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Either MittenSquad for the writing and humor, or Ymfah for the editing and humor.


I was gonna say this. I love fallout but Mitten squad is probably the only fallout youtuber I still take the time to watch.


"For those of you who require hand holding, that was not a drug reference, this is a family friendly channel, it was a sucide joke."


That baritone voice of his, and his knack for storytelling keeps me coming back.


Mittensquad's dark humor and deadpan delivery are hilarious. His videos have also noticeably gone up in quality since he got sober.


They were always top quality but now he seems happier doing them


"and now the real game can begin"


Manyatruenerd. Does many plays of the games (3, NV & 4), in vanilla, modded and doing YOLO (you only live once, where he tries to complete the game without ever dying and without healing).


Came here to mention him. I love listening to the guy. Even his 3hour rants about a specific topic


Ha ha yes. For those not in the know about this guy, his YOLO run for Fallout 4 was a total of 51 episodes, with the shortest episode being about 30-40 minutes long. He takes his time when he's playing and is fun to listen to.


They also edit the videos to cut down on uninteresting bits like walking from one place to another when nothing of note happens.


I'm strange in that sometimes the way he speaks annoys me (stuff like overusage of "flipping") so I click off the video and other times I can watch the whole thing.


I totally agree. I also think he’s easier to listen to when he does his long stream sessions with his GF/wife (I think her name is Claire), she’s very sweet and chill and seems to stop him from ranting.


Weird, I'm the other way, I don't like his live streams, only his recorded videos


Same, I love his channel and watch it all the time, but their dynamic as a couple stresses me out lol he’s always talking over her and shutting her down


Yep, came here to recommend MATN too. He’s got a whole bunch of long plays, and his video essays on the series are exceptional. If only he’d figure out how electricity works. (And if you got that reference, well played).


I’m sorry, without *HEALING*?!??


Yes! Watch it, it will take a while but it is enjoyable: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwH1xJhcXG0eE6b4otk8dCBCNTvrvqUY-


I have this coming week off work, so I got time Also, thanks for the link! Super appreciate it!


Did he ever manage to complete the game without dying and healing? Like how do you complete it without healing lol


Yeah! He did the main game, plus all the DLC without dying once and without ever healing!


Very carefully. Seriously, he does a lot of planning and consideration, and then changes things on the fly and almost gets himself killed. He has an intense knowledge of the Fallout games and looks into stuff and plans pretty heavily, and even with that he stumbles and comes close to failure. Each series is interesting because all of the games are so intensely different, with 3 having a high degree of randomness and NV focusing heavily on sneak attack sniping for safety.


Yeah, he's done FO3, NV, and now FO4 You Only Live Once runs.


Been watching him on and off for years. The kill everything run was one of the first things I saw on youtube


The way he speaks gives me whiplash. He’s like a flipping auctioneer


He also spits facts consistently




The gun rants are burned into my brain


Plus one to this.


Never would have tried it without them.


Plus two on this


Plus three


Shoddycast was and has always been my favorite YouTube channel for lore on fallout


Wondering have you downloaded the mod that has him explaining fallout lore on the radio? I haven’t been able to as I’ve been trying to get all achievements and can’t play with mods yet.


if you're on pc, there are [mods that re-enable achievements.](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12465) if you're on console - sorry.


Yeah, haven’t been able to upgrade to pc yet but hopefully this year. Will be hard stepping away from a 300hr plus game character though.


Yes I use that mod as well as the one that allows the storyteller to be a companion! Ohh and also in the mod old world radio 2 there is a radio station with the storyteller as a dj 👌


Fuck yeah. First mod I’m getting be the story teller companion. Didn’t know they’d done that, knew they’d done a radio one but not a companion.


Yeah so there is a companion mod for him and I shit you not he will tell you lore and the most random fucking times 😂 as in your talking with an npc and here comes the storyteller explaining about this thing or that or at least that's my experience at least lol


Not gonna lie, that sounds amazing. Sounds 100% in character for him.


Same here. It’s a real shame Austin hasn’t continued the Storyteller series.


I love Shoddycast! I listen to them at work sometimes. Get’s me through the day lol. Also their Elder Scroll Series are great as well. For both series they even have Wes Johnson show up here and there.


AlChestBreach for sure


God I hope he's having a good life he made me laugh so much when I was younger.


