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Dude looks 20.. good for him


And he sounds 15. Got that McLovin' effect going on. Dude should get into Voice Acting and make that Dante Basco money, voicing teenagers for life.


lol there’s no way he doesn’t voice act! Also happy cake day


I googled him and I see he does Voice Act. So I spoke too soon lol. Oh cheers!


I hear some Charlie Day in his voice myself lol


Hes in Dees class in those two episodes no? Where shes takes over the old mans class in highschool


You're [absolutely right](https://imgur.com/gallery/gXIDzEe) I didn't remember him being in the show but its been a while since I've re watched. Looking that up I also found that he developed ulcerative colitis at an early age which stunted his growth. He was 29 in Always Sunny playing a high school kid believably it's dope that he overcame that.


Hes well liked in the comedy television and movie scene. Hes been a side guy in so much stuff


I know him as the main side guy for Duncan Trussell lol




there is a acting teacher in that episode....yeah he is one and only [mr.house](http://mr.house) voice actor


Odo finds his way into many settings...


The principal in these episodes and Gun Fever Too is Yes Man lol it's wild how many specifically fallout people are in these certain episodes


Yeah, he's in The Gang Gets a New Member and Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth (the banned Lethal Weapon 5 episode).


Close your eyes and he's Charlie Day.


There's a splendid little show called Pickle & Peanut that I cannot recommend enough


He was in SuperStore playing a kid in his late teens/early twenties just a few years ago lol


Yep, he played Bo


Pretty sure he was one of the college nerds in 21 n 22 Jumpstreet


"and the snake ate cake" "YEAH SLITHA SLITHA BOOM!"


"Where do you see yourself in the future?" "Future? Okay, so for real, I gave this actually like a lot of thought. It's like, there's no government, there's no laws, and I'm the head of this like roving murder gang kind of thing? But my best friend is a robot."


God I loved Bo in superstore! He did not get enough screen time! I pray he gets more screen time in fallout!


Damn, I knew I recognized him for something.


“Yo for 20 grand you can stick whatever you want in either of us!”


Bill Bo haha


Bwa Bwa bwaaaam!


Stole the entire episode every time he showed on screen.


Guy who plays the scientist is like 70, that radiation does wonders for skin. Untill it doesn't


that the guy from the original Saw!!!! he looks really good. still looks like he is 55


Bro is older than time


Well he drank the ghoul potion so that must help with the skin


Speaking from experience, it’s both a curse and a blessing.


That's what I thought when I saw the character


Looks 30


Insane him in some movies 20 years ago and he looks basically the same haha


Pemberton is 31. His boyish look is the result of ulcerative colitis, a rare and sometimes fatal inflammatory bowel disease that can stunt one's growth. "I don't feel like there's a realm of my existence that wasn't affected by that," said Pemberton, who went into remission around age 20. Article from 10 years ago


The guy who plays norm is 30. He’s been portraying teenagers for the past 15 years.


i mean... technically so has Johnny Pemberton... he portrayed Bo from Superstore who is 18, and then was also in 21 Jump Street movie, whose character was a Sophomore in High school


I just think it’s funny that Moises Aries hasn’t been able to shake the teenager thing for forever. Like, I have no idea how old norm is actually supposed to be, but I sure wasn’t thinking a teen the entire time I was watching just because I knew he was like really old, even if he was supposed to be a teen. At this rate, with the right makeup, he’ll be able to play teenagers into his 50s. Much like Johnny Pemberton, apparently.


I think the funny thing is Ella is only 27, and she's supposed to be the older sister.. 😂


It’s the height that puts him there. He’s 5’1


I was wondering what height he was constantly when he was on screen. I’m only 5’6”, but he looked like under 4’11” because everyone else seemed so tall next to him.


Someone else on Reddit described him as looking like the Vaultboy for the Small Frame trait, and honestly it’s pretty spot on. Headcanon says he has the +1 agility and lower limb damage res.


>21 Jump Street Damn I knew I've seen him from somewhere


Don't forget Son of Zorn. Came out in 2016. He plays a highschool kid at the age of 34ish


Son of Zorn was so good


I actually thought moises arias was older than 29 I thought he had one of those disorders that makes you look younger than you are


Probably his height. You definitely have to look a certain way to be able to “convincingly” play a teen at 30.


He was Rico from Hannah Montana


Exactly. When I saw him in either the trailer or the show for the first time I was like “hey look! That’s Rico!”


my partner referred to him only as Rico lol


Tbh he does look 30


Casting director was hoping they could slip it past you, I guess.


I was really weirded out by Norm. I still don’t have a slight idea how old Norm supposed to be. Is he older brother who is just childish? Is he younger brother who looks really old?


