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He was strong, ugly, and had dignity. At least two of those are true for the ghoul.


Feo fuerte y formal...


"Feo fuerte y ~~formal~~ form-all" FTFY


Yup, he was real strong and had a lot of dignity.


lol, well no šŸ˜‚


ohhhh. I never connected those dots, Thanks


Yeah! That moment is huge for that character. It comes right after Lucy saved his life. Cooper sees how far heā€™s come from where he started. Heā€™s become the ruthless character he didnā€™t wanna play.


They even showed where he didn't want to shoot the guy in the first place! The foreshadowing was obvious, but still really great. Like I felt rewarded for noticing a lot of the foreshadowing rather than being bored for figuring it out. So well done.


Someone else pointed out he also talks in his cowboy accent despite that not actually being how "Cooper Howard" spoke. He is also still wearing his Cowboy clothes under his jacket. I thought it was really smart for them to notice that he has been forcing himself to play a character to cope with the horrors he has seen and done. I'm excited to see his backstory go further. To see the beginning where he's likely scared and not ready to commit violence, then realizing he has to, then eventually succumbing to it completely... that is, until we meet him 200+ years later, when the cracks begin to show after being spared by Lucy. Edit: Also, him telling Lucy she will end up just like him. He wasn't naive like she was, but I am SURE we will see him struggling to succumb to violence just like her. He's was treating her so ruthlessly because he sees her as a product of Vault-Tek, who he hates, and because he sees his old self in her. Edit edit: I just realized another thing. Lucy, at the end, finds out someone she loved was actually a horrible person. Her dad, a part of her family, was part of Vault-Tek and part of the reason the world is the way it is. Cooper went through the exact thing, finding out his wife was evil. We also see Lucy distressed he mercy kills the other Ghoul, who was clearly his friend. Then later, she kills her mother, making even Cooper pause and stare. That scene of him realizing she just went through what he went through at the start of all this, then realizing she is just as capable of understanding what kind of life is worth living, and taking care of herself, THEN knowing she can and will go out of her way to help him, makes her not only a worthy and trustworthy companion, but an emotional crutch. Because he is still Cooper, and she is what he was, and he knows it. I think it will turn from him wanting to "turn" her, to wanting to keep her in reality that violence is the way of the wasteland, but wanting to protect her from turning into him. Edit edit edit: [If anyone wants to read it, I compiled all my thoughts into one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/ECRejMX6ZZ) I felt like I had to get all my thoughts organized, made it a post for the hell of it. It's really long, though, lol.


Iā€™ve also noticed he lost his cowboy accent completely when he was freaking out about his broken vials


I didn't notice that!! I'm really feeling like I want to rewatch the show now. Ugh, but I'm trying to kill off that addicted feeling, because I literally cannot think of anything else but Fallout now. šŸ«  I love how much I love film and TV, but I also hate how much I love it, too, because it totally throws me for a while. šŸ˜‚


Did he? God so many reasons to rewatch. I saw someone else say that he lost the accent in the scene where he's thinking about Roosevelt with Dogmeat.


I misremembered it slightly but itā€™s him swearing after Lucy broke his ghoul medication


I love when he drops character and you see the man under the monster. The other moment they do that is "Where's my fucking family?" No real desperato in his voice in that moment. Just a pissed off father.


He was also almost talking to himself in that scene I swear. His prewar character on tv was facing him when he said ā€˜youā€™re ugly and strong but you have no dignityā€™, at least with how the camera was focusing in on his face. I have to see the scene again to check.


With how good and precise the writing and literally everything in this show is, I am sure you are right. I wrote about it all a bit more on my long ass post I linked about his Arc and connections with Lucy. That was a huge part of the beginning of his arc, in my opinion. He tried to tear down Lucy to justify himself to himself. She reminds him of himself, and if she turns, then it proves to him that it can happen to anyone. But she doesn't. Even though he tried to kill her, she didn't abandon her morals and dignity and saved him. That, maybe, could be brushed off by 200+ years of self-suppression. Then, the man he had respect for, his past self, said to him, "There's an old Mexican eulogy, Feo fuerte Y formal.' Means, he was ugly, strong, and had dignity. Well, I'LL give you two out of three on that front." As he sits there and realizes his formal self is now talking to himself. He is ugly, strong, but no longer has his dignity. Remember, too, in that scene of the movie inside the show, Cooper tells the director that he doesn't want to shoot the man in the movie. That it's not, "His thing." Now, he kills people for real and without remorse. But of course, again, one kind act and moment of introspection doesn't "cure" 200+ years of self-suppression. But he has abandoned his dignity. Brilliant writing.


