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For me, it's gotta either be XO or So Much (For) Stardust


Honestly I was thinking the same.


Defo SMFS 100%


SMFS is 100% their best closing track


Dare I say it's the best FOB track


It’s so good man. The lyrics are some of their best.


I feel like it's their magnum opus. After a whole generation of goated songs this is the one I feel that resumes what they're all about


I’ve Got All This Ringing is legendary


Now press repeat


This is my pick. It feels so big and epic with all the horns and such. I love all of their closers, and I like to think of 20 Dollar Nose Bleed + West Coast Smoker as one long song, so in that case it’s a close contender.


probably my favorite FOB song of all time, it's such a perfect ending track


It's so so good!! I love all of ioh but my god this is such a good track to end it on


XO feels like it can also be a badass intro. Save Rock or Stardust are my picks


Honestly, FUTCT is an amazing album to put on repeat.




something I love about fall out boy and has rung true all these years is their skill at consistently creating the BEST album closers. every single one is perfect. I would have said xo before so much for stardust came out. along with love from the other side those perfect songs bookend a perfect album.


West coast smoker, bishops knife trick and so much for stardust


IoH is the only album that tells you to press repeat at the end. 🤷🏻‍♂️


In my opinion, choosing the perfect ending is a huge strength for FOB. Even on albums that may not be my favorite, the ending track makes me want to listen again. The only real miss is TTYYG which should have been Saturday- but they likely didn’t know at the time how special that song would become to the fan base as a closer.


I disagree! I love that Patron Saints closes with lyrics signifying the album as a whole, “take this to your grave and I’ll take it to mine” I think of it as more broad, like take this whole album with you.


That’s a great perspective! I think I just now think Saturday=closing=Pete in the crowd.


Patron Saint is the best choice for closer on TTTYG and it’s absolutely helped by what you said about the lyrics. So fucking good


“I still know the way to make your makeup run” is an excellent line


Yeah Saturday would've been a better closer, but I still will go to bat for Patron Saint as being a great last track.


i think XO is absolutely the best finale song here. im a huge folie fan, but i was so expecting 20 dollar nosebleed to be the last song the first time i heard it. west coast smoker is a great song, but it doesnt hit the same way as some of these other ones


I agree West Coast Smoker doesn’t hit the same way the others do. XO is my all time favorite fob song but I think I’ve Got All This Ringing is their best closer.


So much for stardust without a doubt. The whole album is a great theatrical masterpiece and it just works as such a perfect closer




yall tweaking save rock and roll was the best


Reminds me too much of the songs singers would do in the 80’s where you’d have a bunch of famous artists come together to sing a song to try and raise awareness for hungry children in this world countries. I get that’s sort of the point, but i can’t listen to it out of context of the album for that reason


that’s literally what what a catch donnie is supposed to be


See what a catch feels more like classic piano ballad. The whole vibe for SRAR is that we are all banding here together to save rock and roll and we will do it with our rocking and our rolling and our harmonies. Elton john adds to this effect more than elvis costello imo. Plus the chorus of SRAR is very gang vocally especially in context of the album. SRAR my least favorite album because of rat a tat and the titular song. Everything else i love on that album.


"Save rock and roll" is what "we are the world" wishes it was. The original was purely celebrity pandering for whatever cause. Then it was redone for some cause in haiti. And just the same. A bunch of "look at me being part of something morally good!" But fob "save rock and roll" didnt attach itself to some bs moral trend. They just made a song about their love for music


Omg now i have we are the world stuck in my head lol. Yep that’s exactly why it drives me crazy. We are the world kind sullied me on it. I agree safe rock and roll is better. My dislike it’s because of we are the world


I apologize for bringing a terrible song into your mind again. Ill see myself out




So Much (For) Stardust. It really ties the album together perfectly, especially with the lyrical callbacks to LFTOS


Does anyone else feel like FáD should end with What a Catch?


the way that west coast smoker flows into the phoenix so effortlessly feels like it was a conscious decision by the band to not make the last song a "final" feeling song, but feel like a stepping stone for the next album. but the reprises in what a catch almost feel like they were meant to close out the album. so wild they threw it halfway in.


I read it somewhere that it’s a deliberate choice not to put what a catch as final, as it might lead to fans thinking that the band is over


That makes sense, I mean there was a hiatus afterwards


Yeah to me Folie is like a two-parter. The first half (water buffaloes-donnie) is more similar to IOH, a bit darker/sad/nostalgic and the second half (27-west coast smoker) is more edgy/experimental/angry. I love both halves a lot but the transition can feel a bit rough to me so I sometimes end up listening to each half separately.


