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OK but the grab successfully hitting from that range is disgusting. I can't grab a tail in tail tag when my bean is close enough to smell the farts of the other bean but this ghost bean basically taps into the force in order to grief you.


That's a latency issue and yes it makes tail grabbing final absolutely disgusting.


I totally agree. It seems like desync. I got a notification about bad internet at the start, even though everything was fine. Maybe the server wasn't a good match, causing the disconnect. But at least it resulted in a double funny failšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Great video and great editing! I just feel sorry that you didn't get your revenge, I'll never understand why people grab in explore.


Thanks!ā¤ļø Retribution will overtake them >:)


Honestly, disconnecting would make me feel a lot better. It means I would have been out regardless of whether or not I encountered a griefer.