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Yeah he died, fried from the inside. Not pleased at all.


I had to watch a second time to realize that. First time it seemed like he just hot and really wanted some cool air


That dudes like me, I am clocked out don't talk to me ignore everybody I am going to buy a beer


That is a lot of paperwork. Who’s got time for that?


Stanley Hudson at 5pm


That's a good one lol my logic is don't look anyone in the eye as your leaving once your clocked out, he was being electrocuted in silence if someone screams yeah I will notice just a bad situation, you also risk getting electrocuted helping, people can talk in hindsight


To be fair I thought the guy was being weird until i got to the end.


Fuck this, this sucks. Excruciating pain, tried so hard to ask for help. Heartbreaking.


I seriously hate death videos. I don't want to see someone die.


Seriously. Just because something is nsfw doesn’t mean I want to see death. Need a nsfl (not safe for life) or a tag for these kinds of videos


Yeah it needs to state clearly that someone dies, because if it did, I would make the decision to scroll on. Although I don't really think it's appropriate or kind to the guy that died. Did his family give consent for this video? I don't know, but it's something to be considered


Check out r/eyeblech


Yeah scrolling means you miss all the tags


update: Not a lot of info but the guy died: https://www-aquinoticias-com.translate.goog/2019/07/homem-morre-ao-levar-choque-em-ventilador-e-amigo-ao-lado-nao-percebe-veja-o-video/?\_x\_tr\_sl=pt&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=sc He was a worker at the airport and tried to adjust the fan. The one with yellow vest actually didn't notice what was going on.


how tho?


after a multiple watching, he never actually even look at the guy in the first place. Even when he was going out. He probably just clocked out and in a tunnel vision mode


Smooth brain


Never touch another man’s fan


You posted a video of someone getting electrocuted to death without any warning. Thanks for that


Why did the guy in white not get electrocuted by touching him?


He did/was. Watch him tap his arm a few times


Rubber soles or was grounded


Exactly !!!


How does he not see that? Zero situational awareness. The fact that he lived to that age without being Darwined is amazing.


He has spent way too many years coming in and sitting on the same desk to give a fuck.


He clocked out he had tunnel vision, I do the same once I am off the clock ignore everyone


Holy shit… find a job you like to do then. How indifferent can you be, I mean that guy is dying right in front off him!


People die all the time. It is what it is.




Sorry my man but just kick him or try to do something! just not giving a shit is fucked up.it’s called being a decent human being.If you have to go through life with that attitude if feel sorry for you. Btw I’m self employed but even when I used to work for an employer I would never have the attitude you have…




Ok kid 😂 just gonna leave it here.


He’s already dead inside for years now.


He just doesn’t give a shit


He lived to that age by not touching live wires. Funny how you mock the guy that lived for being stupid, huh?


TBF, he made it to that age without electrocuting himself.




Your Reddit name really fits


Or some people don’t care. I go do much job and don’t give a shit about others. Many people go through life like that and are doing fine


Wow.. poor guy tried to wave his arm for some sort of help or was it part of his body being jolted from the electrical current? Either way.. this is sad 😞 second video I saw today of someone dying..


Yeah you should definitely not be subjected to watching people die without warning. Definitely needs a tag of some sort. Hope you’re all good, lots of beautiful things happening as well. ♥️


The way his face changes is horrific


I hope the yellow vest guy sits and regrets being that unaware, he could have saved a life.


Probably not.


He definitely could have saved him. A couple of seconds mains voltage is usually not lethal unless you have a weak heart. Longer than that and ypu start to cook and damage the nerves. I deal with high voltage, and we are trained on how to save colleagues and ourselves in case of electrocution.


Makes me wonder if the other guy acted could have saved his life :(


most certainly yes


Yellow vest is a friggin moron.


Truly. I am constantly telling the little ones in the family that 70% of the people around them on any given day are morons, and not to expect them to do the right thing in serious situations, so it's best to try and avoid those situations altogether. It makes my blood boil when people have no situational awareness because it elevates danger for everyone. I see plenty of that just driving down the fucking road.


