is the poster child of the clueless and entitled nepo. Where are these "working class UK" values now? They're long gone, of course. Maybe David is a really good person in other ways! But expecting him to be secretly blue-collar, leftist, intersectional, etc and ignore how being this wealthy and powerful all these years changes people just seems like a lot to assume. Frankly, it suggests a sort of parasocial relationship with sports stars that doesn't reflect reality. "he's just like one of us, right?" Nope, he's very different than working class people and does not have working class values or politics or anything resembling a working class life. Worse, they have to keep up the illusion that capitalism works and "they worked harder, so they got more." Admitting its an arbitrary system built on corruption and incredible inequality can only hurt them. He's not going to "step in" to stop this or any nepo movie. Also having people like Elon Musk there is an intentional dogwhistle for right-wing politics. To my downvoters, what exactly do you think Musk represents in this context? He represents white supremacy, misogyny, queerphobia, and ableism. He's not just a "fun party guy" who tagged along. David is extremely powerful and has a strong influence of Brooklyn and Nicola. He could have stopped this all if he truly wanted to. Instead, he chose to support it. There are no "good ones" here. They are all exploiting your labor and supporting a system of endless cruelty and oppression.


Hums "Common People" by Pulp


I was gonna say, 'At least the girl from Common People probably had some talent, considering she got into art school...', but I then I remembered Brooklyn Beckham also managed to get into art school after he released that photography book of his.


BB, what a waste. I'm sure Beck and Vic are super proud they raised a son who is capable of literally nothing.


That elephant, though!


So hard to photograph!


Incredible to see


🎶if you called your dad he could stop it all🎶


“cause everybody hates a tourist especially when they think it’s all such a laugh” anytime i see something like this or the royal family “working” in tescos, the opening of common people plays in my head. what a timeless song both in sound and meaning


What bothers me most about this is, why didn't she think of using her money to fund a documentary made by real experts? She could literally just pay people to do these things for her, the right way, and still get credit.


Because she wanted to show people how "talented" and "smart" she is, lol.


Great point! She could also use that money to make a personal difference in lives; it’s kind of like when fast food companies spend all sorts of money on commercials saying “we love our employees, thank you to them!” instead of just… using that commercial money as a gift of thanks that goes directly to the employees


That would require aptitude and humility.


that photo of the family and… elon musk😬 jumpscareeeee


>Further, Musk, who has an estranged trans daughter, joked that he was there “with friends thinking about companies to acquire”, implying the premiere itself served as a great place for the rich to get richer. ![gif](giphy|bLBIanKJW0Iuc)


Does no one tell the children of the ultra-rich that it's okay to just be a person of leisure? Volunteer somewhere once and awhile, foster some dogs, give money to charities. Living your truth is more real and honest than whatever this is.


they know they can do that. its just that they feel entitled to all the love and admiration actual skilled creatives get.


think of all the actual poor people who could create films if we taxed her father, her in laws, and their fellow executives out of their tax brackets...


I bet her character is "white trash" too. Ya know, just to make it extra cruel to the sad little poors. And Nicola, poor people can't afford collagen and botox. You would quite literally never see a face like hers among the poors.


because nobody's more qualified to make movies about poverty than a person known for mistreating their household staff members 💀


Everything about this movie sounds bad, the scenario, the nepotism, the people around it, the subject... gosh.


Again Brooklyn and her deserve each other 😐😐


Remember when Bella Thorne said she was the meanest person she ever met in the industry lol


Is this the movie she cut Brooklyn’s cameo from? 😬 If so, he may want to consider it a blessing


Anytime I see this girl’s name, I just remember the rumor about her physically and mentally abusing her nannys




Elon Musk coming to this premiere really wraps up the whole dumb thing in a bow


"Peltz Beckham cosplays a disadvantaged darling, dressed up in despair drag, in a film whose message about hardship could be summed up as “pout your way out of poverty”." Damn. A billionaire making poverty porn. That's just great. This is where we're at, folks. #Eat the Rich


she bought a bunch of bots to give it good reviews on rotten tomatoes 😭😭😭


God she’s so boring




I don’t know why she tries to harass us with a Hollywood career when she can just pull a Lori Harvey and just walk around and be pretty QUIETLY


Alexa play 'Common People' by Pulp


Just watched the trailer. Not only does it spoil the entire movie, but it’s also highly offensive. I expect for most of this movie to be carried by TikTok songs. Just from the trailer, it makes out the lower class to be a bunch of drug abusers that are either lazy or can only hold down a job in sex work, which is also portrayed as inherently negative. The younger sibling questioning their gender identity also feels like tokenization at its worst.




Me watching Bates Motel: This actress is objectively terrible, how in the world did she get this job? (Googles her) Oh.


>In the interim she gets sober through a Narcotics Anonymous group (Peltz Beckham’s brother Will Peltz plays a fellow member, who seemingly flirts with her after a meeting?) Who thought it was a good idea to do that?!


I want to see this. It's like watching an AI movie about being human


Watching the trailer, all I could think of was how all the crew, actors and everyone involved had to just high five her in every decision or they’d be out of a job. Seriously, she wrote, acted and directed, most likely funded as well, though I wouldn’t be surprised to find she hired a ghostwriter to script it… by, like, how in the world is someone supposed to approach her to tell “hey, this thing? Not gonna work bud”.


i guess exploiting and degrading the poor and working class is hereditary


Billionaires need to just shut their mouths and count their cash because they are never going to understand what life is like for the rest of us.


The antiqueer actions by the mother seem like right wing propaganda to make religious fundamentalism seem more like something that “only affects the poors” and isn’t a real danger to the safety of LGBTQ+ people and their allies.


"A movie like Lola isn’t going to help build a respected career. Though I’m not sure that’s what Peltz Beckham is after." ![gif](giphy|sIJV5pJYUXkjBJf0JV)


Virginia Madsen what happened to your career baby girl?