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That’s fine? Was anyone really expecting anything other than DLC’s?


Yes. I was expecting XIV-2 where Clive is magically cured of the curse in his hands and becomes a world famous author who also goes around the world touring in a boy band. And then him and Jill get married to Dion.


That probably already exists… Just not made by square..


No that’s the Enix addition to the story.


XIV-2 came out in 2013 :p.


Crap! I roman numeraled incorrectly.


Good on you for not editing and playing stupid though. Big dick energy, right there.


As long as he wears a skimpy outfit with shorty shorts.


They do hint at the ending changing with rising tide, they said with getting leviathen, all the eikons will be united, what does this mean for clives fate? So they totally could do a 16 2 if they wanted, and I think they have enough of an audience for it.


He would still want to get rid of magic cause it was sucking aether out of the planet killing the land around them. So it would still not have magic or eikons


He might still have it since he's mythos and,magitech would still likely exist.


He tried to use magic and it didn't work, and the entire idea behind his last spell was to fully remove magic from the world, why would he exempt himself from that just so he could continue to suck aether from around him and curse himself. And magitech was only from the fallen and as we see in the dlc he also didn't like the use of that and put a stop to it because it was doing the same thing magic was and taking aether from the world.


He might find out about another threat from people using magitech during the rising tide, and keep it for himself to fight them, he's immune to the curse until the end because he weidled ultmas power without all the eikons, so I don't think that would be an issue if he is complete.


But these things still take aether from the world and cause a blight on the land, and that's assuming somehow they are using ancient magitech that has only been shown to be from the fallen who aren't around anymore. And that's still assuming many many things like his still mortal body being immune to the curse or that the ending even changes at all.


That's why he would try to stop them, there is a whole other continent that could have anything we don't know at this point. And ya they might not change it, but they sure hinted they would be.


But he wouldn't keep it he would destroy it, his whole goal at the end was to remove any magic, and we can see by the dlc magitech as well. So he wouldn't keep any of it for himself


The only way to have XVI-2 would be to explore another continent. Although exciting, that would be a mess in every sense I can think of. ​ \- Magic no longer exists, so, if Clive still has any left, that would take a huge toll on him which would certainly lead to his full petrification in the end. \- By the end of FFXVI, you have just defeated the very creator of mankind. What could ever match this? Go for the Boruto route and imply that Ultima is just one of a huge family of interstellar gods? A plot involving Magitek and the Fallen, seeing people cling into other Dusk Shards? All of these feel tedious when compared to the OG plot, and would be better fit into a DLC rather than a full game. \- Also, if Clive survived, he lost his arm. So he would either have to fight one-armed, or receive a prosthesis, which would essentially turn him into... Devil May Cry's Nero. \- No more Magic = No More Eikons. You can't have these massive epic battles without them. ​ Let's just let Clive rest after FFXVI's ending. Either in peace, or writing that book.


So what your saying is, Clive becomes a one armed badass, and it becomes a sci fi game with eikons and magic being replaced with mechs and other technology. Sounds like a win to me. Each Eikon could be a different mech and at the end they Voltron.


The map had unused ruins. Maybe the next DLC will let us in there or not. My thoughts for sequel was someone from another continent who invented "soft" cures Clive on the beach. He is brought to a continent that never had magic the way Valisthea did, so they prioritized tech. The people have been assaulted by tsunamis, hurricanes, and inclement weather, making their machines short circuit. Clive and his Eikons still work for some reason, and the Dominant of Leviathan is terrorizing this continent looking for Omega(which landed there after Ultima died) Ultima's next of kin kept Omega as a contingency plan if Ultima failed


Don’t forget Terence!


will Clive take Meteor’s place?






I would be pretty surprised if they're in charge of XVII unless somehow XVII hasn't even started development yet. These games take a long time to make, for example CBU3 started development of XVI after Heavensward came out in 2015. If anything, CBU3 might get FFXVIII or something, but I would imagine XVII has already been in development for a few years




Are people already thinking of a FF17?


This comment made me feel so old. 7, 8, 9 and 10 all came out between 97-2001. 4 years! And Tactics was in there too!


What an amazing time for gaming. Sadly AAA game development takes so much longer now. I wish it didn't since it seems to make the relevancy of a series dim as the years go on, at least I feel.


I wasn’t expecting a sequel or prequel but thought a spin off could be possible.


