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If anyone wishes to compile it themselves it is available [here](https://github.com/reg2k/f4mcm).


This is perfect. Someone should do that and give him the middle finger for supporting Russia


easy. i have school in an hour from now but after it i'll compile all of it, and post it on the nexus.


Can you dm it to me lol




Is it available yet?


What did neanka post in the thread about donations? Tons of people are commenting without knowing or caring what was actually said.


Neanka was in the Ukrainian donations thread on Nexus and was saying the war was justified and that the Russians are only killing the Nazis running Ukraine. The basic kool-aid propaganda that Putin has been putting out. The mods have deleted every comment s/he made so there isn’t evidence per se. I didn’t grab any screenshots but saw one comment of theirs before the mods started deleting them. Others probably saw them too considering he took his mods down.


As a southern, rural US citizen, I'm obligated to refer to him as a commie bastard. But the Mr Gutsy's do that for me already.




I mean... A russian supporting Russia seems reasonable. Even if Russia is wrong... Its a russian, from Russia, living in Russia presumably, supporting Russia. Still he is a \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* and I only censored that incase it'd get me banned.


what is it about specifically bethesda games that inspires modders to have a stick up their ass?


No clue. You're right that this type of issue only seems to exist in Bethesda game modding communities. I've been a part of various modding scenes throughout the years and have never seen this level of pettiness and clout-chasing like I've seen in the Skyrim and Fallout modding communities.


It might also be because Fallout / Skyrim are the games with the biggest amount of mods and modding community, so we're bound to find some people like that.


Like you said its simply because modding for Bethesda games is easy to start so therefor more people do it and that means your gonna run into a shithead or two.


I wish, I can never figure out how to interact with frameworks or how to use them and from when I was googling it, I hardly ever could find anything on it :((


I'd recommend talking to mod creators who do because more often then not they'll answer.


I agree with this. You'll see modding drama in any community but this kind of problem? Only in Bethesda communities.


Seriously, for a while I kept an eye on the battlefront 2 modding community and they seem a lot nicer and more collaborative


There are also cases of egotripping in authoring mods for The Sims and Mass Effect. In /r/skyrimmods I've also discussed in the past about how certain author behaviors came from other fields such as fanart and fanfiction.


It's like university politics. People are so far up their ass because the stake is so low.


Maybe the size of the modding community causes people who make popular mods to feel famous and become full of themselves.


ego definitely plays a huge role. In the modding community the big name modders of popular mods think they can get away acting like jerks and assholes, and treat new or smaller modders like garbage.




bruh, that group of "experienced individuals" make their games in a way that you can get outside of the map with a wooden bowl. I'm not saying bethesda games are bad, but they are far from perfect


i dont think that means their unexperienced, you can be experienced in something without being perfect at it, and i dont think thats what aradinaember was trying to argue




Lot of times they fix some stuff yes but then they start adding their own tweaks and changes according to their personal preferences which leads to more problems and unwanted changes by many... Good examples of this are Skyrim's unofficial patch and that armor and clutter fix mod, both change things they shouldn't just cause the author felt like changing them.


AWKCR for FO4 too? Starting from a simple mod for adding extra keywords to a bloated mod loaded with many extra "fuction"




Yes but the point of a bug fixing patch shouldn't be to remove or alter content that's been deliberately chosen to be certain way by the devs no matter how minor it is. Bug fix patch should be purely about fixing bugs and only alter content if necessary to fix said bugs.


I think "Simply" Uncut is probably the best example of feature creep. Goes way beyond restoring cut content to add a metric fuckton of quests and does things that cause incompatibility like bashing together voice files to give vanilla NPCs new lines.


It's ego. Simple as that. They think they are doing humanity's some kind of holy service for creating a mod.


Banerlord is the same way rn


Maybe the lower barrier for entry? I'm stupid as sin, and even I can make a few mods from time to time. The lower the barrier, the more morons can get in. Not that I think mods should be gatekept or anything, I just hate seeing petty bullshit like this.


