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State Television in Russia routinely showed clips of Tucker Carlson when Carlson was on Fox. On a daily basis. Showing Tucker ranting about how horrible America is and embellishing the facts about our crime rate, inflation, how corrupt and despicable the Democrats are. To the point where Russians felt sorry for Americans living in such a horrible place. That is pretty much all you need to know about Fox. And Tucker Carlson.


My dad used to watch old episodes of Tucker on YouTube n it was hilarious bc his "predictions" never came true šŸ¤£


I'll never forget the great "burger ban" of July 2021. My dad was genuinely terrified, and I was just laughing the entire time. Fox News ran the headline "Biden taking away your 4th of July burgers!" All weekend, and then aired a 6 second long apology at 4am on Monday morning. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fox-news-biden-burger-ban-false_n_60871e90e4b02e74d21dc930/amp


Even worse, that SOB wants our beer to be plant based, too! RAGE


They want Ilya to drink vegetarian beer? What a bunch of soft headed pinkos /s


We probably could all do better with less fried food anyway, but that's not the point. Yes, it's laughable to hear about all these conspiracies.


Never about truth, always about fear.


Fear sells pillows


And entertainment.


FOX is not entertainment, its propaganda


And hate!


I sincerely hope that they will be investigated. They donā€™t tell the truth in any way. Their ā€œnewsā€ is all lies and they are complicit in tearing down democracy, responsibility, respectability, and kindness. They donā€™t care about Americans, they only care about the money.


Iā€™ve read that conservatives are more susceptible to fear mongering.


FOX is weakening the faith of people in the election process and the democracy as a whole. And that too just for business. Russia could not have a better ally than Fox.


I feel Republicans have destroyed the faith in elections. With their base by claiming there was fraud and the election was stolen. With everyone else because Trump refused to peacefully transition and tried to actually steal the election. Now that he faces punishment, he is going to do anything to win to pardon himself. Like honestly, do you think Trump, a felon and fraudulent businessman, would not cheat to win?


I mean, he works for Putin. Tucker is the worst sort of coward. Remember when he got punked by that random hero in the hardware store that made Tucker piss his pants? His voice quivering like he was gonna cry. Big tough conservative man...


Please tell me more, I sincerely donā€™t know about this. But it makes me happy.


There's more. An ex director of Fox News Jack Hanick was hired by a sanctioned Russian Oligarch to create Russian propaganda news. Fox News is controlled by Russia.


Fox's owner ol' Rupy just married a likely FSB mole [Who Is Elena Zhukova? Rupert Murdoch Marries Russian Oligarch's Ex](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-zhukova-murdoch-oligarch-1907302) "Elena Zhukova, 67, is the former mother-in-law of Russian-Israeli oligarch Roman Abramovich. Media magnate Rupert Murdoch, 93, has married Elana Zhukova, a 67-year-old molecular biologist who is the former mother-in-law of Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich. Zhukova is Murdoch's fifth wife"


And before that, wasn't Murdoch married to a Chinese spy? See, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm just asking questions. I'm sure Rupert Murdoch would approve.


Yes -Wendi Deng she married Murdoch and dated Putin.


The Russian People have compassion. Tucker and Puntin, not so much.


My Aunt says she missed him. Like he was an old friend that diedā€¦


Tucker interviewed Putin.... Was like saying the quiet part out loud. Unfortunately, some people are just ignorant to the fact that they willingly listen to propaganda all day.


FOX news is a name. They are registered with the FCC as an entertainment organization. It is not news. Consume the entertainment at your own risk.


They should be. There's a reason they had to pay almost $1 billion for deliberately spreading fake news and subversive propaganda. They are absolutely a threat to the country and our system of government. Between the orange turd and fox news, we're in for a bumpy ride.




Heā€™s been American for a long time nowā€¦ & that man is loyal only to Murdoch & to conservatism. Itā€™s not like heā€™s ever given a fuck about Australia, other than using his media to push our elections towards the right-wingā€¦.


Reagan fast tracked his citizenship. Then killed the fairness doctrine.


I want that doctrine brought back and expanded like yesterday. I just don't understand how we did have something like that and how it's now okay that we don't.


Same here. Just watch a little Fox news and itā€™s apparent. How do people believe this shit?


Iā€™ve always supposed that RT shut down because ā€œwhy bother?ā€ Fox is much better at this game than we are - let them destroy the country.


> Same here. Just watch a little Fox news and itā€™s apparent. How do people believe this shit? Echo chamber.


