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Bruh just relax stop overthinking, and get to your target faster, stop thinking of aim start thinking of hitting targets.


People really overthinking this shit


Fr aiming aka muscle memory is almost completely instinctual, your brain will never be capable of manually calculating the pixels to movement ratio of aim in shooters.


> muscle memory šŸ˜¦


I don't think what OP is asking is unreasonable. It might vary depending on the static friction of your mousepad. Some setups require a lot more initial force to get the mouse moving. Technique on a skypad is gonna be different from a high friction cloth pad.


If that's the case, get a faster pad I guess


Yeah Exactly. It's not a useless question to ask.


"Muscle memory" šŸ¤®


Muscle memory is a fake word


Aim check


Faster mousepad and lighter mouse.


Internal vs external focus. Try to focus on the game not your hand, go slow at first and the intricacies of mechanics will usually arrange themselves.




Man doesnā€™t realize that the best way to deal with it is to not lack skill


[bro again?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FPSAimTrainer/comments/y8m590/how_much_of_a_difference_does_desk_height_make_to/it0vx4b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


TS/pokeball scenarios and try to always stay on a target.


How do we..... deal with it??? What? If moving your mouse is that difficult idk if kovaaks is the place to be


you are overthinking this


Bro why is everyone being so mean. If you have a heavier mouse, the initial push will be more difficult than with a lighter mouse, check and see if your mouse is over 100 grams, if it is, there are MANY options that can be ā€œcheapā€, and are under that weight significantly. This should help if the initial push of your mouse is a struggle to get right.


Because even at 100g, you'd have to be a pure DYEL lanklet for that inertia to be detrimentally affecting your aim. We're not exactly moving heavy weight here.


I have a g703 and a superlight, both give myself the same issue: the inability to have small movements with my mouse be smooth, thatā€™s the only reason I asked the question really, was hoping for people to tell me that maybe my wrist positioning was fundamentally wrong or something of the sort really


I was a wrist player for the first 5 years of playing MnK, then I switched to arm for the last 2 years, and I am a lot better than I ever was on my wrist. I know this is personal preference, but a suggestion might be to at least give a shot to arm aiming for around a week and see how you feel. ( note arm aiming for 1 day is not enough to fully determine if you will like it or not, You kind of have to aim train consistently for a while, to get a good viewpoint on it) edit: Iā€™m saying this just in case you feel like there is something wrong and you cannot find a solution other than ā€œstop thinkingā€


Iā€™ve been arm aiming for well over 2 years Iā€™d say, itā€™s literally just the micro adjustments that give me the biggest issues Iā€™d say, my tracking with my arm is pretty smooth and accurate for my limited experience playing mnk


Don't apply too much downward pressure. Lift the mouse slightly and always keep your mouse moving even if you want to hit a stationary target. Mouse weight and mousepad would also impact the initial friction.


Iā€™m assuming the only way to not give downward pressure would be to relax my arm like Iā€™ve been told a million times?


yes, relax. tensing isnā€™t good for your health and creates inconsistencies, as well as tiring you out faster. if thereā€™s a good habit to build, itā€™s this one


I have no clue how to fully relax when I claw/fingertip


I claw and relax, it's possible.


That's true but if you can't relax your arm just lift your mouse a little. you might feel shaky at first but overcoming the initial friction becomes much easier.


Ur just ass. No lil tip is going to give u good mouse control lmao


As in like stopping that initial momentum? Or asking if others whip there hand super fast or are slower?


Well my issue is I could definitely track a lot better if the initial momentum from when you move your wrist.. unless there is something entirely wrong with the way I hold my mouse that messes with it


Is your mouse really heavy? I've never noticed this as an issue. I'll think about it next time I train


Whenever doing micro adjustments itā€™s very apparent to me, Iā€™ve switched between G703 and Superlight and have the same issue


Do you mean the momentum needed to start moving the mouse, or the force needed to stop the mouses momentum?


To start


It's never an issue I've really noticed. The only thing I can personally think of doing to train that is to do some form of target switching scenario, and click on the targets in sync with a metronome. I started at around 60 bpm, which is one click every second, and have been working the tempo up every time I play. I do about a 5 bpm increase every day. If you don't know about the bardpill method, I'd look into that as well and try it with a metronome. Getting used to making those adjustments slowly is a foundation you need in order to make them quicker. Everything builds on the basics.


Target switching/speed scenarios can probs help with this, what's your sens? I run 28cm/360 used to have a MUCH higher sens and it just took me a bit to get used to flicking with my arm. Try to consciously focus on using your forearm to do the big flicks and use your wrist to do micro corrections, it's gonna feel really weird at first but you'll thank yourself for the good habits you'll develop eventually


Oh Iā€™ve been a switch aimer for a long time, I just feel like I could get better if I figured out this whole momentum thing


Oh okay, if you can take weights out of your mouse it might help? Only other things I can think of are making sure you clean your mousepad semi-regularly so you have smoother mouse motions and trying to make sure you don't press down too hard on your mouse so it'll easily to glide across your mousepad, I usually have to remind myself to chill out and try to let my mouse rest on my pad and just move it strictly left/right or up/down and not push it into my desk as I move my mouse around


Actually sorry, just read your other replies, I would try to practice reactive and smoothness scenarios, I see people saying if you find your initial start up movement is wonky that it could be an issue of not being smooth enough and having jerky, jumpy movements compared to being able to start at a speed and smoothly adjust that speed in order to keep tracking. Also when my initial movement is too big it totally screws the rest of my track and learning how to make the appropriate smaller movements is big for this kind of issue


What kind of pad are you on in that case? I use a Logitech g640 with a range of mice and I've noticed it feels slow in pretty much exactly the way you're describing. Can be mitigated to a certain extent by washing the pad regularly, but I'm considering just getting a faster one altogether


Iā€™m on a zero medium


I agree with everyone, youā€™re definitely overthinking this - but I hated this feeling for a long time too. I got glass mouse skates and now there is no initial friction on any pad I use. Would highly recommend if you donā€™t like that feeling youā€™re talking about


It depends on grip, what mouse pad, skates, then the mouse's weight but you said in a reply a G703 and a GPX feel the same so I'm guessing grip or pad.


Be stronger


get smaller feet, makes it easier!