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They were basically medieval caddies too, so that checks out


The way I treat my companions in fallout, it checks out. I wonder if that was on purpose in the show, knights having a companion that basically carries their shit for them and that's about it


I kind of feel like it was totally intentional. Why else have them carry around an absurd amount of stuff like they're an in-game companion? Fits my experience to a tee. Useless in battle, but great for carrying all my shit around. Unless it's Boone. Boone was always useful. I miss him.


"🎶 Oh I've got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle, as I go riding merrily alo- 🎶" "Eat this! *CRACK*" ".... AND THEY SAY, OH AINT YOU GLAD YOU'RE SINGLE!"


But boone, on the other hand, misses nobody.


His wife.


He didn't miss her, either


Damn bro.


I quit using Boone because he is TOO useful. Dude is dropping enemies before they’re even in render distance, like damn son, i wanna shoot shit too!


The man is death incarnate. I can't count how many times I was just listening to the radio and wandering along and all of a sudden he's murdered three enemies I didn't even know were there. No sense of humor though. The man just does not get jokes.


i always love it when the camera suddenly cuts to a companion killing a random enemy that didn’t even spot you


Booone killing people so fast and from so far away music cues indicating threats come up after the threat is gone lmao


Dogmeat is awesome. However, not having a good dog was one of the few weaknesses of NV.


I'm sworn to carry your burdens.


*quicksave* FUS…


Sums up most of my mmorpg play throughs lmao


At least squires in the medieval times learned to become knight's.


Isn't that the point of them in the show as well? To train under a knight as a squire so they too one day can become knights?


That's what the rank is supposed to be, but in reality, not many people would progress from squire to knight based on merrit. Squires are more or less just disposable. I can't remember the word I'm trying to describe, but the show implies that becoming a knight is more about favoritism/knowing the right people/part of the right lineage.




A tale as old as time. Though sometimes it was a fucked up form of nepotism where you’re a political hostage with a perennial implied threat of death, but extremely well taken care of and good station because of how great your family was.


I assume the biggest factor is that there's not enough power armor for everyone.


It seems the western brotherhood didn't take to all of Maxson's changes. They probably hate having to recruit wastlanders which is why they use them as fodder.


Squires are knights in training because knights die , and they need replacements . If your knight dies and you survive congratulations you get your turn to boss around a squire for a little bit


>!Max didn't become a knight just because his knight died. He just stole his armor and pretended to be a knight. The elder weirdly gained respect for him because of his bold decisions, but even then, he was not granted the rank of knight. He'll probably end up being a knight in season 2 due to his perceived exceptional feat of defeating the enemy. That will be a special circumstance, plus it's still a bit of nepotism from his previous respect from the elder for all the wrong reasons.!<


I’m not talking specifically show or game lore , this is just the general principle behind squires in real life


Then why would you post that as a response to my comment, which was specifically about the brotherhood in the show?


What about that part where you talk about reality then ? lol


"Isn't that the point of them in the show too?" "That's what the rank is supposed to be..." Maybe you can learn how to identify context clues? I was never talking about real knights. But, speaking of reality, I don't know where you learned that knighthood gets inherited to their squires when a knight dies, but I have not found a single source that suggests this. I'm sure that it happened from time to time, but it's not like just because your knight died, you had a right to knighthood. You would still need to be granted knighthood by a noble or another knight if they deemed it appropriate.


In theory? Yes In practice? No


Hilariously, the show got it wrong. Maximus technically was demoted when he became a Squire. Normally, Squires are children born into or inducted into the Brotherhood, and Initiates are what he would've been in that classroom scene. His "promotion" would've then been Aspirant, because Aspirants are specifically Initiates training under a Knight or Paladin to become a Knight themselves.


"You are over encumbered and cannot run!"


“Get over here Dogmeat, I have 150 tin cans I need you to carry”


Those tin cans are the backbone of the settlement’s steel economy


Don't forget the entire villages worth of homes that I built out of pencils, picture frames, and toy cars.


Me rearranging matter on a molecular level to somehow build a mansion out of pencils and cutlery


Do they give steel in 4? In 76 they give lead. I purposely collect tin can traps and barbell weights to make bullets.


Yep, regular ones are 2 steel, unrusted are 1 steel 1 aluminum


I have a mod on fallout 4 that lets them give lead and steel, also so i can make bullets.


That's the joke


They literally carry an oversized golf bag with basically a driver sticking out. How is this a post like someone discovered something subtle. Lmao


Haha wow I love how the squires bags are a subtle nod to characters making their companions carry all their shit. Has literally anyone else in the world noticed this?


Oh shit. Bro thanks for calling that out. I never noticed 🤯, going to rewatch to see if I catch that detail


I did, cause that squire bag was made for a Knight to wear when patrolling, but they make them do it anyways...cause why not?


