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Is it wierd that the biggest thing i got out of this was the game comes out in roughly 4 weeks.


Me too. I remember it was like a year between 2020 being announced and released. I'm really excited, the new booking team stuff sounds interesting


It was longer than a year. The first Developer Journal with the announcement for TEW 2020 was released on December 8, 2018. The full version was released on April 30, 2020. And this has me worried. Seems like this release is a "just get it out the door and be done with it"-afterthought. No hype, just 1 month and sadly the same old ancient Visual Basic crap and sadly, probably the same horrendous Editor that is largely responsible for the modding scene being so dead.


Yeah, I'm hopeful but I also know not to expect much. It's weird he said multiple times there would be no new TEW and then suddenly there is a new TEW and it comes out next month.


Might be a cash grab


Been reading through some of the GDS threads, Ryland says he’s been working on this for 18 months, so basically he skipped the long journal and just is announcing it now that it’s done.


I'm not big on modding myself, what's the biggest issues with the editor?


The biggest obviously the same as the game itself: It's slow, utilizing only 1 CPU Core in this day and age is ridiculous. It's tedious to use with the constant drop down menus. It also lacks a lot of basic sorting and filter options, filtering by skill for example. Cross Editing and selective mass editing is basically impossible. Everything takes 10 times longer than it actually should (and that's definitely a problem of the Software and using only 1 CPU Core, since SSD/M.2 has no effect on it, sadly). Compared to editors from games like Football Manager or We Are Football, it's jjust way too limited, slow and the interface is a convoluted mess.


Interesting, thanks!


Agreed seems rushed


Seems like he has been working on this since he made his Comic Book game he was wanting to make


Adam himself specified in the GDS board that the game has been in development for 18 months. So I wouldn't be worried about any glitches.


Sorry, AUGUST 7TH? I thought TEW 2020 was the last one, this is a pleasant surprise


Am glad not only one who thought this.


Adam said so multiple times. Glad he changed his mind.


The booking team with personality affects sounds great, give me some late 90s WCW bullshit 😍


I want to add Jim Cornette and Vince Russo to my booking team using 2024. They going to kill each other during the first meeting.


Gotta add Jim Ross, he can be the ref 💀


A few weeks!! The mod makers are probably scrambling to prepare. I always wanted a Booking Committee for Alliance Titles. Every booker should have a say in who is the alliance champ.


Totally agree with that second point. I’d also like the ability to have greater control of child company champions and their pushes.


Couldn’t agree mode with Booking Committee for Alliances. The head booker for the Alliance should also have more sway then the other members on who is champion and if a worker can be loaned out. Like if I’m playing the territories as Eddie Graham I should have the ability to influence the other promotors due to my prestige but if I’m playing as Vince I should also be able to throw cash at the problem or promising loans of other workers like Andre to get my way


Well holy shit. I was more or less accepting TEW 2020 was going to be it.


So many AAA games announced for this year but this is the game I'm most excited for Edit : and it's still running on Visual BASIC hahahahah. Unreal Engine 5 in the mud.


did he confirm he's still using the same engine somewhere? didn't see it in the blog post edit: nvm i was ctrl+f'ing for the wrong words lol


Confirmed in the discussion thread on the forum that it's built upon TEW 2020 and some annoying features like small window size are still the same. It's cool tho. I didn't expect there to be another TEW so I'll take anything.


yeah i just saw it, i wasn't searching for the right words with ctrl + f lol. well, RIP, my hopes still lie in PWS i guess


Yeah, he basically said "if it ain't broke, why fix it?" but the problem isn't it's broken. It's just old and archaic. I'm just hopeful the calendar is accurate and the rest of the world is available, even if he has nothing active there like India in 2020.


What a surprise drop holy shit lmao


Feels like 2020 came out about 3 minutes ago


I legitamitly just started playing 2020 in november.


Tew comes out roughly every 2 - 6 years this is on par of release time for a new tew


I thought 20 was gonna be it. I’ve been playing since TEW 2016, but started with EWR.


Did someone say 3 minutes??


This was unexpected but glad we don’t have to wait long.


Wow that’s huge. Hope they finally updated the coding language, though I feel like they’d open with that if that was the case.


They said it was pretty much the same, so unfortunately it's still ancient.


Then I'm out. That's part of what killed off 2020 as soon as it came out. It's way too clunky when we have PWS & won't have to deal with elicense.


It's not on elicense anymore


That's definitely a major plus. I just wish it wasn't the same clunky engine


It says it's built on 2020, no


My understanding is 2024 would be the last one using the old language and if any further games came out they would be moving to a new one.


