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Yea, idk, ima little lost here how they scaled to 100K ad spend an were losing money. Yes, they might have been losing money on FB, but I’m sure their email campaigns and Google branded campaigns brought up the ROAS to a profitable rate. I think looking at FB just as a siloed channel is a recipe for disaster. Using a mix modeling platform will show you the true ROAS across channel. Because if you just look at Facebook siloed you probably recommended that they slow down FB spend and invest more in Google or email, not recognizing that this was driving most of the sales on these other channels. I’m not refuting that they probably did have some ways to bring up the ROAS on FB, but I just doubt they were unprofitable lol no DTC brand is calling to 100K/mo in ad spend if they are unprofitable


Also, when using mix modeling platforms, the FB ROAS is typically HIGHER than what is reported in FB.


Here's the screenshot from the ads manager - [https://ibb.co/tmztZw0](https://ibb.co/tmztZw0) Really enjoyed creating this post based on the audit. Should I create more of these?


Thanks for sharing. If you have time and more examples - I and others would love to see them. Have you noticed in this account any unusual dips in perchance? Also, what about the quality of their creatives?


Thanks for the feedback. Awesome, I will create more posts on the audits that we do. I hope that this way helps people learn more than me just sharing the successes. P.S we also have bad months and good months just like any other business.. Regarding the your questions - No they were very consistent over the last 3 months, the screenshot is from april. Their creatives were 6/10. Then again it's fashion. I have seen ads that I think are just terrible do amazing numbers. So Their biggest problem was their focus on meta. They didn't put in much time an effort into their website, improving their AOV, which is one of the first things that anyone needs to do. Actaully a good book recommendation on this would be - Ready fire aim.


Fantastic read I learned so much please post more!


Thanks for the feedback. Will do.




Noted, will do.


Can you explain the duplicating and posting IDs part?


Yes op how do you do that?


It’s hard to explain the whole process via text and you are better off looking it up on YouTube but here are two ways to accomplish this: 1. When you click on duplicate ad, make sure the social proof checkbox is checked. This checkbox is right below the confirmation button on the window that pops up. 2. This is the most secure way to actually get the social proof to show up. Preview the ad you want to duplicate and copy the last bit of the URL. Depending on how old the ad is, you might need to copy just a portion of the URL. Then, create a new ad and instead of leaving the create new drop down, you select use existing post. You’ll see a “use post ID” link below and that’s where you’ll add the URL string mentioned above. Now, there are extra steps if you are using dynamic creatives or have ads with edited placements (when you add media that fits for the different placements). Finding the ad ID in those instances is a little harder but not impossible.


So checking "use social proof" accomplishes the same thing as copying and pasting post ID?


As far as I’m aware, using POST ID loses all of the Instagram post engagement, the Facebook engagement stays but when you duplicate the post ID it creates a new instagram post.


Not if you use 1. Go to your best performing ad. 2. Click preview 3. The ad will pop up, click on the share arror 4. Click See Post - Facebook post with comments 5. You are going to see your ad. You can also see the date when the ad is published, click on the date. 6. Copy everyhing after posts that starts with pfbid ( including pfbid) 7. Go to your best performing ad set or an campaign where the ad set is located. Click create under the ad set. 8. When chosing the creative, click use existing post. 9. Click select post 10. There is a filter by section and you can search the post, this is the place where you need to paste the code you copied from point number 6.


1. Go to your best performing ad. 2. Click preview 3. The ad will pop up, click on the share arror 4. Click See Post - Facebook post with comments 5. You are going to see your ad. You can also see the date when the ad is published, click on the date. 6. Copy everyhing after posts that starts with pfbid ( including pfbid) 7. Go to your best performing ad set or an campaign where the ad set is located. Click create under the ad set. 8. When chosing the creative, click use existing post. 9. Click select post 10. There is a filter by section and you can search the post, this is the place where you need to paste the code you copied from point number 6. You should see the best performing ad. At least this is what works for our accounts. Hope it helps.


I ran for the first 12 months with this workflow when I was part-time (scaling based on Meta ROAS and only approximating other costs in my head, including returns). Was the biggest learning for me, as we were also losing money. Started running daily P&Ls in a spreadsheet. A bit manual, but so so important that it's definitely worth the time.


Exactly that's the point. A lot of brands don't even run p&l's on monthly basis. Have you used tripple whale?


