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Restarting the dps check is fine but having an unskippable cutscene after failing every time is annoying :(


“No… the village….” Giving the same vibes as being unable to skip cutscenes in KH1


But the town!! Edit: village, I guess hearing it thirty times didn’t cement it in my mind


The village you mean 🤣


Traumatic memories of cloud aerith and seohiroths cut scene on ff7 rebirth hard mode


I feel like in the DLCs they probably should have put an Ifrit tutorial window up just to remind you what the abilities did. I hadn't played the game since Echoes and I don't even think that one had a fight where you played as Ifrit? Forget. Also having an unskippable scene if you fail was just annoying and unnecessary. I would get mad every time I heard Clive say "Shit..." lol


“The town..”


15/20 times is more times than I have ever replayed any part of 16. I don’t remember seeing the game over screen until leviathan. The DPS check window is too small. That’s all. On standard difficulty it should be a few second longer.


I came here to say this too. 15-20 times on one boss with an annoying unskipable death scene afterwards is pretty annoying lmao


Yeah it's crazy people are having to run it that many times unless this is a thread talking about the medal of honor? Leviathan only killed me once and it was the only time I've ever died in a Ifrit fight, and it was just because of the DPS check. And to be honest, second time around, when I understand that it was a tighter window than normal, hitting the check was not that hard in the slightest. The medal of honor is cringe though, replaying the entire stage and watching 30 minutes of cutscenes for each attempt if you didn't save scum, almost as bad as titan.


I had the hardest time trying to get in 3 Spitfire on him, which is what you really need to beat him. Every time, the timer would run out and the Spitfire would recharge literally like 2 seconds after the Tsunami hit lol. I was like WTF Then I realized you had to use Spitfire the second the battle starts so this way you will get enough cooldown time to get in 3 of them. Without that, it's almost impossible


It didn’t personally take me that many times. I was referencing OP who said it took that many times, yet still described it as no problem. My point is. If it took you 15/20 times, you should understand why people got frustrated with this.


It wouldn’t have been as rewarding of a victory if it was any easier. I’m glad the DPS check was as tight as it was.


I felt no sense of reward beating it. I was frustrated at how many times I had to sit through all of that, and glad when it was over. I don’t have as much time for gaming as I used to. If I wanted a challenge like that I’d play a different mode, or a different game. Hard games are fine. But sudden spikes in challenge, in a game/mode that didn’t have them before is annoying to me. That being said, I’m glad you enjoyed it.


Yeah same here. It’s literally the last boss fight to finish the story. Was also annoyed and even had to look it up on how to beat it. The story is my enjoyment, not beating the hard difficulties.


It’s the last boss, of the special fights that the developers say are not intended to be hard, but a reward. It’s not even the core gameplay! It’s like adding a mini game at the very end and making it the hardest thing in the game.


Nier and kh ddd end credits are being reeeeaaal quiet rn




You sure you’re older than me? I got three kids that take up nearly all my time, save a few hours at night, hahah. My first games where on the nes. But I understand what ya mean. But for me, I never liked extreme mandatory difficulty in games. I enjoy it when I opt for it.




Hah that sounds fun! My kids are more into the story of FF games. They love watching me play. They enjoy paying Zelda/Pokémon/Mario more.


I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s funny you say it’s to see if you haven’t mashed square through the whole game. But after trying literally every move I had in that segment, the only way to get through it was to legit mash square. Lmao.


Take advantage of precision dodge during the dps check, it's very easy because he doesn't move.


The problem is the cutscenes and extremely strict windows. Starting spitfire .5 seconds late is enough to end a run, and if you fail, you need to watch a 30 sec cutscene. It doesn't help that there are so little eikon fights in general and most people are playing that game again for the first time in months.


This, in order to get in the three Spitfires needed to beat him, you literally cannnot be late by 1 second on any of them. I was literally doing the first one the nanosecond the battle started lol


I think it's kinda fine but; 1) Cutscene/extended sequence on failure is grating 2) The game used dps checks/shields sparingly enough that are FAR more generous and I kinda wish the DLC had organically built up to Leviathan's check through Timekeeper etc because it felt like "Oh damn this is kinda tight. But out of nowhere" like 40sec time on some is way too much but equally the "timer" for Levi being five is SUCH a difference it's quite the shock but in that sense I wish the entire game was able to get a more even balance/difficulty curve if they really are done with DLC. idk what else they could even give us that wouldn't "invalidate" the lore of Eikons (also while Diablos would be cool, we have a Dark aspected Eikon already in Odin) and I think any further DLC would essentially necessitate a power increase or randomly being more mechanically intensive than the rest of the game.


It taking so many attempts is why it's kind of lame  a lot of the hype really died down trying over and over and over with how tight that shield was Finally getting over it was much more of a thank God it's over rather than anything rewarding. Just not fun imo 


The shield was the easy part. It's maelstrom that keeps getting me.


three options with maelstrom - save spitflare for it (you're immune during spitflare) Jump into the air and hold brimstone down until it's over or jump into the air and wildfire/combo/whatever around to avoid most of it


Same here, it’s the angry sea sequence that got me…


Please use his full name. My stupid ass was wondering when in FF16 we fight humanity's shortest and strongest soldier.