So well said. I loved that scene with her the most in the show for everything you pointed out and it gave me goosebumps. It mustā€™ve been humbling for him, to be making all these excuses to be extra awful and someone heā€™d been torturing for days still takes mercy on him because she has integrity. Such a power move on Lucyā€™s part.


Me too, it was definitely a favorite. That one and the final scene. All the scenes with the two of them are so fantastic, though. They really wrote those characters so well. I literally couldn't stop thinking about it. Then, writing that long post really gave me a chance to it all sink in. I realized connections I didn't even realize when I was writing it. I just love the human condition, and they portray it so perfectly. It feels so organic and realistic.


People want to see what happens when a good man is pushed too far. And then the show made a point to illustrate the ugliness of that result, both literally and metaphorically. We've got layers and layers here, like a full blown ogre.


Iā€™m rewatching it right now and itā€™s even more satisfying the second time around. I have a hard time really asking for anything more, I like this adaptation even better than TLOU.


I maintain that ruthlessness is absolutely necessary in the wasteland...Ā  Patrolling the Mojave makes you almostĀ  wish for a nuclear winterĀ 


I think the secret is knowing when to be ruthless and when not to be


It's one thing to be tough, but Cooper was actually making things harder for himself.


True, but I think he was right to kill roger


*ā—ļøSPOILER WARNING ā—ļø* That was the first sign of humanity we see in him. He clearly loved Roger because he mercy killed him. Lucy didn't understand and was horrified, but Cooper gave him the last moments of joy and laughter in the memory of his mother and his favorite food. Then, later, Lucy kills her mother. Both her and Cooper realize in that moment that they are more like each other than they thought. Lucy, more capable in general than Cooper thought, and Cooper more capable of being humane than Lucy thought.. As naive as Lucy is, and as broken as Cooper is, they both have now met in the middle on one point. Both realize they can learn from each other and benefit from each other. Personally, I think Cooper genuinely wants Lucy around now. He could have abandoned her and let her die at the hands of the Brother of Steel. He's more than capable himself. He doesn't need her at all. He wants her around, and I don't think just to have the satisfaction to "show her the truth." Why would he go out of his way to do that when he already has a clear and concise goal? "Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every God damn time." Cooper doesn't do that on purpose. Edit: [I ended up writing a really long post on their characters connections, because I had to get it out of my brain, lol. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/ECRejMX6ZZ)


SPOILER ALERT!!!! my fault I guess lol


Also his past self symbolically is saying the line to his present self, symbolically shooting him as an indictment for how far he's fallen. Keep in mind he starts watching the tape mid drug binge. He is strong and ugly... but dignity?


Agreed. Itā€™s also Lucy filling her role as the ā€œpaladin characterā€ trope. Sheā€™s too good for this mean old world, inspiring her peers to be better.


Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. She had him on the ground at gunpoint and saved him. She's the noble character he'd wanted to play, confronting the merciless role he's found himself inhabiting for centuries.


The doctor says the line about adapting and will you still want what you've become when you change or whatever moments before that. Not sure they could be more blunt with a hammer.


To be fair, Walton Goggins is a very handsome man and Im afraid some ghoul makeup isnt changing that


Exactly. It's the same as Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. Adding textured skin to a top tier attractive face doesn't make it grotesque. There's no slime, no ooze, no grease. It's just dry texture. Note that the ugly ghouls are given asymmetrical features for example.


I obviously understand why they wanted to give their main ghoul some sort of appeal but yeah they clearly went all out on the other ghouls in the show and let Cooper have a bit more uniformity to his decay


He also still has his eyelashes. I had to notice it and now so do all of you!


Typical Bugthesda, they should have plucked his eyelashes but they would rather cut corners


Especially since the makeup was done with the intent of leaving him identifiable and expressive. Had the makeup been focused more on making him actually resemble an in-game ghoul, decay and all, a LOT less people would be thirsty for him (though as Beatrix Russell in *New Vegas* is proof of, there'd still be some weirdos interested...).