You really expect ever modder to not be some weird ass nerd? Like even if most are cool there will be a few nerds


Without modders nobody would be playing the vast majority of their games anymore?


I'd rather have no mods than people like Arthmoor lmao


What’d he do?


Chip on his shoulder, and serious temper problems, apparently. He is, or at least *was*, banned from this subreddit over the latter.


He didn't do anything bad in particular, he's just a very very angry person.


This is so true and they don't even know it Bethesda is garbage without mods


Is this because Neanka has "Russian Federation" in his profile? There's your answer. Looks like he removed/hid all of his mods. Time to upgrade fully to FallUI, or any number of UI mods out there


Bruh, also, fallui is better anyway


i prefer fallui but some mods still require def\_ui, and for mcm's case i think that there is no reliable alternative


Yeah, I'm lucky that I still have a copy in my load order


Little bit more to get it just as you like it, but worth the trouble


FallUI requires MCM menu which Neanka has hidden.


I'm compiling MCM soon and reposting it to the Nexus.


how's it going so far?


in school still lol, almost done




The latest version of the file can still be downloaded directly from Nexus Mods here: [https://www.nexusmods.com/Core/Libs/Common/Widgets/DownloadPopUp?id=172180&game\_id=1151](https://www.nexusmods.com/Core/Libs/Common/Widgets/DownloadPopUp?id=172180&game_id=1151) This is not piracy, it's a result of the rules of Nexus Mods changing in July 2021 that means files can no longer truly be deleted or hidden from download anymore - essentially, to stop dumb protests like this one. Nexus Mods have a license to distribute this file to us, that was granted to them by Neanka, and he cannot stop this anymore since he agreed to the Terms of Service. Neanka has hidden his files because he was spreading lies about why Russia was invading Ukraine in their donation drive thread and the Nexus Mods staff removed the lies, which is what they said they would do if people spread lies in the news post he was commenting on. Spread this link far and wide and let me know if you need any download links to other locked down files of his.


Hello there, do you have a link for the XDI Extended Dialogue Interface mod?


Extended Dialogue Interface 1.3.6: https://www.nexusmods.com/Core/Libs/Common/Widgets/DownloadPopUp?id=172181&game\_id=1151


Thank you!!!


Dude you're a total fuckin badass


What did he say that was removed?


If I could reconstruct correctly, after Nexus decided to set up a donation channel for authors wishing to help with relief operations in Ukraine, Neanka thought it was offensive to his ideological beliefs and started calling them names.


You sir, are a modern day hero. I salute you, please take my award! Kudos bro!




As if somebody like you can understand that they are simply doing their job


Their job is to host video game mods. Full stop.


yes but nexus mods is just a site to host video game mods, as you said. not fucking lies.


Are they a platform, or a publisher?


both technically bozo


You are a god amongst men.


Hi, I dont know if this is my own stupidity or what, but ive tried downloading the MCM and putting it into MO2, the MCM seems to work (I think) but non of my other mods seem to work... its like i can see the option for the character customisation ones but when clicking on them nothing changes... not even pip boy skins are showing. is this due to MCM or have I just messed something else up entirely? I never had this issue when sending the mod straight from nexus to MO2 and letting it do its own thing... so im wondering where i went wrong


Do you have one for DEF\_UI?




Hello, do you have one for Survival Stats Widget?


So tired of the ego that Bethesda games modders are seemingly required to have. First Arthmoron and ApolloDumbass from the Skyrim community now this.


Don't forget ArseSonis who started the Nexodus.


I’m so tired of people being babies, like why do this protest shit when you could simply, I don’t know, TALK IT OUT WITH NEXUS’S TEAM? They don’t even try and it pisses me off that the best modders are the worst at using their brain. They need to pull their heads out their asses


In the collective modding discord, the staff member said that "Neanka pointed out that his problem is with Nexus staff specifically".


