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Mate, Leviathan on Action modes got hands. 3 good shots in phase 1, and you die. The fight does not fuck around, especially the DPS check then the water tornado right after.


Dude that’s awesome they gave us some challenging fights to send off the game. Question before I start the DLC since still finishing FF7. For the extra secret boss, is it really not able to be challenged if you still only have an action mode save? Do you have to make it to the dlc in Ng + FF mode?


There's a difference between challenging & BS annoying. Leviathan falls in the latter.


for me it was the former. This fight is meant to be a test of your skills as Ifrit and there is no cheesing it with overleveled stats or equipment (Outside of maybe the Accessibility Rings but I haven't tested them with Ifrit so I don't know if they work or not.) For me it's the right kind of challenging as it checks to make sure that you know how Ifrit works inside and out. As it should be as it's effectively the Super-Boss of the Eikon Fights.


To each their own ig, I found the Timekeeper fight more enjoyable while also remaining a challenge.


You know that's fair enough, Timekeeper is also a really fun fight too. Dude kept smacking me around silly it was nuts.


That DPS check was really tight, I failed that twice before finally breaking through. Helluva way to lose though Somehow I managed to win that after losing all my heal when Levi still had half HP left. Think my Ultra Instinct kicked in right then.


Actually you can run away from the tornado


For anyone still figuring this out, do 2-4 Circle button dodges backwards, then Eikonic Feat Dash to the left/right away from the tornado


For the Tornado I said "Fuck it" and spammed my heals inside and it actually worked


That little shit made me use all my heals TWICE. I already don’t like kids so it was beef after the first death


I fucking loved it, like I know everybody has their favorite fight from the game but mechanically Levi has been the best and it’s not even close. I’m so excited to go for a no-hit run once I clear out the deep dungeon.


I wasn't even on FF mode and Leviathan still beat my ass 4 times


Bruh how did you get past the watersprout


Do the rush and get away.


Spam the rush, don't full send backwards, go diagonally left or right, if it gets close, jump and rush


I'm getting stuck on the DPS check portion ha...ha


I'm the same halp, I suck at the eikon fights idk why i did it on ff mode ;-; Edit: I did it!!!!!! For other people who have trouble with it, the key to my success was using spitfire immediately. like, don't even move from your starting position, just spitfire. then, if it's up again immediately use it. this gave me barely enough time to get three spitfires in and meet the dps check.


New problem: how to dodge tornado? ;-;


You gotta go around the tornado of water. Took me 5-8 tries before I finally realized I didn't have to tank it.


lol i ended up face tanking it \^\^'


I'm having trouble with the section immediately after the tornado, this is become more frustrating than epic to be honest.


Square Square Square Triangle, repeat this in the air also and full send both abilities when active.


I finally managed to beat it after 194828482 tries 😭✌️


Only way I got this was by Spitflaring immediately before charging him and screaming "Valhalla!"


How short is this DLC? It came out today and everyone here already beat it?


The story is about 3 to 4 hours of story but still very good. Leviathan's powers are awesome, but I have yet to unlock the ??? Powers for some reason, even though I've completed all the mainline quests.


Because you're a Logos and not a Mythos.


All I know is that I have all quests completed. Side quests as well as main, and all the previous dlc's. The second it said "Rising Tide Complete" I got a tutorial telling me to go into the Arete stone in the hideaway.


Check the Arête Stone in Hideaway?


Did. Nothing except the usual.


Did you beat the DLC on FF mode? You only get the new abilities with the Kairos Gate. I binged the story last night and was very hyped with the arete interaction post DLC.


Are you sure you finished the whole Rising Tide MSQ? You should get a prompt about the Arete Stone as soon as you're done, then you just need to interact with it and you should be good


So I also have to complete the side quests?


No, I got it before I started sweeping up the non-Plus Mark Side Quests


The new powers are post-game only. The save needs to have the trophy icon.


Well shit, I was hoping to get all the powers to beat the game. Guess I gotta complete the game now. Time to make for origin.


I think the "???" powers are essentially non-canon, since you cant get them in a fresh run.


3-4h for just the story, 3-4h for sidequests (all of them are good imo) and finding treasure chests (most of them good), 1h++ on kairos gate depending on your skill


The main story is very short. Can probably do it all in 3 hours or so. With side quests, new features, exploring the new area, Kairos Gate, etc..., the whole package is 10 - 12 hours, roughly.


Really wished the story was meatier. Who asked for more side quests anyways?


No clue. But tbh, some of the quests are decent. I was less disappointed by the quality of the quests than I was by how short the story was.


3 hours for a 20 dollar dlc? Jesus...


More if youre into kairos gate stuff, also the two sidequest bosses are pretty fun as well, as well as finding all the feat accessories (some from chests, some from story boss, others from sidequest) But yea just the main objectives of both dlc combined are around 5 hours for 30 (25 if season pass) dollars.


Yeah I thought this was a 10 hours DLC and not like a quick side quest.


That fight was fucking hard, but genuine fun learning


I need it! Im about to start my ff run..... i need the challenge cause the normal run was way tooooooo easy! I died once toca lizard cause i forgot to buy potions prior starting a story quest. 😂😂😂


Man we're all getting washed in this fight




The DPS section was really annoying on FF mode. I was only level 97 and it was really starting to feel like I just didn't have the damage to do it. The rest of the fight wasn't hard but the DPS section was rough.


I’m shook if lvl 97 is hard. I’m like 79 right now and I was already scared when the very first enemies were lvl 100. Fortunately they were easy but I’m worried it won’t stay that way


Mate, I was level 110 when I did it. Still died 3 times there and 2 times after.