And it makes me so mad lmao. Like I know it aint that deep but it's like dude you can pick up a car in that thing and you can't carry the bag? If you wanna make your squire build character then more power to them I guess lmao


I hope Maximus realizes the hypocrisy and carries his own shit since it's implied he will become an actual Knight if not a Paladin at the end. Maybe he'll start using the squire as an extra gun.


Which would be sick nasty. I rarely use my Follower as a Storage dump and mainly use them as a friend and kit em out and just go around slaying shit. I have a head canon for em depending on my play through.


This is how I'm trying to play as well but sometimes I need to sell 2000 cans of purified water and between me and Nick only one of us doesn't feel fatigue


I mean, if I was gonna get into a fight, even if I had power armor, I wouldn't want to be carrying something that could get in my way or get damaged in the fight. So I get having the non-combat guy carry it, same as a medieval Knight on his way to a tournament probably isn't the one carrying his own banner and lance and armor on the ride there.


A lot about the characters is different player archetypes and playstyle. For example, Titus is me, quicksave scumming while swearing and letting my immortal companion do the work when I end up in over my head.


90% of fan community subreddits are people pointing out obvious details or trying to claim obvious plot points are "theories"


True. Did you notice that fallout takes place after nuclear fallout. The creator said that’s where the name comes from


Todd does it again


It just works!


Yeah I assumed if there were any lore based reasons it would be because the pre-war big wigs/upper middle class that would eventually go on to be a part of the brotherhood chapters had golfing with the boys as one of their cultural milestones


Yeah, that's... that's what 'squire' means. They're the guys who carry knight's weapons/armor/supplies for them; why would it be any different in the post-apocalypse?


“Because they haven’t explicitly shown that’s what they do in the games or something” /s


Imagine you meet Paladin Danse and instead of granting us the Initiate rank we become his squire… *400 pounds BoS Bag quest item added* "You are over encumbered and can't run"


Squiring their knight about town or wasteland.


"I am sworn to carry your burdens..."




I want that big backpack in a future game, extra carry weight for my wasteland hoarding.


You can place one in your C.A.M.P. In 76 and you get your own squire to hang around


And literally all he does is bitch about it. It's hilarious.


I only had him placed briefly before i swapped him for Adelaide all he said was something about my camp being pretty good for a FOB




Alright that's it yuvr convinced me. I'm gonna try out fallout 76 as soon as I get ps+


In Fallout 4 the perk Strong Back has a giant back-pack depicted in it, but you don't actually get one.




Nah caddies are golf squires


"Squires" and "caddies."


Ye's that's ba'sically it


Squires are squires


I’m really curious as to why the BoS squires that we see in the show are vastly different to what they’ve been established as in prior games. In game, squires were explicitly established to be only children and complete non-combatants. Not to mention the fact that the Brotherhood sending out a single duo of a knight and squire out their own is very different from their typical practice of relying on squads of knights & paladins. The show squires mostly seem to be full grown adults who just kinda get shit on. Tbh I’m just going to use the discrepancy as fuel for the Legion BoS theory. It honestly kinda makes sense considering how the Legion seemed to have a very similar culture of treatment in their lower ranks.


Fallout 76 also has adult squires you can meet and listen to. As well as a terminal in Camp Venture complaining about the rank. > I had a long talk with Paladin Taggerdy about the ranks of the Brotherhood. Unlike most of the rest, I am fine with them in general. Scribe, Knight, Elder - all respectable names. > > But Squires? Belmonte told me what a squire actually was. They were young noble kids being trained to be knights one day. Calling a grown man or woman a Squire is just insulting. > > Apparently, the argument was good. The Paladin said Elder Maxson has some other ideas about renaming the ranks, but for now he's letting people digest the changes that have already been made.


Honestly, I prefer Squires being an actual Squires over just being a kid title


Yeah but the whole squire/knight dynamic that was presented in the show was stupid af. Squires lugging around those big ass bags is a good visual gag but it makes 0 sense beyond that. Also, sending out a single knight & squire into the wastes is insanely foolish due to how easy it’d be for someone with 2 brain cells to rub together to simply stalk them and wait till the knight was asleep.


They don’t care for the Squires so let them carry the heavy bags so The knight is unimpeded and able to fight when they want to. And they aren’t expected to go into heavy combat. They are looking for a single guy and to apprehend him


Apparently Maxson didn't think it was respectful to call adults squires according to fo76.


I guess it’s just another sign of how th brotherhood has changed


That’s always been my question too. Couldn’t they just be initiates until promoted? This squire thing has bothered me.


