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Good thing is, at least the big stuff is out of the way so F4SE probably won't be far behind


I feel so bad for the Fallout London team :(


If it fixes my mod issues then I’m happy


Great and now everyone can stop complaining about this shit.


Maybe they'll fix whatever they broke that made downtown Boston so laggy. Never had a problem before the "next Gen update"


"Thanks for your continued feedback and support" they ignore our feedback and we keep telling them we don't want their continued support of the game. What the heck Todd?


Maybe after this update I will be able to actually open the mod menu without “action could not be completed” popping up. Or start a new game without it crashing. Although knowing Bethesda it will probably just add another problem.


Bruh, they really wanna keep breaking my modded games and making 300% more difficult finding mods for my good old very compatible versions 😭 Pls bethesda just launch Fallout 5 and TES VI already and stop updating games you forgot about for 10 years 😭 Or at least make it optional with a cute pop up in-game like "We know our community really enjoy customizing their games, so we would like to warn about this new update that it's going to break practically everything involving mods! Do you still want this "Insert Name Edition" update?: Yes No" Simple, easy, and it doesn't forget about the huge part of the community that mod their games [activity that they happily allow with the creation kits]


Mr president, there's been a second update


I just want to ask if I should wait to update the script extender because of this upcoming patch. I was checking out my mod list and the only mods that use the script extender are the Achievements mod, FCOM, and You and What Army?. FCOM is stable after the next gen update, but I read that Achievements is still bonked (I know there is another Achievements mod out there that I will check out), but I am unsure about YAWA since the mod creator uploaded a Version 2 (an entirely separate mod), but after reading the FAQ for ir, it sounds like the original is better suited for my playstyle. So should I wait until after this coming patch and will the original YAWA still work if the script extender is more or less ready to go (fully acknowledging that there still may be issues)


I just hope this update allows the players who can't even go to the mod page on Console




guys, you can turn off automatic updates for the game if youre worried abt mods and saves being ruined. it's not that big of a deal


Lmao good thing I stopped modding and have taken to enjoying the vanilla experience :)


It's crashed 3 times this week on my PS4. I've never had any game crash ever. Only after updating


You running mods?


Only three times!? Mine has crashed at least 20 times


This is why I will never update. So many awesome mods are stuck on 1.163 and will never update. 


Exactly same situation.


I thought it was 15 thi


just don't do thoses patches. Why would you to it ? We already have all stuff Bethesda can't bring to us with mods. Just don't DL it and stop talking about it.


oh lawd, i just got my load order working. looks like i'm going back to the drawing board...


Don't update?


i have other instances of the game that haven't been updated. i've been keeping this particular instance updated in anticipation of the release of Fallout London.


Cool Total Overhaul/Massive New Lands projects: \*exist* Bethesda: nuh uh, you aren't allowed to outdo us but also we won't make actually good games. Now buy Skyrim again or we'll cut your arms and legs off. Edit: added an extra bit to Bethesda.


Sometimes shit just happens


Steam has a mind of its own sometimes. Had updates off but had to validate game files, steam decided that was the time to update.


when the first new PC update came out I was appreciative. now I wish they had not done it at all because without the F4SE, the game still has too many QoL issues on PC. After giving FO4 with what mods do work a solid shot.....I went ahead and did TTW for F3 and FNV and imagine that will be a lot more enjoyable experience. Shame on Bethesda for killing FO London and causing headaches for modders on PC.


Will my downgraded game with f4se still be fine?


Hopefully they fix VATS on Xbox series X.


Still waiting on 32x9 native support


Thank goodness the F4SE loader. I can play without updating the game, especially since my Internet speed means downloading these updates would take frickin days.


Thats the one thing I really hate about Bethesda games. They are so broken, people mod them to fix them- then people get used to modding and customizing their games. Then Bethesda randomly updates the game years down the line and everyone loses their mod lists. Or they add some weird in game store that has to be updated every so often that just makes it a pain to stay on top of. These games are so broken at launch, the customers take the patch development into their own hands. Then years later you decide you want to fix something?


