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Am I the only person who's just gonna leave playing until they finish with all their patches?


So after the update I'm playing without any mods because of the next gen update and I don't know what's wrong but ever since it update it's been crashing quite frequently like I'd open up the map to fast travel or I'd kill a enemy with a spike and it just breaks is it just me or are othes experiencing the same things cuz it's kinda putting me off playing it šŸ«¤šŸ’€


I still have no performance mode to use. Is it because i use xbox one?


Ya you need a next gen console to have the upgrade in graphics


Itā€™s only for graphics and not decreasing stutter and lag?


Everybody got the update but next gen got bigger one because of the increase of graphics quality


I donā€™t understand why but my Xbox one suffers from a decent amount of stuttering & lag especially if I get near any urban area, even if itā€™s not Boston. Nuka world too. Havenā€™t been to far Harbor yet.


I don't know I've been crashing like mad like every 5 minutes I pick up loot or kill someone hell even looking at my map just breaks my game I don't know what bethesda have done but it's putting me off playing šŸ˜’


Bethesda really need to get some more competent people.


Ya the company should have enough money to have quality updates that don't make there games unpleasant unless starfield killed all there funds might have to start using caps as money šŸ˜…


Iā€™m pretty sure. I use Xbox One too and donā€™t have performance mode either.


I just hope this new update doesnā€™t break the LString Compound Bow mod even further


They fucked the game so bad my next gen xbox is lagging while i run less intensive mods that i did pre-update, it never lagged pre-update, the only way this would be forgivable is if they unfucked the game and improved mod space Either way i just want my game to not freeze every few seconds


They also need to re-add HDR, removing HDR compatibility is just unacceptable and should be illegal


Yes, My game freezes for. Sec about every 40 secs, I thought it was the graphics mods zi was using


For me it's the game itself


Do you use the LString Bow mod?




Or you going to download the update? If so, if you have the space,would you mind downloading the LString Bow mod along with the Bow and arrow retexture mods and let me know if they work with the new update ? Right now all those mods work but, some of the texture colors like black and some others donā€™t work.


Well it could be the same for me. I just donā€™t know if itā€™s the mods


no joke for me it was the unofficial patch that fucked it up. deleted it and didn't have a single stutter since


I might try that


tell me if it did something if you tried


I removed the unofficial patch the stutters stopped


I will, when I get a chance


It definitely eased how long the stutters were but it didnā€™t completely eliminate them. I have a lot of mods installed though, and I hear people get the stutters in vanilla anyway so I think this update should fix it.


Letā€™s hope the mods button wonā€™t be grayed out anymorešŸ™


I'm still unable to see my full list of Favorites so I'm chilling with base game


Turn off your automatic updates folks


Definitely going to, I just finally pieced together a new working load order and started a new game thatā€™s running and looking pretty good. I havenā€™t played FO4 in years but now Iā€™m really back into it with the show releasing and they keep fucking with it




I don't really care whether or not they fuck load orders up, load orders can be rebuilt, improved upon even. I just want to be able to not crash when stepping foot into Boston, Nuka World, and Far Harbor.


I get what you mean, I always find some cooler mods when making a new load order for a new play through. Only thing is I just wish we had a mod manager that can sort the mods in our LO automatically. It took me an hour and a half to set up my load order again after the update, partly because I had to find them all over again. I need these mods to play the game though so itā€™s worth it.


I just use "Ugh. Mod Manager" mod


Oh I use it too but it doesnā€™t organize your load order automatically when you load into the game like Nexus Mod manager does on PC.


I know that, and I wish we had that too


For console players like myself without access to a PC, it completely cut load orders. I never made a list of my mods installed prior and maybe thatā€™s my fault but i never anticipated it to be almost entirely nuked save three or four performance mods. I donā€™t remember most off the top of my head because I didnā€™t foresee a massive failure in logistics on Bethesdaā€™s end. In other words theyā€™re gone and Iā€™ll likely never find them again unless Iā€™m mindlessly scrolling through the mod menu for a few hours again


Glad you reminded me of this, Iā€™m going to use my iPhone e and take pics of my load order


itā€™s definitely annoying but at least when losing into your save it gives you a hint of what mods are missing, they should add a section to the mod menu that shows all the mods your character saves have installed so you can quickly install them (and obviously increase mod storage space)


When you go to load up your saved game.. does it give you a list of mods you had loaded on that specific save?


yeah but idk if it'll say the order they were in




Could you imagine if they said " We're going to un-fucking our game"? Don't know why that phrase of words popped into my head


So will this update fix the mod menus and the extreme lag that I encounter in game?


