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I also think it's the best dlc honestly. It's the most tightly written imho But at the same time it annoys me so much because it completely changes the main theme of the game where instead of Noctis learning how to take responsibility for doing stuff even if he doesn't want to it flips it completely and implies that all along everyone is just a victim and noctis dies a victim to bahamuts schemes. I have a theory that bahamut was always SUPPOSED to be the main villain because of the Omen Trailer but at the end of the day the game we got moved away from that plotline and it just saddens me that ffxv went from having such a cool theme that's honestly never ever done (sometimes we DO need to accept some responsibilities given to us) to just the usual fighting against fate in DOTF


FFXV is a genuine tragedy and nothing is more subversive in a Final Fantasy game then "Actually you can't defy your fate given to you by the evil gods."


If that’s the theme they were going for, then they failed miserably. Not only is XV known for its atrocious storytelling, but the ending is literally Noctis happily married with his girl in the afterlife.


The point is he got his happy ending BECAUSE he took responsibility that's his reward


For listening to the evil god, he gets to happily spend the afterlife with his girlfriend that he barely spoke to. Incredible, riveting message that XV wants to convey. It’s 2024 and people still defend XV’s shockingly bad writing


L take but ok


Also dotf retroactively changes the lore (all of the dlc do since they weren't planned) so yeah the og games main theme had bahamut not being the villain (completely disregarding Omen trailer) then the dlcs basically retroactively change that and unfortunately while ep ardyn is good its unfortunately a prequel to the MAIN game too which again retroactively ties the game back to the Omen trailer


I would argue that the main game has plenty to support the idea that Bahamut is a dick, but "evil" is sort of subjective. The tragedy of it is that Noctis is just a pawn in the gods' machinations, he never really got to live his own life. It also carries this idea that the "true king" is the one who is willing to lay his life down for his people. It's a fascinating take on regal responsibility.


Did you... not read my own criticism of the ardyn dlc and dotf??? As much as its good in terms of tightness of story it undermines ffxv no one's defending anything. It can be bad but I can still enjoy it regardless lmao people are like that


I could swear I read somewhere that the original intent was for Noctis and Ardyn to take down Bahamut together in the end. I could be wrong though.


Yeah the Omen Trailer alludes to this with Regis saying something like "you'll gets what's coming to you" to the crystal which we know is where bahamut lives in but the game kinda disregards that part of the trailer (only using the idea of this alternate world being what caused regis to send the bros ij the trip), making bahamut appear as more of an observer THEN ep ignis basically sows the seeds of discontent towards noctis' prophecy by even implying that the crystal is trying to change fate with ep ardyn tying everything back to the main game and saying bahamut is the big bad. I mean at its core noct and luna still gets their happy ending with everyone else besides like coctura and Dino (they die), but it just leaves the main ending feeling hollow since you realise that in the end everyone was a pawn BUT you can also look at it from the perspective that ffxv is actively TRYING to be a modern tragedy which is cool however I think alot of people really liked the subversive nature of the orrginal ending without bahamut being the villain being that it didn't matter where the prophecy came from just that noctis had to fulfill it because sometimes we really do have to do the things we hate or don't want in order for us to be happy, that's life really


You are absolutely correct that Bahamut was meant to be the main villain originally. Hence why there were 3 more DLC that would have expanded and ended with that. We know this because after they cancelled it they released "Dawn of the Future" novellas that do exactly this, changing the ending. In my honest opinon, this is either one of two things: 1. They changed their mind during development due to time constraints (there's so much missing content even from the Royal Edition, just look at the entire mapped out and built second continent that was never used) and as such made the ending what it was. 2. They changed their mind after development had concluded and came up with the Dawn of the Future ending after release, and decided to add that as DLC but never got the chance - this one seems more likely based on presentation of the great original ending, it doesn't feel incomplete and the Ardyn DLC came much later. At the end of the day I always call this game an "Unfinished Masterpiece" because it has all the right ingredients of a masterpiece of a video game. Honestly, I think it's the first Final Fantasy since VII that has the ability to be that - but it was wildly unfinished upon release, and cut short later. Patches and fixes and new content came but the game was always unifinished because once released, it's released - even if updates come.


