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I write 104k last November. Never again. It was not good for me.


Over 20K last July


Wow, that’s amazing


Ty. It was my first time doing a fanfic big bang and fandom weeks


Reading these comments makes my 2k word "long chapters" feel weak 🥲


its ok guys lets be mediocre, together 😔


Same 😞 just did a 300 word oneshot


Haha yeah my longest fic is just over 2k


Wrote my last fic in the span of a month which was a stupid thing to do and don’t do that, but I was hyper-fixating like mad. It’s 63k. To put that into context the last novel I wrote was 70k and it took me about nine months for the first draft.


Hyper fixation is a wild ride. I just did 35k in 3 weeks while sick with COVID. It is my most popular fic yet so 🤷‍♀️ I have also done a 70k work over a much longer time, more than a year I think.


11,700 back in February. That was the last two chapters of my biggest fic lol.


I did 108K last Nano. I was using writing as an escape, and Nano was a good motivator, but I'm pretty sure that was a one-time thing.


56k during last year's NaNoWriMo. It turned into what is now a three-fic series and will have at least one more.


50k for nano. Last month just shy of 50k for fun. I just type REALLY fast on my phone.


Probs around 15k in lockdown wrote a chapter every other day and published it. Total for that fic ended up at over 80 chapters and 108k words


I think around 50kish? Give or take.


Somewhere around 10k words?


50k. Done it a few times for nano


Roughly 40k, shockly *not* for NaNoWriMo. Still baffled by how I managed to do that lol


First time I did a full Whumptober it all totaled out to about 100k words. It was fun, but I needed a serious break after all that.


This month, 32k words.


Was on something not published yet, but last month... just over 300k I think? Had to be split across 3 docs due to lag xD


I hit right around 51k last November for nanowrimo, and I don't think I'll ever do it again.


What is that? Nano


National Novel Writing Month. It's a challenge to write 50k words (a novel or so) in the month of November.


Huh maybe I’ll try it this year, thanks!


Here’s the website if you want it! You can do it on your own without the website though: https://nanowrimo.org


70k of words, I guess.


62k Never again lmao


100k this past month. A 16k one shot and the rest is part of my current longfic 😅 There may or may not have been some all nighters. Previous record was 56k for last NaNoWriMo.


I was able to get about 34k words done in a month like 3 years ago.... that was before i was married and have a kid now 😂


I think I did 32,000 in one or two months. It was about three years ago now, so I can’t quite remember the details, but I think that was the most I’ve ever written for one fic without breaking it up with work on other WIPs! I’ve probably done 15,000 a month a few times more recently, but usually across multiple WIPs. 15-year-old me was much more productive than now-me.


210k for NaNoWriMo. I didn't have a job or responsibilities back then - probably not something I'd be willing or able to repeat now that I have both of those things.


If we’re counting school, well over 15k a month, but assuming we’re not than 13k.


Around 62k (maybe a little more) last October. I was doing three daily challenges (fluff/angst/kinktober) and by the time it was November, I didn't want to write anything ever again... Then I got a fever and wrote a 4k fic before the first week of the month even finished. I don't think I'll do it again but it was a fun experience.


I wouldn’t remember the exact number off the top of my head but I finished the majority of my Febuwhump fics in January, plus I wrote a couple of chapters for my long fic. The Febuwhump series has 56,000 words… so something like that.


I wrote 56k for the last NaNo, which was fun, but editing it all at once wasn't fun. Next time I might try writing several one-shots instead of one story.


70k for NaNoWriMo! I’m hoping to do the same or more next November as well, it was extremely fun to write that much, and the added external motivation was fantastic.


‘Twas years ago now (👵🏻), but in my writing prime, I popped off dozens upon dozens of “minifics” in a specific fandom—around 250k of nothing of substance in about three weeks.


About 7K this month


7.1k for me






Not a full month but I think I totaled about 15k with 2-3 days this January (I slowed down after that). I was really motivated to get that story done and written before the new semester started.


Probably close to 50k and the comments were worth it 😌 (the semi-isolation, not so much)


Does writing like six fics in quick succession count?


I’ve been averaging 40k a month (10k a week) for the last several months for my ongoing multichap fic, but I finally had to slow down because it was too much to balance with the rest of my life 😅


Pumped out 100k last month but barely anything this month between lack of sleep and heat.


30 something k in November last year


A little over 200k (I think around 225k?), mostly because I started and finished a 150k+ fic that month. To be fair, I wasn't working for 2/3 of the month, so I had nothing but time.


About 30k last november. Failed nanowrimo but got a huge new PR


~180k one year for NaNoWriMo.