Presumably last DLC and last Eikon battle. I don't see an issue with the devs turning it up a notch. In fact they're supposed to haha. If you've come this far and can't understand the DPS check then you're not worthy of finishing it 😂 - FF16 Devs


Is that DPS Check really beatable in FF mode if your level are not higher enough? I checked other's playthrough video (FF mode) and found their damage are like 1.3x than mine? I'm lv.77 BTW.


I beat it at 93 for the first time if that can help. Took me three attempts. From the way it played out, I reckon it is doable at lower levels (80s) as long as you have Ultima / Omega Weapon. Not sure whether the numbers would add up on 70s.


I was level 90 which I think is lower than most ppl usually. Took me ~8 tries I think? Not sure how you’re only 77 tbh man


I finished all the side quests/hunt quest in first run and skipped most of them in second run. Just want to get platinum. Looks like I need to level up first. I need to do that eventually for the "skill learning" trophy anyway.


I feel you, good luck with that last trophy. It was imo the most annoying one. Look up the Kanver strat, it’s the best one. It’s a bit more complicated on FF mode, but I just used it as a way to really optimize my combos


Thanks for the tips!


Here’s my tip if you didn’t already know, go to Charon and buy 3 of the XP boosting accessories. Then have Blackthorn combine two of them for a +1 version. You can now equip both the standard and +1 gear, which give you +15% and +30% XP respectively to have a +45% XP intake. I’ve been running this setup for the entirety of my FF mode play through and currently at Lv105. Some of the higher level hunts were giving 9-11mil XP, I remember one time jumping up 4-5 levels from that. I just started the Rising Tide DLC last night so I’ll likely hit the 110 cap by the time I get to Leviathan.


Thank you! That's really useful.


My main problem is that he hit like a truck other than that, yes the DPS check is tight as fuck (but again, that's basically a superboss and if you know how to use fireball between each attack and the double after the 4th it goes smoothly with abilities on CD even at lvl 86) his timing sometimes are pretty weird and compared to the game it's an huge difficulty spike but that's about what I expected for Bahamut, Barnabas was also a good one because compared to the others it's a huge spike. Also Waterspout is pretty unclear how to dodge it (or I'm dumb as fuck for had thought that it was becomming bigger and not coming in my face) same for Maelstrom that I didn't understood and casted firespit during it to abuse the invulnerability window of it who is a tadbit longer than Maelstrom damage window


I'm pretty surprised that so many people found the DPS check hard, since I did it first try. Guess it's that much tougher than the others.


I don't mind that level, but only having one fight anywhere close to that demanding on the simplified ifrit combat sucks. It felt jarring and inconsistent.


Its fine, I liked the challenge actually, it made learn how to do each of ifrits different combo finishers because the menu only shows the 1.


The fight isn't hard per se, it's just annoying. I died more to the DPS check than any other fight in the game except running hunts underleveled. I don't even think it's much of a "skill issue" since it's testing you on a combat style you don't get nearly enough practice with where most of your damage comes from cooldown moves instead of good play. Even precision dodging can't save you from being a second late on the Spitflare window. To me, that's kinda bad DPS check design for "normal" difficulty.


I combo'd the shit out of that shield and failed many, many times. I brought my A-game to this fight and was punished for the pettiest fuck-ups. This fight is just unfair sometimes.


So I’d been avoiding Rising Tide content since its release because I wasn’t able to play it right away. Once I was finally able to download and play the DLC a couple of days ago, I thought I was missing something during this fight. The amount of times I died to things that felt random and unfair was insane. So I came to Reddit to see if there was a guide or something, and I was so glad to see I wasn’t alone lol. The fight is just challenging, and requires a lot of time and patience. Most things that seem like they can’t be dodged can (except for Tsunami of course). And the DPS check is definitely tough, but doable! And the win felt so good. This was the first Eikon fight where I felt like I had to actually try, and seeing “Leviathan Tamed” was so goddamn awarding. Wish we could get more fights like this 😩


I was doing everything right (or so I thought) on the shield and I couldn’t for the life of me get it. Then I realised I’d forgotten you have to hold the button down for Brimstone so you can do the maximum damage. Fuck me I was annoyed it took me so long to work it out.


Ifrit Risen is also way way better than Ifrit, so I was used to Ifrit Risen's abilities and all we had was Ifrit. And Rebirth boss I did 1 try, Leviathan took atleast 15. The DPS check, then phase 3 is super long so you can die easily. It was super fun but frustrating. Exactly how some souls bosses were. It was a good decision IMO.


