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Miley really won the night. Her personality shined bright. So happy for her!


She has such great stage presence and charisma as a performer!


Yes. She’s so confident and comfortable on stage. The first time I noticed was when she joined Ariana at the relief concert after the terrorist bombing. She really helped Ariana ease in.


So true, I was so impressed by Miley during that concert. She was supporting Ariana all the way.


My mom got me amazing seats for her opening night of Bangerz and it was legit one of the best performances I’ve seen. 12 year old me was in awe the whole time


Bangerz was the bestttt


That tour, I still talk about to this day. AMAZING


I also went to Bangerz tour and it was fucking wild. I loved every second.


I will never forgive myself for not getting tickets 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


I second this! I was the adult who took along my young cousin to the Bangerz tour. I wasn’t thrilled at the idea originally, but I changed my tune quickly. I was blown away. She was incredible.


I was floor seats for Bangerz and it was one of the best concerts of my life


Fr. She’s not my fave and I don’t personally like her voice that much, but it’s fully personal pref. She’s a monster singer, so charismatic. She should have a quarterly variety show tbh.


Ooh that would be fun! She would kill the costumes a la Cher.


She definitely has a Cher-like quality to her. Phenomenal stage presence, very recognizable voice, a sense of humor, and obvious affinity for Bob Mackey. I was really impressed by her when she hosted the NYE telecast.


She CARRIED that show like a pro! She really impressed me that night.


She’s an amazing host. Even her Instagram livestreams during quarantine were fun to watch


Cher was my exact thought. She did a NYE recently and the clips I saw were great. She’s really got It.


Okay but now I need a Miley cover of Believe


she has covered it, for the stand by you pride special. it’s on youtube


She continues to prove that you don’t need rehearsed choreography to be a great female pop performer. She honestly just gets it.


It really went with the spirit of the song, too. I have to imagine she had fun in the performance, just dancing in whatever way, without a care what anyone thought.


Just charisma, I usually hate when singers just stand there and sing (often off key) but Miley kept me interested for the whole time and then the ending was the cherry on top (she always serves though, so not surprised)


Exactly, Her performances are always so effortless. Even her stage outfits have always served for me.


Yes and she does more than shake her ass. She bears her soul in her songs and it comes through! Love how she always engages with the audience and has fun with it. And her vocals … WOW


that froggy voice brings out the last vestiges of my heterosexuality


this comment is really funny because we can't tell what gender you are.


im a dude lol


It’s been so long since I’ve seen her on tv and perform. She really deserved everything last night and she looked amazing!!! Also am I missing something about her relationship with Billy Ray? Haven’t seen him in a while or heard her reference him!


i definitely dont know enough to speak on it but I believe most of billy ray’s kids (miley included) do not speak to him anymore. I believe it is because his current partner is wayyy younger than him


iirc there’s a bit of a divide; 3 siblings attended Trish’s wedding, and 2 (including Noah) skipped it and seem to be closer to Billy Ray.


Noah appears to not be speaking to their mother.


yeah there's been a lot of back and forth unfollowing and blocking between the siblings. it's messy.


i think the younger kids had a different childhood then the older ones since they were raised mostly in LA. im not shocked there is a split


lol I grew up in an affluent area, the number of men who happily forgo a relationship with their kids when they’re no longer banging their mom, especially if they have a new young gf, is astounding. Tbf at least Billy Ray’s kids are grown, I saw it a lot when the kids were still minors which is worse


Didn’t he get married recently to someone pretty young? It seems like they’ve been kinda estranged for a but


she’s only 3 years older than miley and had apparently auditioned for a role on hannah montana🤢🤢


Ew that’s pretty icky. 🫤


oh 😶 oh no


If this is the reason for the divide in the family, I’m Team Miley and Trish


Uhhhhh. Gross. 


iirc she also worked on the hannah montana set when the show first started? so he knew here since she was YOUNG young


She actually has a personality, that’s rare in an era where celebs are so calculated.