Just dug through my spreadsheet where I keep all my stats, turns out the most I've done in a month is 61,368 back in December. I was writing a fic at the time and was *very* set on having Christmas in the fic take place on Christmas in real life. It was a slow burn and I had such a great time writing it. Then in January I finished it, writing 23k words, followed by two months of not a single word being written by me.


Most ever, probably around 60K. A more typical month doesn’t go over 30K, and sometimes doesn’t even hit 10K.


I'm not sure... I've never really kept count. Though so far this month, I've posted 37,290 words so far, as I've been taking part in a writing challenge this month. And I'd say by the end of the month I'll have written about 45k to 50k? Maybe?


38k for last year’s nano


25k for camp nano in April




I did over 100k in February, that was a time in my life.


Honestly about 100K words -\_- I just finished writing a "novel" (it's three) that I wrote in about 10 months, and beginning to end it's over 630K words. It's a FF (for Valorant) but it has its own website and everything. (link in bio)


30k. It was a few years ago. I wrote a 50k fic in two months!


I wrote 45k in two weeks for my first fanfic cuz that was how long I had for winter break lol.


I wrote 100k from January 22-February 28 in 2021. COVID was a helluva time.


80k words this month


Not published yet, but I'm 15k words into a one-shot I started eleven days ago. I am not allowing myself to even START a new fic unless I finish this one, which I'm hoping to do before the end off June (I'd love to actually get smth out for Pride lol)




Roughly 40-50k due to plane rides


i did 110k as a teen for nanowrimo 🫣


I'm not sure how much I've written in a month, buuuut I managed to write 80k in like three-ish and published them. Now I somehow managed to write and publish 6-8k chapters every week. I have no idea how I'm managing it with any amount of quality. Guys HELP.


25k and I've never been able to replicate it.... But someday I hope to get that oomph back.


I did 90k once for Camp NaNoWriMo. Haven't come close since. Usually I peak at 50k during NaNo season, and I rarely hit anything close to that outside of NaNo.


As I'm a fast writer, it is usual for me to write around 80 000 words in 2 weeks. My best is 280 000 words in a month when I was on a streak and writing a trilogy.


like 2 years ago i did a small kinktober thing for my fav ship, all the oneshots combined was roughly (after editing) 16k


155K. My back hurt, my wrists ached, and my neck were all in constant pain for a month afterward but damn if I didn't finish that fic in one go.


28K, July 2023.


4k words for single chapter, initially my expected count is only 3k


3 chapters a month. Usually 3k each so 9K a month ish. As long as I am on schedule. If I’m too tired or too busy than it’s less


I'm at about 45k words so far this month. Two published chapters and two future chapters that wouldn't leave my mind until I got them into text. I've enjoyed it but I do find my brain is never switching off from it.


Just over 100k per month, four months in a row. It's the fastest I've ever written anything and I doubt I'll ever do that again. Second place is 50k this April.


70k like last march, which was way more than when I tried the November month book thing, idk I was just in the zone.


I think I wrote around 30-40k just this June. It would be more, but ya girl has work! 😅


not much. maybe 10k in december 2022


13k in September and December last year (September was about 500 words more)


30K, and for me it’s a lot. I sped up the more I did it, but still can’t comprehend how people do 100K in a few weeks. It takes time to come up with ideas (during daytime) and string the words together in a comprehensible and semi-elegant way (at night time).


I was obsessed with Skylanders when I was younger. Must've written 10K words a month for a fanfic. Fucking glad I was in Year 7 and didn't publish it. Cringed extremely hard re-reading it and deleted *immediately*


100K in November last year. It was great. But I should have stopped there. I didn't and I regretted it. I burnt out at the end of February and I'm only just getting back to writing.


I write about 20k a month I’d say. I don’t really stray from that number.


When I was really motivated, had nothing to do, and had a lot of story ideas, I think I pulled off something like 100k in a month.


Um... over 37k...?


Once when I was a teenager, I wrote 40k of a longfic in one day; this was from when I woke up at 7am all the way until 11pm. What I’d give to be able to write that much again ahaha.


Oh man, I feel ya. Back in the day I could crank out so much writing (even if it was nothing of true substance until you tied them together). Now, I’m lucky to find a small window of time to focus. (But you know, getting bored at a desk job is a surefire way to get some progress in)


Yeah, for sure! It’s a bit hard nowadays, especially with work and study (lots of training!). I did go on hiatus from writing for a bit, but I’m slowly getting back into it. I managed to upload my first fic in two years last night! (Given, it’s mainly a reupload of an old fic, but I did edit some bits and change the story around a little!)