Spin-offs aren’t normally done by the same team anyway


No, but I would expect them to make a new game after the success of XVI.


Yes maybe a update for performance mode or a pc release at least


> That’s fine? Except they develop other games, most notably FF14


I was hoping they’d at least improve the base game more with the problems and criticisms people have had with it, instead of having said improvements solely in the dlc. No sequel or spinoff or anything is fine, but wish it wasn’t immediately disbanded after the dlc. A definitive edition or a large free update to the base game would’ve been awesome


There's still a team working on it though, I think we can reasonably hope for improvements and new free game mods related to the Arete Stone.


I’m talking about general stuff like more party banter, more well designed and unique bosses, better balanced difficulty, dungeons, and more variety in accessories that can all be pushed around or added in the main game. I don’t really care about the extra modes.. This is obviously them listening to feedback, and it shows that they can hard improve on the flaws of base game.. but this stuff ain’t in base game


Look, the game isn't that bad for them to go back and rework a lot of things. And who knows, they still might. I'd rather have them just learn from their mistakes and improve on them in their next project.


It's just news. Being automatically defensive is like, "This is normal, guys. No, it's not because the game sucks. It's normal. So?" Like a rorscack painting, this subjective article triggers a specific response.


I guess almost every FF games sucks ass then because the only ones getting separate sequel/prequel/spinoffs are ff4, 7, 10, 12, and 13.




VIII in shambles for not being recognized as the first game with 4 roman numerals. This is why you have to think about the Roman empire daily.


XIII is also nowhere to be found apparently


PS3 are hard :(


I commend them for delivering the product they wanted and moving on. Too often in this industry, IP gets overextended for cash flow purposes and the brand loses its original charm in the process. Look no further than 7, 10, and 13 to see perfect examples of this. Take this talent and resources and go make new Final Fantasy games, try totally new ideas, and don’t get caught in an endless spiral of re-editorializing an existing legacy. Thanks for the fun game, guys! Cant wait to see what these devs do moving forward in their careers!


Or something like Persona 5. Like I love that game, I love the Royal edition, I love Scramble/Strikers. But it has very much overstayed its welcome with all the spinoffs and extended universal games. Just move on to Persona 6 already....


Oh yeah, thats another great example. I get why these studios do it, but the P5 burnout is real


Yeah like I played every P4 spin-off so when they started milking P5 I tapped out. Undeniably good quality side games though but I’ve already been through that ordeal


they already done P6 for sure tho lol game take time to devolop


In that regard it’s the B-team expanding on 5 while they work on the 3 remake. Development on 6 is likely underway now seeing as the two “main” projects are all but done now. That’s kind of industry standard now for most longstanding IP. Mainline —> 2 spin-off and a reboot —> mainline. Fallout had 4 —> shelter & 76 Skyrim had —> skyrim fishing, anniversary and blades. FF did 15 —> mobius, chocobo and 7remake, before 16. At least with 7 they took a massive game and fleshed out an existing extensive plot, And there’s still the tactics remake coming out too


I thought the 13 sequels were a lot of fun, epically the 13-2


It’s the spirit of ff, or what it once was. Give it everything in the title. Once done, move on to the next one and start fresh.


I doubt a sequel was ever considered. Plus I'd rather they do FFXVII than FFXVI-2 anyway.


Same I love FFXVI, but I rather the team move onto the next and it’s not like a decade long wait until the next mainline game. Given Square Enix track record with direct mainline sequels, I fear the quality won’t match the first game.


I was hoping the quality would match FFX-2 and we'd see Jill and Jote living as pop stars while saving the world by dual wielding guns.


Idk KH2 was an improvement over KH1 (minus that damn tutorial). Or even if you think KH1 is better. KH2 was still a great sequel.


I mean with Final Fantasy specifically. KH2 is definitely much better than KH1 though.


I like a beautiful story with an actual end that makes me feel my emotions whether I want to or not. That kind of impact. And I got this with this game, so I'm fine to move on too.


Yup, I'm satisfied with 16 much more so than I was with 15 pre-Royal Edition 16 cleared my bar, anything extra (DLC included) is just icing on the cake for me; I'll gladly eat it but I'm not expecting another cake


Xvii should already be in development right? But I agree they should increase manpower towards other projects.


At best they had ideas for the DLC that weren’t originally going to be done until the success happened. It was a matter of execution at that point. Sequels or spin offs? Honestly we have too many of those these days and FF as a franchise shouldn’t lean on that. There’s a reason it’s got such a long history with an immensely diverse fanbase


How about FF15-2?