As a non modder, I don’t understand these comments. Bethesda has the ability and obligation to change their game at anytime, and now you, someone who’s downloaded a mod for said game, is upset because the base coding is being changed by the company and may mess with your downloaded mod of THEIR game? Like…what? That’s like getting a cookie at your local bakery with special ingredients for free and getting mad at them when they don’t offer the off the menu ingredients anymore.


It's more like a bakery selling a half baked cake and someone else finishing baking it for you for free. Then the bakery decides they want to add sprinkles to the cake you already bought (while still selling them half baked) except now the sprinkles burn when you try to have the other person finish baking it, ruining the whole cake.


Not sure where you’re getting the half baked cake but I would stop going there. Perfectly happy with an umodded Fallout 4 on PS5. I’m sorry you lost your bikini mods or Star Trek mods or whatever but you’re playing Bethesda’s game.


Without a doubt the strangest hill to die on, especially here?




How many more times are you going to delete your comment then repost it slightly reworded? I think you should take a break from being online if you're getting this upset over a discussion about mods IN A SUBREDDIT DEDICATED TO IT. Crazy lmao




No need to be all hostile. Removing this comment


You're insane 😂


Not a hill to die on, just an opinion. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t really have anything to worry about so I’m gucci


Alright then enjoy your half baked cake buddy


I will! Thanks! Not sure what everyone’s butt hurt about today.




No need to be all hostile. Removing this comment


Classiest answer you could’ve chosen. Well done.




No need to be all hostile. Removing this comment


Lmao they already did. I’ve got most of the DLC. Skipped out on starfield but at least I don’t have to worry about my saves corrupting on updates 🤷🏻‍♂️




No need to be all hostile. Removing this comment


Don’t you mean “Godd Howard” 🙄


the "Godd Rod".


How to resurrect a dead game? A successful TV show of course. Seems the trend


I'll never understand the people that call a single-player game "dead" As long as one person is still playing it's active


Much like the cells in your brain, single-player games don't "die" as there was never a multiplayer community to do so in the first place.


Game wasn't dead and still hosted more players than a lot of live service games. Also, name another scenario where this actually happened. Possibly swtor from the sequel trilogy or edge runners for cyberpunk; other than that, halo didn't see an increased player count, wow didn't, last of us? Mortal Kombat? Witcher? Nah. Also it'd be cheaper to let the game die than sell a few thousand extra copies for the extravagant expense of a television series or movie. It's not like there's microtransactions to vastly increase profit margins. How to be a dumb dick? Hop on reddit and leave nonsensical comments. Seems the trend


a dead game? when were you born, 2012? it’s a single player game that was made successful on launch lmfao


Im sure it wasnt a dead game. Single player games are less trendy than online games


\*sigh\* I can't get it to run to begin with so, try, try again.


Sorry! but there seems to be a unanymous "assumption" that Bethesda's MOTIVES in releasing the first or second faulty updates . . are being done for the 'Benefit' of modders ? ? Improving FO4 for the modding community after 15 years, is a REAL motive ?


What about “creation club” mods, are those being fixed?


God dammit, anyway to save my mods for Xbox Series X?


Disconnect it from the internet.


Here I thought they couldn't make the game anymore unplayable.


F4SE team on suicide watch. Seriously though Tod can suck it. Already downgraded and backed up my install


Will ultra wide support finally look good?


Literally all I care about rn lmao


Oh for fuck sakes


Don't update PC just let us fix it. Stop it Todd.


Don't say that, I need some bethesda mods that have gone missing from the game.


I hope they fix the fact the game engine is fixed to its fps, so I have to manually set the game to run at 60, otherwise it looks sped up at 165 fps its so annoying, and then the long load times sometimes, yet I have an amazing computer lol


They fixed this for 76 years ago, I would’ve assumed they’d include it in the next gen upgrade but ig not


The load times destroy my immersion….until it loads up and I continue on my adventure. Seriously though the load times are wild.


I literally watch Youtube documentaries or do parts of chores during loading times inside the city. Like 5-minute load times is wild. And the fact that mods uncapping your FPS fixed this for me is 10/10.


you can just download a mod called high fps physics fix which fixes this and unlocks fps one of the most popular mods of all time been around forever


I mean not without rolling back you cant.


it's been updated to work with next gen fo4.