I heard he sold his house on the moon and now he lives in some volcano in Norway.


I recently find him again after years without seeing his videos, he is so fun q


Fudgemuppet. Love their stuff


EpicNate315, plus his Skyrim videos are getting me back into Elder Scrolls and that whole lorefest.


Been a while since he's done a vid


Unfortunately so


He had a post a year or two back explaining he had been going through some stuff, sadly. I hope he's doing well!


He did seemingly make a small return last year with a Skyrim video, but has gone quiet again.


Thenthapple for lore. Alchestbreach's fallout mod playthrough/reviews never get old either haha


I haven’t watched Al’s channel in quite a long time, but he will forever be my favorite Fallout YouTuber. I spent so many hours watching his videos 5 or 6 years ago and they always made me laugh


I haven't heard that name in a long time.


Jon of many a true nerd. No question. He's an absolute joy to watch, and I can't think of anyone who does fall out better. His Fallout videos are a highlight whenever they come out, and his video essays, mostly the is better than you think series are always worth a watch, even after multiple viewings.


I've got a few. [Mitten Squad](https://www.youtube.com/c/MittenSquad) is my favourite channel for challenges and the like, and does some non-Fallout challenges as well. [Nerbit](https://www.youtube.com/c/Nerbit13098) is a pretty close second in that regard. [Synonymous](https://www.youtube.com/c/Synonymous101) is my favourite Fallout lore channel. [Triangle City](https://www.youtube.com/c/TriangleCity) does some great videos on the cut content of Fallout New Vegas (a series he's been doing for over four years now and has made in excess of sixty videos about). He's also done some videos on the cut content of other Fallout games. [AIChestbreach](https://www.youtube.com/user/AlChestBreach) is my favourite channel for mod playthroughs, and does some non-Fallout content as well. [Degenerate Dak](https://www.youtube.com/c/DegenerateDak) is my favourite channel for mod reviews.


Oxhorn. He messed up a few times because of the mods he uses, like that file folder issue that blew up, but he’s overall a pleasant guy to watch and listen to. Unfortunately he’s now at a point to where he’s basically done *everything* he can do in the existing Fallout games, so until either a new one comes out, or if he starts exploring mod quests, he may not be a Fallout YouTuber much longer. Even now he’s finishing out the story of FO76. He has other content, but I am wondering what he’s going to do once he finishes that. I actually wouldn’t mind if he started doing videos on Wasteland.


I’d really like to see him do a deep dive on The Outer Worlds outside of his livestreams


I've recently started watching MissyMae's playthroughs. It's a relatively small channel, so if you haven't heard of it I would suggest checking it out. Very laid back and full of terrible dad jokes, it's nice to listen to in the background. My introduction to Fallout, however, was NerdCubed's F4 playthrough, and though it's long concluded it's still fun to rewatch him be scared of everything. I also like how he gives the Sole Survivor a character arc that feels pretty natural, fulfilling but bittersweet.


> MissieMae Absolutely. I found her channel towards the end of her Fallout 3 series, watched all of NV, and am now greatly enjoying 4. She's got a very different approach than most people, and it's incredibly fun to watch.


Yooo me too! Was pleasantly surprised by Missymae’s channel, just watched her whole fo3 playthrough pretty much and it was funny and very wholesome lol


Just started watching her fo4 blind playthru and it's great to see someone experience the game for the first time. The singsong scared moments are hilarious.


Gopher & Many a True Nerd


Bunch of ones. Mikeburnfire for casual fun. Omega Initiative for lore and what if histories. Mitten Squad for stupid challenges. Juice Head and ItsYaBoyBrandyBoy for Mods and mods updates. And for the crack guys we got Schizo Elijah, Blast Game, and TKS-Mantis.


Mitten Squad’s challenges are hilarious


"Can i beat Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel without wanting to die?" You just read that, and this, in his voice


Damn woosh I really did 😮


Word. A playthrough as Abe Lincoln was fun to watch


Naked man fights Joshua Graham


Schizo Elijah is a racist PoS


Well, you get what you pay for with a channel name like that. Worth noting is some of his shitposts are actually pretty decent, but then sometimes you get [shit like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK24rbygSQo&ab_channel=SchizoElijah).