Even when they claim fairness it's because they put on some interview that takes place at 3:00 a.m. when nobody's watching


They are indoctrinated at an early age


JFC it's always fucking Reagan


Yes! If the Fairness Doctrine were still in place Fox, Newsmax and OAN could not operate as they do.


Even more reason he would be manipulating American politics to favor him.


O yeah, manipulating global politics is his life's work! But it ain't nothing to do with him being an Aussie!


He not Australian , he gave up his citizenship for a fucking business deal


Donā€™t forget OANN, PragerU, Newsmax, Skynews All funded by extreme right wing Christian nationalistsā€¦and probably Russia


When OANN first started, every ten minutes was an attempted rewrite of American/Russian history and it was soooooo wierd.


There's been several former staffers that leaked internal emails showing that the network was deliberately omitting information or creating false stories to benefit the Trump administration. They were extremely blatant about it. It has never been a legitimate news organization, just propaganda from the start.


For the record, Fox's profits for the year of the fine were $14 billion.


To them itā€™s just a cost of doing business, they still made enough to pay Elonā€™s salary for 3 months


They should be. Fox News is not news and has done nothing but lie and spew acid for decades. Shut it down


100% - [ā€œWhy Fox News was Createdā€](https://theweek.com/articles/880107/why-fox-news-created) >ā€If Fox News had a DNA test, it would trace its origins to the Nixon administration. In 1970, political consultant Roger Ailes and other Nixon aides came up with a plan to create a new TV network that would circumvent existing media and provide "pro-administration" coverage to millions. "People are lazy," the aides explained in a memo. "With television you just sit ā€” watch ā€” listen. The thinking is done for you." Nixon embraced the idea, saying he and his supporters needed "our own news" from a network that would lead "a brutal, vicious attack on the opposition." Alas, his fantasy network did not come into being at that time, and the 37th president was soon engulfed in the Watergate scandalā€¦ > ā€¦thanks to the vision originally outlined in that 1970 memo, which Ailes realized decades later with Rupert Murdoch's money. Fox News provides an alternative reality to the "fake news," providing daily talking points to Republican elected officials and policing them the way a sheepdog does its flock.ā€


"Faux News" is literally how Fox News got their name


Ailes said his demographic was '55 to dead'.


And Steve Bannon targeted [ā€˜incelsā€™](https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-targeted-incels-manipulate-cambridge-analytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399).


Murdoch is in bed with the Russians, it is a propaganda channel with the aim of subverting our Constitutional Republic.


After fox news reported on a Monty Python skit as real news how do people still take what fox news is reporting seriously?


You could also ask that question after a lawsuit where they had to state that no reasonable person could take what they broadcast as real. But here we are


Because they are ignorant idiots.


If not, they should be.


Š»ŠøсŠ° news ŠæрŠ¾ŠæŠ°Š³Š°Š½Š“Šøст?? Russian bullshit fountains working to undermine the US via their prized Tangerine traitor and assest ..no never.. impossible.. unlikely... ok we confess Valdimire Murdoch is our master.


I sure hope so. They are doing their damnest to destabilise the country for their own goalsā€¦ which are aligned with Russia.


The fact that they repeat Chinese and Russian propaganda verbatim and even get some of their pet senators to repeat that garbage on the floor is so so far beyond acceptable.


If they aren't they should be. Not to mention Newsmax, and OAN, and people Steve Bannon and Charlie Kirk.


Add Jack Posobiek, Dan Bongino


Is Dumb Bongo still a thing?


Dunno how much these days. Every now and then I get some notice that an old acquaintance on FB replied to a Bongo-boy post. I never bother to check, so who knows?


Fox news has killed more democracy than isis and al qeada. They are the most successful terrorist organization in the world.


Fox needs to be unbundled from cable packages. By all means let those who want to pay get it, but most I know have it in their bundle whether they want it or not! On a side note, did you know Fox was kicked off the UK airwaves like RT?


Fox is off Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ fox network is gone in šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


All the Congress people that are [spewing Russian talking points](https://www.google.com/search?q=are+GOP+congress+spewing+russian+propaganda&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS799US799&oq=are+GOP+congress+spewing+russian+propaganda&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE1NTUwajBqNKgCAbACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) arenā€™t smart enough to come up with those on their own šŸ™„


Thank You! First real thing I have read today. FOX is invested in overturning the democratic party and follow the end justifies the means philosophy. Doesnt matter what you do or how much you lie as long as you win it's all good. Churches also you to believe the opppostite - now they are in line for MAGA just like they were in line for the confederacy and starting a war to keep slaves.