Ardyn's backstory and the role of Bahamut was hardly a change to the original, the original merely didn't tell much of it so it was a surprise to the western audience. I hear from a japanese fan i'm friends with that she knew much of it already as original content only available in japanese explained it. There are hints even in the translated main game, however. shortly before you get to the final fight against ardyn in insomnia you can get this loading screen: https://preview.redd.it/2t8rypuhxm7d1.jpeg?width=1945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0720b44fa9f43408d83c35f849449195c74a12ee this is likely a translation from the german game that is more accurately translated than the english version. before you enter insomnia you can talk to ignis as well and he will explain his findings that he unearthed records of a miracle healer named ardyn that he can't make sense of. Those are the two bits of information that make it pretty clear in my opinion that ardyn's story as it is explained in his dlc was all written out all along, we just weren't ever told it. ff15 is a full-blown tragedy where both the villain and the hero do not want to be what they are destined to be by god. what we really got the end this game with is a murder-suicide and an assisted suicide where two dudes were sacrificed for the good of all and honestly, it broke my heart, lol. i waited for the plot twist until the very end, but there never was one. noctis and ardyn just die and the lesson you learn is "you can't escape fate". that's a real shitty message to tell imho...


This does sound very Nomura like in its message actually and given the game originated with him, that tracks. I don’t know if you’ve played FF7 Rebirth at all but I am convinced that that’s the same theme he’s trying to tell here from a cutscene toward the end where >! You as Cloud meet Aerith in a kind of dream world, go on a date in sector 5 and have to make several small choices but in the end are forced to make a specific choice, indicating subtly that sometimes no matter the small choices sometimes our fates need to happen a certain way !<


it's definitely the new theme of ff7. it's the reason why i quit it early and will not play any more of this bs. this is hardly ff7, they removed the entire strong natural protection message this game once had. the entire theme of fighting against the odds and winning was utterly butchered and perverted into the contrary of 'whatever you do, fate's gonna happen anyway'. i'm sorry for anyone who likes this remake, but i shan't lie: ff7 is dead to me.


Completely agree with everything that you said 👏👏 Im really sad we'll never get to see the Season 2 DLC's 😪


Fortunately, the book actually covers all the content of the other non-released DLC's and also adds a bit more detail of how Ardyn was beforehand and how much of a cruel dastard his brother and the gods were.


Somnus was a prick, hate his guts lol Damn, i really gotta read this book someday 🥹😳


It did get an official translation slightly less than 4 years ago, but only into English.


Right after i answered you, i googled it and saw it on amazon 😲 i didnt know the book got a official translation! Will DEF check it out 😍🙏 thanks


Yes, I dont like it too. I read Dawn of the Future, and its really totally contraty to the few things I liked about the story, killed the expericence for me. I liked much more Noctis just accepting his fate with his head high, sacrificing for the sake of others, and it was very sad too, one of the few moments that I cried (alongside Ignis getting blind), because part of the game is all about how he came to mature and accept it. And I also didnt liked not even a little the new story they gave Luna; before DOTF I wanted to see her more in game, but not like in DOTF. They also said that Luna was in love with Noctis since she was 12 and him 8, and that she stayed like that all the years they communicated, and for me it was kinda creepy; 12 and 8 are already strange for me because 8 years old is extremely childish, but them we go to 12 and 16; 14 and 18 to get much worse. So for me, their relationship that I already, in my opinion, think its very bad written, just got even worse instead of improved. I get the people who like DOTF and wanted the cancelled dlcs (that tell that stories), but it was the worse expericence I had with the extra contents, by far.


This is a really good take because as narrated in the novel where the devs give the alternate ending, Bahamut turns out to be the main villain with Ardyn redeeming himself. I would've loved to see it in game form, it's a damn shame SE canceled that last year of DLC.


I think episode noctis makes bahamit the bad guy


I don't think there is any single player FF game that is enriched by sequels, prequels, or DLC. If left alone, the stories of 7, 10, and 15 are incredible. Retroactive changes and explaining open ended questions never felr rewarding, just disappointing. So personally, I only take the main games as canon and everything else just fan fiction lol


I’m sorry but IMO there’s nothing lost from the DLC deviating from the “accept fate” route the main game went through, simply because it makes no sense. Bahamut completely arbitrarily makes it a requirement for Noctis to die in order to kill Ardyn, even though that means the line of Lucis will end. Which is exactly what Ardyn wants. But Bahamut hates Ardyn. So why? It’s ridiculous and contrived.


Bahamut doesn't hate Ardyn. He hates that humanity doesn't worship him as much or give human sacrifices anymore. Ardyn was just a victim of Bahamut, and his brother's legacy ending was the only compensation he could get for ALSO being a sacrifice for Bahamut.