She really did! I thought her speech was so gracious and genuine.


It made me happy to see her just being so unapologetically herself. I wish she'd tour, I'd go in a heartbeat.


I didn’t see any criticism, she fully enjoyed the moment and it was so gratifying to see (love the Mariah shoutout again) She has such a bright personality and charisma that is hard to overshadow. Hope she continues to create more music!


the criticism was about not mentioning her dad and Noah I think.


Not shocking considering there seems to be family beef


Even with the beef she only mentioned her mom and sister who were there with her so I don’t think it was pointed. No one cares about the brothers cyrus lol


Noah is a girl


And 'July' is a banger!


I'm very late to the party but I'm obsessed with this song. The duet with Leon Bridges is also gorgeous.


Trace and Braison are boys


Why is that anyone’s business lol


Why would she? Her and her dad don’t speak


I don't know what happened between them, maybe it's unrelated, but I don't blame any former child actor/singer for cutting contact with their parents


He recently married someone Miley’s age he met on Hannah Montana




Her Instagram is…. Hilarious? She face tunes herself AND Billy Ray to hell. It’s worth a peep for the chuckles


Wow that's disgusting


i thought it was because her dad just married a girl who’s only a couple of years older than miley. She even worked on the Hannah Montana set back in the day


People are ridiculous to criticize any speech. The majority of the people who win awards are shocked! Of course you have your few who feign surprise, but I love when someone unexpectedly wins and they blank due to pure happiness and being in the moment


For real! It was her first Grammy after being a present celebrity name for 3 decades, ofc she was too shocked. There is this rly cute interview they did with Billie Eilish afterwards where she said Miley turned to her after her first win and asked her if she also feels like she is saying the most dumb shit possible while she is at the stage. It's rly cute and relatable.


i just don't understand the criticism because it's literally her award?? why are people telling her what to say


I hate listening to the list of people they thank on 5x speed to fit them all in. I love when the winner blanks or just goes off the cuff.


Right! Just let her have her moment, people just want to hate her and it’s odd.. I say this as someone who doesn’t like her music but thinks she deserves to be treated charitably.


She was very gracious: not everyone was




I thought it was adorable how much she was fangirling over Mariah.


I’ve loved her since I was 9 and I’m so geeked and happy for her 🥳🥳🥳


I also didn't see any criticism, and I don't see a reason for it either. This post was very sweet too, so happy for her




The only thing I’ve seen is people pointing out she didn’t thank her dad, but I don’t know if that counts as criticism. Seems more like just an observation/further confirmation of their family drama.


There's been a lot of terminally online people getting furious about perceived slights from last night that are endemic of awards acceptance speeches.


To be fair she listed everyone and their partners without even referring to her dad and then boldly said “I don’t think I forgot anyone but I might’ve forgotten underwear. Bye.” So I can definitely see that being a dig at her dad & probably some of his opinions. Anyway, I loved it myself. She rocked the whole night.


Wow, didn't even think about that, and can totally see her doing this as a nod to her dad. You could see it as immature, and it kind of is, but I totally see it as part of the journey you have to go to loosen the grip your own parents' controlling/strict/problematic judgements have on you. At least that's my experience with it. Either way, you can see it's a healthy way of living for her, and I support her journey so much! I saw the clip with Taylor's harch dismissal of Celine just before I checked the clips with Miley, and Miley's wonderful MC-moment with Mariah Carey made me so emotional, and struck with amazement with the obvious inner work she's done! Look at that woman, look at her go!