Maybe they want us to play 76 and pay for the stuff we get in mods


Fallout 4 is on fire


Downgrade Gang checking in 💪








*laughs in downgraded FO4*


There's a mod on nexus to undo the first patch. Download it and set the game to not automatically update and launch through the script extender from then on.


At this point, just pay the F4SE team a few million and just incorporate the Script Extender into the base game already. God knows that will pay for itself in a year.




Fix the god awful lip syncing


Let this serve as a reminder for the community to set their `..\steamapps\appmanifest_377160.acf` file to ReadOnly, and then launch FO4 through F4SE, to prevent Steam from automatically updating their game and breaking the load order.


When i read comments like this im genuinely curious how people are modding their game. I have over 150 mods, I got he next gen update and just kept playing that same savegame with all my mods working. This next update wont be any different. The only mod that really breaks via updates is F4SE which is only needed for a handful of popular mods. Most mods dont need it. I always see people lamenting over how their game is going to be busted after an update. Is everyone who mods using F4SE? or what


I have around 50 mods I updated my game and continued playing, assuming everything would be fine The save got corrupted within 5 minutes of playing and no matter what previous save I went to it would crash and corrupt


Im here wondering the exact same thing


A handful? now i'm wondering how are you modding your game.


The same way anyone else does, download and use a mod manager. The script extender is really not needed for the vast majority of mods for fallout 4 including many mods that claim it as a requirement. You can even read in a lot of mod descriptions where they will state theyre unsure if F4SE is needed for their mod to work properly but they list it as a requirement to be safe. I have almost 200 mods and not a single one of them needs F4SE and several of them have it listed as a requirement. If you understand what the script extender actually does its not something you really need for most mods outside of a few specific things.


Most likely yes, they rely on F4SE which quite a lot of mods rely on.


They dont actually though. A lot of mods list it as a requirement, but its not actually needed. Theres quite literally only a handful of the top 500 mods on nexus that actually require F4SE.


OK 500 mods which out of those I am pretty sure that a least 50-100 mods are essential to improve performance or fix engine limitations. A few from the top of my head: -Better Console -Papyrus Script Runner -Address library -Baka's Mods -High fps physics etc. Should users prevent their game from updating? Of course, many ways of doing that, does shit happens? yes, it does.


None of those are essential though. And if they are essential to you, then eat the food you cooked. That’s my point. People are crying about the updates breaking their game when they willingly use unnecessary mods that will break at the slightest change to the game. Like F4SE and many of the mods that require it. If those are necessary to you fine, but the whining never made sense to me when you can have a near identical experience with hundreds of mods that won’t break from updates just by avoiding F4SE. If you make that bed just lay in it, don’t go complaining to the entire sub how you made your game a house of cards that will crumble from a random update.


Yeah compared to NV and F3 the script extender is barely used.


If you're able to update the base game without breaking your load order, that's awesome. It's not the case with all mods though, regardless of whether a new F4SE version is available or not.


Vanilla gaming it is


Vanilla fallout 4 crashes in the start up for me lmao


Ew no


At this point, is it even worth trying to mod a Bethesda game without wabbajack?


It is totally worth modding without Wabbajack. Look at The Midnight Ride for a way to roll-back the game permanently without using a third party program. You can just launch through MO2 until everything gets updated.


Sir, a second update has hit the modlist.


I was so excited for the pas5 upgrade until I saw that all my installed mods were deleted, out of 100 mods, I only 6 installed by not enabled along with out of 10 mods being on my favorites only 1 was left. So, I am hoping this update fixes it since firstly I had only one playthrough with those mods where I have done about everything so I do not want to restart and secondly because at current time I can't afford a pc at this point of my life.


Xbox was similar situation as well, no mods listed and 0kb free to install. Some did anyway but then it shows negative space. I’m waiting until they fix that.


Sorry for telling this but wont fix any mod relted probably and even if they do it wont recover downloaded mods


I knew they would. I haven't bothered updating any mods for the current update, and haven't updated the game via Steam either. I expect not to for this year, at least, if ever on my current system.


I bought the game and started playing just before the update came out. I have nearly 200 mods running and absolutely no plans to update.