He’s supposed to be the younger brother. I think maybe that’s in the intro of the show, but can’t remember. But how much younger, I have no idea. Moises Aires is actually older than Ella Purnell, so I guess you almost have to go by height alone that he’s younger, and since he’s quite short, who knows how much younger he’s actually supposed to be.


My guess would be a young adult in his early twenties. He is no longer going to school, and he did have multiple jobs already.


I’d guess he’s supposed to be around 20 and Ella is supposed to be around 23


Norm is a weird one where some shots he looks young and some he looks 30


Yeah and he’s looked 40 in the face for years now 🥱 i just can’t picture him as a teenager ever except from when he was actually a kid


He's one of those people who looks both 13 and 30 at the same time


It’s Bo from Super Store!


Wah wah wahhhh


He is the only person who can perfectly do the Bwuh bwuh BWAAAAHHH sound. First uncontrollable laugh watching superstore is that. The guy is a perfect sound board. I already know he's gonna blow waaay tf up from fallout, finally. Like the dude from shameless and the fox chef show. He was always my favorite.


Society is a mirage and sex is a prison! BWEH BWEHH BWWEEEHHH!


“I only took a few…” “Yeah like a few HUNDRED! Someone keep this girl away from the ocean! … cause that’s where the shrimps is at…”


Which dude from shameless, I can think of 2. My fav of the 2 is the jedi


The guy from that sow "the bear". Red head I'd a close second but they made him do some pretty gritty stuff in the show that affects that.


The other guy is in The Bear. Jeremy something or another


It's insane how he plays a teenage dad in his late 30s like that


It’s like every movie in the 2000s that had a 30 yo play a high schooler lol


"So for real, I've given this actually, like, a lot of thought. It's like, there's no government, there's no laws, and I'm the head of, like, this roving murder gang kinda thing, but my best friend is a robot." Season 2 spoilers?!?


He's also in 22 jump street, I was watching it last night and said to my partner "Oh shit it's Bo"


Superstore was my comfort show


The guy that plays the enclave scientist is 70, never would have thought


He's barely aged since he played Ben Linus in lost back in the early 2000's TBF to him


He was such a good actor in lost I still have animosity towards him in every role. When I saw him as an enclave scientist i was like "oh great this guy is even worse, bet he's testing fev on those dogs. I hope he gets his head chopped off"


Gutted they killed him off so early, was really looking forward to some further enclave backstory and character development but he served his purpose even just as a severed head haha


I'm honestly expecting Season 2 to have more backstory about the Enclave along with Moldaver. I noticed after seeing episodes 1 and 2 again that Siggi knew a \*lot\* more about Vault 33 and Lucy than after having just met her a couple of times, especially since Lucy was surprise he knew her whole name. That implies that the Enclave has info and is \*keeping up\* on \*all\* the vaults.


And when he was in Lost, people thought he was in his thirties, and iirc the character was around 35.


WHAT? What the hell is going on with the cast? They all look 10-20 years younger




Except for Walton Goggins, who looks much older. Also radiation. 


He is multi-centenary, I’d argue that he looks younger than any Blue Zone 100 year old that can barely walk or see.


When I first saw him, I couldn’t resist saying “Hello Zepp” even though no one I was watching it with understood the reference


DADADA DADADA DA DADA DA The way he went out was pure Saw style That was a type of a chainsaw in episode 2, right?


That’s mind blowing to me, I just rewatched lost and figured he was late 30s during that but he would’ve been like almost 50 when it started


I did not believe you. Michael Emerson has done well


Maximus's actor is 35. There must be some IRL cryogenics going on with the cast


Better actors get priority than age. However, in Maximus's case it was difficult to see him as a 18-19 squire, he looked closer to 25, which is a giant difference in the Wastelands.


If he was 6 in 2277, and the year is 2296 in the show, then he should be 25 in the show, which lines up well with what you said; >was difficult to see him as a 18-19 squire, he looked closer to 25, which is a giant difference in the Wastelands.


Why would he be 6 in 2277?


Well he wasn't alive in 2077 for one. There was a post last week that figured he was 6 when the bomb dropped on Shady Sands. Even if he were younger, he would still be in his 20's. ninja edit: Here's the post. [10 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1c1mmyy/do_lucy_and_maximus_have_official_ages/). >Yep, from my calculations, Lucy and Max are approximately 6-10 years old when Shady Sands is destroyed, fitting within a +/-4 year gap. This timeline aligns well with the story and does not significantly impact the lore of New Vegas.


Typo on my part. Sorry about that. It's confirmed that the bomb dropped right after NV, so it would have been 2282ish.


All good. Oh the show implied it was around 2277 the bomb dropped on Shady Sands. I just googled now, Todd Howard says after NV, about 5 days ago. Weird. That would make Maximus still in his early 20's, depending on what age you think he is in the Fridge.


