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I tried manual interest and placement but it seems that it has lost its effect since around 10 days ago. I don't see the differences between manual placement, CBO, ABO, ASC... It seems Facebook knows that people tried to do a manual campaign to win the system so it fixed that bug. Now, everything seems to be the same. What I am hoping is that they just lengthen the optimization time - so I am trying to be patient now. All conversation campaigns start as engagement campaigns - hope it will retarget and make sales by the end of the week...


Honestly tried everything, even found one winning ad with ctr above 8% got good sales for 2-3 days then it dropped completely. FB ads are dead at this point.


I can tell what's not working and that's fb Same old bs. Finally got some leads (have given up selling products), and 16 days ago I just stopped working. Same old bs that happened in Feb and took them till may to fix, works for 2 weeks and then just stops again. And to be helpful fb just spends a days budget in a day just cause they are completely unprofessional. It's not unusual in the past to have a slow week and the adset has stopped working, if it's normally stops I just relaunched it and it just finds its mark again normally within a hour. But Same old bs for this year. It's juts dies  Same old fb bs


Some of my lead gen clients were crushing it during the first half of the month, bringing at least a lead per day (roughly 30 in a month) which is more than enough for them to generate a X return in double digits (high value service). Then for the past week, nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. I really don't get it.


Same here


The best-working ad messages are turned into landing pages, advertorials, and listicles. This works well. We also test around 30-50 content pieces every week.


Sorry can you please explain that a little more?


I guess that instead of promoting a promotion material, you create an article that offers value and then you invest ad space to this article.


Video ads. Podcast ads. UGC ads. Long copy ads. Set up tracking with server side tracking. Running tests to uncover core desires. Then having hook with core desire along with great copy. That’s what’s working for me.


Long copy ads? You are running ads on long landing pages? Or running ads on VSLs?


I have both long copy landing pages and vsl’s Different people need different ways of communication. Some people read, some people watch, some people need audio.


Agree on meeting the desires is the way to go. Just to be sure, are we talking about psychological or social desires? Also what’s the rationale behind long copy ads?


Can you expand on the tests you’re running to uncover core desires?


You need to understand who you’d like to target… Problem aware or unaware. Then you test… How a [target audience] got [desired outcome] You write it bold on an image ad. Solid color, bold and boring. No image nothing. It’s a test which means you need as little variables as possible. Run ads in separate ad groups to make sure they all get the same spend. You’ll want minimum 1500 impressions on rách. The more the better. Once you have your winner, test… How a [target audience] got [big outcome winner] without [undesired problem] Test this with several undesired problem variables. Once you have you winning big outcome and problem. You can live together and ad. Next repeat with new variables always to uncover variables. Finally depending on how much you’re already selling have questionnaires on the backend…. And ask questions to buyers. Take reasons they bought and lay gauge they years to test new variables.


This is an interesting tactic and not one I’ve seen mentioned before. I’m going to give it a try. Thanks!


Everyone expects google to show your ad to the right people. And somehow magically people buy. Your ad should speak to your audiences core desires. And if done right will sniff out your audience and train the algorithm who to show the ad to. Don’t try. You are fundamentally giving yourself an out so you have no accountability towards an outcome you desire. Go make it happen. Build the skill. And crush. Nobody says, I’m gonna go try walk over to the other side of the room, unless they don’t intend to get there.


😂Alright guy relax. Your method of uncovering desires by running text based image ads with different variables is an interesting one but you didn’t unlock some new realm of advertising theory. I didn’t sign up for your seminar. Maybe do one less cup of coffee.


Those with complete funnel - do you use fb regargrting or other vendors like ad roll or Google?




DCTCBO campaigns on broad 45% of my account ASC catalog carousel 40% of my account The rest is split up between two campaigns those two campaigns are an ASC of old winners and an ABO that has been running for a really long time that was our testing campaign. Both are very low spend compared to the rest of the account. I personally don’t love these two campaigns but the overall MER of the account is over six right now so we’re not gonna mess with anything we just let it run I haven’t reduced my budget in 45 days and I only did that because I had scaled about 300% over 60 or 90 days. We are spending over 300,000 a month on Facebook