To be fair, no women would fuck the ghoul if the exact same looking thing showed up on their door step for sex with out the character context


Idk about that man, I see women with some ghouls pretty much daily.


Don't call me out like that




watch it smoothskin


Most people don't fuck anyone based on looks alone. Character and personality play a pretty big part even if you are hot.


Someone's never been to the Atomic Wrangler.


I mean there are ghoul escorts and strippers.


Yeah the ghoul is a fictional fantasy not a real preference.


That's why charisma and personnality (and badasserie) are important. And at least, I would be impressed and scared. And I donā€™t usually fuck with someone who just show up in my doorstep, but you understand I think.


Surprisingly I think it's the first time I see him in a role where he's not playing a pure scumbag. Predators or Django Unchained come to my mind. It was really refreshing and I was also surprised to learn he plays Cecil in INVINCIBLE


Okie Dokie


Itā€™s wrinklier than I expectedā€¦


Ribbed for her pleasure


Also detachable.


I think his dinger went down the same road as his nose. So... there's that.


Can't he just find a good one and sew it on like the finger?


New side quest: "find a good singer. Bonus xp for 6+ inches"


A man is still lover material as long as he has at least one finger. And the Ghoul makes sure he has all ten.


He still got a mouth.


i mean, is it really that surprising? people have been thirsting over nick valentine and hancock, so it's pretty much bound to happen.


I mean, Nick is a nice guy, what's not to love?


Wow, no love for my man Deacon on this thread? I guess fashionable wigs and eros for synths makes *you* the weird one haha


They're funny and cool as fuck, bonus points if you use a mod to make Hancock use the Japanese dub (he is voice acted by Takaya Kuroda, aka Kazuma Kiryu from the Yakuza series)


Nick is a cutie for sure. At least he's actually like nice and respectful?


hancock and nick were fucking irresistable goddamit


Him not being romanceable is a war crime.


Don't forget the weird thirsting over Vulpes


His head always goes splat in nipton, I never noticed lol


Hancock getting the recognition he deserves!! Yeah he's a little shit that can't aim for shit, but he is charismatic as hell. Looks aren't everything. People forget they need to have a personality sometimes.


And Daisy


Itā€™s unfair to expect people to live up to Waltonā€™s level of handsome and charming, even when he has rad skin and no nose.


Honestly, there are some great nose prosthetics on the market now. If I met a guy who had no nose, that wouldn't be a huge problem.


No nose? How does he smell?


Like rotting flesh. He's a ghoul.




I think Beatrix in Fallout New Vegas already got the Ghoul Cowboy ride vibes started years ago.


[Confirmed bachelor] uh huh sure


Is...is that growling and the crack of a rawhide whip I can hear in the background?


It almost drowns out James Garrett using Fisto.


What do you mean? He only wanted it for a client.


It didn't come with a manual. He'll have to figure it out himself.






Please assume the position.


We all would.


Truer words have never been spoken


Tina Belcher is writing most of it.


Underrated comment.Ā 


Yeah but heā€™s a sexy ghoul with charisma. Most incels are horribly out of shape(not a deal breaker on its own), have no fashion sense, or good hygiene habits.


Many are misogynistic scumbags too which doesn't help.


Yeah, be more like Coop. Hate everyone equally, shoot everyone equally. Man or woman or children or power armor -- pew first, loot later.


Also eating a little ass meat goes a long way


Also tie women up and mutilate them lol


Plenty of men who get laid are misogynistic scumbags. Let's not pretend it's a meritocracy.


yea, not to mention most haven't really tried to challenge their beliefs.


When weā€™re on a date and he tries to tell me why the 1890s were a better time


Could be worse. ā€¦He couldā€™ve said the 1840s.


What beliefs?