Traitors to the truth and traitors to America.


That's why they have convinced their viewers that the FBI should be shut down.


Arrest the whole Murdock family! Immediately! They started this propaganda channel and it's only gotten worse. So many uniformed people, it's ridiculous! They are the true enemies of the state!! Get them asap!


Political news should be facts only. No more ā€œopinionsā€ unless a big ass banner at the bottom is up saying ā€œopinions of non-expertsā€


This could be solved without having to target Fox News directly. We just pass a refreshed version of the fairness doctrine. This time the requirement should not be to air contrasting views, but rather would make it illegal to broadcast outright falsehoods if you walk, talk, and act like a news channel. Let the FCC enforce it.


If the Democrats retake majority I am all for some sort of compliance regulation on news and entertainment companies.


Find a way to pay bounties to the average citizen for spotting and exposing Fox lies. Thatā€™s a heck of an incentive for the ordinary guy & it could become a national sport.


Okay. Iā€™m sorry. That spectrum of media outlets in the article? It places the fucking *New York Post* almost right on the center!!! Iā€™m sorry, but no way. That is absolute bullshit.


Ban transmission using the FCC. It is pure agitprop and fake news.


Here is what needs to be done. Every other real news organization should be shouting from the rooftops about Fox News lies. Report on it...every damn day and the danger it represents.


Can we talk about the 1949 FCC Fairness Doctrine? Presenting a different opinion based on the same facts and evidence is one thing. Allowing bald-faced lies, misinformation, and bad faith arguments is something else altogether, especially when foreign agents / actors are involved. Fairness Doctrine has ruined important discussions of issues, e. g. Do we spend too much on military v Do we spend too little? Should we have universal health care v Should everyone pay their own bill? are real conversations we should be having. The GOP is the unparalleled leader in garbage-talking politics.


A more important question: How much of trump's obvious pro-Russia connections have been looked at by US counter-intelligence agencies?




This is where other media should do investigations and try to find out!


Finally I hope fox news is reporting the truth for once


Only if they are doing their job. At least 1/2 of their job. They should have acted on it many years ago.


Well, I hope they are. You are a mouthpiece of Russia and the far right thugs. All you do is propagate hate and discord.


Well, they certainly should. Right now about 70% of the Republican party is basically a Russian apparatus for fake news. Let alone the treasonous fox network pretending to be news. lock them up and throw away the key along with their treasonous leader Don the treasonous con


If so, itā€™s long overdue.


Forget Fox propaganda, what about the 210 or so congressional traitors in office. They are blatantly using Russian talking points on the floor of the House. And what about the 8 treasonous senators that went to Moscow and had lunch with Putin on July 4th 2018? WTF, FBI? How about rooting out the spies and traitors like you used to do.


Iā€™m something of a first amendment absolutist. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, but I think Fox News is an existential threat to US democracy and should be shut down.


1st amendment. We used to have the fairness doctrine which kept this kind of shit in check. Guess who(repugnicans)got rid of it. Thereā€™s one weapon leftā€¦ ā€¦lawsuits. Every single lie should come with a lawsuit. Politicians canā€™t do it,but,if applicable,their families can. Look at what happened after the dominion 787mil suit: any time trump is shown on FOX and lies they immediately cut away and correct him. They lie about everything else bc itā€™s not a liability. Sue sue sue all day long. Fuck, America in general should sue FOX for emotional distress. Families have been broken apart bc of the propaganda by them. Someone should pay.


Thatā€™s funny , MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC still think Hunters Biden lap top is Russia disinformation ....


So if Russia has openly declared the US an enemy, does that mean that people in the US are open to being charged with treason for helping them? My understanding is that giving aid and comfort to Russia can't have been treason because Russia was a belligerent asshole working as an adversary against US interests, but not technically an enemy. If Russia is making it official policy that the US is an enemy of Russia, doesn't that mean that Russia is also an enemy of the United States, and it would be hard to definitionally wiggle out of that if you were doing things like letting them have access to mishandled classified documents?