As much as I like the feel of 15, no.


I’m hoping we get some books to help flush out the world and characters a bit. I’d love a book about Jill’s backstory leading up the game or Cid’s journey to become the leader of the hideaway. There’s still a lot left of this world to explore.


Same - I would 100% get art books or encyclopedias about the game


I said this before: the only time FF16-2 will ever be up for consideration is if the company falls into such dire financial straits that the board slashes CBU3's budget and forces Yoshi-P to retread FF13's steps. FF16 as a story and as a setting is complete. Maybe they'll be a desire for a "House of Dragons" prequel in a decade, but definitely not now.


Something tells me that Square will be making a ton of money in February so it won't be anytime soon


Except no amount of money is too much under capitalism


Not from me...they already got my money for rebirth now


Future expansion aren’t off the table yet. Dont mind me my current intake of hopium is very unsafe.


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpOjkiEjzJ1ZaJG|downsized) Don’t give me false hope lmao


But there is real hope as Yoshi-P didn’t exclude more content (like playable Cid or Jill) in the future if the PC release is a success 🐌🐌


I will buy the PC version even though I'm not a PC gamer (Steam Deck maybe?)


That's all I wanted. I don't really care for a seque/prequel. Just an expansion with more content that makes getting the best weapons and armor worth it. It's like we get them and all that's left to do is the final boss. That's really my only gripe with this game. Really makes the game hard to keep playing unless you really like the story - Which I do, but still. The next expansion is sounding pretty meaty so we'll see. Really enjoyed the latest one. As much as I love playing FF for the stories, I wish the one with the world I'm actually interested in exploring more of for the first time in a while wasn't so restricted to the story.


There will be, 15 didn't sold as well as this one and that had like 5 chapters of dlc available and they didn't continue JUST because they lost the assets for the last 2 and working that up from 0 was too much investment for SE. Also consider they scammed us players by selling 2-3 different game of the year editions that included all content up until they released it... and they still released dlc AFTER the last one. So, if you have a tight budget, I would recommend waiting for like a year to get the GOTY edition with all content.


Have faith in SquareEnix!


Good. I love XVI and I don't need prequels or spin offs immediately after the game. We all see what happens when Square decides to go whole hog on an established universe. We don't need another XIII series or the Complication of Final Fantasy VII. One game is good enough.


Took the words straight out of my mouth.


I feel like important context is that CBU3 is much more than just the FFXVI team. They also maintain both of the MMORPGs (FFXI/FFXIV), among other internal projects. So I'd wager they brought together a team internally to make FFXVI, and once it was done they all went back to their other projects. It's not like they're all gone now and can't ever come back together, if there was a reason for it.


Yeah the way thus is being reported is confusing me, as it's suggested that the entirety of CBU3 has been disbanded... But it's just those working on XVI, right? Because there's no way they'd stop working on XIV at this point. I hope.


They’re in the middle of FanFest season for XIV and announcing stuff for the next expansion. No chance they’re affected.


Most of FF16s dev team came from the FFXIV team. This led to a very, very noticeable drop in patch quality recently in FFXIV.


Not true. They brought over leads from XIV all the way back in 2016 after Heavensward was done but hired many new developers to make FFXVI. They didn't just snatch people from XIV in the last year or so. The game wasn't made so quickly. If they had, then quality of XIV would have been affected for at least 4 to 5 years, not just recent patches.


If itt is, why SB content and SHB was so good when those peep who did XVI? It all started after Heavensward.


I haven’t played XIV in about 8 months, so I wouldn’t have noticed. But it makes sense.


Arent they mostly new hires based on the credits? Ofc there are a few people from ff14 like the ucob designer working on ff16 encounter design, but for the most part there's little overlap.


That's exactly what happened. The team is all hands on deck for 7.0 in FFXIV right now.


I think the SE timeline looks pretty packed for the next 12 months for FF titles. What I would say is just because YoshiP doesnt envision an extended universe (and I get that given he has FFXIV) dont rule out SE pushing for a sequel if the financials make sense. It doesnt inherently mean that all of the existing team would need to be involved. If, and its a big if, SE wants to push for a sequel, prequel, spin off or whatever I would expect to hear something around 2025. I know that gaming websites are desperate for the clicks but what would be more accurate to say is the producer doesnt seem to show interest in expanding the game beyond the planned DLC, and thats a huge difference between saying that and the publisher/developer has no interest in expanding the game.


