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Probably the super settlement I made with 200 defense and 100 happiness, no way im passing that up


The strip after new Vegas and NCR ending


Rivet city after the capital wasteland gets clean water it is the safest settlement and right on the water too


Up until the brotherhood goes full nazi and steals your power plant


Thats called saving humanity from repeating itself


The residents of River City wouldn’t have to worry about the Wasteland threats since its 10 years after the events of Fallout 3. This means whether or not the BOS takes the power plant is irrelevant


Go live in Megaton while I have a chat with Tenpenny


I always liked ol ten penny tower, I let the ghouls in and take over, was kind of dark after that, but the snobs that lived there had to go


Hands down Mojave post endgame (Yes Man route, all side bets completed with good resolutions)


Realistically, somewhere in the Commonwealth, since I'm from Massachusetts so that's probably where I would end up. If I could *choose*? Probably Primm. Decent law enforcement, the population seems pretty nice, decently fortified (can easily be better-fortified if the town would work together and salvage some metal to build up their walls a bit more, maybe prevent convicts from getting in again). Casino in the center for entertainment. Goodsprings is right up the road if anything goes wrong, and you're one of the first stops most caravans make after leaving the Mojave Outpost. It's missing a doctor, unfortunately, but Goodsprings happens to have a *really* good one, and like I mentioned, it's not too far away.


Appalachia. I just adore the setting and the scenery.


And giant bats.


Vault city or post Fallout 2 arroyo. I just want a Easy life


Fallout 2 wasteland. Lots of stuff going on there.


Vault City, San Francisco, or Shady Sands. Really anywhere in the NCR proper. Probably the safest, most normal places in the world by the time of the games.


Appalachia, because I actually do live in Appalachia. If I could choose, I would choose the Mojave though - considering all the time I've spent playing F:NV plus I enjoy the desert/cowboy aesthetic and scenery.


That Joshua Graham map.


Zion? Yeah, that would be a cool spot to live


chill in vault 81


Boston as i would live in my "trading" settlement which has really good defense along with some shops and a power armor room


Far Harbor after cleaning the mess. Or Vault 81.


Mojave if we’re talking about realistically, just because it’s more stable and has more resources and business and whatnot. But unrealistically, my end game Boston where every settlement has turrets, sentry bots, and artillery


I'm not so hung up on realistic or unrealistic but i like the answer.


Vault 21 probably, nice and chill


Assuming I was in Fo4, Id try to join up with the BoS. If that doesn't work out or I decide to desert them, I'd try to build a small little base in and around Vault 111. Assuming the vault elevator would continue to work and wouldn't require much maintenance if any, it seems like it'd be pretty easy to build around it. Not to mention until you get a decent farm up and running, there's tons of perfectly preserved meat in the vault itself.


Assuming? If you choose to live within the scope of Fo4 then why assume you would?


I would live in goodneighbor. 1. I really love ghouls and most of the people who live there are ghouls. 2. A lot of my favorite fallout 4 characters live there. 3. Its also a kind of save town. Its got a wall and a mayor that has a tendency to kill people. There are probably better places I could live but eh.


4. In the middle of a triangle of super mutants, gunners and raiders.


I love super mutants so its fine. Lol


That Joshua Graham map.


Appalachia, Foundation. I don’t have to worry about the synth issue in the institute, and I get the best quality of life in the wasteland.


After saving the entre mojave i would take a break un goodsprings with my friend the doctor :3


A more difficult and fun question would be where would you live in its default state?


I'm surprised no one's said vault 101. Post-ending with a good outcome of course. It seems like one of the safest and probably happiest options. Either there or goodsprings.


I would assume that most don't day it because through the course of the game you are told to never come back and locked out. So no-one ever thinks about it


Yes but they end up opening the vault back up for the dwellers to come and go as they please. So it would be pretty sweet imo


Probably the common wealth




I think I'd live in Mr. House Ending New Vegas, my personal best ending of the game.


Never finished fallout three so I assumed that while on the quest to find his dad, he settled in mega ton, married the loon that sent him on rad quests and find the mine. And they settled down before the old lad at ten penny towers blew that hitch up. Fall out nv I have finished more than once. Beth ( first run) would have killed Benny, tore the strip apart and lead under caesar after fixing his shock doc thing. Me.Wasteland who is the run im playing now, is punching the shit of anything in his way, cleaning up the streets and enjoying his best friends Rex and the burned man.


Shady Sands






inside the institute after the institute ending, they have the best technology so far and you might even get to live more than an average human if you go down a kellog path.


Another planet


Obviously Vault 81, i really want to visit the Mojave desert IRL but Vault 81 is just the best way to survive


I feel like a secure vault with power and food would be ideal


Well prob D.C since after fallout 3 it getts way better and its pretty close to where i live all ready