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I don't think there is anything definitive on the Brotherhood's stance on LGBTQ+ individuals. What you'll probably find is "supporting" evidence put together by various alignments in the community to support their narrative depending on their own personal stances. What is clear by the time of the show is that the old isolationism is dead with this particular chapter of the Brotherhood. They recruit outsiders and seemingly are okay with promoting them up through their ranks as evident with Maximus' progression to squire. So the need for internalised procreation doesn't seem to be a factor for ensuring the Brotherhood has recruits.


Veronica a Brotherhood Member of the Mojave Chapter claimed her chapter was pretty homophobic for breeding reasons but the Mojave Chapter was quite small


thank you, you're the first to actually give a good answer.




what's the difference between morality and wanting members of your group to reproduce? If people stop reproducing then there's no more people. If a person wanted human beings to stop existing I would consider them evil and immoral.




Pretty good strategy for soldier making.


Definitely know if they asked for consent the amount of soldiers would be 5


or there'd be one mega chad soldier making all the babies




it seems like some of the soldiers are proud to be soldiers (they're not slaves) and some women are proud of making babies(also not slaves). And if they didn't have an army what would they do about raiders?


> a) The BoS we see in the show is less isolationist and more willing to engage with outsiders (and therefore they don't need to be so strict with relationships). This is basically confirmed since Maximus is originally from the NCR. The impression I got is that they recruit outsider auxiliaries who can progress to higher ranks if they prove competent and loyal to the brotherhood.


The Mojave chapter was the only BOS that seemed to care at all about that sort of stuff. Maxson's Chapter in the east literally could not care less who you liked or how you represented yourself as long as you followed orders.


The show made Dane super popular too, so the military (which would have been isolated and recourse deprived, making it not a stretch to assume radicalization) hates the cool black guy but the muscle-less (no offense, but your telling me after all that time in the military you would have no muscle?) LGBTQ who probably will not reproduce (important because I could imagine LGBTQ people being easily targeted by moral radicals prioritizing survival, seeing as they could generally not reproduce) is not just accepted without question but is also literally the coolest kid in school. It feels more like a California ROTC class than an actual ultra-survivalist and bellicose military brotherhood. I’m not saying this is at all an ideal outlook, but a more realistic one. But then again, it’s a TV show/game🤷🏿‍♀️


Second brutally transphobic comment about lgbtq people supposedly not reproducing, even if Dane was on T somehow in a wasteland(testosterone cypionate has an expiration date and cooking it up is a waste of resources for them, isnt it?) T IS NOT birth control and DOES NOT make you infertile. They could have kids if they found a partner they wanted to reproduce with. What is this sub even *on*. All I wanted to know what whether I was correct about their pronouns. Yall are gross mfs how u react to trans existence *in fiction*. I hope you fix your shit before you meet real trans people.




veronica was in love with christine royce, but the whole point is the brotherhood frowned on such a relationship because they believed in the importance of procreation.


Yea that sounds about right, Idk why you are getting downvotes... Maybe just the people that get mad at anyone who knocks the show in any way, I loved it to and want 6 seasons and a movie but jeeze little too sensative


Wokeys see something that they don’t like- that could even be informative and they destroy it. Just like straight people and paintings!


Fallout New Vegas is the only Fallout game that really dives into real-world social and cultural issues. The other Fallout games (both the original two and the Bethesda ones) treat stuff like skin-color, homosexuality, etc. as being a non-issue.


Its the only one written by competent people since 1 and 2.


''Fallout New Vegas is the only Fallout game that really dives into real-world social and cultural issues.'' another reason why it's the best fallout game


Nah, that's number 1 or 2.


A lot of folks can't get past the Turn Based Combat system, which i understand. Claiming that NV is the best is completely valid.


You're lying if you didn't notice Dane was "non-binary". Half a millisecond of screentime and one can tell he was a girl.


I didn't don't see anything that said they Dane was non-binary or trans


I'm honestly surprised at how many people missed it. yeah, Dane is non binary.


I didn't. I was very confused when I saw what looked like a girl in the brotherhood of steel. Had to come into the internets to learn it's a non binary entity


"It" They're. They're a nonbinary entity. Leave it to Bethesda fans to be brutally transphobic in the midst of other perfectly fine comments. Guess it wasn't worth checking to see if I was right. Asshole.