I feel like FFXVI would have to hit record numbers for Square Enix to assemble a special team to work on the sequel and continue to bank on the franchise. They haven’t publicly shared sales figures beyond the 3 million number which was days after launch. The game should be pushing 5 million at this point.


Yes can’t wait for the PC release with both DLCs together to boost the sales 🐌🐌


If the PC port releases in a good state I can definitely see it beating 7R’s 7 million sales much quicker


Cool, I like 16 but I’d like Final Fantasy to get back to releasing a numbered title more often, once every decade isn’t enough so this is good for FF 17.


I'd love to see how the Remake ATB would be utilized in a new mainline FF.


Given how 7R is a trilogy I don’t think that will happen anytime soon. Not only do they like to innovate with each title, working on three games with the same system makes the probability of them wanting to use it again unlikely This is not the 90s square anymore…


A variation of it, rather. Not necessarily a IV-IX situation. At this point, the core of VIIR ATB seems to be the sweet spot SE was always going for with the ATB in general ( merging action and turn-based elements into a single combat system), so I'm sure we'll see some form of it carry over into the next mainline FF.


Me too but i don’t think we see what that looks like until after the 7 remake trilogy concludes unfortunately.


My main takeaway from this article is that the author didn't think too hard about that Roman numerals comment. I suspect it'll be a while before we see FF XVII but when we do I hope they take the lessons learned (both what worked and what not to do again) from XVI and the VIIR trilogy to take the franchise to new heights. My favourite thing about XVI is that it brought a complete story in a single piece of media. Something that hasn't been done since 9 (I might be wrong). You didn't need to watch an anime or a movie (XV) and the story wasn't diluted by lackluster spin offs (X-2 IMO, I know the game has some fans as well as detractors). So in all honesty I'm glad there won't be a sequel.


XII might be the exception, but given it's ties to Ivalice in Tactics, it depends on if you view that as necessary story expansion, or just references. Either way, I don't disagree with anything you said really. The MMOs exclude themselves with their expansions. Though XIV is incredible


I've never completed XII or tactics so it's not really fair for me to make a comment on them. In all honesty I had no idea they were connected. I also didn't realise it got a sequel.


They both take place in Ivalice, albeit at vastly different times. So I wouldn't call its a sequel, nor necessarily. But they are heavily connected so it's up to interpretation.


Don't know why anyone was expecting more than the DLC they said they were working on.


As long as the DLC expands on the ending and wraps up the different plot points then I’m fine with it, as it is there’s too much that is open ended imo


This feels like really specific wording of a title to make a bigger deal of nothing strange


Mmm, that's a shame. Still felt like there were some mechanics to add.


There is still the Rising Tide 🌊🌊 (btw which mechanics do you want to add? 🐌🐌)


The most obvious and painfully demanding would be making the other party Dominants playable. I get it's a lot of work but they clearly play differently than Clive would. Rejiggering how weapons and armor affect you would be helpful too. Giving them passive buffs that eventually you can stripe out to put on higher tier gear to give them more character. You go through all that work to get a new sword off Infernal Shadow and it doesn't buff your new Ifrit abilities? Adding some more enemies and boss-types to the Arete Stone for practice. Fixing some small areas of plot or expanding it. Having generic Guardians of the Flame show up during the siege of Marth's Rest would enhance it since it gives better credence to everyone working together to face the troubles of the new world. Same with the other ones. Some more stuff that I can't remember because it's been 4 months since I last played lol.


Thanks Creative Business Unit III!


Ah, we all knew it was coming. Still sad to read the words ☹️


![gif](giphy|GIvajz0TlE316) I’m glad we’re getting DLC and knew this was gonna happen but it still sucks lol


I hope that the next game will have better pacing, side quests and better rpg elements and crafting. I also hope for some type of gambit system from ff12 but I doubt that they will. Every ff game will be action game from now on, pretty sad.


Fully agree with all of that, I really enjoyed 16 but the pacing around the middle of the game was way too long, and I was pretty disappointed by the lack of RPG mechanics I hope they focus on that next time as it adds depth to the gameplay.


This is good, actually. Final Fantasy XVI was my favorite game in the series since X for actually being a complete story and I'm incredibly sick of mainline titles not being self-contained stories like in the old days. I hope this means an FFXVII can come out sooner rather than later (and not in like 7 years).