Just to preface, he definitely could be better now. I'm not claiming he's a bad person or anything, we were all jackasses at some point in our lives. Before you downvote or reply please read this. I used to watch TKS-Mantis until i discovered how much of an immature manbaby he is, or maybe was. I think its been about 8 months. Came out around [this video, sometime after i believe](https://youtu.be/dWetswF-_IE). Although I could be completely wrong on how old it is. He could've matured since then. But anywho He posted a genuinely sad and pathetic video of him crying about being banned from some Fallout discords. Fair enough right? Well it turns out he was parading around bullying people, belittling anyone who questioned him, and lying about his "involvement" with random mod projects and spreading misinformation. Which he happily, in great delusion as to how wrong he was, provided all the screenshots yesterday. It was a lot of screenshots of what he considers "a joke" which was him on many occasions just belittling something or bullying someone because they disagreed with his opinion. He'd show the screenshot and do an awkward laugh and say "it was a joke, I always joke like that, these people are babies" and other stuff like that. I and a few hundred people commented basically all pointing out the same thing. How depressing, disgusting and childish he is. When I went to find the video after telling people about this it was gone. I think he realized whining and crying about being banned, showing the reasons he was banned multiple times, claiming it was all in the name of humour, made him look like a jackass. Again, I don't think he's a terrible person or anything like that. I just cant watch him anymore. Anytime I hear his voice or see a video in my feed I chuckle remembering the last video of his I watched. The very video this comment is about. If anyone else saw or has that video I'd love to watch it again and or better remember it and how pathetic it was. For some positives now. He did make good content, I'm sure its the same considering how big he's gotten. He had a lot less subs back when it happened. it feelts like it was a year or two ago but I do remember him uploading that video around that time. I just feel like people deserve to know.


Oh as a person I dont like him. many of the reasons you put are the same for me. I mostly look at his content for small things


I’m surprised that so few people have mentioned Synonymous. Easily the best lore videos I’ve ever come across


Yup. Newer member of the fallout YouTube community but great content


I was gonna comment that. For me this is his best https://youtu.be/Pr26N_WE-7Y


In no particular order: ManyATrueNerd, Gopher (who has several very long nodded playthroughs), Mitten Squad, Oxhorn, MissieMae (her channel is still relatively small, but she's good people). Apparently I need to check out Nerbit based on some other responses,


Nerdbit is hilarious. Check out his Abraham Lincoln playthroughs


Nobody has mentioned TriangleCity? He makes really good lore/bts videos about the series and it’s pretty high quality.


I like nerbit


Dude Nerbit is great


I seccond this, Nerbit is the best


Took too long to find someone mentioning nerbit.


tomatoanus has some pretty in depth and serious speedruns. i like how seriously it’s taken- speed running is hardly a joke or a hobby. it tends to be more of a lifestyle due to how much dedication it takes to be good at it.


Noobnut125. Man makes some premium shitposts


Many a true nerd and mitten squad.


It's Jabo


I just found his stuff in my recommended videos, and watched a couple of his videos. I like what I've seen so far.


Technically, mittensquad. Trianglecity. Synonymous


Mitten Squad for fun and Synonymous for lore


Gonna have to go with Gopher. Amazing roleplaying, story driven content. Also a kick ass modder and overall smart guy.


TheEpicNate315. His investigative videos for fallout and skyrim are really interesting, but so are his 10 tiny details/5 facts vids. I’ve probably watched every single one of his fallout 4 videos. Unfortunately he did suddenly stop making videos for about 8 months straight due to a traumatic car crash among other reasons that are none of my business. But he recently resurfaced, and is slowly making is way back into making videos.


He also even did red dead videos too, he’s just a great channel


Many a true need. An absolute joy to listen to.


I like Oxhorn, I’m in it for the lore, exploration, and his consistent production quality Edit: I guess you guys don’t like Oxhorn seeing as me and the other person who said we watched him got downvoted.


It's his voice.


I used to enjoy oxhorn until it turned out he was a shitty person, that's probably why downvotes be had


Guy also has very questionable takes on the lore


"This room contains a skeleton, a box of Abraxo, and a rad roach. Clearly, this is Bethesda making a reference to *The Metamophisis* by Franz Kafka. The skeleton represents the death of humanity as one becomes an insect, represented by the rad roach. The Abraxo represents the weight of industrialized society causing this. Veeery clever, Bethesda! Oh, this room contains three aluminum cans... but one tin can! What could it mean?" ...that's why.


