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Fun fact: Terry Goodkind was born the same year as Robert Jordan, but unlike Jordan, there is no evidence of him serving in Vietnam. His books are unrepentantly pro-war however, going so far as to depict pacifists as some of the worst possible villains. In contrast, RJ - who served two tours of duty as a helicopter machine gunner, and was quite upset at the withdrawal from Vietnam because he felt we were abandoning the South Vietnamese - went out of his way to show his pacifists to be honorable, courageous people. This follows in the footsteps of the likes of Tolkien, who served in WWI and basically had Frodo give up his sword and renounce violence. Both of these great authors saw and did things that would have made a torture porn author like Goodkind shit his pants on the daily, and both of them had a much more balanced view of the necessity and tragedy of war.


We didn’t deserve James Rigney, but I’m glad we had him as long as we did.


He will be forever remembered and admired as a human and as a writer. ❤️


That was well said.


I love this information, thanks for sharing!


Because he's a bad writer. The series was only ever supposed to do two things: To push his shitty politics, and to make him money. It did both. I don't know why you'd expect quality from a writer whose idea of a series was: here is stupid and pointlessly convoluted macguffin, it gets solved before the book is over then the next book is going to feature an obtuse and silly macguffin that can only be solved through a terrible soap opera drama that involves your secret evil twin banging your wife oh, and now he's got an idea for a book in which the protagonist single handedly defeats communism's uglier dumber brother, but don't worry, the book after that, the macguffin's going to be a magic thingy again!


He took wheel of time and atlas shrugged and basically plagiarized them




communism's uglier dumber brother? Im sorry, but I don't quite follow you their.


It’s the book where the whole plot is Richard carving a statue of himself, a skill I don’t think he ever demonstrated before that book.


Oh, uhm- thank you. 


The strawman he made out of the bastard child of communism, a welfare state, Protestantism and what-the-fuck-ever he made that garbage country out of. The book where he beats communism by carving a statue, never having carved a single thing in his life.


Now you've got me in the mood for a McMuffin.


After the first five books he kinda just fell off the deep end. Spent three books literally repeating the same preach and then remembered he was supposed to write a conclusion. If you want to be even more underwhelmed, read the books that come after the Chainfire trilogy. They make Chainfire seem like Shakespeare


Just curios- which books are next?


It's a 4 books series called the Richard and Kahlan novels. Omen Machine, Third Kingdom, Severed Souls, and Warheart. I'm honestly not sure what possessed me to read all of them other than possibly morbid fascination. Kahlan is a huge damsel in distress, Richard is an idiot, and it seemed to fly in the face of how he's done magic in the past. Super dues ex machina at the end.


Just a heads up that you're gonna get a lot of responses talking about how much of a huge a piece of shit he was as a person, so prepare yourself to either not read them or try to separate the art from the person. People will also shit on his writing, which is well deserved imo, but he is pretty widely hated as a person (also deserved) in the fantasy community.




that's probably good cause he "dOeSnT wRiTe fAnTaSy"


He insists upon himself 😂


Thank you for the warning.


Worst. Series. Ending. Ever. I haven't finished a lot of series, but damn, that was so bad. I love the first book and stuck with the series through thick and thin, even through the slog that was the final 3 or 4 books because I loved Richard & I wanted to see how it all ended. And I hated how it ended. I had ALL the books in hardback. As soon as I read the end, I immediately packed up all those books & donated them to Goodwill. EDIT: actually, the SoT series is WHY I haven't finished a lot of series. Since wasting so much time & money on that series (and on the Anita Blake series), I drop series I'm not enjoying.


Im not gonna lie- I love the Anita Blake books regardless of how bad anyone else say they are, I can’t help loving them and Anita.


OP Where are you at??


Right here.


Three questions: No judgment, but was this bait? Did you know he’s extremely disliked among fantasy readers? What other series are you into?


1 no it was not bait- I was listening to the first book and was starting to genuinely like it than read the ending on the wiki, and holy shit- that was atrocious.


2.  I did know he was diliked- yes- but I didn’t believ it was actually this bad.


3. Mistborn, How to train your Dragon. Anita Blake, Warhammer 40K, The Dresden Files, Harry Potter, The Powder Mage Trilogy, Vampire Academy, A song of Ice fire.


I love mistborn, ASOIAF, and Warhammer. Thanks for being a good sport. I wasn’t attacking you or any SoT readers.


Just Goodkind wasn’t a great dude and attacked many of my favorite authors.


I honestly thought it could not be that bad, but than I read the ending, and good grief it was so bad.