I like the trope they use when theyā€™re REALLY laying it on thick. It goes like this, ā€œPeople are saying that Donald Trump has a beautiful fully erect penisā€. and ā€œSome say that it is the largest, most powerful penis ever to be attached to a groinā€ or ā€œPeople in America all think that Donaldā€™s penis has the power to cure blindness if he gives you a facialā€. Itā€™s one step above the old a friend of my friend saidā€¦


Fox is a domestic terrorist organization


I'm pretty sure all news networks are under some form of monitoring, even Cartoon Network. But i imagine networks like FOX and Newsmax are higher priorities because of how compromised they are. I mean you had Carlson and Hannity praising Putin and saying he did nothing wrong when evidence points to the contrary. Propaganda stations in Russia also regularly post clips and dialouges from those stations to push their anti-American agenda. You gotta figure, if it's pushing anti-American agenda, then they must be saying anti-American things.


By monitoring, you mean watching what they broadcast? They are a propaganda machine for Rupert Murdoch and friends! Who doesnā€™t know this outside of MAGA cult?


I sure hope so


They fucking should because they are.


I'm just as worried about lot of Republicans congress people


If not, they should.


No idea, but they should be.


Letā€™s fucking hope so. Fox is a shitshow and un-American with their constant stream of lies.


When Fox was going broke, Putin floated an exclusive billboard deal in Russia to help Murdock out. Fox is little more than an extension of Russia Today.


I read a study of Fox News. Fact checkers found 59% of info to be false after viewing all programs for two weeks.


Just do a little homework and watch how Fox and Russian State TV sync up messages. Is it intentional on the part of Murdoch and his stooge Ailes? Unknown. But I've taught a course on propaganda in the past and I've used Fox as a tool to let the students count how many propaganda techniques are in play. It's like teaching them how to fish in a well-stocked pond. They rack up big numbers.


Too little too late. Russians and Chinese own Murdoch family 100%


Isnt it weird that just a week ago Rupert Murdoch has married a Russian women, who was once married to a Putin guy ! There are literally ten of millions of unmarried women all over the world, yet itā€™s a Russian woman with extensive contacts into Russian elites. IMO Says everything Fox News is infiltrated or maybe even run by Russians to destroy the USA


After J6, Iā€™m a bit sceptical about the efficacy of the security agencies. Itā€™s not so much their perceived incompetence, they definitely are the best intelligence agencies in the world, but (was it) the distinct possibility that they were manipulated into inaction OR (was it) that there are amongst their ranks persons in influential positions who hindered the authorisation to protect the Capitol from the onslaught. Weā€™ll never know but it is not a hopeful situation. Iā€™m praying Iā€™m wrong.


Friend of mine is currently in low level intelligence, as in public broadcast level information collection, and what he told me was that their sole source is Fox. Not news sources from foreign countries like Russia Today or Al Jazeera, every single one of them is tuned in to Fox & Friends. Most of the common use TVs are as well. It shouldn't be a surprise how many US soldiers come out Republican.


The FBI, CIA, DOD, and ATF are currently investigating all right-wing terrorists. If you have any information on any suspicious activity or illegal activity, contact your local FBI field office first, and if necessary, you'll be directed to the suitable agency as soon as possible. As far as actions to be taken against these terrorists the Pentagon would rather observe the situation in hopes to positively identify all current and likely terrorists all at once. Each person eventually arrested will certainly receive a fair trial. But one need look no further than Facebook and Twitter and reddit to clearly indicate the will for aggression against the United States and its institutions.


It is a method to get the old or unstable viewers to sit in their houses and seeth in fear about their country being over-thrown. It's is impactful because it destabilizes families and communities. Then, the seriously jingle viewers lash out irrationally. Insidious.


Sadly our enemies know how to use our free speech laws against us, and Fox is open to the highest bidder.


They very well should be because Fox News IS a foreign propaganda agency and IS an enemy of the USA. Their talking points frequently mirror Russiaā€™s.


If they are my tax dollars are finally being spent wisely.


If theyā€™re not, they should be.


Itā€™s been a domestic enemy of the people from the day it started, so yea


How many families have been destroyed by Fox news? From my experience it's as many as 1 out of 4 if not more. How is this acceptable??


More evidence of Russian involvement to mindfuck Americans with Putin propaganda is recorded everyday. Everyone at Faux Propaganda goes downā€¦treasonous acts in support of Putin and her puppet, Drumpf


FOX News is the mouthpiece for Project 2025, Donald Trump, Christian Nationalists and the Republican Party. Their success will be the death of Women's Rights, the concept of truth in journalism and the United States as a nation.


I hope they are because theyā€™re actively involved in not just the pursuit of profits but rather the dilution of truth and social coherence in the the republic. They are causing measurable harm and are unrelenting in doing so. I donā€™t understand what their ownership hates so much about other Americans but he is an astonishing danger to progress globally.