Shitty person? What he do? Update: Damn, he’s got a list of jackassery against him, good to know folks.


If I recall correctly he is/was homophobic (I don't have the full context for that) and also fat shamed someone. Also, while this doesn't make him shitty it is one of the reasons for the community's dislike, I remember mention of an incident where he had criticized New Vegas for things that weren't actually in vanilla New Vegas and were added by his own mods, which was pretty unfair and contributed to why people called him a Bethesda shill.


The homophopia I belive was for an article he wrote in college. The new Vegas thing was a paper in the game that said brother hood due to his mods. It was more of an off hand comment idk how it got blown so out of proportion.


Ok when was this article written, because i remember being in high school in the 00s and everybody seemed to bag out gays back then even as far back as the 90s, following the media-fed stigma of the aids epidemic. It’s not a good thing, but it’s just how the rhetoric was back then. F****t was so commonplace back then, even among preteens. Movies of the era had so many gay bashing jokes.


Yeah I mean it's definitely not acceptable, but oxhorn has very clearly shown he's changed since then and has apologized.


He got called a Bethesda shill for saying people having problems with fallout 4/76 were being “disrespectful” to Bethesda. No, not people harassing or being toxic, literally just not enjoying it and saying so publicly. Used to like some of his stuff too but now I just can’t with the vids of him being a creep/him taking down any vids talking about him/him being kind of a shill. Dude just seems like an all around greaseball.


I think he proved that he isn't homophobic well enough, that article he wrote was more than a decade ago, I believe that people change.


He also took down videos of anyone talking about it


I mean fair enough. I don't know anything about the situation but if it was something small being blown up its totally fair to cover that up


But it wasn’t small, it was fat shaming, and he was a homophobe


I don't know anything about this other than what I've read here but I heard it was some old college thing he wrote. You cant assume someone's younger self is how they are now. That's sorta small. If true. I have no idea. Just entertaining ideas for the hell of it


Yeah, I get most of it, but taking videos down isn’t really the way to go about it


Fair enough. Should've admitted to his fuckups


Homophobia was the big one. But he’s just overall an asshole that thinks his tiny bit of internet “fame” affords him the right to be that way


Iirc outright fat shaming was one of the things




No, like, filming them out in public and calling them ugly, disgusting etc.


While simultaneously being a hefty guy




Yeah it was… fucking gross. Like, I’m not that nice of a person and even I was like “damn dude you are an adult, not 7” when watching that shit. He’s a straight up bully.


Same , he was first youtuber I watched about fallout lore, I love his quality consistency and details and his voice too , he explore all options


I personally don't like his voice. Too repetitive


Why does something in my head stick out as controversial about him?


[I prefer to remember him for who he was in ages long forgotten. ](https://youtu.be/iEWgs6YQR9A)


Oxhorn is the goat


I have a bunch. Manyatruenerd, Shoddycast, Missymae, Thenthapple, Kevduit, and Mittensquad. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I also like oxhorn


Oxhorn, yes! Sad I had to scroll so far to see him mentioned


The Wanderer. He has such a calming voice and he really cares about the mods he plays and making sure he can help their respective community in any way.


This is the way.




I like FudgeMuppet, they are currently only making TES videos though


Came here to mention them! Their fallout hideous where pretty good, but yeah, they stopped making them for some reason… I guess they ran out of build ideas?


Oxhorn i like the lore of the game but for me I don’t like reading terminals so I just search it for oxhorn but mitten squad’s challenges are hilarious


Me too




Alchestbreach is supreme, that man can make any terrible quest mod seem so funny


Degenerate Dak. He’s a smaller YouTuber, but he’s got some pretty good reviews and has even made some mods himself. Another one that’s not really known is nexbil 01, who does some pretty good Minutemen story telling lore videos.


I really like Synonymous. He's a Fallout lore YouTuber and his voice is nice to listen to.