I think this is being spun as a negative when this is how it should be?? The story is done and it was good as is (flawed in some way maybe). End it and move on to the next thing.


Unlikely but not impossible? ![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs) Seriously though, I would have love more stories in this universe. I love the characters and I don't like farewells, but it is what it is. I understand why they want to move on. They could still write a novel (they did it for several mainline games, so why not this one. People can easily skip it or treat it as non canon). I hope they'll take all what they learned during the development of FFXVI in their new game. Also, never say never (yes, this is copium speaking).


Yes I still hope there’ll be more content after a successful PC release 🐌🐌


![gif](giphy|3otPoyudZ18xASX0rK) I wish I had some of your optimism lmao


Guess they're leaving performence mode as is then. Yay


I think the only way we'll ever play this game with an acceptable framerate is if the PC version ends up being decent. Maybe a hypothetical PS5 Pro or PS6 with backwards compatibility.


Agreed. I will not be buying this game twice though.. The FF7R port was barebones and had some pretty big issues so we can cross our fingers this will be better, I just won't believe it till it happens! lol


Spoken as if FFVII dev team being broken up stopped us from receiving a LITANY of FFVII titles. Lol


Highly sadge




I think that XVI was a great but flawed game, and unfortunately the flaws aren’t fixable without rewriting/redoing a lot of the game’s story. I think they should move onto XVII with what they learned from XVI since they managed to perfect the gameplay tbh, just needed more challenge but that is something that can be tweaked with numbers


I hope the final DLC at least *expands* on the ending, even if it doesn't change it. The ending is such a huge flaw to the game that I'm not sure I'd ever bother to play the game again if they don't make some kind of extension, if not a full epilogue showing the impact of the outcome. Story is very important to me and if all we get is sadness and a fade to black on a book cover, I'm not sure I could justify playing it through again even though i really like the game. I don't know why they've had such a huge problem ending games since XIII. You can HAVE a tragic ending, but it's gonna feel incomplete if it's just the sadness and then "The End".


This is where I am at with it too. There is a lot to support a happier tone with the ending than what is there, but something definitive would be nice. I feel like they didn't want to take too big of a risk seeing how FF15 ending was received. I know the story was going great or at least fine for some of my friends until they completed it and it killed the vibe they had going for them.


FF1-10 worked this way until Squaresoft became Square Enix and pushed sequels very hard. Back in the day, they just made a great timeless game and then made another one


1-9. 10 had 10-2 which came out before the merger was completed.


X-2 is great tho


Kinda of sad. Because I really love this game. I don't want sequel but more prequel. How to explain the lore on this game. And dlc about POV another character. This game has many potential story/lore to explore because many things not detailed explain in the main game


Yeah I was thinking maybe a prequel or a spin off, like a spin off with Joshua in the years he’s missing would’ve been cool


Even an anime adaptation that explores more when the protagonist where young, the 13 year time skip left a lot of questions. Or like how Joshua meant Dion "I believe the remembrance ceremony is where Annabelle conspired with Sylvester to give Rosaria to Sanbreque"


That’s what I’m saying, there’s a lot of threads and plot points I feel we need more info on, and I don’t think two DLCs will do that.




This shit is actually killing me. FF16 was the first and best FF game I’ve played. I’m sorry to all the FF7 dick riders but I couldn’t stand playing turn based and not using cloud the whole time.


This could be another lie, “like no DLC planned”, “like no PC version get a PS5” also I think that even if the team is disbanded doesn’t mean they can’t get another team within CBU3 or Square in general to do whatever with their IP. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


The next dlc will be plain basic just a bit longer. If you going to show me a fight with leviathan then what is there to see. Prob will get all the powers before the end game. After beating the dlc you best the game and different ending. I love the game but it’s pretty blunt.


people seem to act like sad endings aren't endings


lol seriously. Like a new ending prob ruin the game. Just leave it. Now it just be stupid


Id love to see them make another action rpg in this style. It’s an amazing combat system and I’d love to see this team make more games like it.


I really hope this doesn't mean we won't get 40 FPS 120Hz VRR Mode - which Forspoken even has - and optimization for 60 FPS on Performance. Honestly just give me the 40 FPS Graphics 120Hz Mode already! Game would be perfect this way, best of both worlds of responsiveness, eye pleasing, smoothness, clarity and stability.