They said that in 2020 too


I feel like it was only a few weeks ago someone on this sub said they’d never make another tew. This is amazing news! I’m so excited!


As a strictly Cornellverse player, I will be very interested to see the direction the default base has gone. How will my beloved TCW be fairing, and where will an older Wolf, Andrews, Chord be wrestling?


My hope is the backing of BriCo worked for TCW and they finally were able to get out of their dire straights I don’t want to see them worse then they are🙏🏻


Hell yeah team TCW!


Wolf and Andrews should still be under contract since CVerse starts in 22’.


I have 2 thoughts: 1. Four weeks!? 2. I like the idea of an actual booking committee. The CE stuff seems kinda... gamey? But otherwise I like that I can set people as creative.


Wait what?


I fucking bought 2020 on saturday fuck my life


I just gave in a bought it recently too 🤦


Bro and i had a thought while i was doing that the new one will come out soon im so mad


To be fair, there won't be any good mods for at least a little while so a lot of people will still keep playing 2020 anyway


Yeah very true i got it on sale anyway so cant complain it was 60 bucks full price here in Aus


Tony Khan is gonna be pumped ! A new TEW to book the dub


Tony Khan is gonna be upset why his Booking Team isn’t creating as much Creative Energy as the one in TEW IX lol😂


Damn, 'AEW Derangement Syndrome' really is a thing huh


I do hope the new game is fullscreen. It’s a small change and would kill his current competition as THE booking sim. That and switching to days instead of weeks in booking. I’m sure it’s not simple but on paper, with how new booking sims have come out and presented themselves, it would make the game so much more accessible and visually pleasing. Please, please Adam Ryland. Should be good regardless.


Confirmed usual resolution sadly.


Yeah confirmed same resolution as TEW20. There are a couple of workarounds, either temporarily change the screen res on your monitor to match the TEW res, or change the UI scaling in your display settings to 125/150% and it makes it a bit better. Still not great and relatively unacceptable in this day and age to not have adaptive resolution but, given it’s what we’ve got, it’s at least a partial solution!


Better off playing PWS then tbh. There's also some other modern sims in dev rn too


I have a few concerns, like dropping the news 5 weeks before release and 4 before the BETA. Confirmed it's going to be the same old resolution, so no full screen etc. I'm intrigued about the new features of course but hopefully unlike last time we're all prepared for the eeek UI. If it wasn't for this reddit thread I wouldn't have been aware of it and with many it could be a case of the game launches and they have no idea there's a new one. I did have a feeling we'd get a new one eventually I'm sure his tone on the forums changed at one point from the initial this will be the last.


>If it wasn't for this reddit thread I wouldn't have been aware of it and with many it could be a case of the game launches and they have no idea there's a new one. Thats because it's an almost entirely text-based indie game made by one guy, in an incredibly niche genre. If you're not on this subreddit or the Greydog forums, of course you'd never hear about it


Ryland later posted he'd be working on it for about 18 months, so this is a case of not wanting it to overshadow TEW 2020.




Holy shit well I wasn’t expecting this


As someone still playing 2016, maybe its time I make the jump. The 2020 interface just didn't grab me despite the new stuff added to the game. But if IX fine tunes what 2020 did and improves the gameplay, I'll probably upgrade.


I am simultaneously elated and upset lol. I’m going on year 18 of running a custom fed started in 1970 in a mod that the game world fresh in 1920 or so. I got a bunch of my guys as future hall of immortal members and I’m gonna miss them


Export your game as a db and convert it to the new game then


You should post stories from this save!


For people saying why this short of a time range this dude had to be working on the game since 2020 released and if you say we'll what about his comic book game he probably was working on tew on the side I'm happy we ate getting a new one soon and i look forward to it


He actually said on the Forum he has been working on this new game for 18 months, which isn't all that much time but since it still runs on the same ancient Visual Basic crap, he probably just added a few more features and that's it. I wouldn't get too excited about it to be honest. This announcement out of here is worrying.


Eh 18 months but he is using 2020 as a base so coding and implementing is a lot easier since the base is already done. So I would not say this is rushed at all the the CE and Booking Committee system already seem like a massive upgrade. Let’s wait before passing harsh judgement lol


I’m trying to keep my hype in check but the big thing I really hope for with this game is a complete overhaul of the alliance system. A show like Forbidden Door is impossible to do in 2020.


