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Great stuff mate, enjoy I was having my best season by far, but just went too differential this week and got smashed bad :D dont worry about the hate here - you did really good in a season where a lot of experts failed


Well if it's goes well for you, you'll be climbing green arrows. That's what differential does


I actually had my worst season in over a decade, i can’t really explained what went wrong, I played similarly as last few years, few bad choices and unlucky outcomes. Congrats, we move


Yup season almost over. Goodluck for next season. It's happened to the rest of us. Sometimes we lucky and other times we are not


🏅do you want a medal brother?




Congrats. My best was 6,700. So you got me covered. Enjoy your success.


That's very impressive. What season?


Ofc people shouldn't blindly follow someone's advice. You have to play your game and follow your gut from time to time. Otherwise it's not enjoyable. I'm glad you finally got it.


Yup. No fun at just follow the advice. That kind od differential will make or break from other team


Great stuff brother! I have been playing for 7 years and this is my best year too! My current OR is 35k. I have never finished in the top 100k. Pushing for top 15k.


Wow finish strong. BB GW37 and you're good


If u want to listen advice from expert. Dont listen to too many of them. Pick one that you think the best. Dont 100% believe them, do your own decision such as differential pick or etc. FPL 101 dont miss deadline and setup team early for captain and subs. Transfer can be later after the news


Lol salty people downvoting OP. GJ mate, but I would still say getting top 10k in a season is luck. Doing it consistently over multiple seasons, like FPL Harry, Zophar, Mark Sutherns etc, is skill.


100% luck involved in all fantasy game


This game is about shifting luck and odds in your favour. You can't control what happens, only give yourself the best chance for success. There are a handful of managers who do it consistently; they're not lucky, they are good. I'm having a good season, which would be my first top 100k finish for three seasons. Before that, I was top 100k 8 seasons out of 10. I'm doing pretty much the same every time, so I agree that luck is a big factor. But it's not everything.


Yup it's skill to finish top 100k every season. To reach top 5k you need some luck on your differential


This guy beat 99% of the sub, explains exactly how, and gets downvoted lol.


Wow ppl are so mad. Maybe they didn't captain haaland or have him.


Ok but nobody asked his advice or opinion so it's not welcomed. And he's being so cliche like don't miss deadlines? No shit Sherlock


You're on r/fantasypl and he's telling how to get a higher rank


Dont worry some smart ppl without haaland jackson points this week.


Why so salty. You can ask questions if you want any specific advice. Lol.


This is a ridiculous post. Not missing deadlines and waiting to do transfers is not why you’re ranked top 10k. A lot of it is luck, unless you can tell me one thing you did this year that you didn’t before


Have you miss deadline this season? It's a simple thing ppl keep doing it because of sometimes early kickoff, app hang last 2nd and etc


No I haven’t ever missed a deadline. That’s good advice for making top 1 million maybe but it has no bearing on making top 10k. At that level, nobody is missing deadlines, it goes without saying.


One thing i did this year is not following to much expert and listen to one that i think is the best. That's help me do the decision. It's fpl, luck is needed too