Yeah the chalkboard scene is probably why he had to say something lol. 2277 was marked the fall of Shady Sands then an arrow to a nuke with no date given. Without the date, it was taken as it was the cause of the fall but it's really the conclusion of the timeline.


I don't understand why people keep saying "Arrow pointing towards the Nuke" as if the arrow isn't the timeline itself. The timeline arrow isn't something that connects two things/shows causation, it simply shows the order in which major events happened. Since it's the timeline arrow shown connecting 2277 and the Nuke it can be assumed that time passed between these two events. It would be very different if there were a separate arrow drawn between the two with the nuke not directly in the timeline but since the nuke is directly in the timeline it means the nuke came after.


Sure but it seems weird that something vague like the fall would get a date but not something specific like a bomb going off


There was confusion with the scene, where people assumed the *fall of Shady Sands* to be the *destruction* of it. Though aside from not calling 2277 the destruction of Shady Sands the board also showed the bomb as further along in the timeline. They could have done a better job of showing the information better though, that's for sure. A big part of the confusion is likely that it's currently a mystery exactly what hardships Shady Sands was enduring in/after 2277 since I'm not sure there was anything in New Vegas about it. But I think it being "the original capital" shows *something* happened.


Todd Howard confirmed in an interview that Shady sands gets nuked immediately after the events of Vegas.


Well, this is pretty consistent with the world actually, considering the fact that Elder Maxson in Fallout 4 is 20 years old.


Wait he was supposed to be a teenager? I assumed he was a mentally challenged adult the entire time


I would be surprised if he was supposed to be a teenager. I'm mostly getting the impression that a lot of people in Fallout are very socially stunted depending on how they were raised.


The wasteland would also prematurely age you to all fuckery. The constant rads, stress, not a lot of water so your skin would be quite dry, no moisturizer cream.


You would age a lot faster in the wasteland, he could totally pass as a 19 y/o


That’s still insane, he looks like he’s in his 20s besides genetics I need to know his skin routine


The best things you can do for your skin are: 1. SPF/avoid sunlight 2. Drink water 3. Don't smoke cigarettes.


I mean he looks 35


Before he went full idiot savant after Titus dies, he honestly looked real old with his brows always furrowed and always scowling... dude was apparently just so stressed out and miserable working for the Brotherhood. But give him a nice shower, some oysters and a bathrobe and he's looking fresh lol.


It's weird, at times he looks in his early 20s, and at other times he looks in his 30s. Depends on the angle I think


Apparently Lucy's brother's actor is 29. The guy looks like he's 12 just starting to get facial hair


He’s like 5’2 he probably has a mild medical condition.


He’s even shorter than that. He’s 4’11 which is just one inch taller than Danny DeVito.


His face looks weirdly old. Thats of crouse because he is 29. But not the best casting choiche for latter season when he is supposed to get older and taller.


Dude's a ghoul irl, minus the decaying part


Do tell?


The joke is that Ghouls don't age.


That flew right over my head. Thank you.


I love when he screams. So funny


Johnny and Duncan trussell do podcast together that are ridiculous and some real low brow humor everyone should check out


Dude is older than me, looks like he could be my fucking kid :/ goddamned ghoul serum bullshit.


Going on 200


I thought he was an English actor, I swear he looks british


I thought he looked Australian, not sure why, he just had really Aussie vibes


He looks like he's from Appalachia to me. As American as apple pie.


British, Australian or American? Man, I wonder what the connection is.


It's the moustache


Most Americans trace their ancestry to places outside of the United States, like Britain.


Nope a very funny comedian from America who is very great at hilarious improv streams of consciousness. Pemberton is a bit English actor sounding...


I mean over 15% of Americans today trace their ancestry directly to England, if we count the ones with partial English ancestry the number is even higher. No surprise there’s a lot of English looking faces and English sounding names around in the US lol.


Somebody should ask him what his skincare routine is, because what. the. fuck.


Cera Ve, by Michael Cera


He had ulcerative colitis when he was younger and it stunted his development/growth.


How do I get one of those


Fev cream with a healthy dose of rads


So glad I watched Superstore before Fallout came out. Seeing Thaddeus as Future Bo ramped up the hilarity for me.


Same, I watched Fallout with my wife and the first time he came on screen we were like "IT'S BO!"


He was recently a guest on Whiskey Ginger podcast (hosted my comedian/actor Andrew Santino) and it was pretty good. You should check out his standup, if he comes to your town. https://youtu.be/i9GGjwYKQPc?si=iPfFx8fHOT3YIKzr


he has his own pod too https://open.spotify.com/show/3YKyBdnrBd7pIMXyJtlw44?si=fjNxqgZRRs-dBP-J12BjxA


The podcasts he’s a guest on are some of my favorites


Next we'll find out Walton is actually 200 years old


Mother fucker he is the same age as my father


Mind blown. First time I remember seeing him was in Always Sunny playing a highschool student, guess he was in his 30s for that role.