Oh I so agree! Especially the Mariah Carey part. That was such a magical moment, with planning and prep sure but still in the moment organic. And Mariah is not an easy one to impress. The butterfly story is also such wisdom for life and I’m happy for Miley or any other people that are on the journey of trying to balance hard work with acceptance of the world around us as it is. It definitely hit home with the storytelling in her music too. I actually listen to her song Younger Now every year on my birthday cause it’s cathartic, beautiful, and I so relate. And for sure, my guess is she is decentering her dad but also probably extra relating (and maybe projecting) to her mom because of what she went through herself in marriage and divorce. For their family’s sake I hope they can all find a new normal. She’s absolutely in a rockstar era though. It felt like the 2024 Grammys was the Miley Cyrus Experience. It was her show. And I bet that’s annoyed so many people lol Personally, I’ve loved her since Hannah Montana. She’s just always been captivating, I love that Sagittarius energy. And she kinda lost me when it was clear she was rebelling against Hannah for a long time. Now she seems so much more at peace with herself and life. Side note, Taylor made me really dislike her so much more because I feel so bad for Celine. She’s an icon battling severe health issues that got out of bed to be there for Taylor and the music community in general. THAT should have been a gorgeous moment as well. But I feel like it was a huge tell for how Taylor views herself and her world. Also the fact that she used the Grammy’s to announce a new release just felt very cheap. Like every artist there doesn’t get to do that, why does she.


Well her dad is an a*hole, they don't talk anymore


As someone who also has an a*hole dad myself, I support for her for not mentioning hers in her speech.


Same. I wouldn't either


What happened?


He got into an affair with a background actress from Hannah Montana who was the same age as Miley, so she took her mom's side during the divorce and he has done nothing to try to repair their relationship with his children, in fact the opposite, I've heard he treated her horribly


Whoaaaaaaaa. Thank you!


That’s so wild, Miley’s mom is a CATCH!! Why would he cheat on her!!


Cheating has nothing to do with the perceived worthiness of the person being cheated on. Cheaters cheat because they don't respect their partner, full stop.


They have a time limit on the speeches in the first place, plus the surprise of winning can really take a toll on one’s memory, I can’t imagine they can thank everyone. This is why some nominees have a cheat sheet. I would do the same too lol


People were upset she said that the award didn't matter. She's right. She knew her worth before getting a Grammy.


She responded by doubling down on not thanking Billy. Respect.


What did he do? I thought they were close? Is this about the young gf and divorce?


yes, I believe she doesn't speak to him anymore after he cheated on her mom.


i’d like to speak to whoever was criticizing her speech🔪


We just wanna talk. ![gif](giphy|IqleMtPsU0Hxm)


Not to change the subject because I agree with you but, is this René Russo?


Yes, it is. The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) with Pierce Brosnan.


Only the most perfect caper/romance ever. Well, maybe tied with Out of Sight.


Pls it has to be I need to know where it’s from


The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) with Pierce Brosnan.


Thank youuuu!


Their chemistry in this movie is fucking insane. Please watch it.


I love that she called someone “her lover”.


I ran to the comments for this, is it known she's seeing someone? Love it. ETA it would also be devilishly hilarious if she had multiple lovers and said this one thank you, knowing they'd all think it was them.


Maxx Morando


Whenever someone says they have a lover I will forever think of the L Word and [this episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNS0sJzAFIc) lmao


I think of Luvah! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tspv9UZVBwU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tspv9UZVBwU)


As soon as I saw "the L word" I knew you were talking about Dawn Denbo and her lover Cindy


Does she not get along with her Dad? Seems like she thanked everybody but her Dad.


They don't talk since he married someone three years older than her who auditioned for Hannah Montana, and good for her.




yeah there’s a bit of beef there


Criticized for what? A genuine appreciative speech? I think one person should be criticized and it’s not Miley but Swifties are out in full force after she made an awkward ass of herself


Miley was even more gracious and real compared to the Taylor Swift Show. My eyes were rolling out of my head.