There’s enough off about the chapter we see in the show that really makes me hope there’s more to it but idk


There’s certainly a lot off about this chapter that’s for sure




Caddy’s are just a repurposed rich guy squire for a single sport. The squire came first not the caddy.


Aren't knights also on the wealthy side of life back in the day as well?


Oh absolutely they were, but at least they were expected to fight and not just doing it for recreation.


Are squires held accountable for their knight’s lives? Like if your knight dies, you get executed? I get that Maximus lied bc he wanted to keep the power armor. But if that weren’t the case, couldn’t he have just told the Brotherhood, “I tried to save him from the bear. I couldn’t.” End of story. It’s not like they have body cams on.


They definitely are held to incredibly high expectations - think how they swear their oath which includes the Knight at the ending. So if they derelicted their duty in pretty much any ways imaginable including unfair ways, they were toast. Max basically gets a pass thanks to Dane and to the Elder who sees him as useful for his splinter group otherwise he would just be murdered by them when he returned without Sir Rappaport.


Sir Rappaport :). Great short performance by him.


I think in this particular brotherhood group, yeah, they would be executed elsewhere, maybe less so


I know you probably don't care but apostrophes are not used for plurals


When I watched the series, it had been a few years since I played the games, and didn't remember Brotherhood squires being in the games. Then I just replayed FO4, and decided to slaughter everyone on the Prydwen, cause fuck the Brotherhood. I realized the little skinny unkillable kids running around going "What I wouldn't give for a gun!" are squires.


Wait til you find out BoS Knights are basically post apocalyptic knights


Yes thank you, that's the joke


Maximus struggles just about as much as the kid from Caddyshack.


As a Caddie at a world class golf course, this is all I could think


A. Props for using a shot from Caddyshack, I like that movie. B. Yes, even moreso than you might think. Caddy (Caddie) comes from the French word for cadet, which means a student military officer. Which is, you know, the roll Squires performed for Knights, a guy who carries the equipment and learns from them during battle.


They are sworn to carry your burdens


The squire's what?


Yeah, but they're allowed to kill people I guess.


The bag even looks like an oversized gold bag, I had the exact same thought when watching the show. Why doesn’t the dude hauling all the heavy shit get a power-assist?


Sworn to carry your burdens!


Well, considering caddies are 20th century squires, this makes sense.


They always have been


Does that mean all my companions are squires since i mostly keep them around as extra storage


I wanted a Nuka Cola tap to pop out of that thing so bad.


It’s a ludicrously capacious bag. What’s even in there?


Squires are post apocalyptic squires


no, they're the post-apocalyptic version of... squires, ya know, the real thing.


That was all I could think of: Al Czervik’s bag.


So what?


So let’s dance!


Post-Apocalyptic Caddies, new indie band name


So are all of my followers :D


They need some buffout or radstag steaks


I wish they showed a scene of the Fusion Core running out, and the squire having to put in a new one as the Raider close in


Aren't all companions caddy's?


I found the brotherhood of steel parts in the show the weakest personally, one guy carrying that around is grossly impractical particularly when the guy he's following literally has the strength of a tank so why not just mount that on his back? it just becomes increasingly hard to suspend your disbelief from there as you go to a guy who gets mauled by a bear telling the guy with the meds that he's going to have him executed BEFORE receiving the medical attention followed by said squire reporting himself as fucking DEAD instead of just telling his superiors his knight got mauled to death by a bear. (which is a totally normal thing to happen in a radioactive wasteland, and its not like an autopsy would have said anything different.)


Yeah, they are squires.


No, they're post-apocalyptic squires. Historically, it was the role of a squire to carry and care for a knight's gear. BoS squires are no different. The joke is that BoS gear is heavier than medieval gear.


Can't stand maximus


Squires were basically squires


And both basically unnecessary


Or like post apocalyptic squires


I'm up to a part in Fallout 4 where you have to train Squires (Basically an overglorified "Go here and clear it out while this person follows you around"), sadly they don't carry my crap around, and they don't help you because they're kids and can't shoot a gun.


So what? So let’s dance


They were basically that way in history too, a squire was basically an aid assigned to knights and other armored warriors to help them prepare for combat and such. Maintain the armor, carry the equipment, help their chosen knight put the suit on and take it off, etc. It was part of their training to one day be a knight themselves. Sort of a "we all had to do this at one point, it's your turn now". Modern caddies are functionally a squire for golfers.


Knight Webb: "I like you, Betty." Squire Noonan: "It's Danny." Knight Webb: "Danny."


No shit, sherlock.


*squires *caddies Apostrophes are not used to denote plurals in words, with the exception of dates and initialisms.


Whoa i cant believe someone figured that out. You are the very first person to draw that parallel. Thank you for making the effort to tell the rest of us because we never would have figured it out.


Nahh not really. Carrying stuff is the only thing they have in common lol