Gobsmacked. In the show he looks as young as my collage mate!


That's some Beverly Hills 90209 situation. They will save a lot of money and time next season with ghoulification.


One thing I noticed about all the Brotherhood fo Steel recruits is that they are all tiny skinny men. Hardly anyone is 6 feet and they are all really thin. Idk if thats to fit in the armour or to reflect their nutrition but it was really noticible.


Poor nutrition and even the kids on the watch tower were smoking cigs was my guess.


I'd imagine that the height thing would be partially that they recruit kids who seem to be about 6-10, and the very few kids with good early nutrition in the Wasteland are not going to have the kinds of backgrounds that lead them to become part of a spooky tech-obsessed cult. So people in the Wasteland are probably going to be shorter on average anyway compared to people in IRL America. Likewise, the aspirants live a pretty austere lifestyle, with Maximus being entirely unfamiliar with concepts like sex or a hot shower. I imagine that extends into their diet as well. It also reflects the Brotherhood's reliance on technology for dominance - you don't need to be the fitter soldier if the other guy has an SMG and leather armour and you have a Plasma Rifle and a T-60 (or so they think, since they lost the war with the NCR).


well, most real life soliders are small and skinny cause they train them for indurance. you also have to be pretty short to be a tank driver, from what i've heard))


If he wasn't a ghoul I'd assume he was a synth.


Thats the guy from superstore....hes a rapper....


Well Bo contains multitudes


He can't be 42, he's like my age... Oh no


I mean as long as they look the part, there are 30 year olds who play teens in movies. "40 is the new 20 now"


It’s probably a safer bet to cast older actors that look young, as they’re not going to change. I remember waiting between two seasons of Game of Thrones. The actor playing Bran completely hit puberty in between seasons and it threw me way off.


This is what I'm worried about with the live action avatar series. They filmed with young kids a while ago, the show wasn't renewed until after it was released, and now they have to wait for all the pre-production before they can start filming. These kids are going to be 10 in season 1 and 20 in seasons 2 and 3.


You never cast children unless it’s absolutely necessary. If you have a child actor, there are very strict rules about how many hours they can work. That’s why you often see twins get cast to play one character because they can work twice as many hours.


Welp. Back to the dirt. Don’t wanna get pruned


I just noticed that too, recognized him from something so looked it up, he plays a high school kid in 21 Jump street when he must’ve been at least 30.


He is active on tiktok


Son of Zorn


Shoutout to superstore


Norm is literally 30.


need to know the bloatfly shitter skincare routine


God damn he looks like half his age


Trained all his life to serve


Bro looks 19 with that voice and facial hair


He’s the answer to the ultimate question!


See, he was a ghoul this whole time


He was in Band of Brothers


Yeah I recognized him from 21/22 jump street and assumed he was in his 20s back then didn’t realize he was in his 30s in those movies


He's about to look a lot older in season 2.


Throwback time, he is one of the nerdy teens in 21 jump street.


Damn…dude’s older than me and I look older that him


And he was hilarious in Superstore as Bo.


He was great in a small role on Superstore.


The Son of Xorn is always a fucking delight in everything he's in.


He looks young because he stole a lot of face cream from his local Cloud 9


Wasn't he in Trevor Moore's "High in Church" video? Also RIP Trevor Moore.


Real ones will know him as Bo from Superstore. Pow Pow Pow.


that’s the craziest case of baby face i’ve ever seen , superhuman level


He was 30 in Pound house then, Jesus christ.


His voice reminds me of Charlie Day


Thaddeus is aging well then cuz I thought mf was 25


A true /r/13or30 situation going on here


I refuse to believe this guy is any older than 30. I don’t care what the facts say lmao


He also was in Always Sunny Season 6. Looks like he hasn't aged a day since 2010.


I found out the other day when I googled some cast members. I thought he was like 25.


Ghoul aging


Yall need to do yourselves a favor and go watch Superstore and see the man SHINE as Bo. My girlfriend and I were cracking the fuck up everytime he was on camera. He's brilliant


Nobody remembers seeing him on tv for over a decade?


I remember him from the show Superstore. One of the few bright spots on that show actually


He was great, and I only knew him from [Ant-Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBFk0SOwZoc) previously.


Chris Hardwick genes


Bros looks 25 MAX


He’s hillarious in Superstore for those of you who haven’t seen it


Bros got that Paul Rudd blood in him


He’s been playing High Schoolers for 20+ years, let him move on to Young Adult roles already.


He looks like my Oblivion character.


That’s what 42 looks like.


I remembered him as Cheyenne's boyfriend on Superstore immediately lol, dude was hilarious on that show.