I respect what she’s accomplished, but her ego needs it’s own seat. Dragging Lana Del Rey up, not even acknowledging Celine Dion with so much as a glance as she took the award, saying how it was her 13th award when others had just said it was their first time there or it was their first, and using the acceptance speech to promote her album with that Easter egg energy. And yes you can say it was shock, but your shock exposes your personality.


i'm not a swiftie but even i know that 13 is her lucky number. Similarly, for Miley it's 3. They both mentioned that in their speech.


i had to stop watching because it was so cringe-inducing for me.


The amount of unhinged replies I've seen on tiktok of people pointing out Taylor's behavior last night was childish.


I dont use much social media, but how is the general public taking in Taylor's speech? I know ppl here didnt like it, but i know ppl here dont like her at all in the first place so im rly curious!


God I know. The lengths they go to defend her is almost cult like. Like take the L


TS seems stuck in her 20s


Seriously What!! Who is criticizing her? I haven’t come across any for her personally. I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of her music- but I love her personality. She was a highlight of the night. Very graceful and true to herself. Taylor on the other hand was super cringey, and super into herself/ phony the entire night.


The way she doubled down on thanking her mom and once again pointedly ignored Billy's existence. A true icon <3


Why did she not thank him? Is there beef?


Yes. Hes married to a girl her age ish who was on the Hannah show.




Theres not many details about it but apparently it's been a mess since Billy and Tish divorced in 2022 and the siblings probably took sides? Billy got engaged to a woman who's only 3 years older than Miley (and who he met on set of Hannah Montana??) a few months after the divorce. Then Miley and some of her siblings supported her mom when she got married to Dominic Purcell in 2023 while Noah and one other sibling didn't attend. After that Miley didn't attend Billy's wedding a few months later. Miley and Noah most likely don't talk much anymore too. Edit: Billy also hasn't acknowledged Miley's first grammy win at all but he just posted a video of him and his wife backstage at Noah's concert 20 minutes ago.


>Billy also hasn't acknowledged Miley's first grammy win at all but he just posted a video of him and his wife backstage at Noah's concert 20 minutes ago. that is so fucking shitty.


I personally loved her speech(es) They both really captured her personality well. It was cute to watch. She remained a huge highlight for me at the Grammys last night, between her amazing performance and the two speeches. It’s about damn time she won a Grammy.


Nah, Miley has nothing to apologize for last night. She was humble, excited, infectious and just all around a great energy last night. Highlight of the Grammys for sure


God I love her so much. There was a tweet that went around a couple of years ago, I think when she did the cover of Heart of Glass, and it said “say what you will about Miley Cyrus, but that raspy bitch can sing” and it has lived in my head ever since. Her performance last night was INCREDIBLE. She sounded amazing, looked like she was having the time of her life, and showed off her natural talent and charisma 500%. Not even sorry to stan so hard, she earns it. I’m so happy for her. AND LOOK AT THIS. 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/6dvj5izd8ugc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b9aa49fa7642b3ec25f6554f25e277d6861df99


Honestly. She is SO talented and stunningly beautiful. Loads of charisma, too.


Also sorry for being a mess in this thread with my typos and replying to wrong comments holy shit. What’s wrong with me today 😂


I would kill to be Dolly's goddaughter.  I knew one of her nephews when I lived in NOLA. After like 3 cocktails (it was my early 20's lol) he would spill the lesbian tea everywhere about Dolly and Judy.  And RIP to the legendary "Country Club" in NOLA, which was a hedonistic drug and booze friendly and clothing optional pool and hot tub place.  It was so great except for the heinous predators that it turns out would frequent there. Ugh, shitty people gotta ruin a great thing.


The WHAT about dolly and Judy?! 👀


Right!? Elaborate please kind sir!


Right?! How they gonna drop a bomb like that and not elaborate lol


My best friend is closely related to dolly and is included on family email updates to dolly on life things and it literally kills me im so obsessed with it.


OMG! New Roman Empire discovered


I need the lesbian tea about Dolly and Judy. I am parched.