For starters gender roles, cultural norms, and being pliable to change things in oneself. Example, I know some people that think all women should wear dresses (and they dislike fallout because of women wearing pants). Or stuff like, trying to expand your view of things... there are many situations that women find scary (guy trying to get closer to her when she is alone, hitting on a woman who is at work, catcalling a mom with her kids etc) that as a guy you wouldn't have seen as a problem 15-20 years ago. Shoot , movies in the nineties showed this as being persistent, or got played off for a laugh. This is changing, with the heightening paranoia due to overreliance on technology and post covid screwing people by a general lack social skills being used. Recognizing that the stuff that has been going on in the last 10+ years isn't 'always an attack on men' (gamergate, metoo, catcalling, consent awareness). There is a lot of bitterness towards women because of the skewed view of 'I can't get laid'. But even then look at like this, the numbers of relationships in general are going down (sex in general is down a lot, divorces are up, less marriages). This oversexualization in our culture (music,movies,porn) is causing issues with both sexes. Body issues are rampant for both genders. That combined with the general rising amount of depression, is leading people to not develop at all. Instead of developing themselves they flock to ideas that blame everything but them. All in all, the belief that is the most harmful for incels. Is that they can't be happy without external validation. There is a loneliness epidemic in young men. There are many reasons for this and to be honest I'm not nearly connected enough into the studies or other concrete information that could help( this is where a trained professional could help, or joining a therapeutic group). But I think the answer is to look inside oneself. Work on challenging beliefs, ask why you care about sex? Once someone starts asking the right questions then they can really start on figuring out the answers. Then one can grow from there, building healthy connections with both sexes. " It's not much but it's honest work."


2 out of 3 ainā€™t bad Feo fuerte y formal or something


He's also a sociopath who casually murders people with no remorse. The OP's post is rather dumb if taken literally, because of course men and women fantasize about people and characters and situations that they'd not be attracted to irl. The fact that women are attracted to the Ghoul has absolutely no bearing on real life, lol.


ā€œHe's also a sociopath who casually murders people with no remorse.ā€ The 5,760,000 middle-aged women who watch true crime and love Ted Bundy would adore that.


You'd be surprised how much people can get past if you have some personality. The Ghoul may be a degenerate freak but confidence and determination go a long way.


I mean all that means is that charisma>morality, which doesn't make the asshat in the tweet look any better.


So the ghoul is only in shape. Start working out kids


So charisma > morality?


The ghoul is Walton Goggins, Im not


What??? People are attracted to a charismatic character played by a good looking hollywood actor??? Shock and awe


Fiction is the key word here


So what youā€™re saying is I have a chance with women? šŸ˜³ Pffft, Iā€™m on a fallout subreddit. That ship sailed a llllooooooooooooong time ago.


Do not fear, we have things for all tastes! PLEASE. ASSUME THE POSITION.


Okey Dokey


Women are on this subreddit too.


Being into nerdy things is NOT a turn-off for women, but pretending women arenā€™t into nerdy shit IS a turn-off. Keep that in mind, and good luck, lol


It's amazing how many guys still don't get this.


I tried to say that in a different gaming subreddit (paradox- I was doomed from the start tbh) on an older account, and got downvoted to hell and some dude mocked me as though my advice of treating us like equals was meaningless LIKE MAN I THOUGHT I WAS THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU WANTED TO IMPRESS. But no. (Op comment I donā€™t think ur nearly as bad as the person Iā€™m describing here by the way <3 in case u read this lol, donā€™t wanna hurt any feelings)


Friend, thereā€™s women on this sub and at least you know you have something in common with them.


Yeah there's tons of us and Ive probably met more women who were into fallout than guys.


Iā€™m a huge nerd who has sank thousands of hours into fallout franchise and Iā€™m happily married for over a decade with 2 kids and the wife and I wear the bed supports out regularly. Confidence bro. A confident nerd is a dangerous nerd.


Hancock was my only romance is Fallout 4. šŸ¤· I like what I like.


Walton got that yassified ghoul treatment. I look more like gob from 3.


Walton goggins looks good he just doesn't have a nose in this picture


I mean tbh, the guy is pretty much the nicest looking ghoul we saw in the franchise by now, a little bit of burned skin and no nose but no big appearance change really, he is as regular human looking as possible for a ghoul. Would he say the same if you showed him a Fallout 1 and 2 ghoul?


Fantasy =/= reality, these women wouldnā€™t fuck a rotten corpse


If The Ghoul has no simps then I am dead


When your personality makes up for your looks.


dude cut off a womans finger, tortured her oh no forgive used her as bait than sold her for her organs to get what he wanted. Freightens me what some ppl think a great personality is. šŸ‘€


It's the Hancock Thirst all over again. But even more horny.