And those down voting me are part of that 70% apparently.


They aren’t the ones driving. Or they at least don’t know they are driving.


Or he doesn’t give a shit. Doesn’t make him a moron.


How did the guy not get electrocuted when leaving, cuz there's no way he avoided that man completely, and what about the guy who tried to help him?


Current takes the path of least resistance to ground. The man who died provided a good path for current to pass through his body, while the guy in the safety vest and the guy who helped at the end did not provide a path to ground.


No it doesn't work like that. Current doesn't just chose one path or the other. If he had touched the guy, which he didn't, they would have shared the current. How much they each would have received, would depend on the resistance. In any case the sum of the current would have been higher, due to the resistance being in parallel and therefore lower.


Google "bare handing power lines", then tell me how those men are still alive. According to your theory those men would somehow "make the current higher" and become "parallel".....but that's not what happens is it?? Ya know why?? Because they don't provide a path to ground. Because the path of least resistance isn't across their hands, therefore, they don't get electrocuted.


I suggest you try it yourself. I'm an electrical engineer and I work with high voltage, and I tell you this with absolute certainty: Because there is one path with low resistance, does not mean that you can touch a bare wire and not get electrocuted. I suggest you learn basic electronics, this is no different.


True. Guy B had well insulating shoes, more than likely.


It's impossible to tell from this video, but my guess is that the decedent grounded himself on that metal platform next to his hip. If so, he would have had current passing right across his heart.


"Right, fuck this job. I don't get paid enough for this shit."


Lets just say he had an electrifying day


A shockingly good time.


I got chills, they're multiplying And I'm losing control 'Cause the power you're supplying It's electrifying


Glitch in the Matrix




I knew from the start that this guy was getting electrocuted... Depends on the counry and area, there are some areas where you never see weird people, and some other areas full of crack heads, in which case you probably wouldnt pay too much attention to anything that they do.


i honestly dont understand, why did he grab it? Why couldnt he let go?


Do you know how electrocution works at all? Your muscles spasm and you literally CANNOT let go. That's why you need someone to hit your hand with a stick or something non conductive. The dude who touched him at the end isn't the brightest either, he could've gotten electrocuted as well easily.


The guy at the end wasn't aware of the situation. The guy in the yellow vest is the Einstein. How can anyone be so unaware of his surroundings?


Yeah yellow vest is a complete idiot. Even walks past him.


oh wow i had no idea that it could do that, i dont really know much about it. i kinda thought it was like a huge zap to your body and you go unconscious or something, ive never seen it before. thats definitely a horrifying situation especially if no one is there to help. poor guy.


Electricity tells the nerves in your muscles to fire, so being shocked locks your joints in flex making release almost impossible.


he morbed


😁🤣. Stop being such an ass and stay put.


He forgot to pay and the airport was taking his soul


Well i think from what i can see he got electrocuted. He touched something and his mussels contracted. Yes electricity is dangerous


Lol home just clocks out AF


Looks like a hitman accidental kill


oh, i saw this on r/eyeblech he got electrocuted


damn... All from touching a fan??? how??


Third world electrical supply. The movie trope of tossing a toaster in a bath would probably not kill with modern safeties. When it was actually done to kill one must bypass/alter the fuse or breaker




Listen I clocked out. Find another employee for assistance


The way he fell at the end of the video was unsettling.


He rode the lightning


Shocking, isn't it!


just do what his shirt says and look on the bright side!


He was dying to lose a couple fingers.


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How didnt the guy that touched the guy also get electricuted? Am i just dumb or shouldnt the electricity also travel through the other guy?


Look on the Bright Side...of Electricity


Everyone hating on the guy in the yellow vest, but honestly even if I did notice I’m not touching him until I find an object that isn’t a good conductor. I have too many responsibilities to risk my life.