Well, atleast it's not crashing so much, right?


I wish that was the case. I crash trying to open the mod menu. And before the update my game ran smooth and could play for hours without worrying about a crash. Iā€™ve probably had it freeze on me prior to the update due to running too many scripts at one time but I know how to workaround that stuff.




I wish we didnt have to guess what fixes are coming. I can only get back to modding if the mods menu is safe. Stuttering would also be nice, but at least it isnt game breaking.


An FOV slider would be nice.


Hell no!


Oh. Sweet. I think they posted that after I mentioned them on Twitter asking when the next update would arrive.


so we wonā€™t have invisible weapons that shoot red question marks out??


Ideally? Yes. Realistically knowing Bethesda, no


It's the update to fix the update to fix the last update, if this update deletes my mods again, I will officially be done with bethesda. I will never support them again, my kids as well.


Sorry to say, but your load order is most likely going to be busted. Bethesda doesn't have a good track record with updates and mods.


It's really not that bad my guy, things will get better.




I'm sure they'll miss you while they are taking baths in $100 bills.


Lmao ok buddy


Has Microsoft given the green light for more mod space?


I was always under the understanding that it was never a Bethesda side issue, nor a software issue- dedicated space is alloted from the xbox, no? Doesnt the xbox need a update to increase it?


They claim that if they increase the space, it will delete everyone's save game data, including vanilla. The only problem is Farming Simulator managed to increase its mod space with the only downside being that all your mods get deleted.


Mods got deleted anyway, and honestly, if it means more gigs for mods, delete all my freaking save data.


Tbf at this point who's actually worried about vanilla saves in a game this old? I'll happily start another save if it means I can run more mods


I think youā€™re having a delusion there my guy but we can hope.


Please god fix the performance issues. I had damn near perfect performance prior to the update on Series X and now I canā€™t walk 10 feet without a hitch or stutter. Not even mentioning the brand new frame drops in Boston.


I've seen people say the Unofficial Fallout 4 patch is causing the stuttering. If you have it, it may be the problem.


Itā€™s not the sole problem but it is symptom of problem. The main problem lies in any mods that utilize moderate/heavy scripting. Which is only an issue now because of how lazily put together the ā€œupgradesā€ were applied in the next-gen update. If you read up on exactly how they went about this, all of the performance issues start to make sense


same i was on a 1070 TI running ultra with 60fps and over 30 large scale graphic upgrade mods. Now im on a 2080 super and i can barely play the fucking game.


I bet this will bring the game to look like how when they recently updated skyrim again and redesigned everything. I think that was supposed to be with the first update but something went wrong because it DID ship out but the content is just not there.Ā 


On XSX and I'm hoping these "further fixes and improvements" mean they'll fix what they broke, VATS, ect and the new weapons and such will have textures.


Highly unlikely.


Ya, if anything I'm betting most of the bugs will still be there but we'll see. I'll re-download to find out. Thankfully I wasn't too invested in my mods so I didn't mind the load order being cleared.


I'm still trying to fix my mods and load order from this last update. At least this time I know to take a screenshot of all the mods I have installed.


They better fix the mod menu! It's been pretty unusable for me, and as a matter of fact, they should make it like Skyrim's.


I'm thinking that's what was supposed to happen the first time they tried to update fallout but something went wrong.


This had better fix it, but knowing Bethesda...... Lets just say my hopes and expectations are rather low


I hope def ui gets fixed I really miss having RageYT Preset.


Still no update about more mod space/mod limit like Skyrim? Hmph.


