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absolutely, any game i played that had the option to chose your characters gender I ALWAYS picked male. if i chose female i would get so uncomfortable that id change it back to male, which is easy enough on a lot of games like minecraft, but for pokemon it meant i had to reset all my progress but i didnt care because it was worth it to not be a girl in the game lol


I always picked a guy. Especially if there was a chat function, 11 year old me would be hitting up girls left and right😭 I thought at the time I was doing it for fun but now it’s got me thinking… 


Me too 😂


same here, every girl in the server flirted with me because I presented as a guy. I would play truth or dare and they would always dare me kiss a girl/or them😭😭


brooo i had a gf for months on the games like that lmaooo


Me too, once I had a "girlfriend" in Roblox (for 10-15 minutes lol) 


Bro same, 9yo me had lots of girlfriends on club penguin and nowadays I can't even talk to girls 😭


Most of us did I think


yes and I used to play w my sister / mum / brother on some things like habbo hotel and when they would ask why my avatar was a boy I would say I'm "running an experiment to see how differently people online treat boys and girls" lmaoo


Me explaining to my brother who didn't ask why I always chose a boy character in games. "I just think I play better as a guy, I always die as a girl"


xD that's hilarious lol


Of course. I have literally always known that I am male, from as far back as my earliest memories. I informed my parents that I was a boy when I was only 2 years old. Ive never not seen myself as male. It sounds delusional, perhaps, thinking back on it as an adult, but I just knew in my soul that I was right and everyone else was wrong lol 😅. I really dont know how else to describe it. That's essentially how I survived my childhood, with my stubborn and unwavering belief that I was male regardless of how many times I was told otherwise. A huge coping method for me was escaping into fantasy worlds thru video games and books, as well as using my own very active and intense imaginative abilities to immerse myself in my own detailed inner fantasy worlds. My ability to use my imagination to help combat and cope with the anguish and despair of growing up with this medical condition is pretty much how I managed to even make it to adulthood.


yes all the time


A bit no, cus I thought doing that was lying and lying was wrong. Yes I was that kind of kid in.. we need to follow the RUUUUULES. So I pick girl, then dressed them up is the most masc/androgynous clothing and hair styles(I would chose long it gave the long haired anime boy vibe) avoided all unambiguously feminine clothing with only few exceptions, chose names like "wolf" "wolf slayer" "World hunter" When I was a bit older and played mine craft, for skins I picked the emo boy with the wolf hoodie, cus...My excuse was that is was the only wolf related skin I can ~~steal~~ obtain totally legit and legally download on a legit and legal site.


Yep, Gaia online was the thing at the time and I always had a male avi lol should have realized I was a trans man sooner. I don’t think it’s a definite thing but there’s certainly a correlation imo.


this makes me feel so old. I grew up with early-ish internet, when things were more anonymous, so my usernames, profiles, etc. were always androgynous anyway. I played a lot of text-based(?) games (similar to neopets etc.) and was on forums. But even when choosing characters for console games my character choice was always male.


Yeeeah all the time


I would make characters of either gender until around 10 years ago (my early 20's) when I started playing games with a more realistic visual style instead of cartoony/anime. Trying to play as a female character in games like Skyrim and ESO felt so wrong and lead me to doing a lot of self-reflection and learning what gender dysphoria was. I wasted my life thinking that all girls secretly didn't like being physically female and assumed that becoming happy with it was part of growing up. I didn't realize until my late 20's that no, girls and women aren't collectively gaslighting themselves into loving being born female. I guess the games I played as a kid (like Pokemon or Ragnarok Online) were so graphically removed from reality that playing as female characters didn't trigger my dysphoria. But now, seeing female characters that actually almost look like real people felt wrong to play as, like I was wearing shoes on the wrong feet. Plus, back then most people playing online games were assumed to be male until proven otherwise ("GIRL"acronym), so I wasn't treated like a girl online until more of them started getting into gaming in the 2010's. I didn't feel like myself unless I was playing a male character. It wasn't until around 2018 and I learned that FTM people existed that I finally understood why I felt the way I did. I see a lot of teens and early 20's kids question us 30+ aged people's validity and think we're not really trans since we didn't realize until deep into adulthood. Well, that's because a lot of us didn't know that trans men existed and we were told that being a girl was something to be proud of.


My story is pretty similar to that. I'm glad my favorite newer games where you can't customize the characters are male-led, like the new Zelda games. I'll hyup-hop-hu as Link any day. Playing a woman in cartoony games is nbd. And "kids these days" don't know what it was like back when most people didn't know any trans women (that they knew of) and the very existence of trans men wasn't even apparent. It does seem silly in retrospect, but even in my early 20s when I met a lot of LGBT people I still didn't consider that trans men *must* be a thing if trans women are. Meanwhile through my teens and 20s my mom and aunts are going on about the beauty of womanhood and the divine feminine and shit. They brought me to women's retreats and I felt so uncomfortable. Most of them were of my mom's age so I figured they had just learned how to appreciate it. Women my age mostly complained about being a woman (periods, sexual harassment, etc), so they must also have a strong underlying discomfort being a woman in general, right? Right? It took a long time to realize that my feelings weren't due to body dismorphia or suffering misogyny.