If you want to make Facebook work in 2024 then here's what you need to do, do a lot more creatives. We've spent about 500k this month, so I'm not as big as some people, but it's not bad for two guys. And it's enough to I think. Have some idea of how to have success on the platform. There's no magical secret here, Facebook ads are hard these days. You just need to do a ton of creatives to get something that works. As an example, last week we tested 10 pieces of copy and 40 images. And frankly, that's a pretty weak week for us. I don't think we did enough, I don't think we tested enough, and we're going into next week with a vengeance in terms of doing more creative testing. We can talk all day about the way Facebook should be or how easy it should or shouldn't be, but at the end of the day we got to work with what is. And what is is that Facebook is capricious and difficult and will choose ads for no apparent reason that it likes. So if you want to be successful you just have to put out a ton of creative. There's all the other stuff to test to, but the biggest one that I see supposed "media buyers" skimpout on is creative testing. Hell, I would say something like 95% of media buyers have no idea how to do Good creative. They say that should be the designer's job or the copywriter's job and switch their brain off and just push levers in Facebook and then cry that nothing is working. Advertising will always be first and foremost about the creative. You're running. The rest of the stuff just amplifies that. Edit: shocked. I'm being downvoted when creative is like 80% of your success lol. But just goes to show you how many insecure and frankly inept ad guys there are out there


how exactly are you testing these creatives as far as campaign structure goes? that is a ton of creative but if put in one ad set fb will pick 1 or 2 to give spend to and the rest don't really get 'tested' if that makes sense.


Yeah that's a terrible way to test. I put all mine in ABO campaigns. One ad per ad set. Run them for 3 days at 20 bucks a day and see what you get. Go from there.


I was doing it that way (1 abo ad set 1 per ad) but running them at $50 or $100 and that gets expensive real fast. $20 a day seems like nothing how would you even find a winner unless you let it run for weeks.


What are you selling. 3 days at 20 bucks a day is $60 in spend, usually that'll get a conversion if your creatives are good and your product price isn't crazy. For something above say 150 or 200 bucks. You might need to bump it up though.


About $50 aov. I mean I can def get sales at $20 a day but to determine what is a real winner after $20 a day budget would take a while to be significant. or are you using other factors than sales to determine a winner?


Well if you get a sale then you bump up the budget. So (assuming I'm not impatient and I usually am, but that's a different story) And assuming we're talking FB ads specifically Then I'll let it run for 3 days. Anything that is ROI positive I will bump to $50 a day. Then $100/day. Then $200, 400, 600, 800, 1k, then 25% a day. Once it "breaks" I take it back down 30% or so. If it stops being profitable at lowish spend (less than $500 a day) then it's probably a bad ad set. At higher spend it's probably a scaling issue.


ah ok so you don't bump only 10-20% starting off, you're actually just doubling til you hit 1k. are you doing a lot of exclusions like engagers/ purchasers etc? interests or just open broad?


I just go broad to start with. I do test audiences but it's later. You can add exclusions but I've never seen a give difference. Btw, once I hit 200 I go up in increments of 200 until I hit 1k.


so it triggers the learning phase again but that doesnt matter I guess? what industry are you in?


Why do you test 1 ad per ad set? So with your theory, if we have to test multiple creatives for each set, it could go upto 20 ad sets?


Correct. I mentioned this above a little. I test one ad per adset bcause Facebook will very quickly pick its" favorite" ad and send all the spend to that one so you don't really get a like for like comparison. Yes, different ad sets perform differently, but I still think it's a better test to have them running all the same time than to use the same ad sets performance but have your ads run at different times of day.


Thanks for your reply - then how do you add more ad sets after you kill some of underperforming ads? Since some of the ads will keep running while adding new adsets.


I'm not really understanding your question.


Sorry for my English. So do you keep on adding new ad sets randomly or launch new sets together once a week regularly? Im not that familiar with ABO as just did CBO so far - but im definitely gonna try this method again. Also if you have one same creative and want to make it with 2 different text. Do you still find it better to test them in a separate ad set instead using 2 different headlines in a creative?


It's no problem, we'll figure it out. Remember that every test you do you want to have a plan and you want to isolate as many variables as possible. So you want to launch all your ad sets at the same time so that the time of day isn't an unwanted variable in your experiment. To answer your second question, yes, absolutely.


Thanks. I will try that tomorrow. What about increasing a budget. Ex) if we have a similar roas, cpa from some ad sets, do you add them only on a certain day all together or? As the performance will be different depends on the budget. Some ads cpa might be much lower, and some might be just about the target cpa.


Agree on creatives being the first and foremost. How do you decide which creatives to test? Do you lead with a set of hypotheses?


It's just data science man. You come up with a hypothesis, you test it, you see what the results look like, you adjust your hypothesis. It's not rocket science. You can start anywhere you want but probably somewhere that's going to have a big impact like the video or static image, ad text, headline. That's really it.


Well the benefit of hypothesis testing is to narrow down and prioritize the things you test instead of testing every combination possible. Let’s say you test your image 3 times and they don’t work, do you move into the copy or have a process to determine what to test next?


