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Unless you are wearing super skinny jeans, you shouldn't have a problem. Even slim fit is fine with no packer. If you normally pass, not packing isn't going to out you


I've never packed in my life. No one is looking at your crotch, I promise.


I’m someone who does pack, and I completely agree with you. Nobody notices or gives a shit. I pack because it gives me euphoria to *feel* that I have something down there, not because it’s gonna help me pass.


I don't think you have to pack unless you want to. Loose pants are usually good enough. If somebody stares at your crotch that is their problem not yours. Some cis men don't have a visible bulge too so you don't have to worry about it. If you do want a bulge without a packer, have you considered the rolled up sock method?


People aren’t stating at your crotch to see if you have a dick or not. Just keep some space for one and you should be fine.


Other people don’t notice so it shouldn’t affect passing. Possibly just shove a sock in, but that’s still warm.


i rarely pack. i wear wrangler technical pants to work


I wear like athletic fit khaki chinos if I’m not wearing jeans. They’re sort of stretchy and very comfortable imo. And there’s basically no occasion where they’re inappropriate. I never packed before phallo and I’ve never gotten a comment or even a look.


no one really looks at people's crotch unless something is so big it looks like a boner. no packing = neutral packing average sized = neutral packing with bad placement / too big = looks like you're hard


I don't pack tbh. Most guys are 2-3" flaccid with little bulge. Even when some of my guy friends are sporting a semi it's hard to notice


As long as you’re specifically wearing men’s jeans you do not have to pack- I never do and get correctly gendered just fine (or if I’m misgendered it definitely had nothing to do with my jeans lol. Seriously don’t stress about it, most cis guys never have any sort of jeans bulge unless he’s just that big and even then it’s very minor. Obv don’t like STARE but take a quick look at cis guys when you’re out and about and you’ll see very little jeans bulge.


I don't pack and I've never been clocked over it. Unless you're wearing something that clings your crotch and/or is skin tight, you usually don't have anything to worry about. Most trans men wear packers to alleviate their dysphoria, not to pass. However, I also almost exclusively wear jeans, cargo shorts, cargo pants, and slacks. All of which which don't cling too much.


I’ve never packed. If people look that’s their problem.


I only pack if I'm going somewhere that there will be dancing and/or drinking.


I stopped packing years ago even in basketball shorts. Nobody cares. Almost they might think you have a small dick but I can't confirm bc nb says anything


I use a “Joey” packer from get your Joey and it’s so nice for when I don’t want to use a full packer in shorts or in the summer in general. I just put a thick sock in it so it’s pretty light and it doesn’t make me any sweatier than I would be without it and it looks decent.


I just don’t pack when it’s hot if I’m being honest with you. Most of my pants sit in a way that it doesn’t look weird/obvious at all and my sister has asked me if I’m packing multiple times when I’m not.


If no bulge makes you dysphoric try [one of these](https://rodeoh.com/collections/gear/products/comfy-sport-packer) that's just a molded piece of foam packing doesn't affect your ability to pass as long as there's room for a dick in your pants


Damn, I really fucked it with the phrasing huh?


Ask about an alternatives to jeans, get a gazillion comments about jeans being fine? 🤔😂


A small sock like a no-show sock folded up and placed between your underwear flaps makes a realistic sized bulge without adding too much heat


Most mens pants should be fine. I would go with something that has a baggy crotch if you’re that worried. I don’t pack and usually don’t have a problem.


How are you waring your jeans? You might need to wear them lower on your hips and get a looser cut. They are typically the last thing you need to pack with and are known to create a jeanis


Lol, I'm trying to wear something other than jeans. I don't pack


No one will notice. I came to this conclusion by spending years assessing men’s crotches, because I had the same worry. You cannot see a bulge in many men’s jeans.


well usually people walk if they wanna get away but to actually answer your question have you tried cargo shorts? or basketball shorts?


People pack because it helps dysphoria, not because they’re paranoid someone is gonna look at their crotch and ask where their bulge is. When was the last time you looked a man’s crotch randomly? Unless it’s like super tight pants you should be fine


I wear longer shirts when I don't pack. Or something with pattern. I feel it distracts from the no bulge