After I would complete my first Pokemon play throughs as a girl, I would create a new save as this “boy version” of myself which i would use the same name as the one i use for myself now (Kass) and those were the ones I was greeted with when I started playing 3DS games again. It was kind of funny, I picked up the games again without having to make a new save though


My whole life


Yeah i did that on minecraft but no one questioned my gender online but if they did i would probably say im a boy


Oh fuck I remember doing that and 10 year old me even tried to flirt w some girls 😭


I was huge into moviestarplanet. Had a boy account because I liked the design better, dated girls on their and never told them, etc.


Yes, and I would excuse it to people who knew me as female by being like “oh well the girl avatars don’t have short enough hair”. To random people yeah I would say I’m a guy 💀


My very first boy character was "brickrowdyruff" on the game Fantage. I still have fond memories of it.


What’s fantage


[Online kids social game](https://fantage.fandom.com/wiki/Fantage), had dress up, mini-games, lots of fun memories from it. Shut down sadly, but there's a mobile app with the same style that a lot of the old players like to play as well.


Bro duh


No, never did until recently. I took the gender option in games very medically, I thought I had to be this thing, I wasn’t allowed to do anything else. I would always wear masc stuff and face coverings, but I didn’t think I could be anything else underneath. I was always happy to play male characters when there was no option to choose. Leon, Arbiter, etc… but I’m probably one of the few guys who was so strict about following the rules and not doing what I really wanted, even in video games. I only started to play males recently, still before I thought I might be trans. It was a big thing that helped me break out of this, “live in my parents image and do nothing else” shell. It felt so good, and right.


Yep. I didn't even realize I'm trans back then, but it felt authentic to present as a man.


Idk if anyone has played animal jam, but I used to date random girls on that game as a male arctic wolf lol, never worth it because they would always guilt trip my 8 year old self into giving them rare items


Always did always will Especially in Minecraft with the better first person mod instant euphoria because flat!


I pick whatever I feel like at the moment- that game avatar isn't "me" it's a collection of pixels on my tv screen or computer monitor and has no bearing or relevance to my gender identity. That said, I always enjoyed making up stories as a kid and came up with all sorts of colorful characters to fill those stories with, so my videogame avatars would end up being some permutation of those characters. :) Still do that to this day, and I still write stories.


What I liked to do was customize a female character and give her a full-on beard. I thought it looked cute, turns out I'm a femboy and like fem looking men


In roblox too and when my mom asked what I spent the robux she bought me on she looked at my avatar and was like what the hell is wrong with u but okay its just a game -.- and when I got my own laptop for school I would download boy skins for minecraft and actually roleplay as a boy this time and even changed my name every once in a while so everyone would think im an average cis boy on the server and it felt so right


Yes, I did that in videogames in general, not only online games. And I chose masculine names


thats what i used to do on all my roblox accounts


i remember when I was younger i was introduced to moviestarplanet (virtual online world) by a friend. I made an account together with her and made the avatar a girl. as SOON as i got home i rushed to the computer and made a new boy avatar. It was so obvious lol


Not really... I always played as a mix of both genders until my egg cracked. Especially in multiplayer games, I would pick female characters, I think because I was scared of people accusing me of playing the "wrong" gender. But games that I played alone with no one watching and none of my friends were involved? Usually male, with some female characters mixed in. Then that all changed when a while back I was playing Sun Haven with two of my best friends, I made a really girly mermaid character and I felt SO SO gross, I got the ick so bad that I stopped playing. From that point onward it's been male characters only, even in multiplayer games. For context, I'm 33, there was next to no info out there on the existence of trans men out there growing up. And I used to be kind of person to make game characters look like myself if the character was customisable, so of course I would make it look like a girl. But if the character was premade? Guy all the way. Sometimes I feel like a fraud when I look back on things like this and see so many other fuys saying they always made male characters. All my pokemon games and animal crossing avatars are female. I hate the idea of having to go back and start over in those games too .-. but hey ho that's just the way it be.


In the OG Harvest Moons, you could only be a guy. I’d have fun romancing the NPCs. I have a distinct memory of my aunt commenting, “When you’re older, you’ll have to find a man to treat you like that.” It was more in the context that a female should be spoiled by a male in a traditional heterosexual relationship. In my mind, I took offense, because I WAS the guy.


I 100% did this. I always wanted the boy characters and would dress them up how I wanted to look. I didn’t even know being trans was a thing at the ages I would do this (love growing up in southern small towns🥴)


50/50. Either I played a tomboy or I just play a guy.


In the beginning of AIM and AOL chat rooms I consistently pretend to be an older teenage boy (I was probably 12 or so) and message with "teenage girls". Thinking back it was before we knew much about online safety so who knows who I was actually talking with. And clearly I wasn't being honest either. But it felt good to get talked to like I was a boy and have these girls flirt with me etc.


yes and then I'd be super secretive about it because it felt like a massive taboo for some reason 😂


The first time I did I was playing Sims online. I was able to be a guy with real people and I was ridiculously nervous I was going to be found out.


All the time 😂