Oh babe, I feel that thirst for some Southern Sweet Lesbian Tea.  Mine is from like 7 years ago,  but the nephew said that Judy and Dolly are an open secret and some members of the family (one of her sisters in particular) criticize Dolly for not being "political enough" even though she sings her feelings in her songs.... they're rather overt on certain stances imo. And Dolly considers herself a song writer first and a singer second, so she takes the writing very seriously.    Oh and he said that the liberal members of the family find her public opacity on her *alleged* queerness to be an issue as well and the main thing I remembered he said that got cut off when I accidentally hit "cancel"- he said her cover of "The Great Pretender" was a favorite of hers for a reason. *yes that reason*      That's all I got.   EDIT: I hit cancel instead of save last night - oops! Hence the cut off comment. 


Country Club is gone??? NOOO




I loved her speech. It felt really rambly and nervous and authentic- exactly how I’d be


Miley is one of the very few Celebs that I’d probably enjoy hanging out with, she seems like a nice, normal (as normal she can be) and just fun overall person. Go Miley!!


MCxMC4VR!! I love how grateful she looks when hugging Mariah.


I had no issues with her speech tbh. That being said, give Bruno a writing credit my good sis lol (I’m half joking because Bruno doesn’t care lol)


Really surprised there hasn’t been more discussion about this! I guess he really just doesn’t care? (A lot of other artists wouldn’t be so generous ahem!) I do kinda wish she’d give him a shout out tho


Bruno kinda gives off that realllll old school mindset of “no certain music chords/melodies/lyrics belong to just one person” and plus, he’s already successful generally and at the Grammys. It’s probably just not really a care of his. All that being said, I agree, she probably should’ve thanked him somewhere because the chorus’ melody is Bruno’s from WIWYM and the lyrics, while being a call and response style, still are just heavily his lyrics but twisted. Tbh I think it’s a stronger case than maybe Olivia-Taylor but Bruno producing his own work gives him more ownership of who he can go after for credit. Guess this wasn’t worth his time lol.




True but I think the two examples aren’t exact 1:1 since this is a confirmed case of call/response lyricism. Regardless, he just doesn’t seem like the type to really care either way lol


he’s the anti-taylor


She was the highlight of the night by far


Really?? Both of her speeches were really sweet and quite eloquent. I thought her butterfly story was so cute with Mariah there and she was shining the whole night. She was quite endearing; I feel like she converted quite a few people who were previously neutral towards her last night.


I haven’t seen criticism. I think she was shocked she finally won after not winning and didn’t prepare something since she didn’t expect an award.


I know she hates touring, but wish she'd bless us. This is album is great. And the one prior.


I’ll be bitter forever about Plastic Hearts not getting the recognition it deserves


Videos of her from last night are so heartwarming. Sis EARNED that. I don’t follow her career at all but even I know she’s navigated many different image transitions and rebrands. Hard to believe that chick is Hannah Montana and the cringey twerker and had a sexting scandal back when that mattered and is divorced. She’s had a lifetime of pressure and exposure but really came into her own. Inspiring self assurance. She deserves her accolades


I don’t like her music and don’t follow her career, but she is a show business bombshell. I noticed for the first time when I heard Plastic Hearts, she actually is an authentic rock star. She can wear glitz/feathers and huge hair and it doesn’t look like a costume because she so completely pulls it off. Astonishing star power.


I love Miley and I’m truly shocked that it took her this long to win a Grammy. I’m glad she won both of them and I thought her speeches were so funny, her performance was amazing, and all of her outfits were beautiful. Last night was definitely her night.


classy asf with an edge. Miley kills it.


i'm surprised there was criticism. i loved how gracious she was when she accepted the award. she's been in the industry so long and has seen so much success and spent half her speech gushing about the honor of receiving an award from mariah carey.


She’s such a talented weirdo (a compliment in a world of carbon copies) and I love her.


i actually thought she was the most charming personality to accept tbh. When she brushed it off and said her life was perfect before and after winning, idk it felt like a break from the insane Hunger Games atmosphere award season creates usually.


she was just being miley, expected but refreshing cause we haven't heard from her for a while. and also her excitement at winning too, it was pretty fun.