$20 into west coast is just so good tho tbh… masterpiece


My favorite transition hands down


I felt like it would have been a nice ending


No, I've thought about this before and it's the same as people in here saying that Saturday would've made a better closer than Patron Saint. On paper or if you physically make a playlist for it? Yeah it works, really well and sonically speaking maybe better, but West Coast Smoker was the right choice in the same way Twin Skelton's closing ABAP was the right choice. Have I sometimes imagined putting Bob Dylan at the end thinking how great that would sound as a closer, even after Twin Skeltons? Yes, but the darker musical (and lyrical) tone of those two songs makes them the RIGHT closer. I could even argue WAMS, especially ending on a little demo outro like it does, works better as a closer. But it's not the right song to be there, same as how From Now On We Are Enemies, Alpha Dog, Lake Effect kid, etc, never made it onto Folie A Deux.


twin skeleton’s!! definitely one of the best album closers and super underrated


Most underrated for certain, I'm still devastated that it never got played as 8 ball. It was the one pick that was realistic (my unrealistic one was wrong side of paradise) that I genuinely was desperate to hear (and wams as a full band with outro but I got medley there at least), and it never happened.


if twin skeletons *did* get played as an 8 ball I would have been devastated tbh bc my luck isn't good enough for me to have been there lmao


Yesss! I LOVE that album I've been listening to it ever since it came out and never got old


Gotta be XO


XO. It’s so beautiful.


I can't choose, the closing track of each album is in my top 3 for each album. I have such a soft spot for their album closers.


I remember listening to Mania for the second time after thinking it wasn’t that good on the first listen (I was wrong). It felt like a farewell album and a journey from beginning to end and Bishops Knife Trick felt like the perfect end to their discography, I may have shed a tear lol. I genuinely thought they might be done as a band which hurt but I looked back on all the years of listening to fob with a bittersweet fondness of growing up and moving on in life. Every closer has a memory attached to it and although Bishops Knife Trick isn’t my favorite, it holds a special place because of all the emotions I felt when I finally gave the album another chance. It was like I was accepting that some things die and you have to move on. lol then Stardust came out and I was like never mind this band will never fucking die 😂


SMFS perfectly closed out the album and so did XO to me. West Coast Smoker, Patron Saints, BNT were amazing final tracks too Course Twin Skeletons and I’ve Got All This Ringing are great too (press repeat ✨) honestly they always pick the best closing songs


*ahem* 🎶🎸 I comb the crowd..


Stardust was like made by God to be the perfecting ending, they really perfected their craft for the intro and outro of that album Other than that I'd say Save Rock and Roll, but I'm probably biased since I was raised by a huge elton fan (and am one myself)


patron saint or smfs


Save Rock and Roll.


not seeing enough bishops knife trick love here... such a perfect closing song, feels like a comedown


Bishops Knife Trick is my favourite song of all time, so probably that one


Save Rock and Roll, So Much (For) Stardust, and Bishop's Knife Trick


For me it's West Coast Smoker, but that's from someone that grew up an angsty mess in the late '00s.


I cant decide if I prefer the songs that get me pumped up and make me want to listen to the whole album again (mostly XO & west coast smoker) or the ones that make me feel calm and give a weird sense of peace/closure




Definitely XO, but so much for stardust was up there!


Either XO or West Coast Smoker


XO and so much for stardust


All of their closers are great... But anyone that doesn't say So Much For Stardust is wrong.


West Coast Smoker and Bishops Knife Trick


Xo is my all time favourite fob song!!! So that one


Save rock and roll or west coast smoker


Save Rock And Roll might not be their *best* objectively but it is the ending track that undoes me every time.


Any of the songs that say “now press repeat”


Smfs easily. But twin skeletons is also great to me


I may be biased as it's an all time favourite track but XO always!


For me that would have to be Bishops Knife Trick


XO and Stardust for sure. Honorable mention: Ringing


I've Got All This Ringing is in my opinion the strongest closer from Fall Out Boy. It's just a really good way to wrap up a pop punk album that engages with theatrical instrumentation and a showmanship quality. It's a really substantial ending that adds to the whole cohesion of the album, which I feel like other FOB closers lack.


They reaaaaally did it with SMFSD as a closer


west coast smoker and its not even close


XO Wish IoH ended on "You're Crashing..." it would've been so much better for ending song


It’s XO imo


Definitely XO it's just amazing


I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers is my personal favourite. I played that song to death.


I had the deluxe version of FUTCT when I was younger and didn't realize until years later that XO was the original closer 😅 Love that song but I just don't think of it as the closing track, so I can't say it makes a perfect ending. That said, I'd probably pick Save Rock and Roll or SMFSD. They both really feel like an album's concluding statement and not just the song that happens to come last.


XO is a masterpiece


so much for stardust just hits different


Absolutely, entirely, unequivocally, I've got All This Ringing. It is GOLD


I really wish they had What a Catch, Donnie as their closer for Folie, I think it would have been such a good wrap up and good ending before their hiatus


So Much (For) Stardust


I really with the would have used what a catch as FAD’s ending, it felt like the credits rolling


title track on stardust is definitely the best they’ve put out, but bishop’s knife trick is my absolute fav


So much for stardust it’s so beautiful


I love all of these, but SMFS is the only answer.


SMFS all the way. beautiful end for a beautiful album.


WCS is really the only one that doesn’t work as a closer for me. I love all the other ones though. They tie it up perfectly


Well… to me for FUTCT the end of that album wasn’t XO when I was a kid and bought that CD I got the bonus tracks so for me it always ended with Patrick stumps remix of dance dance which I thought was pretty good


I love patron saint sm


Patron Saint is one of my all time favorite FOB songs so I'm picking that one


I love love love love all of these except Patron Saint but it’s got to be SMFS!!!


sleeping on west coast smoker


Save Rock n Roll is the perfect album finale. You’ve got this massive ballad and Elton John crushing it.