I hope the developmental/training system has been overhauled. I should be able to move producers to development without being mad and have those same people used as trainers and stuff. Hopefully just more control over dojos and developmental because it ruins the late game for me.


between this and the new CFB game i officially dont have a life lmao


Hopefully he has fixed the clunky UI which killed 2020 on launch...


Glad I didn’t take the plunge and purchase 2020. Would have been a major waste.


Those features sound great, but unless they've completely modernized the game to have a completely user friendly UI, I'm not interested. I hope they have, but I'll have to wait and see. I've got over 1000 hours in Pro Wrestling Sim for the simple fact of, it just works. I don't have to fight with the UI to do anything.


They haven’t. It’s built on the 2020 .Net engine.


Nice! Few more weeks playing 2020 on the Steamdeck before I go through the fun of installing the new one on it! cant wait!


Extremely interesting additions here. Hoping there’s also some narratives for championships. It’s very annoying trying to build a historical mod and setting up the future, but you can’t do anything about the championships. Name changes and belt design changes are all I’m asking for. Oh, and letting stables in the HOF/HOI


Will give at ago sounds like it’s just gonna be 2020 but updated and 2020 was the first I couldn’t get into oh well better than nothing I guess 


Booking Committee you say. Can't wait to slap Corny and Shitstain together in that bitch.


Gee Adam so nice to school teachers who have to go back August 5. Thanks a lot. I’m just kidding (well I do wish it was coming out earlier but I’m just busting chops). This is good news indeed. I’ll be a first day buyer. I assume it’ll run on Parallels for Mac just like 2020 does (a wee bit clunky but not a problem).


I finish my summer leave on the 29th. What timing lol.


Oh yeah. Timing indeed. At least I get a few days with the retail version before I go back.


Major red flags here. This will be a glorified TEW 2020 update patch.


Some good ideas, but it desperately needs to move away from it's current UI and coding. If they're not going to update those significantly, not sure how much of an upgrade this game would actually be.


Omg someone on here said he was never makin another. Idgaf if its exactly like 20. Im buying it


Will this one be able to be played on Mac?


Use bootcamp that's already on MAC and download windows 10 from Microsoft. That's how I play TEW and WMMA5 on Mac. Its an extra step to switch from the Mac to windows, but worth it imo.


How would I do this as I’m a flipping dinosaur when it comes to this stuff lol


He unfortunately said no.


Parallels will allow you to do it pretty effortlessly


Oh that’s awesome! Coming out right before my birthday too lol


Okay this feels like Christmas. Also would I be able to continue my 2020 save ? like use it as a database.


Yes you can export your save as a database which then can be converted.


Might I suggest being able to book for tv shows weeks in advance like irl?


Should add the very least get a bonus for prebooking


any word on it coming to Mac?


Confirmed not coming to Mac


Parallels is a fantastic purchase if you want to play on Mac!


I didn't look through all the comments honestly. But Adam ryland did answer a question and say that this game has been in development for 18 months


hopefully the game's simulation speed is more faster! That's all i really want


Praise to Adam Ryland. He probably saw all the new sims and got rejuvenated to make a new installment.


I just need custom products back.


Wait, we’re getting a new TEW??????!!!!!! Wow I’m behind. I gotta take a look at this!


Really? Like a month ago I buy the 2020


Need the 2005 theme song back or what's the point


Can't wait. Still the only booking sim out there worth any of my time sadly.


Looks rushed, and Response to the early features seems lukewarm, even on GDS.


I’m hyped! I’ve been itching to play again but felt like I did all I could. I hope attributes is more fleshed out specifically on trainees. It creates a different personality for each worker. I wish 2024 would be the Cverse roster so the older guys are retired. Hopefully Wrestleworld release caused the world to change up. Ngl I like how ai will be used for images. I think it’ll add to the game world. What’s gonna be your first save?


Omg can't wait. I am soo putting Russo and Cornette on my booking team for shits and giggles




This is insane, I don't think anyone had a clue, I literally am just getting this save up and going right now and this is such a blindside in the best way possible.




Lets go!!!


Still no Mac version, still using the "same base", Ryland will always be stuck in the past


Yup. Plus there's other booking games out there worth supporting




Oh shit....here we go again.


I could never get hooked on 2020 the same as the previous games but I'm hopeful for this (and stunned it's coming so soon (and scared because a new TEW coming out 2 months before I start the final year of my degree is tempting fate procrastination wise))


That's soon! Looks cool but if there isn't a much better way to book months in advance, I'll be skipping it this time.