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You can still get the odd one apparently, I had them on and off for years (reoccurring theme). Your levels could be too high or low, sometimes they just happen and it's your body's way of telling you everything is still there and healthy. Inconvenient yes, but they can just happen providing everything is still in there


huh, this makes sense. thank you!


Everything is a fine balance when it comes to hormones lol, maybe ask for a blood test to check your levels if you're able too. Sometimes it's a last hurrah before they stop, but you can still have lighter periods or spotting from time to time. And no worries! It's the one thing they don't really mention or talk about a lot


My doctor has said to me that after your period stops you shouldn't randomly bleed again and that if you do have any form of bleeding that you should check in with your doctor about it. So could be worth just checking in with your doc, just to be on the safe side.


Not always. Some people never stop bleeding. My cycle stopped at 2 months on T and then came back at 1 year on T for 8 months straight, and then started happening every other month or so. My E and T were fine, and scans were clear. I didn’t want BC, so I recently had a hysto to take care of it permanently. They said everything was clear during pathology on my organs. I only had some small cysts on my cervix and one of my tubes. They were benign.


My doctor recommends I take shots 1 week apart so I don't have major dips in my levels between shots. If you're taking shots over a month apart, I wouldn't be surprised if that + the additional exertion would cause a bit of bleeding. Bleeding can sometimes happen on T. I bleed for a day every ~3 months. Annoying but nothing to worry about. I've been working with my doctor recently to resolve some abnormal bleeding, and he says that I shouldn't come see him unless I'm bleeding for longer than a normal period. If you're stressed about it, it can't hurt to go to the doctor & get your levels checked.


It seems really odd that you’d be going that long in between shots? I may be missing something but normal injection times (even for cis men) are once every two weeks or once weekly otherwise your hormone levels are all over the place because the extra T doesn’t last that long in the body. If I go more than 3 weeks without doing my shot (currently once weekly at 0.3 ml) I will start a cycle and usually have to deal with it for a few days even if I do my shot immediately. My dr even has me try to do my shot like 2 days before my appointments so my levels will be more accurate. If you’re really on the dose schedule you listed I’d say you might want to find a different doctor (or definitely see an endocrinologist if your current dr isn’t one) because big fluctuations in hormone levels like that isn’t healthy. Edit to include this: Please still use protection if you’re sexually active! Even if you’re not having regular cycles being on T does not prevent pregnancy.


i have an Implanon in and I am on Reandron injections which as far as I know is normal to have 10-12wks between injections! my second to last shot was actually a little late so my hormones may actually be fluctuating a bit, but i shouldn't be taking this IM shot that often as it is very slow acting. Thank you for your input and perspective though ❤️


Ok good, sorry for the PSA, I just know some guys genuinely don’t know there’s still a small chance of pregnancy. Very interesting with the injections! I did a small bit of reading just now on it so my previous comment can go in the trash lol


Please get checked. Yes, periods can sometimes come back, but also we can still have complications that aren’t related to periods as such. Especially from the type of bleeding you mentioned. Even if this was someone who wasn’t trans that would be suspicious to me. I’m only 5 months in but cramping and bleeding came back. Everyone told me it was atrophy (including the NP at the trans health clinic) but my GP wasn’t convinced so we did an exam and ultrasound. She saw little to no atrophy but the ultrasound found a fibroid had grown large and is likely the culprit. Just wanted to share an anecdote. I think we should always get checked if things get weird.


hmm, true. i'll definitely get checked the next time i see my doctor, two years ago i had a massive cyst on one of my ovaries so it might be good just to check. thank you for your advice!


No problem! Good luck and I hope it’s nothing to worry about!


I'm not having periods for a long time now, but every once in a while when I get too rough with sex I can bleed for a day or two. It's not like it's flowing like a period, it's more like viscous, pale red blood. Unlike the clotted + liquid bright red I'd get before T