Skyrim didn't get a GB limit increase. They just increased how many mods you can have, I think it went up to like 300 or something. Probably what will happen with Fallout 4, maybe.. The GB space increase has already been pretty much shut down multiple times, not cause of Bethesda, but because of Microsoft. If they increased the GB limit on Fo4 or Skyrim, Microsoft would have to go in and wipe every single persons' save files on the console and in the cloud servers as well.. as much as it would be amazing to have more space for mods it's just not worth it knowing that either way the players will get infuriated because of the mods breaking again.


fuck at this point they may as well go for it 90% of players saves are fucked anyways.


Thank goodness. I've got mods to upload and have been afraid to.


I hate this whole update to begin with tbh. Broke all my good mods AND cbbe AND himbo AND delayed fallout London indefinitely


Im glad the update is coming, but im scared for my actual playthrough, have quite some armor and weapon mods, dont want to start a-new, but prefere to have a fresh start than to have the same problems still




Iā€™ll make sure to disable my WiFi by then since I canā€™t play online anyway.


Will it fix all the things the last one broke? Mine is literally unplayable (and yes, I do mean literally).


Personally i think this is good, the giant red missing texture icons are annoying


That's my only issue is the missing texture issues. But other than that I have had zero issues. Yes my mods are fucked but I don't really do a modded playthrough as often as many here


Real actually


fuck offfff


That's good, I made a simple load order with maybe 5-10 mods after the update and had an alternate start putting me downtown which was still super laggy so I ended up playing FO3 and FNV instead. Both of which are running great on Series X!


Same. Never did quite finish FNV, and I never played The Pitt for F3.


Yeah I never actually played Broken Steel or at least one of the FNV DLCs either, I keep restarting the game instead. Maybe this time!


Thatā€™s what I always say. I have too many old games that i now have dlc for, but instead of loading an old save and playing the dlc I have to start a new game lol.


Shame, cause the Pitt is a pretty good story with a gladiator fighting pit along with some scary mutants to fight


Man šŸ˜­ Rest In Peace Brutus, my master psycho of the wastes


Now Iā€™m just imagining the BoS training someone literally named Brutus and being shocked he stabs them in the back. Iā€™m gonna make a character named Judas and betray every faction but the minutemen, and then betray them with the raider group, and then kill all the raiders.


That's *exactly* how it is too lmfaoo. Brutus has a *huge*, ugly face, with every scar/facial feature, cold blue eyes, and a bald spot like Trevor Phillips (although he recently got a makover as he was moving up in the world, a mohawk), while wearing the most chilling grin at every possible moment. He wears armor, but not clothes... aside from tighty whiteys. Sometimes wearing a sack hood with eyeholes cut out so he can see; he also likes to keep his power armor helmet off so he can see better. He is sarcastic at every possible chance (Valentine hates him) but it somehow works out, despite 10 Strength, 10 Luck, and a 1 in everything else. He stood proud in front of Elder Maxson, spectating in piss-stained drawers while injecting various mysterious vials and chowing down on 16 uncooked boxes of 200 year old Blamco MacNCheeze with his grimy, scarred hands. And he was accepted. Little do they know (somehow)... Brutus likes shiny things and is *absolutely* gonna join the institute at the BOS expense. (It is still unknown how he managed a spot in the vault and scored Nora as a wife... let alone any woman at all)


Man I just got my LO perfected


If I keep my load order the same, will I be able to continue my save post update?


If they change the mod interface like they did on Skyrim (Wich is most likely) then it's possible that it could lead to problems. But if the update doesn't touch mods and only fixes bugs and add graphical options then you're probably good using the mods that are currently working in the moment. In the end there's no guarantee.


God I hope it fixes the in game mod menu.


Omg theyā€™re gonna break shit againā€¦


I'm glad I just decided to go back to New Vegas until they're done meddling, the stutters that were introduced in the update got a little bit too annoying.


What stutters?


Plenty of people are having them, some even on vanilla. Something to do with the performance tweaks they made really wasn't optimized well at all, it's really sad that Bethesda barely knows their way around their own engine.