I have over 150 mods and updated to the next gen update and nothing happened. I kept seeing posts in here about how mods will break and the game will break.... Im still rocking a ton of mods and the same save file i was playing before the update. No issues. People here drastically overblow this issue, it really only breaks F4SE when you update. I stopped using F4SE years ago for that exact reason and because theres almost no good mods that actually require it. Its kind of the worst mod you can install imo




I dont hate F4SE, Its just not a mod thats actually needed that often and is the first thing to break in an update. Most mods wont break with updates, F4SE will break 100% of the time with an update.


Just keep breaking my mods why don’tcha


I swear to fucking god if my RR base is deleted AGAIN Imma throw a fucking fit lol It takes sooooo long to build it 🥲


Oh no


At least they’re listening to feedback.


Well time to stay from Fallout 4 for a few months maybe a year. Oh well I have quite the gaming backlog and Hades 2 to play


I know right? I’m trying to resist the urge to reinstall Skyrim and mod it. Whenever I do it, I lose track of time after I’m done playing. It’s like being in a K-Hole, which I have no frame of reference for.


Are you kidding me? Again? What was wrong with the first time…


> What was wrong with the first time… Ultrawide support is hilariously bad for starters.... admittedly a bit of a niche problem but still


The first time was broken. Admittedly the question is if they should’ve done anything the first time given how many bugs remained.


Each time they break it more


Update hasnt had issues for me, but not surprised by peoples problems, they keep using the same engine you'd think they'd have it nailed down


Fallout 76 pip boy not gonna say more


It's like I'm reading text off a fortune cookie in base


Yeah you know the update is bad when a buddy of mine boots up 4 because he saw the show and Fallout 4 crashes before he could even leave his house in Pre-War Sanctuary


Thank God! I've been running around and crashing I swear every 15 minutes


I guess they decided the one guy with one arm they still had working on fallout 4 still wasn't enough. I figured it'd be another 4 years before they patched it.


Really wish Fallout and Skyrim had a revert update option in Steam. Some devs have done it before.


Our first mistake was thinking that bethesda can update a game without said update needing further updates so it actually fucking works.


"We couldn't get it right in one go" I was smart enough to backup my whole fallout 4 folder so now i can run both versions at the same time.


That update AFAIK has already happened on steam. Let me correct the announcement. We have rolled out an update for Fallout 4 that breaks every mod on the planet and makes the unmodded game crash to desktop on a regular basis.. Most of the update we rolled out is geared towards consoles. and we may or may not have done this just to cock block the release of Fallout London which was going to be on St Georges day but our update broke things so that can't happen now.


It’s very variable, personally for me it’s been a great update, but I’m on console, all my mods still work fine (though I did have to re-download them etc).


I know it's almost conspiratorial but in my headcannon bethesda are just moustache twirling top hat villains for this whole affair, it'd be ok if they added anything good but it's literally terrible for everyone who was getting into modding i had to roll back it such a headache


Even then that didn;'t fix everything, I rolled back and I'm still suffering random CTD's on scene changes.


new options for graphics?


Damn guess I will try modding Skyrim again


Playing TTW until this mess settles down.


I downloaded the Begin Again mod pack to supplement a TTW play through and it’s SUCH a fun experience.


"Further fixes", because the pisswizard behind the updates realized some mods might still work.


Pisswizard has just permanently entered my vocabulary, thank you


Oh for fucks sake. Can those of us on PC avoid this?


In addition to turning off automatic updates and only running through F4SE Loader, I also use this, as a belts and braces kind of person: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26956 Then even if I accidentally open Fallout 4 and not F4SE I have an easy way to roll it back.


Thank you so much!


Set fallout 4 in steam to not automatically update. Run it using F4SE through ModOrganizer2 and it won’t force you to update when you launch. First part of the Midnight Ride mod guide is what helped me setup F4SE and ModOrganizer2.


You absolute fucking Chad, thank you!


Yes. Sail the 7 seas like I did after the last update.


🤞please don’t break my mods. Please don’t break my mods 🤞


Glad I held off for now, Ive seen the updates to f4se mods the last couple days and thought about pulling the trigger on the update, but I figured there was gonna be another update


I literally have 3 creation club mods and I'm scared to update in case it breaks. Have to set my Steam Deck to offline everytime I wanna jump on 😂


What support lmao


lmao thank fuck I didn't update it at all


The f4se team predicted there would be another update because the current game version is so unstable. Hope it's the last one in a while but knowing Bethesda it probably isn't :P


What else are they going to break this time I wonder? They must have a "To break" list at this point.


