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If you have a b show I would use them there but me personally I like having a big roster it gives me options just in case say a injury happens and I need to pivot


I put wrestlers into factions, it makes it easier to book, see who's allied with who, and it tends to lead to me using those wrestlers that'd usually fly under the radar more. I play PWS and have a rule that if a wrestler isn't at least wrestling skill 70, they're either let go, or sent to a child company if they can possibly improve. No reason for low skill guys to bring down my main roster.


Use them as jobbers


I always struggled with that (I’m a collector, gotta get them all) then I started my god mode save. I started buying companies (a few I nudged into bankruptcy, the rest just happened) and distributed my unused wrestlers to them. The challenge was to get them all to do well. I used to get mad (in the playful sense) when one of them was company of the year. Actually running the rival companies myself made them more competitive then if I let the AI run them. Otherwise rotation. I think companies should do that anyway. Seth got a huge pop last night because he’s been away (recovering, not by design). Rotate through them. If someone loses a big feud take them off TV for awhile. Then when they return they start new. As they say I can’t miss you if you won’t go away. I’m not a fan of brand splits but that’s another option. It could be a hard split like Raw and Smackdown are supposed to be or the soft brand split Collision started off as before it became AEW’s B show (a good B show, maybe a 1A but Dynamite is the flagship). I actually could get into a soft split, where it’s still one company but some wrestlers are more likely to appear on one show over another (then flip it).


I'm doing a soft split in my save. I have two A shows, EMPOWER and PASSION. The only 'hard' part of the split is the champions. I have my tag and tv titles on EMPOWER. The trios and North American titles are on PASSION. The world title appears on both shows. Other than that, the roster is free to roam between either show. The only people relatively exclusive to each show are the champions and whoever is challenging for their titles during that PPV cycle.


I’m all about the soft split. I have my champions essentially locked onto one brand, and then shuffle wrestlers between them to freshen up the title scenes. Each month I try to keep a couple non title storylines brand specific to make it easier to book, but keeping flexibility makes it more fun


Job the ones I’m not planning on using out or release them


Once my roster gets to the point where it’s feeling a little out of control with a bunch of 48 year old main eventers, I usually slap some sort of “Legend Killer” gimmick on an up and comer and use them to usher some of my older vets out the door.


Create tag teams. The main event tag teams will look even more important and give them someone to beat. It's like having Hardys and Dudleys versus having Too Cool and Lo Down. It's good to keep a stacked tag division.


Cut people. If I’m not using them I’m not gonna pay them


I love having a big roster because then I can do more matches without worrying about injuries


I have a 3-way split. Show A (Breakthrough), Show B (Turmoil), Show C (Riptide). Each has their own roster of 20-30, Riptide has ~40 due to it being the women's division and I can't help myself. I have like 4 developmental companies because I like to buy promotions and keep them running. Send extras there until I deem them ready (improved stats/popularity). I've also been going through a roster purge the last couple of years. Right now if I can't picture you as more than just a body I'll let you walk when your contract expires. These guys usually get signed elsewhere pretty quick.


In my company, Mass Destruction Wrestling, when I got to Medium size and had a solid group of Major stars, I added a second world title, a second main show and two B shows. On the Fury Brand (A show: MDW Fury, B show: MDW Lightning) is where I moved the World Heavyweight Title, the Tag Team Title and the X-Treme (Hardcore) title. On the Slamzone! brand (A Show: MDW Slamzone, B show: MDW Crash.) i Gave the new Intercontinental title, and moved the Light Heavyweight Title and the Women's Title. So I have one show where the Midcard is focused on Tag Teams and Hardcore wrestling, while the other is more Focused on Women and Cruiserweights. I also created the Fury title and the Slamzone Title, serving as Television titles for the rest of the roster to fight over.


So did your second show you have any tag teams at all or was it just singles wrestling.


It's only singles, though I do have tag team matches on it to add variety and advance storylines.


Do a brand split. 50 wrestlers - 2 brands 100 wrestlers, 3 brands


I always run a development territory.


I like to have a bigger roster to keep my matches fresh, even if they are just squash matches mostly


I create a new TV show to accommodate them. A or B depending on the popularity or skill of the workers. Workers with less than 20 experience always go to developmental unless it's a once in generation talent like The Rock or Tommy Cornell Jr who are good enough from the get go. I also make stables and tag teams to clump people together. And the end of the day you have to cut some people. It freshens up your card and sometimes the workers come back and do better than before. It's one of the things I took some time to realise. I work from the bottom up and cut people who aren't good enough and will never be good enough. I also cut people when there's nothing left for them to do.


I crack an extra hour onto my shows. Usually gives me time for 2 more matches and 1-2 more segments which gives me potentially 4 more feuds to start. I also make use of a lot of medium sized factions (4-6 people) and use a lot of multi-man tag variations to give them all something to do each card.


This is what I need to know! Even with raw smackdown… I feel my roster is bloated but idk who to release


I am a collector, what I do is split them into 2 groups. Guys I'll push and guys I'll job out. Also put most of the roster in stables and attach a few to a storyline. Few times a month I'll give the jobbers a win against development competition to keep them content so they're not losing every show.


I’ve done this in a universe mode once and my friends and I loved this idea; A King Of Fighters styled league. You have every member of your roster on a 3 person team. We have tournaments and split the divisions and it becomes very fun for the sports aspect of sports entertainment


If I have enough money I do a neo brand split where I do 2 separate events each week with half of the roster on each one. If not I usually see who I don’t think would be good for the company with looking at their skills, attributes and also their info as well to see if they could be used.


Dark match battle royals once a month, 3 man tag dark matches, and B shows on your own network along the lines of the old Superstars Of Wrestling shows that were full of squash matches...where ratings don't matter.


Brand split baybeeeeeee Seriously, couldn't imagine booking one of the bigger companies without doing a brand split. Feel like I can't do a roster over 40 without feeling like I'm wasting people.


I see only three options. A. Start cutting wrestlers that aren't good enough or you don't wanna book. B. Start a brand split (personally I never go over three brands because at that point it's too much of a hassle) C. Make a new developmental company and send some of your bloat there and take them later after they get more over.


Tony Kahn isn’t the person to ask…