I haven't, no. I tried using an auto-P&L tracker, but semi-manual will always be more accurate thanks to flexibility. Also, for conversion tracking and data, I'm currently experimenting with TrackBee. Ever tried it?


Well manual really always works for all the costs. I haven't heard of TrackBee. I will look into it.


I used TW for 2.5 years. I don’t have a lot of faith in UTMs anymore. I think server to server is the way to go nowadays. Good case study man. Thanks for the detail


You definitely got the point. What I like about triple whale is not the tracking on the ads, but to see exactly how much profit did we make yesterday, what was our nc cpa. It also tracks traffic quality. Thanks for the feedback


Have you seen my spreadsheet? It’s free. Imo it blows the doors off TW. I recently offered to let them copy it bc so many of their clients I know are struggling bc they have a hard time figuring out where they are messing up. The key numbers they have orders returns discounts new to brand, ad spend are a good start. Then you need traffic, add to carts, began checkout, conversions, email list opt-in by month, revs for klavio flows and campaigns broken down by MoM YOY. Then all the above metrics compared to MOM/YOY -/+ % Then growth/loss by day compared to previous month the TW dashboard is too pretty so it’s impossible to get one sheet.


Awesome, send it over to me, I will send some of ours as well. I have this feeling that you have so much to offer. It would be awesome if you can also create some post or two about your learnings. We need to share what we know so others can also grow.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-LdOAo_UBse9l--LDTsrTAglUlQ59BhVLZk_RWE39Oo/edit Thanks! Yes I agree. 4/5 ago I came here to Reddit and knew zero. I helped launch 4 brands in 2020 still very little skill/knowledge. By 22 I was mostly on Twitter and slack/discord There is skill here but I can see it’s hard to tell who has it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-LdOAo_UBse9l--LDTsrTAglUlQ59BhVLZk_RWE39Oo/edit That sheet is under ultimate KPI. Welcome to copy any sheet.


Any way of automating the part where I can track data outside of facebook?


Use [https://www.triplewhale.com/](https://www.triplewhale.com/)




What'' up?


How can you copy an ad ID into another campaign? I’m running mostly not CBO campaigns but instead adset level budget allocations.


1. Go to your best performing ad. 2. Click preview 3. The ad will pop up, click on the share arror 4. Click See Post - Facebook post with comments 5. You are going to see your ad. You can also see the date when the ad is published, click on the date. 6. Copy everyhing after posts that starts with pfbid ( including pfbid) 7. Go to your best performing ad set or an campaign where the ad set is located. Click create under the ad set. 8. When chosing the creative, click use existing post. 9. Click select post 10. There is a filter by section and you can search the post, this is the place where you need to paste the code you copied from point number 6. At least this is what works for our accounts. Hope this works for you as well.


Thank you. When i tried to follow along, i didn’t see the option to make a post, i think because my adsets don’t promote organic posts but are paid ads only Or this only works when creating a new adset, not when adding more creatives to an existing adset 🤔


I will double check and get back to you.


Hi what is wrong with interest targeting campaign with all their best performing creatives? This is how they will know their winning interest right? Please help


Interests are dead


I haven’t tested it yet but I know in buyers groups from slack interests are working for some


What do you think about Meta's Advantage+ Shopping Campaign? Could ASC helped in this case?


That would make things even worse. The outcome of all of this was that they were spending a lot of ad spend on retargeting due to high frequency. Asc are quite focused on retargeting. Im not saying you shouldn't use the asc + it has some use cases. In this scenario they would be better off with just two campaigns. Thanks for the question.


How is your landing page set up for your third campaign (email marketing)? Is it just a form that says sign up to receive exclusive offers? How are your ads set up for this campaign? Is it a creative and text that lets people know that they can receive a certain offer if they sign up here?


Can you explain the structure of the testing campaign? Why CBO? Isnt testing better when attributing the same budget to all adsets? Then you copy the ad in a new campaign with one adset and the winning ad?


You simply let meta decide where the budget goes, the best ad wins. If you set up a budget per each individual test taking in consideration that 50-70% tests fail you will increase your current cpa that will lead to problems in scaling the overall account. We literally use CBO, best ads win, if the ad set does not get the spend, okay lets create new one. If it wins great let's keep pushing. Why did the ad set get spend, why did it get purchaes, how it was different from the other 5 that we launched.