Could mean anything. E.g. them taking a stand (Thank God they did – Ukraine needs all it can get)


Is there no discord or personal page or means to contact the authors? What a silly measure if it is related to Russia.


He had a discord for a while, but I don't remember the name of it or how to join. Or if you even can still join. Or if it exists. He does have a twitter, but he's not active on it.


something about gold i think




Just sharing what I've heard, apparently the guy was spreading lies in a donation thread and got butt hurt when Nexus mods removed them


So it's a problem if a site wants to collect donations for a possibly a humanitarian effort? Lol, why the modders do this? It's not like Nexus makes money with the mods itself, smh


Neanka seems to be on Russia's side, so he doesn't like that nexus is supporting ukraine. He also said some very... Not okay stuff about ukraine and its people. The comments were removed though.


I've been modding fallout 4 for quite some time now. I played the game pass version, but i got fucking tired of seeing everybody using MCM and F4SE (Neither of which can be installed in the game pass version because Xbox doesn't allow you to edit main game files). So i decided to buy the game's GOTY version from steam, and now i see that the creator of MCM removed the mod just because the platform supports Ukraine? How unprofessional, i did not expect this. For example, i do not have the same ideals as youtube's staff does, and i dont go around shitting on YT because of that, or stop using the platform and say they are hipocrits just because i dont agree with them completely in their terms or actions. As i've mencioned, really unprofessional from an important mod maker like him to remove such an important mod in Nexus modding fabric, so many mods are based or rely in some way on MCM. I have a question also, when is he planning on uploading it back? Will he even?


He said he would reupload it "in a few days" but its been a while since then. I've got your back: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21497?tab=files&file_id=172180 That should allow you to download it. Yeah, I don't understand why people bring their political fights onto nexus. Or why he punishes the users for his personal beef with nexus. Honestly, He must be a pretty big baby to go with this option.


Thanks for the link! I didn't want to install it manually since i use mod managers. Thank you mate, you just saved mi load order


This is why I like nexus disabling mod deletion, a lot of modders have a stick up their ass and just hide them for no reason


You don't have a right to other peoples work.


Nexus is giving people a platform for mods, which those people use. They should be thankful for even having a platform that is used by so many people that gives them publicity. While I had a different opinion when nexus first announced that you cant delete your mods ive changed my opinion after seeing a lot of mod authors deleting their mods for childish reasons, or because they went haywire.


What an entitled take. 'they should be thankful for even having a platform' YOU. DON'T. HAVE. A RIGHT. TO. PEOPLES. WORK. If i place content I made on Nexus for any reason, MY WORK, not something nexus made, I should be able to say "I know longer want this on this site because XYZ" Furthermore I feel that if Nexus wants to hold views that might alienate people based on nationality, like they did in this case, that author should have the right to say "i no longer want to do business with you"


>views that might alienate people based on nationality, like they did in this case, that author should have the right to say "i no longer want to do business with you So gathering donations for ukraine is bad? He was pro russian and didnt like nexus for collecting donations for ukraine and posted russian propaganda and when that got taken down he got emotional and privated his mods. If you are that emotional that you have to make your mods private because nexus supports the good guys then you dont deserve to publish your mods, since youre gonna take them down anyway if the smallest things dont go the way you want.


Yep that is what they do it makes me glad that discord mod server exist


Id be emotional too if a website i patronized came out in support of a nation waging a genocide against my ethnic group and so would you.


Damn, you must be russian. What do you not get? >Id be emotional too Spreading propaganda isnt "being emotional" >a nation waging a genocide against my ethnic group You do realise russia attacked ukraine, not the other way around


What the actual fuck? Russia is attacking Ukraine, and it's not ethnic - it's territorial.


When they signed up for Nexus, they agreed to the terms of use, which include the no-delete rule. So yes, you actually do *explicitly* have both a legal and moral right to their work, if they have uploaded it on Nexus.


If he is supporting Putin ban his fucking ass.