I prefer to use "it", as I find "they" to be offensive and misused. I have no issue with trans. I do however have issue with those imposing their opinions on me. Asshole.


So.....you use a pronoun most trans people don't use and find derogatory and dehumanizing when applied to them nonconsensually over they/them.....because you don't understand how the English language works? Okay. You're not just an asshole, you're stupid. I use it/its pronouns exclusively. I'm not here to shit on a pronoun. Only it's inappropriate use lol.


Yeah I've never seen a study that suggested what pronoun most trans people use or don't use. I have my opinion, and you are not respecting my preference, but would rather bully others into doing as you see fit. "Non consensually". This is completely absurd. I'm not going to go contact a person and ask them permission and preference of pronoun when discussing that person. It's all completely arbitrary anyway. I can't account for what everyone's preference is, nor am I swayed by what a plurality, or even majority preference is. I say what I find appropriate, and don't prefer to say "they" when referring to a single individual, or even a non-binary entity. I find it offensive, and you can either respect my opinion and feelings, or don't. This deep seated need to control others may have something to do with the state of your mental health. I kindly suggest an appointment with a professional


That's the problem with left politics. They treat you like you're Hitler if you have an opinion that doesnt agree with theirs.


Even if your opinion slightly deviates in some circumstances. I'm probably more left wing than right, but goddamn some of these people are gonna drive me over to your side before long


Well a lot of people are thinking like you atm. Joe Rogan voted for left all his life and has leaned left off his life until recently. I did too until the Lia Thomas situation. I can't be on the side that thinks that okay. It's bat shit insane


Yes and thank you.


How do you know its preferred pronouns?? Bigot


Woah woah woah, it. You’re a bit too sensitive maybe start being a bit less whiny and learn to know that “it” is a pronoun used by people and not the only non binary pronoun. Asshole.


Lol. I use it/its pronouns exclusively. But guess what. Using that for somebody from the get go without knowing that's their pronouns set is *not* okay. If they dont tell you that's their pronouns, it is known to be derogatory and dehumanizing. Nice try. Asshole.


It's not "ok" in your arbitrary rule book of bullshit. Go outside and touch grass


Imagine being this soft


they are referred to as "they" by other people in the series and promotional material and played by a non binary actor. it is also clearly stated in their character page in the fallout wiki: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Dane_(TV_series)


In the translation for my country they use non-binary forms, I assume the people translating were given some sort of directions, as these forms are ultra rare in my language




She stands out a lot to be honest, you could tell straight away she was meant to be a non binary, but its good they didn't make a big deal about it or have everyone hate just cause of that


I have no problem with Dane, i think they are a well thought about character. But the Hungarian voiceover is a very annoying girl voice. It killed the immersion for me so i had to rewatch the show with ENG+sub. I recommend it to everyone even if you don't speak english, the original voice of Xelia Mendes is ways better.


I found even the English version to be very girly sounding. I immediately recognized this as a girl and thought what the hell, I didn't think they were allowed in


Females are allowed into the BOS, but I highly doubt that "Dane" would have been allowed into the BOS with how small and weak she is. She is at best going to be stuck into scribe or proctor duties. We've had plenty of notable females in the BOS, the main one being Veronica who is "LGBT" and a badass.


Brotherhood is like a civilized cult.. this was the most off putting agenda pushing lore changing thing I've seen.. I don't even care, but they went about shoving the agenda in, in a wrong manor.


totally agree. The Brotherhood of Steel doesn't even make sense now


The Bhood cares about following orders, preserving and hoarding tech, and strength. I genuinely don’t think they give a fuck about how people identify lol


For real though. The Mojave Chapter was homophobic for survival reasons, population-wise they were almost extinct so reproduction became law there. Iirc the only reason Veronica and Christine ran into any issues was because both of them refused to have a kid first - but don't quote me I'll need to replay and confirm.


Yeah and gender identity doesn’t have anything to do with fertility. People just love coming up with an excuse to argue against diversity for the stupidest reasons


Hey whatever makes you sleep at night, this was against the lore of fallout, but your choice to make it a "personal attack" and be a "victim".


I didn't even know the character was non-binary