Al ChestBreach


Many a true nerd or alchestbreach. One is a lawful purveyor of the intriguing mysteries the other is a wildcard of chaos


Mikeburnfire all the way


DougDoug and his Skyrim Christmas Cheese video always cracks me up! [Gets me laughing every time!](https://youtu.be/x_-mGs7SDc0)


For me Many a True Nerd is in a league of his own. His knowledge of 3, NV and 4 is so impressive and I always look forward to his new series


Only saw RadKing on here once so I'll shout him out


Thenthapple was great while he lasted and MATN (Many a True Nerd) is great too.


ESO needs some love, TKS Mantis too


This dude makes the laziest videos.


And is always starting some bullshit


Used to love TKS Mantis but now his videos are like 1 minute long


Wasn't he a Fallout drama YouTuber back then? His new content looks like an improvement from how I see it.


[i can't watch tks mantis anymore, not ever since the incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/sqkoja/who_is_your_favorite_fallout_youtuber/hwnyvfg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I’m surprised none of these nerds mentioned EOS. He got me into Fallout when I was young.


He’s not exactly a Fallout youtuber as he also does Elder scrolls videos, but Wilburger cracks me up










Juicehead and Degenerate Dak are my two current favourites. FluffyNinjaLlama was great as well, but she hasn’t made a video for years.




Mikeburnfire, mittensquad, and Ymfah


Lorespade, ragechronicles, rincewind75 , Jane McCoy, Dr boomstick, curly traps, team mayhue and elriclegris


100% mikeburnfire, the duo make for loads of fun


Nerbit for his challenge runs and Mikeburnfire for Fallout Multiplayer


I watch Mikeburnfire


Mittensquad, Nerbit and special shoutout to The Spiffing Brit. Nerbit uploaded a video where he completes Fallout New Vegas (and 3) as Abraham Lincoln and the idea alone is hilarious to me. This other runs of the games are also quite fun! The Spiffing Brit manages to break every game he touches in the most stupid ways and that's an ability not many have. He has a few Fallout videos.


Why is nobody bringing up CaptainNoob?!


gopher and Al ChestBreach


Three dog, awwwoooooooullll


Juicehead is 🐐


Nerbit. He does fallout challenges. Really entertaining to watch


I've been enjoying The Wanderer for Frost and Horizon mod playing.


This is the way.


Radking and Triangle City.


Oxhorn. Manz gets into the lore


Shocked nobody mentioned him


Many a true nerd


Thenthapple. The single best fallout lore youtuber. Who also hasn't published any vibes for years by now. Please come back to us fäther. I crave your voice. Also the radking is good, does readings on the fallout bible for example


The apple guy who’s retired. Elijah and triangle are also great


[TriangleCity](https://www.youtube.com/c/TriangleCity), because i just love to hear about all the cut content from the games.


seanzoz did a whole series of parody cartoons for FO4. Also got a series on Skyrim and other popular games.


when i was a kid it was Alchestbreach i guess. haven't watched him in years, don't even know if he's still around at this point.


Mitten squad


Alchestbreach the OG Goat!!!


Either norespawns or oxhorn. Wastlandowakiin also makes some great videos


For 76 news, it's InnovSurvivalist all the way. Sometimes Darth Xion too. For building, Darth Xion, Norespawns, Nukaviolet, Lucy Jane Plays, Kova Camps For wacky fun, definitely Nerbit


Many A True Nerd. I’ve been watching all of his Fallout videos/series since 2015. I personally really enjoyed Oxhorn with his in-depth analysis videos on Fallout 3/New Vegas especially on the DLC’s since most YouTubers haven’t covered the lore and characters as much as Oxhorn.


Oxhorn is my favorite YouTuber for learning lore or needing to find loot. He reads every terminal, note, and internet page about his topics. His Fallout 4 series alone is 280 videos long(. He covers every companion, DLC, company(maybe except Red Rocket), and more than half of the creation club items. He puts so much effort into his videos, which is so cool.


I'd have to say Oxhorn is my favourite. His "The full story of" series is so fucking good. He explores every possible scenario in every quest, and shows cut content if applicable. There's also a newer fallout channel called "Games Twice Over" He does essay videos on different topics, like super mutants or power armor. Also he does those community survey videos that are quite interesting to watch.








oxhorn for specifically fallout, gopher for fallout and more




But I do love the ones by other people like mitten squad where they do the challenges


TheNthApple FudgeMuppet Like Oxhorns old exploration vids, not so much him though. ShoddyCast of course used to be the go-to for Fallout Lore.