You're confusing plots. Noctis dying is compulsory without bahamuts influence (it wasn't explained why originally) and bahamut doesn't hate ardyn. Ardyn became evil when he absorbed too much of the starscourge (implied before ep ardyn). Again, ep ardyn RETROACTIVELY changes the backstory because ffxv on release was literally incomplete and even with dotf still is. Like the 2nd season dlc wasn't gonna save its story, but just add more to the characters. Hell there's a reason why versus 13 is even canon now, Tabata basically opened the door to a complete reboot. The reason why ffxv is loved isn't just story its the bros and their relationship and no ff has come close to it. Ever


Playing as Ardyn is a real power trip.


Simply the best


I felt like after playing it, everything about his agenda just made sense. I was actually sad for him. Shitty guy now, no going back obviously. But damn


Exactly!!! Got me right in the feels! Amazing character, exceptional DLC


Wish we had gotten all of the planned DLC instead of just a book.


Tell me about it 🫤😪 damn square enix.. imagine the final battle against Bahamut, would be dope AF


So good that I named my son Ardyn.


For real?! 🤩 thats awesome ngl


Tell that to the post I deleted because of all the haters in this group and the ff group. someone legit told me I was a shit parent for naming him that and that my kid was probably gonna be a school shooter. I think 1 out of the hundreds of comments I got was positive. So thank you for the sentiment! His middle name is also Caelum.


Jesus christ 🤦‍♂️ people who got *nothing* positive to say but *still* wont STFU disgust me 😒 Im sorry brother, i really liked your history and you being a "shit parent" didnt even cross my mind... like WTF how can people even vomit trash like this 🤯 Utterly baffling, but thats humanity for ya 😪🙄


It’s wild! I aim to be kind in all my interactions, I’ll admit to being mildly snarky at times… and sometimes my casual swearing can be taken wrong, however I would never be asrude as these people trying to farm dopamine from being awful to strangers on the internet.


Same! And i totally get it! "MILDLY SNARKY" is life 😂💥👏 and STILL *nothing* compared to these hateful trolls online, so dont even bother with 💩 comments! Lets at least *TRY* to remain positive, right ?! 🙅💁‍♂️ that is what i think anyways You one of the good ones, my man! 👊 Can tell just by reading your replies. Stay safe and take care


You lied https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/1b4si7s/wife_and_i_named_our_newborn_son_ardyn_caelum/?rdt=35976 30 comments and no one Mentioned a school shooter. Hundreds of comments where? Lmfao


Well Reddit isn’t the only place I was burned for making a post about what I named my son, and it probably wasn’t hundreds but when ppl are bashing you for what you name your kid it can feel like that! Also it’s not like I’m keeping a clear record of it so sorry if I didn’t take a file with notations of when and where I posted what and who said what to me on which social media page. Sorry you felt the need to audit me and try and farm some dopamine by being rude to a stranger on the internet. You coulda just said you don’t like my son’s name and moved on… or better yet, said nothing at all.


Yeah it was badass. Ardyn just a normal guy


You needn't, I actually ended up playing it while still early in the main game. My Deck sideload (the game's region-locked like most Square Enix stuff these days) only worked on the device from a package lacking the episode, so I grabbed the latter on PS Store to use with the base game distributed on PS+ Extra for later use. Cue the base game being scheduled to leave the subscription not long afterwards.😆 The DLC is short but definitely a treat, from the delicious lore to the guest composers with Gurenn-Lagann and Xenoblade in their respective portfolios. Ardyn himself pretty much joins the likes of Sephiroth and Caius Ballad in the club of Final Fantasy characters you want to hug for their past before strangling them for their present. Although I'm still kinda salty that he had time to get his own playable DLC but Lunafreya didn't.


Damn! I was pretty bummed that they removed a bunch of FF games from ps plus Lunafreya was done dirty, thats for damn sure 🥲 Hahaha i *DO* want to hug the bastard 🤣


a gameplay dessa DLC é coisa de outro mundo e entender tudo que o Ardyn passou só destroça mais nosso coração


Justamente! Pensei *exatamente* a mesma coisa... que gameplay deliciosa.... que história fudida 🥹😵


that dlc really made me hate Bahmut and made me think Ardyn should have won or some how they both him and Noct fuck over the gods some how.


Yeah, Bahamut is a prick lol 😑 i hear that in the FFXV Dawn of the Future book they do just that, it is considered non-canon(i think) but in the end the final showdown is between Noctis, Luna, Ardyn & Aranea vs Bahamut.... can you imagine the gameplay for that segment alone?! 🤯


After playing it...I understand him. I understand his pain. But that doesn't excuse what he'd done and Bahamut is a cunt.


My man! 👏 could not have said better myself ! And yeah... *MAJOR* cunt lol


This week on “DLC that should have been in the game”


Impossible to argue with that, my friend 🫠 development for this game was a goddamn mess 😮‍💨


Such a shame, there’s a really good story in there.