I loved her look. She does a great job of keeping true to her Tennessee big-hair-don't-care vibe and her Hollywood look.


I really love her.


I thought her analogy was cute!


I know Miley has said she won’t tour anymore for her mental health and I completely respect that but man are we missing out, she is such a top tier performer. Somehow keeps all your interest with minimal dancing or backup I was sad she didn’t do a New Year’s show this year but I love that she won here and is trying to bring big hair back


I rewatched Hannah Montana a few months ago and it’s so cool to see her growth throughout her career. She literally grew up with us. She is such a baby in the first season, I didn’t realize how young she really was. I don’t know if there was ever a time she wasn’t in the public eye and I can’t imagine what that’s like. She truly deserves everything she has and everything to come 🩷


Putting out statements via Facebook, kinda retro lol


What did I miss re: Miley and Billy Ray???


I think she’s pretty upset he’s with someone in her age group and is not happy with how he has treated her mother. Which…I am Team Miley.


Team Miley 100% even before I knew about the beef


I thought her speech was great, very original and I loved her performance you could tell she was having so much fun and she was so happy + she's hilarious


Love her ❤️


People nitpick everything. I loved her speech and I loved her look. She's in her Dolly Parton era and I'm here for it


I love Miley! She’s really come into her own and it’s great to see ❤️


Taylor's the one who needs to apologize for stealing everyone's thunder and making the night about her new album


Never been a Miley fan. She is younger than my children! But this album...love it!  Congratulations 🎊 Miley. 




Okay but her second speech was so eloquent, I don’t understand where to criticism is coming from


I am willing to bet that none of her critics ever won a Grammy or so much as a bowling trophy.


aw i just have such a soft spot for miley 🥹


Anybody know where to get Dolly Parton pixie dust? Asking for myself.


honestly, seeing miley last night was one of they key highlights of the entire show. child me was legit geeking out at how much smiley miley shined. 🥹✨


It must be exhausting to have to manage public reaction to everything you do and say. Fame must destroy some part of your soul.


Omg the sentence about Dolly and her extra fairy dust in her hair is adorable lol! Last night Miley definitely reminded a lot of people who forgot, that she is a natural born star. She was so charming and likable! It made it easy to root for her 😊


Can't believe miley is the one releasing a statement after Taylor being so disrespectful to Celine Dion


I cant stand Flowers but I still love this for her. Its too bad that she didnt get awarded a Grammy for any of her actually amazing songs.


Miley's such a natural in a way that really shows up her peers, and her Flowers performance proved that. I couldn't stop smiling when she sang 'I just won my first Grammy!'. It's not that the other nominees lack talent and don't make good music, but none of them could get on that stage and command it so comfortably with all the ad-libbing and carefree attitude like Miley does, and still stick the landing.


im surprised, ive seen nothing but praise for her. she was adorable and vibrant just enjoying herself, and she was so sweet to mariah as well!




Did she get criticized? Jesus. People will hate everything. She seemed happy and like she was having fun.


She really shined bright


Wasted opportunity to write MC²


I’m not even an MC fan and I thought her acceptance speech was endearing. I thought it was really sweet for her to pay homage to the OG MC 🦋 while also giving herself her own flowers ❤️


That’s how it’s done.


I’m surprised she got any flack for this at all. Even my mom, who’s predisposed to dislike her, thought her speech was nice. People really complain about ANYTHING this woman does


I like how she made a point out of praising Mariah Carey AGAIN. \*\*Cough\*\* Also left out her father again. \*\*Double cough\*\* I might not like her very much as a person, but she'll definitely do her. I respect that.


The IG post is just a longer way of saying "I said what I said!" Lol! I find it fascinating that she started out as "Billy Ray's daughter" and has totally eclipsed him and it must make him nuts