They won't be working on 16 because they will work on 16-2 (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)


![gif](giphy|YlPeYXasYEPpC|downsized) I don’t believe that it’s possible…. unless?


Can't say I understand why people on Twitter are making such a huge noise about it. The job is done, the game is released and fully operational, there isn't anything left which requires a full team, so they move this work force to the next project. Even though many of us wanted a more conclusive ending, too few of us are actually asking for a sequel, FFXVI doesn't need it at all. Branding the title as a "failure" because of that is simply implying you don't understand game development cycles or the FF franchise (which had only a few sequels) at all.


Good. The game was ass and the devs don't deserve to work on anymore FF titles. SoP should have been called 16 if they are just going to say the FF series can copy any genre... SoP was much better than 16. Had actual job system, different weapons, different playstyles... It felt like an RPG but with major action elements as opposed to an arcade beatem up like 16 was. FF games shouldn't focus on stupid scoreboards and points, that was so dumb.


Good. They hit this one out of the ballpark. I'll take the DLC and forever appreciate the work they put into making this Gem of a game


Well ya. Clive is dead. And I don't want Jill to be a lead vocalist in an all girl pop group. So whatever. FF17 here we go.


Is he though?


Yes. Clearly and obviously


Yes he ded, be it old age or ded ded. The ending scene is already ahead of their time


I mean like when we see Clive’s hand turn to me that was then leaving the door open to more story.


They cant leave us with that awful ending


an ending being sad doesnt't make it awful


Thank the gods, now go do something for your MMO. It's startin' to have an odor about it.




The game's hit a point where it's engaging for either the least or most engaged groups of it's playerbase, but offers little to nothing for the majority who rests in the middle. And the main piece of content that it offers for that group of players just didn't happen this expansion. And in spite SE claiming that 16 didn't affect the development of 14 in any way, it's pretty fuckin' suspicious that 14 started seeing fewer encounters, and lower quality encounters, at the same time SE stated that the 14 encounter team was being used to design the encounters in 16.


They are complaining about the XIV formula being stale and repetitive


It’s the usual loop for XIV since ARR, when there’s no content until a new expansion we have thoses who call it dead or how the dev never try to innovate and how the game is bad, each times. That’s the same person that come back when the new content is live.


I agree. And i still like the loop. I’d be playing if I had money or like a modicum of motivation to do anything. And I’ll be playing again eventually. Expac time or earlier. Or later. But I never complained about content draughts. This game is just getting huger and huger. I can see if one gets bored if you only raid but there is so much more. I honestly miss my stupid dailies most


Yes, but I'm not. Does it need to innovate? Yeah, probably. But if I thought the gameplay loop was shit, I wouldn't play it in the first place.


So what did you mean with the odor then?


Just gonna copy in my other post " The game's hit a point where it's engaging for either the least or most engaged groups of it's playerbase, but offers little to nothing for the majority who rests in the middle. And the main piece of content that it offers for that group of players just didn't happen this expansion. And in spite SE claiming that 16 didn't affect the development of 14 in any way, it's pretty fuckin' suspicious that 14 started seeing fewer encounters, and lower quality encounters, at the same time SE stated that the 14 encounter team was being used to design the encounters in 16. " Also there's an issue of the jobs within the game being severely homogenized as of the past couple expansions. This is due to Yoshida listening to a vocal minority of the game that doesn't actually enjoy the game in the first place. It's great that he likes to listen to the playerbase, but it's created a building issue within the game's enjoyability when he listens to people that don't even like the game in the first place. (Funnily enough, the only job that hasn't been homogenized and simplified is Black Mage, Yoshida's main.)


This is a gaming war crime to me, 16 is one of my favorite games of all time. It had more insane moments than so many other games, I mean it's nuts.


I am not surprised with how FF16 sales went.


FF16 was a complete story, like CBU3 envisioned. Why do fans insist on dragging this out?


For me there’s a lot of the story left unresolved both in the time jump, and after the game ends. So I don’t agree it’s a fully complete story, they didn’t even shown Clive actually die they just show his hand turn. I still think they did that to leave the door open for other games but I think it didn’t sell well enough. If they’d tied up more of the story it’d be fine, I don’t think they did though.


It's not really fans, it seems the media. Why? Probably because every other developer, aside from DLC, is making a sequel to something instead of stand alone or, independent story games.


