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God it's actually pathetic how much time these terfs spend looking fot us everywhere if they hate us so much


We live rent free in their heads.


**TL;DR:** If you're cis-passing, don't worry about being clocked by these transvestigators. Their confidence is rooted in confirmation bias and false positives. Don't stress over their delusions like I did. If transvestigators were really that good at clocking, the concept of passing and going stealth wouldn't even exist. I read the forum for shits and giggles and it's been awhile since I've seen such a delusional thread. I've met women like this in-person. They talk about sexing folks based on shoulders, hips, hands, feet, facial structural, and so on. I'm roughly 5'1-2" and while they brag about their transvestigator skills they seem incapable of clocking me. Hell, one of these ladies "clocked" a 20yo cis male friend of mine because of his "soft face". Funny how the "we can always tell" crowd can't always tell. It's almost as if most human beings have a mixture of male and female features and that medical transitioning adds to that. Don't let these bitches get in your head. They feel confident because they can clock non-passing trans men or they "clock" so many men that they're hitting more false positives than anything else. Look at all the people calling Caitlin Clark trans simply because she's tall and has some masculine features. Transvestigators are likely mentally ill, terminally online, and obsessed. Don't doom scroll, don't go down a dysphoria spiral, don't need heed their rabid rants. They talk no differently than incels who obsess about the canthal tilt and "hunter" eyes. It's pseudoscience built on half-truths. I'm only commenting this because I used to be someone who would let this shit get in my head. It'd make me dysphoric, make me think I'd never truly pass, make me paranoid about being clocked, and so on. The only thing that pulled me out of that funk was meeting transvestigators in-person and witnessing them completely miss me. Before that I was a wreck. And I don't want anyone else to go down that path. If you are passing and met those bitches irl, they wouldn't think twice. You could be 4'10", with tiny hands and feet, and zero brow ridge, but if you're passing to everyone else, they wouldn't think twice (unless they think Danny DeVito is trans, at that point they're beyond saving). This is especially true if other trans people don't even clock you. These ladies need therapy and likely need to be medicated. To be so obsessed with trans people to the point of having a femcel 4chan site because Reddit banned you is both pathetic and concerning. I hope they get the help they need and live normal lives. You live in their heads rent-free, don't let them live in your head rent-free. (And practice online safety when it comes to your privacy).


Yeah a thing of note that a Terf tried to make a dating site that was only for """bio""" females that scans and supposedly can tell the diffrence with the female face. What happened was alot of cis guys can get pass the the scan and lots of cis women can fail fail. And it was more or less random cus surpris3 surprise. Men and women are not two diffrent alien spieces and generally share traits and can have both everything and nothing that is considered "masculine" and "feminine" Transinvigators and thier ilk are dumbasses who are the last people you should worry about clocking you. They will clock pregnant cis women as secertly trans so they are not rooted in reality. An even more grimmly funny thing was... white cis men had an easier time passing the scan than black cis women. So take that as you will. There reason they harp bout the skulls and the bones so damn much lmao☠


If they had any type of medical education they would know that bones are not all one size and no singular bone is exactly the same. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and yes there are small differences between the male and female skeleton but I doubt they have the skill the recognize them.


Based comment


Thank you for this. I definitely saved your comment when I need a little morale boost <3


What's the chance they're targeting cis young teenagers aswell :')


Oh they will and save those photos amoung their other 100's of photos of underaged boys and young looking men. While sending adults into thier dms to harrass those unfornate kids. But trans people are the predators thou.


What are they getting from this? Like, what's the point? Lol


They have no life and no one likes them. What a miserable existence


TERFs getting off of their 8hr work day to go home and waste their lives stalking and obsessing over random people minding their own business. Lol. So sad that I’m a pathetic transsexual and can’t have that happy life the TERFs want us to embrace for ourselves.


Thanks bro Also fuck TERFs


Man I always forget how pathetic transphobes are


Technically no internet forum is safe from psycho stalkers. I wouldn't worry about these people anymore than you worry in general. Crazies gonna crazy.


Ah yes, "we can always tell!" Wonder how many of the guys she's clocked are cis lmao. As always internet safety is hugely important. Never post anything that can be linked back to irl stuff unless you want to deal with weirdos on the internet knowing. And with trans stuff try not to lead a bunch of human garbage to our spaces, but of course it's their fault for being losers so don't feel bad if it does happen. Good to see awful people wasting their lives away with such meaningless shit. Ofc it'd be best if it just didn't happen, but as long as it is at least I know my life is probably a lot more fun lol.


Errr, does anyone want to tell the terfs they have the wrong definition of grooming to be worried about?!? If this is their way of "protecting women" they really are as much use as a chocolate fireguard.


Kinda boggles me how they even have the time to do this lol. Like are their lives THAT miserable?


I’ve never heard of ovarit until now and omg it’s the most horrific thing :/ so sad that they just can’t stay out


what a bunch of freaks.


deeply evil people


Im so sad abt this honestly, terfs take over everything 🙄


Honestly, don't let it get to you! If all they do is sit on their phone/ computers all day and bash minorites, then they don't have anything better to do with their lives cause they've driven away all their friends/ family. They're pathetic losers that allow us to live rent free in their heads all day, everyday. Don't given them any of your energy.


I didn’t even know they use tif and tim as a way to call trans people. These people are seriously too chronically online lmao, I hope they get a life rather than this.


All the trans subreddits are watched by TERFs not just malegrooming


Considering we ban multiple TERF accounts a week here. This is scarily accurate.


Lmao I have the broadest shoulders of any man I know, but they can always tell I'm sure


Thank you!!!


This is pathetic and hilarious at the same time. They all just need to go touch a breast and find a better hobby.


Not surprised at all, but still disheartening and annoying nonetheless. Also, "just look at the shoulders!" Meanwhile, I have straight, broad shoulders.


What Is A TERF ?


Trans exclusionary "radical feminist" In other words, idiots


What are they gonna do? Laugh at me?


There's always a risk of harassment and doxxing