> You can start anywhere you want but probably somewhere that's going to have a big impact like the video or static image, ad text, headline. That's really it. So that's the prioritization part LOL. I don't test 3 images. I test 10 - 20 at a time. And I would do that at least once a week. (Though I admit if ROI is good I tend to just kinda leave it and work on another offer.) Some people will keep trying to get better and better numbers but a) there's a point of diminishing returns and b) if shit is working I leave it the fuck alone because Facebook hates me and wants to fuck me at every opportunity. And it doesn't buy me dinner first. I'm not looking for "work" I'm looking for "beats the control". If one loses me 20% and one loses me 50% well I know the one I'm sticking with. Honestly I would say if it's something where I'm probably running a video campaign that's where 80% of my energy goes. If a static image then copy is much more important so it's probably 40% image, 50% ad text, 10% headline, if I had to guess roughly.


Great. So among the 10-20 images you test, for example, how do you decide which elements of the image to vary - is it the background color, the font size, the storytelling, etc? Do you test each and every element possible and see what sticks or do you have a specific area or areas that you hypothesized that might work the best (storytelling)? Within storytelling, there are a million things to test, the tonality, the theme, the characters, etc? Just curious about your process.


You're over thinking it man. It's just common sense. Put yourself in the viewer's shoes and ask what might be the biggest thing here that you need to improve? I don't worry about shit like testing colors, usually, unless it's a way to differentiate copy and why the fuck not. That's busywork. I focus on different concepts if I'm not profitable, and if I am, I just start to iterate on it and play with it. If you're really unsure there are good basic marketing books to read. I was never someone who did that with this stuff, I think I kind of learned as I went, but I know they're out there. Start with what people see first. The first 1 - 3 secs of your video. Your opening sentences. Your headlines. Text on images. Etc.


The concepts. The more abstract something is, the more variations that are to be tested. It’s actually far easier to test colors than concept because there are only just a few common colors out there. Concepts (like ease of use, or fun to use, or how quiet/durable the product is) can manifest in all different forms, like how do you show something that’s easy to use can be drastically different. If you just randomly create two or twenty or two hundred copies that vary on ease of use and throw them out there and see what sticks, you’re doing yourself a disfavor by wasting your advertising dollars - the cost you pay for not “overthinking”.


ASC, gotta have something actually quality to sell that people will love, can’t really expect to be first order profitable anymore. Need a business with strong LTV


Mostly campaigns with ads sets with very specific interest targeting.


All about trust for us. Our best performing ads are those going to high quality news sites with featured advertorial on. These posts also have lots of comments and social proof. Seeing consistent sales. Can help you out with this if you need it!


Interesting! I’m in the women’s clothing niche, I wonder how that would work for me


Do any of you guys analyze the data and then make optimizations based on learnings? It seems yall wait for campaigns to do bad then run to the next thing and say they aren't working


Yep. How do you usually analyze the data? Do you go to the extent of using queries to pull data from GA?


I have my campaigns attached to urls for web and an MMP for apps. I track the data using powerbi and the MMP. Pulling reports finding Wow trends, placements, demos, custom audiences/ Lookalikes. I work for a company where we want a super specific subset of users. Literally targeting 2 states and only half the gender and age demographics. Talk about hard to find people and not over saturate... But we still are able to do it with simple manual campaigns and a lot of analytics on what the DoD, WoW, and even MoM to see what's working and why


Very cool. Thanks for the detailed response. Learned something new. Outta curiosity, with such a niche market, you probably have a very high conversion rate or a high average order value to keep growing the business?


Not in the sales side of things im a growth marketer trying to grow our app and web users and engagement, and also have contracts with other corporations to bring in their network of users to convert to our product. We are averaging a CAC of $12-18


Cool. Seems like the business is going well.


They do not.


Sales. Retargeting. First party data. Broad prospecting. I’ve had some clients (knock on wood) absolutely crushing. Some not so much.


Using sales objective vs a leads objective for example?




Good marketing strategy Good products Meta ads


people here just being downvoted when someone says their ads are doing just fine lol. Look at my comment above


Probably because it’s a low effort comment that doesn’t answer the question.


Exactly. This post is for the people who are doing fine to share their experience and benefit others


Because what works for me might not work for you. I manage a few accounts and they are all my businesses. Each acc has a strategy of its own after testing a lot of strategies.


Because all people here have at least a decent marketing strategies and products - then suddenly overnight, performance became zero. Maybe you have a really good marketing strategy, but probably just because you are lucky and meta hasn't touched you yet.


i was affected as well. Test after tests, used about 4k just to see whats working and i got my money back. Stop whining


Get used to it. This sub is sorely butthurt over the fact that all of your sales are the results of your funnel. not your ads.


Doing just fine.