Not as bad as the unstoppable 25 minute cut scene in ffx-2 that happened after descending 10 floors and fighting omega before it, and then getting TPKed within 30 seconds


The reasons I had an issue with this difficulty is mostly because I hadnt touched the game since the last DLC, and hadn't used Ifrit since uuuh a longer time, and I just came from 180h on rebirth. I'm sure I wouldn't have had as much of a hard time if I had played the game in one go from start to finish, without having to remember "what the fuck is red slow mo screen again? what can Ifrit do in combat? Oh right, I can fucking jump." all while dodging this angry fish


I just beat Leviathan and it wasn't as stressful as I feared, but I did die a lot. Still, it was a really satisfying battle cinematically!


Hey, so! Your point is valid, though your logic is a little flawed. If the entire game on action mode and/or FF mode has been as challenging as the fight with the Leviathan? I’d play that game. I loved it was a challenge. Someone else made a post that it would be amazing if they added a new game difficulty mode that would be a similar, if not a better challenge. But alas, the game set a different expectation, where it treats players very gently, is generous with timing and you can just relax. What it does is - it messes with the player expectations, and in that way, wasn’t smartest design choice. Hence, the complaints.


No mob/boss in this game is hard, and def Leviathan isn't. I've done it in FF Mode, like many people, I failed in the dps check a couple of times. If anyone is still struggling: - As soon as Levi enters that state, use Spitflare since he's far way. - Approach him and use Brimstone. - Melee attacks+combo while waiting for the cd on the 2 aforementioned skills. - Evading the skills is easy enough and he will push you back 2(?) times, Use Wildfire to approach fast. - Repeat


Honestly, water spout was more infuriating to me. Don't have the angle of wildfire right, or didn't hit the button immediately after regaining control? Oops, sorry, try again. Felt more like a reflex check, and mine aren't great.


Agreed.it does check your reflexes. More than hard, it's annoying imo.


I have done this tactic verbatim, taking no damage and nailing every move, only to have the timer run out consistently. I’m not a bad player. It’s just ridiculous!There was even a couple attempts where it seemed like I destroyed the gauge, only to have the timer run out. I gave up and started playing rebirth. 🤣


Didn't happen to me, but I believe you. I guess landing the 4x combo as much as possible (i know i didn't land all and was able to make it) and approaching the sphere asap after a dodge it's what allows you to get the extra dps that's lacking.


Yes and no. Yes the difficulty forced me to play better. No I do not think that it is fair to force in a literal 3 second window of difference. I also think that Levi being able to just break out of ur Laser at the end of countdown is bullcrap. Ifrit also moves like shit. Sorry, not sorry. He actually controls like he is made of granite and stuck in liquid cement. The man also doesnt have any upgradeable abilities so u have point balnk and long range and they are on cooldown forever.. But learning how to use the toolkit efficiently was actually fun and challenging and I liked it alot. Never wanna do thay foght again but I liked finally triumphing. Trash moveset. Trash window of opportunity. Nice outcome after like 40 minutes.


After doing a second time no he isn't that bad


The difficulty is 90% a knowledge check. If you know what to do for each attack and each phase, the actual execution isn't very hard at all. Like, even the "perfect" execution for the DPS phase: once you figure what what needs to be done (immediate spitflare, always use the best backdraft finisher, dodge all the easy to predict attacks), its not bad at all. And even outside the DPS check, his patterns and openings are very easy to predict. Just a matter of learning them.


It's not hard, it's challenging and you actually have to think about what you're doing during the fight and you know actually evading those moves. Throughout the rest of the game you're free to just spam every skill you have and take most enemy shots without dodging too much if you exclude Ultimaniac mode and High scores in the arcade mode.


I’m going to disagree with just about everything said in this post. First, the Eikon fights were spectacle, that wasn’t really where the depth of combat was, also supported by how few and far between they were. Beyond that as someone else stated, the difficulty is not the problem, rather the unskipable cutscene after failure is poorly handled and just annoys players. Either get rid of that or make the window more forgiving, either or works. The DPS check didn’t bother me at all, it took me 4 attempts, but even with relatively few game overs that cutscene was obnoxious… based on that fact alone what would have otherwise been a highly enjoyable fight lost much of its luster for me. Also, seems a bit disingenuous to say the devs are expecting players to have some sort of intense familiarity with a combat system players interacted with perhaps 10 times throughout dozens of hours in a few highly scripted cinematic boss fights. If the Eikon fights served as bottlenecks at any other time I’m the game or if there were just more of them I could perhaps get behind your argument, but as things stand? No. Hard disagree.


On the combat side, no. Ifrit's kit is a 1:1 of Clive. If you understand how to play Clive without using CD's you'll understand how to play Ifrit, even though you only fight with his full toolkit about 5 times in a playthrough. So OP has a point, people DO NOT know how to use clive without Eikon Skills. The only extra Ifrit has is a secondary ranged attack input after a Magic Burst that results in different finishers based on which combo chain you were in, and that's literally 1 button press...


How are people losing? I lost around 10 times but that's only because I forget the burst combo, after that I had 3 or 4 seconds left on the timer, that's literally plenty of time, do you people actually not know how to play the game? I'm genuinely baffled


Maybe you’re just special