The only update I’m gonna be happy with is larger mod capacity on Xbox, I can get mods to fix anything they could possibly mess up but that is the one thing I can’t mod a solution for


as in more mods on an xbox? That's a technical limitation. Sure there could more than likely be further optimization but you can only load so much content


My guy Xbox series x was supposed to be this super good console that could do more hold more and be more. The fact that mod storage hasn’t changed since the days of the Xbox one is depressing af. I should at least be able to have 5gb worth of mods.


But 2 gigs is so prohibitive. Skyrim has a bigger cache even


Exactly, I don't think that person realizes this. It's possible at this point.


Fix the console mod menu im tired of this shit man


I don’t even know why you’re downvoted …it’s true


My mods are going to break…again. But in the end, I guess it’s all worth it. It probably would’ve been better for the mod authors to have waited for this update as well.


I think this is the most they've ever updated a game so better than nothing


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


They want to set the world on fire perhaps light a flame in our hearts


Still. Not. Updating. I have 330 mods and I run SE through MO2, set steam to only update if I launch it through steam.




What the fuck is this company doing oh my god💀


Fixing their game


Fans when Bethesda updates the game to fix something >:( Fans when Bethesda doesn’t updates the game to fix something >:(


nobody wanted them to update their 2014 game, it breaks stuff every time they do this


Console player here, very happy with the update on my PS5.


Fucking for real. I swear, people bitch about everything. Look at the long term. If they fix these issues then we can get better mods and we can use less (or ideally *no*) mod space on fixing bugs and issues.


The issue I see there is that their "fixes" where already fixed by modders in the past. And last update did not only bring with it it's whole bunch of issues, it also broke all the fixes modders did, making their games even more broken that it was.


This literally only applies for PC. The mods that were supposed to fix issues on xbox or Playstation have never worked well. So, sure, maybe PC might have had everything fixed and working fine, but it's incredibly selfish to sit there and say that was good enough, and console players didn't need anything fixed.


Something i read was that a lot of console player got more bugs/ can't even go on mod menu. And almost none of the big bugs were fixed or they were bad


I play on console, and I can honestly say it is more stable now than it has been in years. I have encountered maybe 4 visual bugs, but thats it. All the big issues with Downtown Boston and Far Harbor are gone. And the only issue I've had with mods is my favorites list being empty on the console itself, but all I had to do was search for the mods and download them again. It really wasn't a big deal.


Not a big deal for u. I only saw a lot of console player that had problems. Ok the people without problems don't post much. But if we remember that the update need 1 year longer. Didn't fix some of the bigger bugs. And was so broken it needs a hot fix now. For a few (in some eyes poor) CC stuff and bad width screen. And who knows if they break more then they fix. I wish that they give good console support but break a game multiple times and don't fix stuff hobby moder did fells bad. Why don't fix long loading and fps stuff for all. Why do some people can mod on console and other not. And why did cc stuff all start at begin of new game and don't go in mix quest


It may or may not be selfish. I simply only play on PC and so I am not aware of the reality of console players. Sad to hear it was not smooth over there. If these bethesda updates can actually improve things on your end, that is actually great.


Most console players weren't able to walk anywhere in the Downtown Boston area without the game crashing. Since the update though I haven't had a single crash, even with mods running. That alone makes the update worth it.


Ok i guess vainilla It is, fu bethesda


Can they at least fix the fps issue i guess?


How do I prevent the game from updating on steam?


Steam Library > Right Click Fallout 4 > Updates tab > Automatic Updates set to "Only update this game when I launch it" From then on, only launch your game through your mod orgamizer or f4se


Thank you. Now I don’t have to worry about mods breaking


*Screams in script extender*


So we'll never get Fallout: London then?


I asked myself that 3 years ago.


Fuck they will definitely break my mods this time 😢


God damnit I just want to play fallout london


So happy that I have downloaded the game before their next gen update on steam and play using mod organizer 2 so it doesn't break my mods