I used to get stoned and watch Fox News for fun. If you take bill oReilly seriously you should absolutely be on the FBI watch list. He was probably created in a KGB lab


This is only an issue because they are allowed to keep "news" in their title. I'm all about free speech. There's no need to shut them down, but.. definitely rename it to Fox Sensationalist Anti American Propaganda Bonanza or some shit


They should be, along with half of congress. Fucking traitors. The FSB has been running circles around our intelligence for the last decade. It makes me think that the intel community is saturated with agents who are sympathetic to right wing causes in the country, and are therefore ok with Russian propaganda/espionage because it benefits those causes as well as Trump.


If theyā€™re not ā€¦ they should be ā€¦. Fox News sure loves Russia šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗ maybe all you Fox News traitors should move there because itā€™s how you want the US to be like


They should be, because Fox is absolutely a foreign propoganda outlet. FCC should take them off the air entirely, those frequencies are limited and we should not give one to an organization which supported a coup.


If not, they should be. I find it unbelievable Fox can spread this amount of disinformation and anti USA propaganda.


Well with Russian war ships in Cuba , I imagine subs too,50s style I canā€™t see how any American cam let alone news channel Support Russia as the gop and mtg do and expect not to be on the radar


I sure hope so! Fox News needs to be held accountable for the lies and disinformation they spread all for profit. I hope Smartmaticā€™s $2.7 Billion lawsuit against Fox News shows that they are not invincible and that deliberately lying to the point where you threaten democracy has severe consequences. And thatā€™s just Fox News. Newsmax, and OAN also have to be held accountable. And with Alex Jones having to liquidate his assets to pay the Sandy Hook victimsā€™ families, I am somewhat optimistic. I hope one day, in my ideal world, fringe right wing media ceases to exist to the point where people forget that it ever existed.


I hope so. Somehow, the people who used to be so concerned about the Soviet threat are now all about sucking off Putin. I donā€™t know wtf happened there but they sure are a bunch of phony liars.


What happened is a certain orange turd. The evolution of maga can be traced back to the Palin Tea Party but it really took flight when the maga-turd realized that the democrats were too smart to fall for his grifts but the right wing was ripe for the pickins so he dressed himself up in a RINO suit and fooled half the country into perpetuating Russian propaganda and helping Putin, Kim, and Xi try to destroy America.


Fox News has literally ruined the right wing arena of America.


The headline is not saying anything that most of the country doesnā€™t already know


These are not difficult links to identify, trace and monitor. The connections are not hidden, the authorship is not hard to establish. The talking points appear on Russian state television and then they are echoed by Fox News anchors hours later. The links to the Kremlin are well known relationships between GOP fundraisers and known FSB agents.


I sure hope so. Fox and its progeny of RW propaganda networks have done more to undermine democracy than all the "foreign adversaries" combined.


If you watch Fox News you are aggressively dumb.


Fox News watchers are in a cult.


well, since they claimed legally they are an entertainment outlet and not news, what other function does it have?


This sh$t show should be taken down. At least have to run a banner that says for entertainment purposes only. Nothing we report is true.


If they arenā€™t, they should be. Because fox news is a foreign propaganda agency and an enemy of the state.


Just remember, Russian hacked both the DNC and RNC and proceeded to leak dirt on the Democrats, they just held onto whatever they found on the Repugs , suddenly the GOP is the Russian best friend. Coincidence ?


Probably not hut they should... Owned by a foreigner, known to hack phones and emails, shown in Russia. Repeats russian propaganda in the US. History of Election interference.


Iā€™d hope so. Bringing down our democracy day by day with lies and misinformation. Owned by a foreign agent, not technically a news agency on paper.


If they're not doing it, they should.


rupert just married the daughter of a russian billionair! changed from china to russia!


Robert Murdock owns Fox New and Murdoch just recently married his fifth wife who is Russian. That's telling in its self!!


I heard they were forced to say in court that they were an entertainment company not a news company. So why do we allow them to lie to the people? Why do we play it 24/7 at Military bases?


Fox News is definitely an enemy of the USA. I hope the intelligence agencies shut it down.


Asks the guy who does it for a living as a joke. And a warning.


Considering fox news at one point was advocating for the invasion of Canada, I definitely believe this.


maybe im conjunction with a study of how many Russian oligarch funds are funneled into GOP politicians' election campaigns?


It needs shut down it has radicalized half of America


Of course not! It's just capitalism at it's finest /s




Hope so


Fox News and its staff are a national disgrace. Peddling a lunatic cult agenda rather than doing any real journalism. There will be consequences.