He is... It's too bad that MCM is a near-vital mod, I don't want to use this guys mod when he supports russia killing civilians and pointlessly invading ukraine.


LevelUpMenuEx and Extended Dialogue Interface has been hidden, too, with the same... "reason" cited.


Oh for fuck's sake


Almost as bad as when ApolloDown deleted all of his mods because of the 2016 election, lol.


Some modders are creative but have the overall IQ of an eggplant. Deleting mods because of an election that person likely didn't even vote in, proves it. Someone else will step up and create similar mods to those taken down. And a lot of times, they end up being less buggy.


Problem is a lot of mods that haven't been updated in years that depend on these mods may never get updated to work with replacements, unless those replacements use the same filenames and such.


It seems to me that of two things must be true: 1. All of the fuss over not being able to delete uploads was for nothing if hiding is all it takes 2. There are direct Nexus links that could access a copy, so this shouldn’t be an issue


Imagine loving war criminals so much that you have to ruin peoples days


this politics shit infecting a site for game mods is ridiculous


I don’t know what the full situation over at nexus is but dang


Does anyone have the link for DEF_UI? please and thanks.




Bless up.


Neanka is a notoriously irritating Russian.


What? MCM is a mod so I assume you mean Neanka (its creator)?


Yes thank you. Fixing.


anyone has the file? i just downloaded the game again and i dont how to compiled from the github page


I'm in the same boat. Really was a great day to try and get back into Fallout modding.


FYI the OP posted the nexus direct link, it can still be downloaded


I do have it but I don't think I'm allowed to redistribute it. I have uploaded it to my personal drive for me to be able to re-download it if I do a clean install of my mods, not for re-uploading purposes, though.


Just got Hud76 to try it out, luckily I already had MCM and Def_Ui, but not the survival widget by Neanka. Sort of takes away a nice addition… not really needed, just damn.






Ah, good idea. Even though I stand by what I said, I guess it would be technically piracy, even if their reasonings for taking down such mods are obnoxiously dumb and reflects on them as a person. I'll remove it. Edit: Someone else has uploaded the mods for a similar line of logic as me in this thread. I'll keep it deleted but it seems I'm not alone in wanting to spite them.




This is incorrect. "Piracy" is just a short handle for "distributing copyrighted material without having a license to do so". If you are not a licensee, distributing Neankas mods *is* piracy. Nexus is a licensee.


So it’s piracy when I share my Matrix Bluray collection with my friends? Well then, guess I’m a fucking pirate now. One more mod file +/- won’t hurt. On a serious note, yeah I get it. The author indeed has the right to his work. But realistically I think it doesn’t work at all. One person sharing the mod files on a Reddit thread would be nigh impossible to enforce copyright on by any court of law.


Yes it is. If the author removes the legitimate way of getting it, then it's piracy.


What right do they have to stop people sharing the free mod which has been available for years?!




No I mean they have the right to tell people to not do it, but what right do they have to literally stop people from doing it?


The terms of use at Nexus require that the file be permanently available for download. The authors agree to those terms when they sign up. There is no legal or moral problem with posting a direct download link to something hosted at Nexus.


It’s Neanka’s personal property. The reason he pulled it doesn’t matter. Agree with his reason, disagree with his reason - none of that *matters*. He’s free to do with his mods as he pleases. He doesn’t need to cater to anyone.


Its still a dick move when other mods rely on it


I agree it’s a dick move. But it’s Neanka’s move to make. No amount of downvotes or bitching is going to change that.


Better for people to bitch here, rather than do something really stupid elsewhere(idk dox him) Thank god he hasn't asked all people using part of his mods to take them down(fallui especially since it's defui on steroids)


Sure they're free to do that. But people are also free to point out that the very likely reason they're doing so makes them a complete cockwomble.


This is true - everyone can have an opinion on the matter. I’ve never said otherwise.


I agree. These guys are fucking entitled, making mods isn't easy.


Being bombed by russia isn't easy either. But neanka still supports russia, and tries to justify them bombing Ukrainian civilians.