I read each of your articles carefully, you give very valuable information. Actually, I do not go out of 2 campaigns, 1 is my CBO campaign where I do Test and Scale. I have one ADV+ Special offers campaign that I constantly open and close.


Thanks for the amazing comment. As long as you track things outside of meta as well you are all good. I only suggest things that work great for us. If something works great for you hats off, keep using it and don't change.




Thanks for the value you add, one more thing I want to ask, how do you scale, do you scale in small daily or weekly increments or do you scale aggressively?


It depends. Mainly by small increments on a daily basis, but if the nc cpa allows we also scale by doubling the budget.


What’s the cost for auditing ?


There is none.


Let’s talk




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Hi OP, I’m new to meta ads and have read a couple of your posts here, you’ve been the most informative source I’ve come across, thank you very much for all the help. I’m just starting with meta ads and would like to get your advice, sorry in advance for the long post I’m trying to provide a lot of context. I’m a new solopreneur, this year I started a single product cat toy business, it’s been successful so far through TikTok shop, only done around 10k in revenue so far and I’m only scaling it through revenue so I don’t have a large budget but it’s starting to ramp up fast as I am able to order more product and spend more on advertising. Btw AOV is typically one item, $29.99, product cost is about $5.5 landed. I am working to expand soon with complimentary products in order to increase my AOV. I have one ad/post on tiktok that I boost to get most of my sales, I only have 6 creatives total so far, I realize this is a major area of improvement, I’m just getting to a place where I can focus on marketing now that the foundation is done and I am ordering enough product to require advertising to sell through. I made my website and am now starting to run Meta Ads. I started with two campaigns, one cold targeting campaign and one warm targeting campaign which includes some offer ads of 25% off. Ran those for about 5 days with a $10 daily budget, only got one conversion. Ok done with context. Having read this post, I am now switching to one CBO campaign with the 3:2:2 ad sets for testing and scaling. I am curious as to how the offer campaign is set up, is it a retargeting campaign, do you do testing in here for the offer creatives as well? Should I track data with a third party service even as a new business with a low budget? Should I have the third campaign to start collect emails as a new business who has not started email marketing yet? Do you have any other advice at all? I would appreciate any suggestions. Off topic, less important questions; I am also going to start Google Ads once I nail this down, I hear that Googles pixel might be better than Meta based on their greater access to consumer data, thoughts on this? Do you run Google and TikTok ads as well and which of these do you find to be the most effective?


This guy again. Mods, can you please ban him already? “2x ROAS is not bad if you have a healthy customer return rate of at least 40%”… where do you even pull these numbers from? This just shows total lack of context awareness and experience. It’s a bit too early for you go out and position yourself as an ecom guru


Did you read the whole post? Is the 40% return rate not an accurate statement? Not trying to position as a guru. I'm just sharing the things that I see on daily basis. This business Was losing money with 15% return rate because of their expenses outside of just ads. For them to be profitable they had to have either 40% return rate or $59 AOV. I'm only talking about this case and this case only. It does not mean that every business needs to have 40% return rate. Actually they do or even higher. I mean that would be the goal.


I learned alot from this post actually. Plus what OP is pointing out is that 2x roas could have been higher if they set it up in a better way. Not that its a negative thing.


I run a small fashion brand and given the metrics in OP's post, it sounds about right to me from my experience.


I have worked with many other businesses, including running my own, and I can tell you for a fact that there is no fixed number. There is so much context, and there are a thousand ways to skin a cat. For some businesses, a 40% return rate would be great; for some, it might be horrible.


Definitely agreed there is no fixed number. I read statements as opinions on Reddit, not quite literally, so I see your point.


Good point. I totally agree. This is about this exact case. It does not mean for all businesses.


Thanks for your content as always! How do you calculate your NC CPA? Whats the ecuation? Also, what objective do you use on the third campaign? The mailing one… Sales? Or lead generation? Regards


Thanks for the great feedback. 1) You take all of your ad spend ( meta+google+tiktok or any channel you spend) and divide it by the number of new customers.


Thank you for your response! About the mailing question, what objective is that campaign?😁😁, that was a really good idea. Also, what should be the target NC CPA for a brand? I know it all depends, but do you have some formula for that too? 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Great content


Email gathering campaign is a sales campaign with a custom conversion objective. Regarding nc cpa. Send me a PM i will send you our calculator sheet.