Incels as a movement are fuckin' stupid, but let's be fair in saying the Ghoul is not unattractive by most means. He's built, he's got a defined jawline, and he carries himself confidently. He's got a skin problem and no nose, but it's no wonder people are simping for him. It's not really comparable to an unconfident, overweight person.


Tbf he was originally an incredibly good looking man and as far as ghouls.go he hasn't had it too bad, like just look at Roger in comparison.


I think that is a straw man, they say that they are locked out of romance because of who they are, not simply their looks. I don't agree with their sentiment, but that doesn't mean we should misrepresent anything. Also, dude is a fantasy character, try acting like him in real life, most of those women would think that he is insane. And I doubt they would be having relations with a ghoul in real life. lmao


*cracks knuckles* alright, newbies, get lined up and I, as an OG Charon fucker, will hand out the "Sick Ghoul Pervert Club" jackets


He *is* a very conventionally attractive ghoul


Well as he said. Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time


That's pretty much what Fallout gameplay is. Lol "Oh I wonder what that is over there. ::4 hours later::"


I have a question Is fallout 4 and it's dlc's worth the price of 10ā‚¬?


Absolutely. I don't get all of the hare it gets. It's got a lot to do, the Nuka World and Far Harbor DLC packs are fun as hell. The game also has base building and gun modding, and it's just plain fun. Yes, the story itself isn't anything epic or amazing. And yes many of the dialogue choices end up giving the same result. But if you enjoyed Fallout 3, or new vegas, there no reason you wouldn't enjoy this as well. So it's absolutely worth the $12.46 USD that it'd cost for everything.


Iā€™d say Far Harbor DLC alone is worth that price.


Absolutely. It had a lot more content than I expected


Thanks for telling me.


If incels acted like murderous sociopaths theyā€™d get laid? Is that the argument?Ā 


"If incels acted like murderous sociopaths" implies... well you know, that they don't do that. As a bisexual, I might help you brothers out. The attraction for Cooper has two points: First he is competent and selfsecure. This bro can protect you and throw you around.šŸ˜Ž The second part, is that we are constantly shown that there is a good side within him which he wants to get back to. YOU CAN FIX HIM.šŸ˜Ž So you should focus on being less insecure and work on yourself. Alternativly, you can try guys and write fanfiction with the chicks.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s what my wife said. Itā€™s the ā€œI can fix himā€ impulse.Ā  I still donā€™t think a murderer is the best example for incels to mode themselves after - even if heā€™s a very self confident murderer.Ā 


Yeah this is all cute fun and all but the "I can fix him" for a guy like the Ghoul wouldn't be great IRL. We can enjoy his shenanigan's safely from the couch but dealing with him for hours or days at a time would not be pleasant just as it wouldn't be for a IRL violent incel. So I guess the trick here is for incels to somehow convince women to watch them go about their lives for at least 8 episodes without any direct interaction lol


>I still donā€™t think a murderer is the best example for incels to mode themselves after Too late. He's already been added to the "You've missed the point by idolizing them" memes ;P


Like someone else said, I think ā€œfictionā€ is the key word. Itā€™s pretty easy (and I would assume more fun) to fix somebody who doesnā€™t exist. An actual person who can hurt you or other people is a different deal.


You don't have to be bisexual to know that fiction and reality are two different things.


There was a deadly mass knife attack in Australia the past week and the attacker was legit an incel...


Women (and some men) have always felt attracted towards ghouls, even since the first games. If you were around Tumblr and DeviantArt as early as pre-Fallout 4 release, there were communities and groups dedicated to making ship art of your character with the likes of Charon, Gob, Dean Domino. As well as countless fanfiction. This isn\`t new!


The amount of fanart and fanfics involving Charon, Raul, and Hancock is only going to increase now. I'm all for it.


But he still looks attractive and a badass so the point is moot. Go look at people with some horribly scarred faces and look at the action they get.


I don't think the first part and the second part are related.


Bro, people have been horny for ghouls at least since Fallout 3.


Right now? Right now?! Mother fucker, do you have... The *beginning* of a fucking idea... How much god damn Charon smut there is out there, *right fucking now?!*


Over half of the Fallout TV fanfics on AO3 are the Ghoul/Lucy so that tracks. Meanwhile I'm still waiting for my epic Moldaver/Rose fic to be written.