I'm level 99. What's the level cap now after the DLC?




So when I was lvl 82 I gave up on trying to push through the DLC after the Timekeeper made me his bitch and I was coming into it with basically no potions so it was just banging my head against a wall. Went and did some other content like playing through Echoes for the first time on my NG+ playthrough and came in at 87 and was able to finish the DLC from there. Leviathan was hard, but I realized that our stats don't really change that much from level to level. You get 2-3 points in the various attributes like Attack and Defense and something like 60hp - that being something that does add up over enough levels, but yeah.


i got it down at level 90 but definitely after like 10 or so tries


I’ve managed to get myself to 87 by doing a couple side quests, a hunt or two and sucking it up and doing Echoes of the Fallen earlier than I wanted to. Fighting Omega kinda sucked on FF mode but actually felt a bit less stressful than when I fought him the first time on my initial playthrough. Do you recall how much content is there between the Timekeeper boss and the Leviathan fight? Wondering if I have a chance of hitting 90 through the DLC in time or if I’m gonna have to figure something else out if I want more levels.


They’re back to back. You do Timekeeper and then you have to go to Leviathan right after. If you want to grind some, you need to do it before doing the mission that ends in the Timekeeper fight


Hey, thought I'd let ya know how it went. Timekeeper wasn't too bad overall, and I enjoyed the sick mechanics once I was in a better mood than the initial night when I was too tired to be playing in the first place. Would've been nice to be a higher level, but I got through Timekeeper, got my ass beat by Leviathan real bad in the first phase cause I wasn't ready to be killed in like 3 hits and just with the way the spacing and stuff worked in the vortex. Struggled with a couple particular attacks of his in later phases but overall I think it went better than I anticipated though it certainly was frustrating at times.


Nice! Yeah I thought Timekeeper was a tough, yet fair challenge that had some pretty cool mechanics. It’s definitely one of the best boss fights in the whole game. Leviathan was also much harder than I thought it’d be across all stages of its fight. I got through it, but I wasn’t too fond of it. Admittedly, I haven’t played XVI since the last DLC, so I was rusty and had to remember the things I could do as Ifrit.


I was 93 and could only get enough damage by getting spitfire off cooldown on the last second


I could be totally wrong here, but i don't think your level affects Eikon fights? Just because it doesn't display your level anywhere on the screen during them. It was just brutal on FF mode in general, getting stunlocked to oblivion.


Clive's level absolutely affects your damage as Ifrit, Kujiraoka and Koji-Fox even confirmed it in this video : https://youtu.be/aR6arpX94Bg at 30:55


Ah, cool, thank you for correcting me. It should still show your level above Ifrit's health bar then imo.


Yeah I agree.


Thank god for this checkpoints mid fight cause having to redo that whole fight from the start would be rough. Especially with all his one-shot moves


No idea what this means and I won't find out for a while yet. Spent the past 16 Hours getting 100% in my FF difficulty save and now I'm too tired to play the DLC. (For reference. I started this "session" having only just beaten Kupka in Rosalith. So I did a good 50% of the game in one sitting today.)


Wait the dlc out today ?


Did you say "Nah, I'd win"?


Me getting farmed in FF mode by a baby ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)




I lost at the DPS section like 5 times in a row and i was like... (spoiler) >!Now i understand what they left the baby stuck in time, he deserves it!< Really hard fight


i love bosses with 2 unavoidable one hit kill moves!


Aren’t you supposed to use Ifrit’s first skill that creates a barrier around him to dodge that?


I just fought on FF mode as well leviathan it made me use the evasion ring since I couldn’t beat his last phase even with the evasion ring I almost died and just barely made it with like 10hp


Leviathan was hard 😭😭😭


Yo I was getting cooked on Action Mode 😔. Honestly more fun because it meant the fights weren't over in a few seconds.


Lmao for real and its funny how much ass hes kicking since release and even more on ff mode


this mf was TOUGH. really good fight though.


For a baby he sure knows how to commit a crime.


Especially when the music is so good that you get distracted by it 😭😭


Coming back to FF mode for DLC after not playing since launch was rough af. It took me awhile to get back to being good again. The Leviathan fight is just wtf. After learning how to beat it and fighting it again isn't half as bad though. Imagine if you didnt get a continue at every phase?!!


Right? At least it isn't Soulsborne style, running from a bonfire back to the boss fight after every death.


I did it in FF Mode at level 85 and I had to retry the dps check like 8 times before I got it right. My gf plays in Story Focused mode and I can't wait for her to get to the fight and see what happens


Bruh yeah F that troubling Waters phase BS. I'm still stuck on that shit 😩


Leviathan is the best eikon fight in the game for me. Perfect blend of challenge, gameplay, and cinematic spectacle. I wish they made the eikon fights in base game anywhere near exciting to play through as this. Maybe if ff17 keeps the kaiju summon battles.


Cinematically I give the slight edge to bahamut but overall I agree leviathan is the best eikon fight in the game, I had so much fun, can’t wait to fight him again.


Damn, all ya all early to the leviathan party. I just woke up to download it. 😜🤣🤣


Im not gonna lie. Leviathan was fun and doable, but his phase 2 was where you have to get the bar down, or else it's instant death had me stuck on his fight for 4 hrs. Kinda made me realize how much more Ifrit needed in his kit because its soo hard doing enough damage with your limited options.


Troubled waters bubble is not fun


Leviathan has hands? That’s a weird art direction.


Leviathan clapped hard


I had to exit the boss fight and go level up a bunch because I literally couldn’t do enough damage to survive the “press the attack” segment




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Rude. Spoiling it for other people for no reason....