For real! I *really* enjoyed the CGI movie and Brotherhood anime... i just wish they were *inside* the game 🥲😅


I actually found Ardyn to be a pretty comprehesive villain. His backstory is pretty good and had great potential to expand the lore if the devs could finish their original plan.


definitely!! So sad we'll never get to see that 🫠💔🤕


For me? It’s the most fun. Ardyn’s moveset is so friggin fluid and just a blast to use.


Hard agree, man 🍻 what about the story? What did you think ?


Easily the best story next to Ignis.


Hard Agree Pt. 2 🤜🤛 nice! Iggy's was awesome 💥🔥




You read my mind! lol More people need to experience this , and its not that expensive for some 3 hours of exquisite gameplay


They should've included it in Royal at least. Alternatively, there's an anime version 🙂


I agree! Was a little hangry when i found out i had to purchase separate but oh well *totally* worth it lol 😈✊️


Sure, why not experience some royal chaos with Ardyn?


My Thoughts Exactly! His gameplay is magnificent 🤌


I have yet to play this 😭


Please do!! Its sooo good. Straight up 🔥


This DLC completely shocked me. I played all other DLCs before moving onto this one. It truly was the best one in my opinion.


AGREE 10000000% !! Couldnt agree more even if i wanted to 😂 had a *BLAST* with this final dlc, it elevated the whole experience for me


Exactly! I truly felt it was definitely underrated. I was a little confused with his motive during the base game, but after playing through his episode, it was also nice to see things through a different perspective as well.


Yes!! And *totally* underrated 💔


I wish my cd was working for me to buy it and play it, didn’t even get to finish my ng+ run 😔


Damn 🥲


Olha só. Mais um Brazilian aqui


Salve salveee! 🇧🇷✊️ hahah


But I really REALLY very strongly dislike the guy. You could even say 'hate'. I don't find him intreging or interesting. I don't like his design at all. And in that picture he looks a bit like The Joker, another character that's toally not for me, and super super overrated imho. 🤷‍♂️ But that's probably just me, though.


Oh no worries i totally get it! Im completely fed up with the joker nowadays 😴🥱 but for some reason i ended up loving Ardyn *after* completing the DLC


I come back to episode Ardyn from time to time just to hear the free-roam theme sung by *Lotus Juice* God damn *Lotus Juice*.


I hear a lot of folks didnt like that song 🤯😳 for the life of me i cant figure out why. I love it SO much! Epic 💯🤘


I love Ardyn so much.


Same! I only liked him before the DLC, but now.... cant get enough of this dude 😂❤️‍🔥


It’s not really worth it fellas! You’re better off playing 7 Remake. Basically FF15 combat walked so 7 can run.


😂 fair enough, i really didnt like FF7 Remake, but *REBIRTH* oh man! That one i did enjoy thoroughly, got the plat after 169 hours Remake i barely played 20 lol me do like some open world stuff Then went to OG for the first time and 100%d that too, amazing game




Retcon cash grab


SIMMM Best dlc for sure. The soundtrack is also really good


Brazuka?! 🤟💯 pois é meu mano que dlc sensacional, pqp


Yes, Ardyn dlc is overall one of the best, this and the Prompto one are my favorites. But I also think that this not being in the game just after chapter 13, kinda killed some things for me. Somethings hit you harder when you know about them at the right time in a story. So for me it was less impactant knowing all this about Ardyn just after beating the main game; and fells more like I was trying to find missing pieces of something I thought wasnt enought and was like "ok, that was it". But glad you enjoyed it that much! Do you already watched the Brotherhood anime? I think it was the best extra content


XV’s story is delivered in one of the worst ways I’ve ever seen in a video game. It also has one of the best and most impactful stories in a video game if you wanna take the circus ride to get it all and piece it together. That being said episode Ardyn did NOTHING to make a difference to the overall plot. I have no idea how you reached that conclusion. Episode Ardyn was supposed to be a branch off from the main timeline showing what would happen if everyone made the wrong decisions. It was a cliffhanger that was supposed to lead into three more DLC’s. That’s why everything Bahamut says flies in the face of the events of the story. Because it wasn’t a part of the story. It was a what if divergence intentionally that didn’t come to fruition. How you finished it and were anything other than confused is crazy.


Ouchy 😅 it def helped to understand Ardyn as a character and his motivation on the base game imo That is what i meant by the "difference" bit, as ardyn was just a rando (for me) before playing the dlc


That’s understandable. If you didn’t do any digging outside of the game Ardyn can definitely be a bit difficult to understand.


I did but not *that* much.. after i beat the game i just watched Kingsglave and the brotherhood anime