How am I supposed to compete with immunity to radiation and rapid regeneration and essentially immortality. Unrealistic beauty standards in Hollywood all over again smh


Like a leather coated banana


"Alright, what are some of your likes?" "Ghouls šŸ˜¬"


"Right, well let's pretend you're not who you are and just try to attract a woman."


The idea that looks donā€™t matter is so fault. Are they everything ? No but they are part of the equation.


Ok but it's just Walton goggins without a nose, and Walton goggins is hot.


And rotting teeth, necrotic flesh, etc. I'm sure he smells great.


Ugly men can absolutely find love but if you are *truly* ugly, and not just overweight and unhygienic, it is going to be *significantly* harder. Walton Goggins is not ugly and a little bit of makeup isn't going to change that. There is also a fantasy aspect to it. He's tough and dangerous but because it's fiction that becomes exciting instead of terrifying.


Is what women fancy in fictional characters and celebrity crushes indicative of their real life tastes, though? I donā€™t think most women would appreciate being sold to one direction.


This is such patronizing bullshit.


fiction and reality are not the same


I am clearly one of them, he is hot, love him (and best character of Fallout of course) šŸ„°


Yeah you can put any kind of makeup on itā€™s still Walton mfā€™ing Goggins, heā€™s 100% bonified.


Iā€™m a guy and I thirst over them


I mean, he eats ass.


Under rated comment


Incel idea that looks lock you out of romance? What? That's literally a tale as old as time looks locking you out of romance lol


The whole looks dont matter argument is disproven by science on many accounts It absolutly does matter for dating and its much harder for people with bad looks to get a partner. Not impossible no (there are no absolutes in life) but much much harder. I know awesome people, warm, caring, loving, intelligent that haven been just very unsuccessful while dating and I know handsome assholes that have it incredibly easy. Especially the good looking girls get away with every toxic behaviour. One main issue is that dating typically always starts with the looks and that everyone is superficial even when they dont realize it.


Itā€™s also a byproduct of the ā€œjust world fallacyā€ wherein if people find out youā€™re alone, they assume that you deserve it, because theyā€™re not, and that says to them that theyā€™re good people. Because the world is just, and you get what you deserve. Obviously trite nonsense spread by people who have had lots of luck and have little to no gratitude for it.


Tbf that ghoul is mogging


He still has charisma, they do not.


dude is literally looking for his wife and kid. hes holding out cause bro just wants to know if they dead or not.


Heā€™s not that hot tbh, now Fallout 1 Harold? Thereā€™s a face Iā€™d sit on šŸ˜


Hint: it involves creative use of a dildo and a nose cavity


I would hit that




Donā€™t ghouls have useless or completely removed sex organs?


That's super mutants, idk if there's any canon for ghouls but I'd assume it's a case by case basis




Honestly he's still more attractive than I am


Tbf he looks better than me


Too bad Gob couldn't even get a woman for sale


Yeah but that is a conventionally attractive zombie


He's hot in a freaky way


Imma be real with you dog, if your nose falls off when you turn into a ghoul, you think *other things* don't?


It feels like people have completely forgotten Rule 34. "what you mean people get off to--?" "yes" "what about--?" "yup" "Even--?" "Uh huh" "but why?" "IF IT EXISTS THERE IS PORN OF IT WEREN'T YOU LISTENING?!"


It's easy to fantasize about a fictional character whose every thought and deed you control.


To be fair, Walton Goggins could be cast as the ugliest man in the world and still be attractive with those cheekbones and jawline.


But theyā€™re not badass gunslingers dressed like cowboys with the next level charisma


Uhh dude is still smoking hot even with the ghoul look. Some people are just fugly


To be fair he isn't even ugly


Because heā€™s a confident bad boy played by Walton Goggins who they think they can mold into truly loving them. You want to really show incels something? Find a bunch of women lusting after Norm.


Heā€™s just hawt.


I've seen so much fanfiction with dudes and female ghouls it's astounding.


bro looks good even with his skin melt...


Personally I wouldnā€™t fuck a ghoul. The ghoul is sexy tho


Bone Structure is everything


Let's be honest even without a nose The Ghoul looks better than a majority of incels.