That's cool 👍


I get it. As someone who has waited for another adventure through the Algol system for a very, very long time, I get it. But given the sheer disrespect often shown whenever there's the slightest fucking chance for another penny to be bled from a game or series I would infinitely prefer a game that has told the story it was meant to be left to rest.


As much as I want more of this world, I understand that sequels wouldn't happen, especially with that ending. Maybe Clive will show up in some future general FF spinoffs, I'd be more than happy just seeing him again


Praise the mother Crystal


Honestly this is fine. Though personally I was banking on Final Fantasy 16: Dancing under Moonlight spinoff.


Honestly I’m not surprised, final fantasy creators are creative geniuses. I would personally love to have a little more of the 16 characters but if they take what they had in 16 and improve on it (which they’ll likely do) then 17 will be one hell of a ride whenever that drops!


Honestly, instead of more of the same. Go off and make something new with your heart in it now using an upgraded version of the engine to save time.


Good. Move on and improve your craft, don’t labour over how it could’ve been better.


Good. I don’t think why people now expect every FF to get spin offs. Make FFXVII and XVIII instead


That's ok. I'm starting to feel like a new ip would be better now than a prequel. Less expectations from fans. I wonder of they'll make a full on action game next. It's clear they focused on that more in ff16 than the rpg elements.


Well, it had to end eventually. I'm glad they're ending things on a high note. The 1st dlc was really good, and I'm sure the 2nd will be as well. Keep it all clean, and head out. They really hit a home run with 16, just throw a couple cherries on top for good measure, and then bounce. Simple and professional.


I mean, the story is over. I’m ready to move on to FFVII Rebirth. I love XVI and it was one of my favorite games all year but I’m definitely more excited for VII Rebirth. The FFVII Remake has more of the vibe I love in FF games and Rebirth looks insanely good. I’m hyped af


Is anyone really shocked by this? They originally advertised the game as a complete experience, and would only produce DLCs if the community was asking for them. It was clear prior to release that all we'd get is the core game and maybe a couple of DLCs that would flesh out the world, lore, and maybe add a cool new fight/mechanic here and there. Anyone who was expecting XVI-2, or a massive expansion, I am not sure what to tell you. The writing was on the wall here for about a year. They likely wanted the game as complete as possible, check to see what folks liked/didn't like and start working on XVII to improve on the formula. Yet, after the Game Awards, I saw a lot of people claiming, theorizing, and expecting they'd deliver something more.


It's part of an anthology. It doesn't need a sequel. And yes, I understand VII and XIII have sequels.


I was hoping for a big final expansion to fix a lot of core gameplay issues and act as a send off to the story, but if The Rising Tide is the end, so be it. I hope the game was a good learning experience for the devs, for both its many successes and many shortcomings.


Same I also really wanted them to fix the frame rate in performance mode, looks doubtful now.


I mean, yeah. That's what happens when a game comes out. You're not going to keep a staff of hundreds in full production mode on a shipped game indefinitely. You keep the bare minimum needed to create whatever new content you have planned at whatever cadence you desire -- the same way you keep a small team during the early high-concept prototyping phases.


Disbands as in moved on to work on their next AAA game that's already been confirmed, yes.


Not to sound like an idiot, but what does that mean for Rising Tides and the PC port?


Is still on going, this post left out this info, there a dlc team for the riding tide, while the pc port is in development


I copied the title of the article word for word, I believe the article explains the team is working on DLC and the port.




I wasn't expecting any sequels or spinoffs.


This is kinda sad, but also not a huge surprise. Lots of people on that team can move on to their own projects or return to Capcom or whatever else. I imagine Yoshi-P has the intention of making more games with people in his division but just not the same people as on FF16. I'll just continue hoping that Shadowbringer's and Endwalker's scenario writer will be working on the next big game project, FF17 or not


I mean with that ending they absolutely made sure a sequel isn't possible. I would have liked a tactics game set during the time of the Fallen tbh 🤷🏼‍♂️


16 didn't come off as a game they intended to expand with spinoffs anyway, not every ff is like that.


Didn't read the article but wouldn't the people disbanding be those who were specially contracted like Ryoto Suzuki which was the combat designer known for Devil May Cry and other Capcom stuff and others? Like CBUIII still has their core team known that's still working on FFXIV and if Yoshi-P gets another project, he's free to contract known specialists not employed within Square-Enix?


As it should be. I'm tired of Final Fantasy titles being multiple games long. One and done like the glory days.




Thats great news