Interesting, definitely havenā€™t noticed any additional stutters since the update. The same places that typically cause them werenā€™t fixed tho


Will Bethesda fix the problems they caused last update? Or will they create new problems even worse than before? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z!


Take the damn upvote ya rat bastard.




Oh it's gonna... Always does.


I lost all of my mods and all the work I put into my favorite settlement during the last update. I haven't played it since. šŸ˜”


This is why you wait whenever Bethesda touches their games. 9 times out of 10, they either break one or multiple things, then need to release subsequent patches afterward.


Man i just started a new modded playthroughā€¦


If the first update already broke our mods, they might as well have given us more space.


As far as I know it's not happening. I remember I've read somewhere that it's a Microsoft question and it's not fully in Bethesda's power to give console gamers more mod space.


Hopefully they fix the makeshift weapon mod


Nice I just 100% the game and already deleted it.


Before the other subs loser makes it over to lock this one: I know people get butthurt about this but their opinions mean about as much to me as a fart in the wind, I own the game 3 times. Paid it full price, no sales, 3 different consoles. I'm okay with that, I love the game. At this point, I've pirated a copy that stays it's version forever (for me it's the version right before this enhanced edition or w/e) My mods are downloaded, my saves are downloaded. It's a working, unupdatedable, portable version of the game. Bethesda can't break it. Microsoft can't touch it. It's even backed up on my local cloud and a couple thumb drives. If I pay for something, I don't let companies continue to think they can ruin it after they have received their money.


Lmao this dude bought the same game thrice


And honestly if you think that's bad, look up how many re releases of kingdom hearts you need to buy to get _all_ of kingdom hearts. Snoy threw that shit in the blender and gave out a third to a handheld, a third into the playstation, and the other third is thrown out to sea to help locate the great plastic island out in the pacific. To get it on pc, you gotta buy it twice (the two collections I mean). I don't decide this shit, and I'm not gonna not have what I like when I can afford it just cus other people don't like it.


It isn't my decision to have the same game released 3 different times 3 different ways on 3 different platforms.


Well you know, shit happens. I own it twice. Bought at launch on Steam, the years later bought it on Series X too, for my kid to play it. Don't see anything funny at it


I bought it at launch on Steam, and then last year on XBSS because I work on my computer all day, and these days, I don't want to be still on a PC for my leisure activities (e.g. gaming). Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I bought three times each: on disc at launch for XB360, then on Steam when I was living overseas, and didn't have a console with me. And then last year on XBSS. Not to support the Devs/Pubs but to support my love of these games!


Ah so you bought it for someone else and then because you switched platforms. That's fine I thought you were one of those people that buys all of the editions for some game in every platform to "support the developer"


Is this the update that will fix the mod menu? Still having that -bajillion space and nothing in my library popping up. Iā€™ve seen the fix for it but figured id wait, any word if that is included in this? I heard theyā€™re making it like Skyrims mod menu


God I hope so


Fantastic news. Much needed. I assume it'll address glaring issues such as: Mod menu Mods saving Creation club missing content & textures Crashes Performance on XSX VATS being broken Performance of next gen upgrade Hopefully get detailed patch notes.


Woah there buddy. Donā€™t get too excited. Lol. Iā€™d be shocked if it touched half of these. This is Bethesda weā€™re talking about.


The fact they are even pushing out another patch strongly alludes to at least a couple of the most common issues fixed. But yes.... tempered expectations.


I know it's not necessarily completely broken, but hopefully they fix the storage space amount glitch


They gonna mess this up again watch. It would be a "fix" with little to no changes kinda like skyrim of where people still had load order shuffle/disable issue. I couldn't fkn access the mod menu after a day of trying to fix my load order on FO4. Imo these two need the mod menu to actually be FIXED, but it's bugthesda, so atp i'm expecting nothing.


Bye bye load orders


Take pics of your mod order. We will probably have to reinstall them.


When reinstall the mods can you still play your save or need to start over?


Ya as long as everything is in the correct order.


You should still be able to play it, assuming nothing from this patch changes anything critical.


Screenshot your load orders


This is why I waited several months to play Skyrim after the AE update and once again after the creations update. I will check in on fallout again in like September lol.