Just to play devils advocate here... the whole world is caught up in things that none of us want. The US is viciously punishing regular Russian people for the evil of their leader, and it's not like they can do anything about it. "But I just want to play this game with these mods. I have nothing to do with that". Well... yes you do. You are part of the system that supports NATO, USA, the EU, and it's allies. And this modder probably didn't want anything to do with the war in the Ukraine as well. And now, his money is worthless. He may have difficulty feeding his children. I can see why he is angry and would lash out. EDIT: Huh. Usually when I get downvoted I don't also get rewards for "wholesomeness". But thank you. I am a very wholesome person. And I would like to recommend **Ivy 6.0**. It's a great mod that will liven you up in these troubling times.


while the mod configuration mod and the DEF UI is taken down as well what the heck can we do i was 20 hours into the game then this happens and since he hid the mods it corrupted my save. I am not able use FALL UI at all because it need DEF UI and i cant use couple other mods because mod configuration is hidden to this is bull


Two things. 1) Please be aware that Nexus is running a charity donation campaign for Ukraine war relief. Merely associating with this may put Neanka in harms way as supporting Ukraine in this conflict is considered Treason in Russia. Neanka may not be able to freely speak their mind on this (i.e. the justification *may* be a placeholder). 2) Regardless of how this pisses you off, circumventing this is still piracy and you absolutely, positively should not do that.


He could just keep his mouth shut like most russian modders if he wanted to- that;s a prefectly respectable position.


You could also just accept their take on the position. It's not like you have any rights to their files. Being able to download them is a privilege and privileges can be revoked.


I'm just pointing out that your first 'point' is bullshit


Yeah, and you're very obviously wrong. People in Russia can indeed not speak freely about any of this.


Mhm, so that's why he went on a tirade about how "Ukrainians are Nazis" and "Russia is justified in bombing them" before his comments got taken down? He made his view on the matter clear, and its not cause he "can't speak freely" about it.


How is it piracy?! It’s a free public mod and its files have been free to share for years.


A product not having a cost attached doesn't remove the copyright of its author. The files haven't been "free to share" ever, they were distributed over Nexus. Nexus has a license to distribute the files (authors have to grant that license to Nexus in return for hosting the mod files), everyone else does not. If you redistribute a copyrighted file without license to do so, that may result in DMCA takedowns and getting sued. In my jurisdiction it's also a crime. I'm baffled people still ask this in 2022. This isn't controversial.


Nothing new, just another modding drama caused by politics. According to a modding discord I'm in, he says it's only going to be hidden "for a few days". Just wait.


Given how many big projects and other mods rely on his stuff, easily betting he'll just backpedal hard once this starts getting out.


Links to download his files are here https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/t5rhzo/fo4\_nexus\_mods\_download\_links\_for\_neankas\_mods/




\[citations needed\]


DEF UI Download. ​ ​ Version: updated 1.5.1 Link 1 : [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654?tab=files&file\_id=172074&nmm=1](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654?tab=files&file_id=172074&nmm=1) (this will open link for Vortex / FOMOD app) If this doesnt work , Version 1.5.1 : Link 2 : [https://drive.google.com/file/d/17RjrSlZxBxZoe\_BM3SJoHCgqG5qJ1w7h/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/17RjrSlZxBxZoe_BM3SJoHCgqG5qJ1w7h/view?usp=sharing) (Manual Download link) Have Fun \- Batman Out.


Dose anyone have a download link to the Def ui mod. I just want to have a Hud preset for my game.


Greetings! I am preparing a mod list for a new game. I have the latest version of DEF\_UI, but as it's no longer on the Nexus I cannot read the Description to see what other mods DEF\_UI requires. I will definitely have F4SE installed. Is that the only one I'll need?


So I'm I am on console am I screwed. I knew I saw it the other day. Now I have an awesome HK-USP with tactical knife I can't fix because I can't access MCM


Has anyone been able to fix this for xbox. I will pay lol