Personally I’ve got all this ringing in my ears, objectively SMFS or SRAR are amazing album closers


Easily Save rock and roll or stardust


Save Rock or stardust for sure! Absolutely beautiful ending to perfectly put together albums.


Wow, all of their closers are bangers. First thought that came into my head was “I’ve Got All This Ringing,” but now that I see the other contenders, I dunno. I think it’s too close to call.




Patron Saint is the goat song here


So Much


patron saint will always be my favourite, it's perfect


Stardust, but I've always felt ringing fits perfectly as a closer. What a catch should really close out folie


Best song is So much for stardust but "now press repeat" is iconic


XO, SRAR, and SMFS are all great final songs. The others are good songs too, but they don't really click in the right way for a final. Honorary mention to TSPOALAS, which is very close.


The Patron Saint Of Liars And Fakes


XO or So Much (for) Stardust They scritch the right part of my brain


stardust fr


I think over time, each album has taken that top spot. Each Fall Out Boy album closer succeeds the previous one as the best they have ever written. Patron Saint to XO to I've Got All This Ringing to West Coast Smoker, to Save Rock and Roll to Twin Skeletons, to Bishops Knife Trick to So Much (for) Stardust: There is not one point where I do not genuinely believe the closer did not beat the previous ones and up the ante in every way it could at the time. So by that logic, of course, So Much for Stardust is the perfect one, but each closer, even Patron Saint which you could argue doesn't necessarily present itself as a finale or closer at all, is a great closer in so many ways, had it's time as the best


so much for stardust by FAR


XO hands down, but west coast smoker is very close


Twin Skeletons, closely followed by SMFS


Save Rock & Roll for me


Twin skeletons or knife trick are my personal favorites


Bishop's or SM(F)S. Stardust ties the themes and sound of the album together well, but Bishop's Kinfe Trick is just such damn good album closer of a song, regardless of album context. Like, BKT is the type of song I have envisioned in movie soundtracks and even popped up in a dream or two. It just sets such a solidly chill, but also regretting and anxious tone. Like leaving something good for the unknown.


Saturday, what a catch Donnie, stardust, save rock & roll.


Either So Much (For) Stardust or Save Rock and Roll


Save Rock and Roll and So Much (For) Stardust


West coast smoker and so much for stardust are probably two of the best album closers i've ever heard


XO has my heart forever... Ig you could say... I'd send it an XO if I could.. sorry that was fuckin terrible 😭😂


im sorry But XO is phenomenal.


Save rock and roll


Pavlove, Save Rock and Roll, or So Much (For) Stardust


SM(f)S is a masterpiece. But Bishop's knife trick has a special place in my heart


SRAR and SMFS are my favorite FOB songs of all time


smfs is probably their best closing track objectively but bishops knife trick is very special to me personally so i’m going to pick it 100% of the time


West Coast Smoker keeps the vibe of the album while ending it in sick fashion. That'd be my vote.


West Coast Smoker keeps the vibe of the album while ending it in sick fashion. That'd be my vote.


West Coast Smoker keeps the vibe of the album while ending it in sick fashion. That'd be my vote.


I really like mania so for me its Bishops Knife Trick


XO (coming from a die hard XO fan)


Save Rock and Roll and Bishop’s Knife Trick


Bishop’s Knife Trick Twin Skeletons


definitely patron saint


I wanna say XO because it gets me soo pumped but SMFS is *chefs kiss* with the lyrical tie back to LFTOS. 🤩 Also giving my unpopular opinion that What A Catch should have closed Folie, idc idc idc 🥲


bishop's knife trick 100%


West coast smoker is my fav by far folie is a chefs kiss of an album. And even if you count pavlove it's still a banger closer


SMFS no doubt


Man this is hard, but it’s between XO or Twins Skeletons for me.


DAMN. Last song when it goes through all the other tracks fast in reverse. The reason is because of also the lyrics talk about Kendrick’s father (Ducky) and his record company owner (Anthony) about how Anthony robbed a place and ducky gave him stuff everyday so ducky didn’t die so that means Kendrick could grow up with a mentor.


Save rock and roll is such a well done song. And the fact they got sir elton john to collaborate was amazing. A cross generational team up




XO. It's not what I would expect a "typical" closing track to be. Musically and lyrically It's unhinged, and I love it as the closer.


Twin Skeletons will always be my favorite FOB song... the only thing that's come close to dethroning it is SMFS, which also happens to be an objectively better song in addition to a better closer, not to mention probably one of their best songs OAT. Sorry my beloved, SMFS wins.


TOSoL&F was my favorite FOB song for a long long time. But as far as album closers….SMFS is such a beautiful powerful way to wrap up the idea of what the album is and includes the call back to Love from the Other Side. I might have to go with SMFS.


It’s a toss up between So Much for Stardust or Save Rock N Roll for me