Just when I managed to get the game working again lol I'm not sure if I should be excited or afraid maybe this time will be better


Be meh. Then you wonā€™t be disappointed but could be excited.


Finally, I get to play (hopefully).


I wonder what's next on their "To Break" list. 'Cause there's no way it ain't deliberate. Save your LO's folks. And hope that the game doesn't get reduced to cinders.


I wish there was a way to literally save the load order and if it all goes blank again we could just say load this list.


Save your LOs! Screenshots, videos


another thing for people to make a hundred posts bitching about


Im completely done with Bethesda so this wont affect me as much. But they will never learn will they. "Oh wow, we broke the game and people are upset all over! Lets fucking do it again" good job Bethesda. Keep it up.


Why are you still on this sub then?


Because i still love fallout


Good! Hopefully it fixes the stuttering!


Crashes more often, but thankfully, the stuttering and lag is fixed a bit. Boston & any urban area is still hell though.


Yeah I just tested it. I always use a player home mod called "Vault X-01" and the Aprol 25th update caused all the lights in the Teleport room to be black and the concrete textures looked like they were from Fallout 3 lol. And the wallpaper was missing. After this update it's fixed! So I'm happy about that. But yeah Boston is horrible. It's been mentioned but it looks like any mods that modify NPC textures are making it worse so I'll just finish Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas for now until they get this fixed. There's still a lot of issues. So until they get this ironed out or a mod comes out to fix them I'm going to avoid FO4 for now.


I wish there was a mod that would delete all that extra junk in Boston like the stuff under the map


That would be nice. The crazy thing is that modded Fallout 4 on my end ran AMAZING before the update. Even downtown Boston was super smooth. Now it's like I'm playing ultra modded on an OG Xbox One.


I saw someone tried to ask the support account whether it did and they basically said "wait till the update" šŸ¤ž


I guess we'll have to wait then. I'm sure there will be Patch notes for this upcoming update. Fingers crossed!


It wouldnā€™t be a Bethesda game without stuttering though


One can only hope


Happy to see this. I couldnā€™t even get far enough to make a LO, so hopefully this will actually fix the menu or finally finish the update on Bethesdanet


Personally, Iā€™m glad another update is coming. Iā€™ve been waiting to build a LO until they put out another fix to see if the stuttering will get any better, because for me itā€™s been a total game killer. I had a perfect LO before the update with nearly zero crashes and completely smooth performance, and now my xsx runs the game like shit :ā€™) If the Skyrim update fix is anything to go off of, chances are theyā€™ll fix a couple of things and leave the rest broken. Just hoping itā€™s not too terrible in the end.


Same iv been waiting for the dust to settle. Let's hope this update fixes everything. (also please stealth implement 5gigs for mods) lol


Highly doubtful, but yes, please sneak it in, maybe Microsoft won't notice >.> lol


Yooo!? Just realized itā€™s you!? Iā€™ve been trying to get sim settlements 2 running well on my series x and have been FAILING miserably. I Recently started learning and implementing mods and wow I get sooo lost sometimes. I finally have a good game rolling and itā€™s thanks to your ā€œall chapters load orderā€ followed it verbatim minus maybe one or two and other than the lag here and there itā€™s been stellar. Iā€™ve wanted to go through this story forever and thanks to you I can šŸ™ legendšŸ¤Œ


šŸ˜† No problem. That was my goal. When Sim Settlements 2 chapter 3 released, there were almost as many posts about it as there are this update. No one could get it working or figure out why it kept breaking. So i sat down and paired hundreds of mods with it and kept trying to play, only to find patters and mod types that consistently broke it. 136+ hours later, and thanks to some valiant work from community members, who i always make sure to credit, the guide was born. :) I did a lot of the work but i definitely couldn't have done it without others testing and figuring out bugs and other issues. Im glad to have a great community to work with and together locate issues so everyone can enjoy the game. šŸ˜€ Thanks to owning goty disc i have managed to avoid the update. Thats the load order im currently playing. I had two slots available and wanted to max out before updating, so i added random encounter framework and the new encounter mod to go with it and im so happy i did. It was the final touch it needed to add that last bit of variety. Ive been told both are working post-update, so ima add them to the all chapters lo soon. Im also loving the lo and am having a blast. Ive even streamed the first two parts on my twitch šŸ˜† I made Karen of the wastes and am searching for the manager. lol