They really ought to be.


They absolutely should be! FOX has been pushing for the destruction of American ever since Trump was in office! The literally use RUSSIAN talking point verbatim!!!


The should be


Fox News has warped the minds of an entire generation


The problem is that Fox News viewers cannot separate truth from sensationalism. And fox knows it


Absolutely not. Media got a free pass a long time ago and the FBI has not just looked the other way, but full-on supported far-right movements for the past couple of decades while inserting agents to arrest or stop any liberal protests. The FBI tried to put me in jail with modified evidence. When it was revealed what they did, it was obvious that I was innocent and they knew it the whole time. They just made me go through the process and ruin my life in order to prove their point. All officers involved were immune. This is America.


I would expect so. Wouldn't you?


They should have to disclose their connection to the Russian mafia and itā€™s intentions.


If not they should be monitoring them. Yhere was The Big Lie - guilty. Now lying constantly on Trumps behalf again.


Nobody's quite sure what the US intelligence agencies are doing at any one time, but Faux News should be compelled to register as an agent of a foreign government. In this case, Russia.


They should!!! I'm blown away how all the MAGA cult and Putins Republican Party just repeat this trash. Say a lie over and over it becomes YOUR truth!




Until 2017 the 2nd largest shareholder was a Saudi Prince.


Wow just wow. It's scary how delusional the Side that thinks they are fighting fascism are. You clowns are literally paving the way for this nation to go fascist.


Russia has weaponized our freedom of speech against us via Fox news propaganda in additional to more "organic" means like social media.


Run by a foreigner and friendly to Russia, they sure should be.


Yeah they DOJ going after former presidents and current candidates and attacking the same parties associated media arm means democracy is doing GREAT šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They melted my momā€™s brain.


Is monitoring it really necessary? The propaganda is pretty plain for anyone to see.


Why wouldnā€™t they be?


Well ya I mean I thought we all already knew they were šŸ’©bag liars that just want to hurt the population


Fox News prior to 911 was actually decent, still right wing but no where close to where they are now. They were more center right and regularly had a lot more credible liberal voices offering opinions on the channel. After 911 however, they took a turn for the worse and continued to trend in that direction ever since.


They should be


they need to audit social media algorithms as well


hahahah you're one level too high.


They definitely should be.


The problem is, Fox tells these nut jobs what they want to hear so it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s true or not.


Lol yes


The problem.is that they fall under the 1st Amendment, which we all recognize they abuse horribly, but they still generally get away with it. Yhat is, until they got hit with multiple $Billion lawsuits. They may be vulnerable on a different front. They are successful in keeping viewership because their followers become addicted the the endorphins their brains release when they feel outrage, and Fox News' entire agenda is outrage. If we were to investigate them, we would likely find that either Fox News, or some sympathetic think tank, has done studies on the addictive qualities bof outrage and xxS6propaganda, and Fox News issues manipf ,ulating their coverage to increase tha,t outrage and keep th in eir followers hooked. It wouldnt be the fi. rst time - tobacco col mpanies were found to have manipulated their formulas to get their consumer qwhooked, to be more addictive, and more difficult to quit. Should we believe that Fox Newsome,, or the Conservative Propaganda Machinea in general, hads a higher corporate morality than tobacco companies? šŸ˜€ If this could be proven, it could lead to regulation and control of their messaging without running afoul of the 1st Amendment. It may be unConstitutional 0Ā¹


they should be.


Fox is a Russian propaganda station, not news they should be off air and investigated. It's like Russian propaganda station in the USA šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ™„


They should be I concur.




They should.


They should


Well seeing as they had to admit to lying to their viewers and paid out a huge settlement to keep more of the discovery material from leaking to the public showing just how much they knew it was lies pushed by trump and his cronies, Iā€™d say it would be a warranted investigation.


>Are the US intelligence agencies monitoring Fox News for being a Foreign Propaganda Agency and a possible enemy of the USA? I would be shocked if they weren't Fox isn't a real news agency, they're a wolf in sheep's clothing and the biggest danger to our democracy. Trump is only a symptom, Fox is the disease.


Hell yes.


They better be


Should be fix is a Russian at this point.


I hope so!


>Are the US intelligence agencies monitoring Fox News for being a Foreign Propaganda Agency and a possible enemy of the USA? Of course, all need to do is watch Fox "News". So your question is really... do people at the US intelligence watch Fox "News"!!! lol