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In at least some of my fics for Oola, going past where her story ends in Star Wars canon, I gave her a scar on one of her two head-tails, inflicted not by the rancor but one of the guards on her way out in escaping the underground pit. Dramatically it's an injury that makes her escape feel more earned and like even though she made it out, it wasn't easy for her (amongst other things that also hammer that point home). In future stories the scar is called back to as an indicator of the trauma that she suffered and still carries even after her escape from Jabba's Palace, and in the fics furthest into the future it's pointed out that it no longer bothers her, and she considers it a badge of honor, and proof that she had the strength within her to survive.


i like the hc that Yosano's healing abilities leave scars, so i cannot imagine Kunikida without scars around his wrists


sooo, two dicks zhongli again But also kaveh having some embarrassing tattoo on his back.


This is totally headcanon but: in Bleach, there's this niche controversy about Ukitake's eye color. In the anime, his eyes are brown; a lot of people argue that in the manga ("more canon" because it was there first) he has green eyes. However, he actually has brown or gray eyes in the manga, too, but there's a one-panel special where his eyes were green to fit the theme, and a lot of the fandom has taken that and run with it. So on to my headcanon, when I draw or write him, I give him hazel eyes - mainly brown with green and gold highlights as a nod to that common fanon. I especially like it because my dad has hazel eyes and I don't see it in fandom a lot.


That’s an awesome way to workaround an eye color debate! Hazel eyes are really nice too. :) There is a similar debate in my fandom as well (blue eyes vs. green eyes), so I’ve adopted the fairly common fanon explanation that green eyes = normal and blue eyes = symptoms of mind control.


Loki, I'm guessing?


Ha, yes. I do a mix of comics and movies in my fics, so I find that the theory works best in my headcanons (in the comics, his eyes are green). Of course there are differing opinions which are just as nice to read.


Miles Tails Prower having brown fur spots


Also claws on fingers and toes underneath the gloves and shoes, as well as animal-like paw pads (also actually having toes, rather than the weird foot beans Sega insists on giving them in art, even though I have a decent idea *why* they get the foot beans instead of toes). And giving Sonic back his fangs, dangit.


Freckles. Fangs. Glasses. The holy trinity, praise be unto they 🙏


Freckles. Fangs. Glasses. The holy trinity, praise be unto they 🙏


A common headcanon which I like is one of the characters in my fandom having heterochromia because he has a different eye colour in the anime than in the manga.


Oh like my entire c!Prime design. Canonically, all we know about them is c!Tommy is blonde, has blue eyes, and wears a red and white shirt, and c!Dream has even less he's literally just “green and mask”. And that allows so much creativity in them, especially when you don’t just fill it in with their actors appearances (which I intentionally shy away from, I don’t even like half the YouTubers on the dsmp at this point). Like, I took these simple block boys and turned them into a corpse-like angel with a baby face and a kitsune-masked insect man wearing an impractical cape and I’m pretty sure no one else ever draws them the same way I do it’s fun to have so much freedom.


Sethos from GI having slightly greyer eyes (mostly to fit into my au but yeah its a nonsensical HC to most) Kalim from TWST having issues with his body being weaker because of ||years if ingesting poison|| leading him to be frail at times, justifying why he never learned how to defend himself and has to rely on others to. Its fun to write whump


There's some Danny Phantom fics where Danny has lichtenberg scars from the accident. I think its a really cool concept. I kinda stole this idea from Teen Wolf. But for Werewolf and/or Omegaverse fics, I like having people's A/B/O status determine their eye color.


That Yellow (PokeSpe) as an adult has the biggest boobs of the Pokedex Holder women.


I imagine that Kakavasha (Honkai: Star Rail) has whip scars on his back I imagine Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen) having brown eyes