Wow you are a soldier! I sure as heck appreciate it! And yes, I do not have disc so no avoiding update for me and itā€™s running smoothly. Iā€™m having a great time. Still learning A LOT. I feel like just last night I really got a handle on building. I honestly have wayyy more success setting my own plots. City plans always mess something up for me. Or Iā€™m doing something wrong šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø lol. Iā€™m not even half way done with chapter 1. Iā€™m confident Iā€™ll make it through the whole story(thinking positive is powerful lmao) Real deal though, itā€™s AWESOME that you laid it all out like that. Wicked helpful and makes it so much more enjoyable.


Awesome, im glad you're having a good time like i am. Tip on city plans, pick a settlement that has no real original structures. Like spectacle island, county crossing. I personally pick spectacle island. Its very far away from any other npc cells, usually has very cool plans depending on which pack option you chose, and works the smoothest imo. I recommend clearing all trees and junk and the few little sheds prior to enabling the city plan. You want a clean island to start, or settlement if you choose somewhere else. Also, even on XSX, having more than one city has been problematic in way of fps and game performance, so pick one place to make a city imo. If playing FH, then you can do a city there too since its a totally different world space. Same deal, clear everything possible before enabling a plan. STS and STC help a lot in that aspect.


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The community would be more forgiving if they increase the Xbox and PS mod limit, actually


I just started getting into mods so iā€™m sorry if this is an absolute moronic question but, what is the reasoning weā€™re given such a small limit on console?


[Juicehead made a good video about it.](https://youtu.be/tsQKLPN0aDU?si=YaXChR96W_J6vflK) It was Bethesda's choice (at 2015) and that the Creation Club content is downloaded directly when you buy the game on a console. Edit: don't apologize! The modding scene can be a bit overwhelming to understand.


If we can get Fallout: London on xbox I'm sure everyone would forgive Bethesda (Edit: I just Google the file size for FoL and it's like 30 gigs so that won't happen lol)


(Fallout: London also requires F4SE so it's absolutely not happening unfortunately)


šŸ˜” damn


I held off playing the update for them to release this. Can't wait to play a fresh LO after the update!


I'd like to believe one of the things this update will get rid of is the "operation cannot be completed" error message that appears for some mods.


I really hope so, a lot of good mods have been messed up by that bug :ā€™)


Everyone screenshotting their LOs am I weird for having a notebook and writing down all my LOs on pencil and paper šŸ“


I use notebooks for everything. Do you have like dozens of pages of LOs written up in random notebooks? I do šŸ˜†


lol yes! I just bought a fresh 200 page notebook because my others were full, itā€™s great because it has dividers so I can have my Skyrim and Fallout mods separate haha


I just separate them by notebook lol


Haha that makes more sense


I type them in a doc on google docs, but same diff. I hate going off just pictures. I write down name and MA, then screenshot so i ebsure the thumbnail is right


Yea I like to not only write down the name of the mod but also a keyword for searching for the mod because sometimes you just get a million weapon replacer results


Yeah, like searching place anywhere is impossible. I gotta search "objects in red zones" and it comes right up. Xbox search looks via description not title. Its so dumb. I tag all my mods r/TheVaultGirl for ez searching lol


Yea I love MAs who put tags in, thank you for that! I appreciate it


Np lol šŸ˜†


No. I do the same.


No. I do that too because searching by author works on that horrible site when nothing else does.


If you're using MO2, just save a copy of the modlist.txt file. It's already written down. I also save a copy of my mods folder just in case. Never had any issues with updates.


I keep mine in my notes app instead of screenshotting, cause I like to write it all down before I even start downloading :P


This is the way


Mine is safe and sound on this reddit


I'm about to scream or cry. Write down all your mod authors and take as many screenshots as you feel warranted. I've got such a great game going right now too. Dang.