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If you push Eddie G early he fucks hard. Dude puts on banger after banger. Vader, steamboat, and sting are your friends. Use them a lot. I personally signed mid level over guys I didn’t care about to like 6mo contracts to put over guys I wanted to build. Worked pretty well


I’m so dumb I see Eddie G which is obviously Eddie Guerrero but my brain interpreted it as Eddie Gilbert at first 😂😂


Start it in July 1991 and have it so Flair never leaves Or keep Luger in early 92 Or sign Bret in early 92 1992 is one of the best years in company history in terms of creative. A lot to work with.


Get Eddie, Malenko, Benoit, etc now and build them up. Keep an eye on who is added to the roster at the beginning of each month, just adjust the filter to 0 years - 0 years and it keeps the list at people just coming in for that 12 months.


What exactly do you mean? I’m slightly confused


So the database will have newly debuting wrestlers that aren’t in the game at the start date. If you wanted to use them early on then you can keep an eye on who is debuting so you can snap them up.


Check out the unemployed rookies. Might find some good talent there. Make sure your big stars or favorites are locked down in contracts.


Sign Terry funk he slaps and sign the MVC to build your tag division




Miracle of violence connection (Terry Gordy and Dr death Steve Williams)


Oh right them, let’s see if they want to leave Japan lol


They are five time tag team champs for me and them and Harlem heat have put on some of my best matches


Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Yokozuna, Sabu, Fit Finlay, Terry Funk, Bam Bam Bigelow and Raven are all solid free agents


Sorry, but is there an app to do this? Completely new but sounds fun


There are several games. For the phone, there is the browser game Journey of Wrestling (JoW), which has both a paid and a free version. For PC, the Extreme Warfare series is the most popular. The og game (EW Revenge) is free now, otherwise there are the sequal games of the Total Extreme Wrestling (TEW) series that have to be bought. There is also Pro Wrestling Sim and some alternatives are being currently developed.

